COLORADO STATE Old Smokey Newsletter PATROL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Volume 23, Number 3 July, 2012 Special points of interest: • The straight story about Thoughts from the President that plane The Colorado State Patrol Alumni Associaon has Roth Sheppard Archi- • PERA news—the assault on been involved in a number of acvies over the tects' have designed the organization continues past three years that most of you are aware of. the building which will from what is becoming the Dave Lohf, Treasurer and Editor of our Newsleer, be highly visible to the usual source. has kept you posted on the progress of these ac- motoring public and • Some big dates vies. Your Board of Directors has aended nu- easily accessible from Ken Shiflet, merous meengs supporng this dedicated effort Indiana Street. The CSPAA President to create, build and open The Colorado State Pa- Denver Curling Club Inside this issue: trol Historical Museum and Learning Center. The will be built west of the CSP Museum with Museum commiee is comprised of twenty-two shared parking between them. When did these 2 members. Commiee members include acve CSP Other issues have developed which require members, as well as the Boards of Directors of amendments and addions to our by-laws. Annual Meeting 3 ACSPP and CSPFF and CSPAA. We have several To serve the best interests of the Associa- volunteers outside our ranks that have heard on, we are planning on applying to the IRS Who’s in that 4 about the project and have joined the effort, as for 501 (c) (3) designaon. This will allow us well, to make it happen. to accept charitable donaons. Polical lob- Fund raising acvies were recently announced by bying by a 501 (c) (3) is expressly prohibited Proposed By-laws 5 Rick Salas (LTC rered), Commiee Chairman, by IRS, so two items in Arcle I, Secon 2 changes which extend an invitaon to each and every per- must be removed. The proposed by-law Health & Welfare 7 son that wishes to see this project through to frui- changes will be presented at the annual on, to please step forward. The museum will be meeng in Colorado Springs for approval, Museum update 8 located on property donated by Stevinson Group, amendment and/or deleon. Transfers & Promo- 9 Inc., north of West 6th Ave. and east of Indiana tions Street in Lakewood. The true story 10 about the airplane Who has joined CSPAA, lately? With each membership year end, the total number of members changes. Some opt out, others opt in. PERA News 11 The reason o en given for non-renewal is “I don’t know any of those people promoted or transferred.” The way I see it, the ones WE cater to are those who are rered, but to each his own. That lousy joke 12 As of this wring, there are 370 members in CSPAA Don Lamb Limon, CO May, 2012 (Returning member) Doyle Bates Montrose, CO June, 2012, (Returning member) Take a good look at this photo. Does it appear like anyone you recognize? If not, take a look at the photo on page 4. It appears that one of these two has physically changed over the years. The other got some new glasses. (Hint: the SR-71 Blackbird made its inaugural flight just two days previous to the photo and the next day, President and Mrs. Kennedy hosted 173 sciensts, educators and writers, including 49 Nobel Prize laureates from the Western Hemisphere. President Kennedy made the famous remark, "I think this is the most extraordinary collecon of talent, of human knowledge ever gathered at the White House, with the possible excepon of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." .) Page 2 Old Smokey Newsletter 2nd Tuesday Coffee Some me back, Chester formal get-togethers. If Roberts organized a regular you find yourself in the those from “the blue shirts”. meeng of CSP rerees and Denver area on the se- For this quarter, the asked that anyone wishing cond Tuesday of the meengs will be at 9:00 to parcipate in a “the-first- month, please make a a.m.: liar-doesn’t-stand-a-chance” side trip to the academy July 10th coffee meeng to show up and see who you can out- August 14th at the academy at 9:00 a.m. perform in the exchange on the second Tuesday of of vital recollecons. For September 11th each month (anyone, in this the record, this is not just (For what it’s worth, if case, means spouses, too). a uniformed member you’re not at the get- It provides a means to see funcon – if you rered as together, it could be you faces you haven’t seen in a a civilian member, your that’s being talked about.) while at mes other than lies are just as welcome as When did these occur? In what year did the “Patrol Board” expand from three members to five? 1949 1955 1957 1959 When did CSP take over full law enforcement authority at the Colorado State Fair? 1955 1957 1959 1960 From the “what-goes-around-comes-around” department, in what year was the rank of Corporal done away with and Lieutenant added? (Now, the Corporals are back and the Lieutenants are gone.) 1961 1963 1964 1966 What was the first year that Ford Mustangs were put into service? 1979 1980 1982 1983 The reason the Lieutenant rank was done away with was because the rank of Lieutenant Colonel was added. When did that occur? 1989 1990 1992 1994 Volume 23,Number 2 Page 3 CSPAA Dues By now, most of you have renewed your CSPAA dues for 2012 (and in some cases, beyond). They were due by July 1 st , so if you have not already paid, you are in ar- rears. I’ll be sending out “past due” notices to those who still have not renewed their dues. If you don’t hear from me, you don’t owe anything. If you DO hear from me and you haven’t responded before September 1 st , you’ll be dropped from the active membership roster. The CSPAA Annual Meeting (includes 18 holes and a cart rental) to: Steve Miller 13160 Tahosa Lane Arnie Ferrero, Steve Miller and Colorado Springs, CO, Gary Nance have been busy 80908 with geng things set up for the annual meeng (Steve thinks playing golf all over town is “research”). They have In order for him to found a hotel that will give us a make the arrange- good value and they’ve made arrangements for a ments with Valley Hi, he variety of meals and needs your money by August 10 th . If you have further meengs. The Acade- quesons, you can reach Steve by email at ste- my Hotel is located [email protected] or by phone at (719) 339-1315 just off I-25 at the (cell) or (719) 495-3702 (home). north end of Colorado Springs at 8110 N. We have a benefactor that has agreed to pick up part Academy Boulevard. of the tab for the Monday evening dinner for us. As a The hotel has agreed result, the cost to register for the meeng is reduced to a price of $69 per night for room reservaons to $40.00 per person. (You’ll find out who the bene- and that price includes a free hot daily breakfast factor is when you show up at the meeng.) The hotel (with a “made-to-order” omelet, or waffle bar). has asked that we give them a final number before They also include HBO movies, wireless high-speed the meeng date, so that they can plan and get the internet, a business center, a fitness center and proper inventory. So that we can fulfill that need, free RV parking. please register, using the registraon form that came with this newsleer (or, was aached to the email), Steve’s exhausve research has seled on Mon- please send your check to the following address be- day’s golf oung at Valley Hi Golf Course, which is fore August 15 th . Registraons received a er the 15 th located at 610 S. Chelton Road. They have re- may be assessed $10 extra if the hotel levies their served tee mes for us, but they need to know “change fee” for late registraons. how many to keep available. Steve has agreed to CSPAA let them know 30 days 14050 W 82 nd Avenue ahead so that they can Arvada, CO, 80005 plan around us. If you are going to play golf The hospitality suite will be open as of 3:00 p.m. on on Monday morning, Sunday and will remain available throughout the please send a check for meeng unl Tuesday a ernoon. For those not play- $40.50 per golfer (Continued on page 4) Page 4 Old Smokey Newsletter . CSPAA Annual Meeting (cont.) ing golf, there are a variety of opportunies in the Colorado Springs area. Arnie Ferrero is working on geng a discount package from the Pikes Peak Cog Railway that begins its ascent from Manitou Springs (even without the discount, it’s worth the price of $35.00). From the top, you will have an excellent view of the Waldo Canyon fire area – we hope it will be completely out, by then. … who are That photo on page 1 those two in was Ms. Joyce Murin (who now has the new that photo? glasses) and her hus- band Andy. Andrew Murin and Joyce White they raised pigs on a farm on Orchard Mesa, but their were married April 28, 1962 at country club neighbors won’t allow it in Fort Morgan Our Lady of Fama Catholic unless they get a farm far, far away from the house.
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