Reg. No. GR/RNP/GOA/32 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 23rd May, 2013 (Jyaistha 2, 1935) SERIES I No. 8 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY NOTE There are four Extraordinary issues to the Official Gazette, Series I No. 7 dated 16-5-2013, as follows:— (1) Extraordinary dated 17-5-2013 from pages 441 to 444 regarding Market Borrowing Programme of State Govts. 2013-14—Not. No. 5-2-2012-Fin (DMU) from Department of Finance and The Goa Medical Education Service (Amendment) Rules, 2013—Not. No. 71/51/79-PHD (Part) from Department of Public Health. (2) Extraordinary (No. 2) dated 20-5-2013 from pages 445 to 452 regarding The Goa Tax on Entry of Goods (Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/16/2013-LA and The Goa Tax on Infrastructure (1st Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/18/2013- -LA from Department of Law & Judiciary. (3) Extraordinary (No. 3) dated 21-5-2013 from pages 453 to 454 regarding The Goa Entertainment Tax (Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/15/2013-LA from Department of Law & Judiciary. (4) Extraordinary (No. 4) dated 22-5-2013 from pages 455 to 478 regarding The Goa Lokayukta (1st Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/2/2013-LA, The Goa Legislative Diploma No. 645 dated 30-3-1933 (Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/8/ /2013-LA, The Goa Land Revenue Code (Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/10/2013-LA, The Indian Stamp (Goa Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/13/2013-LA, The Goa Value Added Tax (7th Amendment) Act, 2013—Not. No. 7/14/ /2013-LA & The Goa Land (Prohibition on Construction) (Amendment) Act, 2013— Not. No. 7/17/2013-LA from Department of Law & Judiciary. INDEX Department Notification/Order Subject Pages 1. Agriculture Ord.- 3/4/P&E/STAT/17/ National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (RKBY). 480 Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy. /D. Agri/2013-14 2. Education, Art & Culture Ord.- 8/2/2011-DHE(HS)/ Revival of posts- Goa College of Home Science, 483 Dte. of Higher Education /Vol. III/1138 Panaji Under Secretary 3. Finance Off. Memo.-12/3/82-Fin(R&C) Dearness relief to pensioners. 484 Rev. & Control Division /Vol. I Under Secretary 4. Fisheries Not.- DF/GB/NAT.CAL./ Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen. 485 Dir. & ex officio Jt. Secy. /RELIEF/2013-14 5. Law & Judiciary Not.- 10/3/2012-LA/52 The Re-adjustment of Representation of SC & ST 487 a. Legal Affairs Division in Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Under Secretary Ordinance, 2013. b. —do— Not. 10/3/2013-LA/36 The Finance Act, 2012. 490 6. Sports & Youth Affairs Ord.- DSYA/Acctt-Stat/SAG/ Scheme of Pattern of Assistance of Lusofonia 601 Director & ex officio /PATT-ASSTT/Lusofonia Games. Joint Secretary Games/2013-14/604 7. Vigilance Ord.- 13/99/2013-VIG/856 Creation of posts—Directorate of Vigilance. 605 Dir. & ex officio Addl. Secretary 479 Suggestions are welcome on e-mail: dir–[email protected] OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 8 23RD MAY, 2013 GOVERNMENT OF GOA Government is also implementing this scheme in the State of Goa from the Rabi 1999-2000 Department of Agriculture season at the taluka level in collaboration with Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. Directorate of Agriculture (AIC). The scheme will be continued during ___ Kharif 2013 season. Order 1. That, the scheme would broadly cover 3/4/P&E/STAT/17/D.Agri/2013-14 Paddy, Pulses, Groundnut and Sugarcane crops at the taluka level with unit of Insurance Read: 1. Letter No. 13011/04/2004-Credit-II as taluka for paddy, pulses, groundnut and dated 07-02-2013 from Government of sugarcane. The crops like paddy, pulses and India, Ministry of Agriculture, groundnut are notified on seasonal basis, Department of Agriculture & Co- whereas the sugarcane being annual crop, it -operation, New Delhi. is hereby notified on annual basis. The The National Agricultural Insurance following crops and areas are hereby notified Scheme (NAIS) is being implemented from to be covered under this scheme for Kharif Rabi 1999-2000 season. The State 2013 season. Sr. No. Notified Crop Notified Talukas Remarks 1. Paddy Pernem, Satari, Bicholim, Bardez, Each taluka will be considered as one Tiswadi, Ponda, Quepem, Sanguem, unit for crop cutting experiments. Darbandora, Canacona, Salcete and Mormugao 2. Pulses 1. Bardez & Pernem Each group of talukas will be considered 2. Bicholim & Satari as one unit for crop cutting experiments. 3. Ponda & Tiswadi 4. Sanguem, Darbandora, Quepem & Canacona 5. Salcete & Mormugao 3. Groundnut 1. Pernem, Bicholim & Bardez The group of three talukas will be consi- dered as one unit for crop cutting experiments. 4. Sugarcane 1. Satari Each taluka will be considered as one unit for crop cutting experiments. 2. Quepem 3. Sanguem/Dharbandora Two talukas will be considered as one unit for crop cutting experiments. 4. Pernem, Bicholim, Ponda and The group of four talukas will be Canacona considered as one unit for crop cutting experiments. Minimum number of 16 crop cutting 3. That under the scheme, insurance experiments shall be conducted per taluka/ coverage is compulsory for all loanee farmers /group of talukas. availing Seasonal Agricultural Operations (SAO) 2. That, the premium rate for Kharif 2013 loans from Financial Institutions for notified season would be 2.05% for paddy, 2.50% for crops in notified areas upto the full loan pulses, 3.50% for groundnut and 2.50% for amount. Additional coverage under the scheme sugarcane crops of the sum insured or the is also available (at the option of farmer), actuarial rate whichever is less. beyond the loan amount upto the value of 150% 480 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 8 23RD MAY, 2013 of average yield (Average yield of the State is 4. That for loanee farmers, in such cases based on yield of past 3 years in case of paddy where amount of crop loan availed works out and past 5 years in case of Pulses, Groundnut to be more than either the value of threshold and Sugarcane Crops). The maximum value of yield or 150% of average yield, normal additional coverage is equivalent to State average yield multiplied by Minimum Support premium rates (lowest of flat rates or actuarial Price (MSP) announced by the Government of rates) shall be applicable on the full amount India or the Market Price (MP) where MSPs of loan availed, as full amount of loan is to be are not announced in the last season/year. compulsorily insured. The crop wise levels of indemnity, limits of sum insured and applicable premium rates in the State are given below:— Notified Level of Normal Coverage per ha Additional Coverage per Total Crops Indemnity (upto value of T.Y. value) ha (beyond T.Y. and coverage upto 150% of A.Y.) (per ha) Sum Normal Sum Actuarial Sum Insured Premium Insured Premium Insured (Rs.) Rate (in %) upto (Rs.) Rate (in %) (Rs.) Paddy 80% 37400 2.05 32700 2.05 70100 Pulses 80% 18000 2.50 15700 7.65 33700 Groundnut 60% 52100 3.50 78200 11.60 130300 Sugarcane 90% 80900 2.50 53900 2.50 134800 5. That coverage is also available for all (a) The “Credit Appraisal Form” received non-loanee farmers on optional basis. The from the farmer by the bank for issuance sum insured in case of non-loanee farmer is of KCC, contains detailed information with calculated on the basis of value of T. Y. i.e. regard to the extent of land holding, crops grown, etc., the banks should have no Threshold Yield multiplied by MSP and it can problem in specifying the credit limits for be extended to the value of 150% of Average each crop separately. These limits shall also Yield. be furnished separately for Kharif and Rabi seasons as also crop-wise in the KCC. 6. The Financial Institutions shall compulsorily cover all crop loans disbursed (b) The farmers while withdrawing for notified crops through Kisan Credit Cards money on KCC, shall mention the crop-wise and banks shall maintain necessary registers quantum of amount availed (on pay slip) in and control for smooth and effective coverage order that the bank shall note down crop of loan. wise particulars vis-a-vis credit limit approved. The details given by the farmers In case the total amount of loan for at the time of withdrawal shall form the particular crop withdrawn through KCC basis for coverage under NAIS. during the season exceed the sub-limit fixed (c) As the KCC provides for revolving for the crop then the sum insured shall be credit, a farmer can withdraw and repay limited to the sub-limit fixed for such crop in any number of times during the year. This the KCC. The KCC sub-limit for consumption, revolving credit may therefore tempt a medium term loans, allied activities and farmer to go for cyclical withdrawal and uninsurable crop loans are not eligible for repayment during adverse crop season and coverage. The Banks shall ensure the thus insure his crop for a high sum insured. following while giving loans through KCC. However, if a farmer is going for higher 481 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 8 23RD MAY, 2013 sum insured (beyond the value of T.Y.) as (d) It is requested to submit separate provided in the scheme, then he will have Declarations for loanee farmers covered to do so at the beginning of the season under KCC. and the cut-off date will be the one 7. For loaning and acceptance of applicable for non-loanee farmers. declarations by AIC for loanee farmers.
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