11, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR RAYLYMAN WILBUR. Secretary F OFFICE OF EDUCATION WILLIAM JOHN COOPER.Commissioner S BULLETIN,1930, No. 17 e SECONDARY EDUCATION e INNORWAY By GABRIEL E. LOFTFIELD MOUNT VERNON JUNIOR COLLEGE,WASHINGTON , r , 4. t P UNITED STATES oik GovERNmurr mimicomm. a 'WASHINGTON1930 altaaawallaaa....... _ the bpetistesdatDocuments. We &Who*D. C. rtml..1a=a111,1111 e gib MOM61)% 551147 JUN 9 1943 Z _ CONTENTS _ Page Letter oftransmittal ...a e ow 1vu Introduction_ ........... t _ ..... ____________________ AM 6. dm MA MA MD OW MD did MP 111, OM MI MP MAM 41.m I X Chapter I.GeneralcharacteTistics ofthe Norwegianschool system: Organizationby levels and kinds of instruction_ .. .. a alp e S IND I The language question___________________ _____diam.MdmmoMeMaladMMmm 2 Education by privateagencies.......... ...... WOmmmeeMmm 4 Enrollmentson the differentlevels ofinstruction.........M IMMIMmeMda 4 School finance______ a _________________a ..... o da aalb OPe M. OWe e e 7 School buildingsand equipment.... _ .. _ . ...._MmomMOMMPmmmmeem tM, OM 10 Chapter II.The administrationof secondaryeducation: National'andlocal government........ a Almmmmm ......amMMMMas ow Mr OM 12 The admingtrative succession diEl way ............_ a ........ MIDOM. t. =V 12 Kinds ofadministration and °support dd OD 11MIMM...t......,..... MA. dia INDaim am. mob 15 The system of State im' .. Am M MM. examinations________ . Som aa 4 OW .''. 15 Chapter III.The middleschool: . Its generalaim _ .... _ ....... _ _____ _ _ _Mk ..... e..,mmmmmmM 18 The middleschool comparedwith the highschool... amelam 18 The curriculum__ _ ______.... ................______Mal,, MDma.a.mm 19 Thesubjects ofinstruction Religion .....-.... e .. .. ....... 41. so. trm M/aeaMI al am MI 20 Mothertongue_ MA 1M AM. e M e M a dM mn. e ...... a ON NO MA M. Oa ea MID 20 German_____ .. _ _ _ _ ........... Mmalm ............MOD 0. ... ala 20 English _ ._......____. ..... as dro rm on MO e a 22 1 History, .. a _ J.............. ... ..... Mal ........ OMmeMMmaa OM e O 22 do. Geography_I I ma on - Am ................ - go mor am 0. 6.. IV IM GO mA OW ea a* an -mr Mir 23 Naturalsciences_ ................ M......Auk e Mea dizaMM MaMI I ore.m, or a 23 Mathematics., +Am* a .................... .....Am a a r a In ME OD 24 Drawing .. .................a_........a _ a a eeal_ 27 Penmanship,.... a'mr e ........ ....Amr on........ 1. on- Aal M. M Mow A. dMD MI 27 PhYsicalculture__ .. .. 28 Domesticart for girlsand manualtraining for boys_ Ccc 28 Singing.........Singing................. dommmmm ..... mdommememmmmdm 29 Separate middleschools for mi. es girls...... M ......... 4M4M.4,0e1MOSmv. air albIND 29 Chapter IV.Thegymnasium: Its general * aim...._._...... .. ... ..........._ 1 ............36 The cunicula.. ............ " ...... ...... .....................37 Comparisonof thegymnasium withthe high schooland the college in the UnitedStates alb ..... arms........ MOOSOMAIM.M.M. as The subjectsof instruction dememommeMdeCm410 ......... mmmmeemmSededllIMMmmm, 89 Religion.... Gla al ..... .....M ..... MMODMMMMIMMWMMM 39 Mothertongue , .......... IM.M.MmomdediedmSe e eadmswelemomelememom.meam 40 Content in mother-tonguecourses... .....won ND s a OD 1 Or as am o 40 Norwegian literaturegroups.......MD a O. akdor Os ID OD tode ohalerslOresemmemdsdremp 40 .German. ,_as 42....i .... ............... eIl. OD 4110 lo Or as ad om d a 0. 110 II. INI ND U ND 42 i ..A r.. d English....61)....- ..... Ow 40 o do Or , ....... C....................... ...43 4 , . .. Promo.,...........GMIi - al 44 so ab i- 4d 5la46or al e!iiill*hi 44'''' f -e: 6. ...4.......... is 41 OD OD OD OD ZAtio Ill In lb 41. ao MD alb al a, InIle 46 ......... fraoiriioNrisalip4I up 146 ab GI M 45 ......:1..."v: w_. --J.+ L. Greek. al a ro ..gm ap 4 'II Greek , 0 11110.al0al46 444 Ufa, 44441 40 la lb Ur. o Opas44 OS 41d46 46 44rib-d - e 1 E. a, faIllob.". d . .47......;7 !. -;..-,.., 3 ''' ,. w.s160 ; ! ,. 't 4, A 11 't ' .. / ...' *.v W.. ... ...,,, . $ .. t :i- . o r rn 47,.. .. ' *di 447),e . a . * a t -a ' r ... - 4. - .; . c I . -. e . ..4. ..sr,----ir.-, . - '%rir . - -Li....'--tir-:_4-_.t7e.-........_.%.....,.._ ..,- --_,L ... .m..-... r . -..1. - '... - - "- . --- -..--..r..---- -- ...- ttai..4....' ,-*I-' ___:.......,...4-1. ...,..,..,.:1,4-1_!...t......_,,_.....1._t., ;. ,--. -,-: -,), -.. z le , A't 1,... .. e.., 6 , .,;., ir .: ,,...a.i....1,,.....,,..._-.-4 :-..;. _.,._, ,A,4t1;;V -117...11 ry . zft,".. 4 -,. ,../.:.,,,......... -- '..; rv e CONTENTS Chapter IV. ,The gyinnasiurnContinued. The subjects of instructionContinued. Page History 47 Geography ,48 Biology and chemistry ,48 Physics______ _ _ _____ _________ _ .......... 49 Mathematics 61 Drawing_ 54 Singing anti physical culture 54 Chapter V. Othertypes of secondary schools: Introductorystatement 55 Vocational and specialschools Normal schools ___. ..... MD mi 55 Commercial gymnasiums 56 Navigation schools 56 Schools f9r ship stewards. 57 Schools for ship machinists 58 The State schoolfor railroads 59 Schoolsor coursesfor postal service 59 Schools for noncommissionedofficers 59 State school for the traininkof policemen 60 o Oslo Institute ofTechnology_ _ _______ _ ........ 60 Technical intermediateschools _____ _ .... 11/1. =It MO OS MID MO MID MM. CO Oa 60 Technical eveningschools 61 State drawingschools 62 The Elementary MiningSchool at Kongsberg 62 The State Academy ofArt 62 Oslo School of Tradeand Industrial Art 62 Trade schools' _ .63 The Art Trade Schoolof Bergen , 464 . The Bergen TradeSchool for Wood and MetalIndustries_______ Trondhjem Trade School . ... f: The Women's IndustrialSchool of Oslo . 65 Othersrmilarindustrial schools .. 65 Training 'schools forteachers of domestic science ..I dllaIND.w 66 Trainingcoursesfor social workers am ....... AP 66 . Music schools ,_ 66 State and fylkeforestryschbools 67 Smallér schools of varioustypes . 67 Schools of agriculture .1=1, r ... _ ___________ .... .... 68 Schools of gardening 68 . The State school forteachersoismall farming lo mo IND We 68 ... Dairy schools 68 Schools for housekeeping....... ,. 69 . Schools fornursesand alienists 69 Schools for midwives , 69 l/69 Ò.The ¡Rite School of PhysicalCtilture_______ _ _______ . AP Schools of telegraphy . 69 "ati_ The Academy of Glass-Painting__ 1wo dm00 4A- ________________ __%..... Ow 41* 70 Statecourse:in singing ., - - - ........ - go ms am Os 011 MI dll 70 _ dm Continuation schools..........."..._______ . *ablb orN ..... ...... = = = 70 CUlt inspiratioW schools...._____ 46 ii_ A 72 % : . s ;t, . Folkhigh sehooli , 72 ,--,.. Tylke whoole andyoungpeople's schools...............:%..1.........4. 76 : . -;-!;s:;-D.i.. .; -,... Frivitoyoung.peoples.schoolc..........:.--.......-...,......:....4110.11) 76 . 4m7-- .01 s 4 Ar , : . N . ..=.t_.x... .--.,_.---, -141Lit' .. CONTENTS tili , V r ChapterI. The Norwegian teacherhispreparation, service,and socialPage status: . , Teachers' training Mr for secondaryschools___ _ _ ........._ - - .. .1 1. be Mo 77 Length of university 1. MD 1=7 IN.MN OD . training____ _ _MD dd.IND My... _ _ _ .. _ .. 77 Matriculation___ ____________ ONE. 1 _ _ ..4- _ MD . 78 ONO Degreeor _ 41m. so O OD titles__ 'N. e 79. Control .of . OM . MN, _ ile . IND OD OW MPIla . inMD. MIN. attendance_ OW OS . OD ma MD IMO OMr .... s. '= .. 79 Correlation of ; t subjects_ - - --.: OP Or _ 79 __ ____ .......,,.. OP IN,- WM .1 Study of languages_ 1 ONO 4.0 sò \ t e N,...- Time required am41. to ...... ma. Am. earnuniversity ....o. esow. Am .11. degree__ .. 80 1 \English .1. MM. NM as a M INN. minoror _ .1.0 MI IÒ wo MD OD MD MO Mr WM MO M. major_ OM 81 . Teachers ofsciEnces andmathematics_MD _ _ ..... _ _ ...... , ..............._ _ 84 Mgree of INN MN doctor of philosophy__ .. ar elDiMeDwo aim .1. LINO 00, ... OPI 1 I 85 , , The Pedagogical Ml 4Mr Seminary...,- -___ _ 1M AMMI.eM, MP ....Am ¡. a 86 I, Characterof pedagogical Er Mi i=lo OM MhemAim ram 0, elta IM training_ ND a .0 Ow OP NO 87 Final examination.. _ _..ow. IND NW40. _ _ ..444. a e -I .1.ND ..e woI 88 Method ofappointing universityprofessors__...... _ _.________________ 89 The Students'Associationanimportant factorin the training of _ _ SO, MIID mur m. mo teachers_ ......... 1 ml sm.mi AM w mw 111 .. el MO M. al .. OD MO -90 . Origin of QM.. m. MED the Studentersamfund_ ma. .4 INI I 90 Wholesome 411 MED MD _ OS 11, 1/10 influenceonteachers MI a a 92 Salaries ofteachers insecondary education118compared with safaries . in other q professions.._....___.. _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... re _ 40 e' ..- .......- '''".. '''' 93 Danish salaryscale compAre4..... ME, _ __................_ .._... _ _ _ _ ... _ ........... 96 The socialstatus of the Norwegian teacher__-__ ...___ _ _ ___ MPIN..=. e _ 96 Chapter VII.Conclusion: i // The heavy ID MI 1 secondary school QED all.MI.Ow MD 4111 /11. M. program_ ._Oft AM 'Ar MO ..., /No_ arlb 90 Evaluating the credentials ofNorwegian studenis__ _- , MN. '100 Present tendency in Norway'ssecondary education 1D IND ND 103 Bibliography_ /NO MD Ms ABM .Mmo IWO 11. .EM 41110,0. amw *.Olo 105 .% of. Il 51, ". tt 0. Alb NIP 11 . WI. .. .s at 4, Se 41. r - . 4 w.;ti LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR, OFFICEOFEDUCATION, Washington,D. C.,September28, 1930. SIR:Accounts ofeducation inothercountriesareof valueto educators inthe UnitedStates, andparticularly ifthose acQounitare largelystatements of factssoarranged thattheymaybe used in making faircomparisonsbetweendifferentschoolsystems.The author of thisstudy,aneducatorin the UnitedStatwho writesand speaks theNorwegianlanguagefluently,spent
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