Coast Guard, DHS § 10.809 Charge, Marine Inspection a letter jus- duties relating to work in purser’s of- tifying the need for the certificate of fice. registry. (4) Junior assistant purser. Previous (b) The applicant must hold or apply experience not required. for a merchant mariner’s document. (5) Medical doctor. A valid license as (c) Endorsements for a higher grade physician or surgeon issued under the are not made on certificates of reg- authority of a state or territory of the istry. An applicant for a higher grade United States, the Commonwealth of in the staff department shall apply in Puerto Rico, or the District of Colum- the same manner as for an original cer- bia. tificate of registry and shall surrender (6) Professional nurse. A valid license the certificate upon issuance of the as a registered nurse issued under au- new certificate of registry. A person thority of a state or territory of the holding a certificate of registry as staff United States, the Commonwealth of officer may serve in a lower grade of a Puerto Rico, or the District of Colum- service for which he or she is reg- bia. istered. (b) Employment on shore in connec- (d) Title 46 U.S.C. 8302 addresses uni- tion with ship’s business may be ac- forms for staff officers who are mem- cepted in lieu of service aboard vessels. bers of the Naval Reserve. Related shore employment is accepted (e) A duplicate certificate of registry in the ratio of two months of shore may be issued in accordance with service to count as one month of serv- § 10.219 of this part. ice aboard vessels. (f) A certificate of registry is valid (c) In computing the length of service for a term of 5 years from the date of required of an applicant for a certifi- issuance. Procedures for renewing cer- cate of registry, service of one season tificates of registry are found in on vessels on the Great Lakes is count- § 10.209. ed as service of one year. (g) Each applicant for an original (d) In the event an applicant for a certificate of registry or a higher grade certificate of registry, other than med- of certificate of registry, as described ical doctor or professional nurse, pre- by paragraph (c) of this section, shall sents evidence of other qualifications produce evidence of having passed a which, in the opinion of the Officer in chemical test for dangerous drugs or of Charge, Marine Inspection, is equiva- qualifying for an exception from test- lent to the experience requirements of ing in § 16.220 of this subchapter. An ap- this section and is consistent with the plicant who fails a chemical test for duties of a staff officer, the Officer in dangerous drugs will not be issued a Charge, Marine Inspection may issue certificate of registry. the certificate of registry. [CGD 81–059, 52 FR 38623, Oct. 16, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 144, Jan. 4, 1989; CGD 91– § 10.809 Experience requirements for 211, 59 FR 49300, Sept. 27, 1994; CGD 91–223, 60 ratings endorsed on certificate of FR 4525, Jan. 23, 1995; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR registry. 58342, Sept. 30, 2004; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 68089, Nov. 23, 2004; USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR An applicant for rating to be en- 53964, Sept. 21, 2007] dorsed on a certificate of registry shall submit evidence of experience as fol- § 10.807 Experience requirements for lows: registry. (a) Marine physician assistant. Suc- (a) The applicant for a certificate of cessful completion of an accredited registry as staff officer shall submit course of instruction for a physician’s evidence of experience as follows: assistant or nurse practitioner pro- (1) Chief purser. Two years of service gram. aboard vessels performing duties relat- (b) Hospital corpsman. A rating of at ing to work in the purser’s office. least hospital corpsman or health serv- (2) Purser. One year of service aboard ices technician, first class in the U.S. vessels performing duties relating to Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine work in the purser’s office. Corps, or an equivalent rating in the (3) Senior assistant purser. Six months U.S. Army (not less than staff ser- of service aboard vessels performing geant, Medical Department, U.S.A.), or 183 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:15 Oct 31, 2008 Jkt 214188 PO 00000 Frm 00193 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214188.XXX 214188 dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with CFR § 10.811 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–08 Edition) in the U.S. Air Force (not less than priate STCW Regulations (incorporated technical sergeant, Medical Depart- by reference in § 10.102): ment, U.S.A.F.), and a period of satis- (1) Deck Department. (i) Officer in factory service of at least one month in charge of the navigational watch on a a military hospital or U.S. Public seagoing vessel of 500 gross tons (GT) Health Service Hospital. or more. (ii) Officer in charge of the naviga- § 10.811 Requirements to qualify for an tional watch on a seagoing vessel of STCW endorsement as vessel secu- rity officer. less than 500 GT not engaged on a near- coastal voyage. (a) The applicant for an endorsement (iii) Officer in charge of the naviga- as vessel security officer must present tional watch on a seagoing vessel of satisfactory documentary evidence in less than 500 GT engaged on a near- accordance with the requirements in 33 coastal voyage. CFR 104.215. (iv) Master and chief mate on a sea- (b) All applicants for an endorsement going vessel of 3,000 GT or more. must meet the physical examination (v) Master and chief mate on a sea- requirements in § 10.205(d)(1)–(2) of this going vessel of between 500 and 3,000 chapter. GT. [USCG–2008–0028, 73 FR 29071, May 20, 2008] (vi) Master on a seagoing vessel of less than 500 GT not engaged on a near- Subpart I—Subjects of License Ex- coastal voyage. aminations and Practical (vii) Master on a seagoing vessel of Demonstrations of Com- less than 500 gross tons engaged on a petence near-coastal voyage. (2) Engine Department. (i) Officer in § 10.901 General provisions. charge of the engineering watch in a manned engine-room on a seagoing ves- (a) Each applicant for any license sel. listed in this part shall pass examina- tions on the appropriate subjects listed (ii) Designated duty engineer in a pe- in this subpart, except as noted in riodically unmanned engine-room on a § 10.903(b). seagoing vessel. (b) If the license is to be limited in a (iii) Chief engineer officer of a sea- manner which would render any of the going vessel driven by main propulsion subject matter unnecessary or inappro- machinery of 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of pro- priate, the examination may be amend- pulsion power or more. ed accordingly by the Officer in (iv) Second engineer officer of a sea- Charge, Marine Inspection. Limitations going vessel driven by main propulsion which may affect the examination con- machinery of 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of pro- tent are: pulsion power or more. (1) Restricted routes for reduced serv- (v) Chief engineer officer of a sea- ice licenses (master or mate of vessels going vessel driven by main propulsion of not more than 200 gross tons, oper- machinery of between 750 kW [1,000 hp] ator of uninspected passenger vessels and 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion or master or mate (pilot) of towing ves- power. sels); or, (vi) Second engineer officer of a sea- (2) Engineer licenses with horsepower going vessel driven by main propulsion restrictions. machinery of between 750 kW [1,000 hp] (c) Except as provided in §§ 10.202 and and 3,000 kW [4,000 hp] of propulsion 10.209, each applicant for an STCW cer- power. tificate or endorsement in the fol- (d) Simulators used in assessment of lowing capacities on vessels that oper- competence under paragraph (c) of this ate beyond the Boundary Line shall section must meet the appropriate per- also furnish sufficient documentary formance standards set out in Section evidence that he or she has made a A-I/12 of the STCW Code. However, sim- practical demonstration(s) of com- ulators installed or brought into use petence as set out under the appro- before February 1, 2002, need not meet 184 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:15 Oct 31, 2008 Jkt 214188 PO 00000 Frm 00194 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214188.XXX 214188 dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with CFR.
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