*1932* The Stadeats'Voiee lor Over SO Yean *1987* Vol. 54 No. 12 Baruch College, CUNY March 31, 1987 TICKER PETITION GETS CIRCULATED c< AGAINST, Z ·STIPENDS <tI1.' STIPENDS :¥ By MICHAEL LASHINSKY and NEERAJ VOHRA By CAITLIN MOLLISON One hundred and thirty-eight The Board of Directors of The students signed a petition drawn up '011. RIdtanIs, preside.. fII die Forelp Bernard M. Baruch College by Eu Choon Leng, a graduate stu­ Trade Society. Association, Inc. approved stipends dent, and former chairperson of for The Ticker's editorial board for the Communications Board, pro­ A ".lIe••••lIelKOhll .1Ie .....~_1ioIIWore ....... Mood .t t~ Sllrlill the current academic year at its testing the payment of stipends to Richards '17 Blood DrIve. See Story Pa~ 8. March 19 meeting. student government and media members. Leng said, "Everyone Running The editor-in-chief will receive I've spoken to in this building (the S1200 while the news editor Student Center), has signed it." For DSSG Concerned Students features editor, arts editor, adver~ Leng also served as editor-in-chief tising manager and business of The Ticker for three issues Presidency manager will receive SIlOO. The Voice Complaints in spring 1985. figures are for a full academic year By KEN BROWN About Registration and will be raid fortnightly after The petition was circulated by John Richards, president of the each rub1ication,·aee:ording -ro Leng dming club 'hours on March Foreign Trade ·Society, is the Pamela Mitchell, director of the 19. 1987, and the cover sheet reads Day ~ion Student Government And Curricular Guidance Student Services Accounting Unit. in ~ "I fed that stipeDds should presidential candidate on the United Students for Action Party By UNDA ZUECH The Ticker presenteQ its budget tiCket in this spring's upcoming elections. Jbe l!r~(Ot1:'bi-~Pi.-~·I"eta·--1Oft~·bf ~of ·probletr.s . ~tD the ~~~~ .~BI:c;l ~. aiKfi-groupoirepresenfaiives·fron,-- .~ and ma,6e.:S()~~~:::.. :.:~.·Z=·.-·for~.. ~ the Day SessiOn Student Govern- tl¥e recommendatlons·too. reQuest for~: ~tor.:m- .. .. ~ - . ~ ... .,. Stadents, '»r:-Itober T.·-Georgi~ want"to-, this decision to-thCBoard:r Direc- .....·-or-·~ .....,. the Associate Dean of Students, Dr. for it, because what COlJ1eS - up in "'We(tbe USA· party) plan to Ronald M. Aaron and Dr. Cad this discussion may be something tors. At that time the Board set upa Stipend Committee to examine the have a meetina witIIin JO clays to Kirschner, assistant to the dean of that we, the dean of students' of- draw up a flnal slate of candidates" students on Monday, March 23 to fice, can forward to the appropriate issue of paying stipends to student leaders. Members of this committee induding those for the UpPer aDd discuss the problems with regis - people or discuss with the ap- were Acting Dean of Students Lower councils and the Board of t ration and curric u I a r guic - propriate people, depending on Robert Georgia, Associate Dean of Directors," said Richards last ance at Baruch. what the issues are." Students Ronald Aaron, Professor week.. "We'll have the signatures required before or by the deadline, Mezias said that one of the major Harrison Tucker, Sharon Deheney March 30th." The students present were problems that many students have a graduate student, Charles Foster The entire Upper Council will be Lawrence Mezias, president of . is in dealing with the Office of Cur- an evening student, and day Phi Kappa Theta, Danville Walker, either graduating or moving on to ricular Guidance. Georgia then ex- students Ellsworth John, John other positions at the end.of the president of the DSSG, Ivonne plained his understanding that for Richards and Danville Walker. not be paid for work that is com­ Rudorfer, executive secretary of the semester. "Many Lower Council the school of business there are two pletely voluntary. However, if members plan to run for the Upper DSSG and Pauline Jennette, The Committee met three times senior counselors and four inforrna­ stipends has' to be paid, then all Council," said Richards."A list for chairperson of the Student Council. and prepared a report which was tion specialists who make appoint­ student leaders who in their own these USA candidates and those for They brought their problems and presented to the Board of Directors ments to see students. He went on way had expended a lot of time the Board of Directors is not yet suggestions to the deans' office in on December II. to say that these appointments are and effort should be available. " hopes of making it easier for .difficult to get at "crunch" times compensated.,. Among the Stipends Committee's Richards said he had been think­ Baruch students to get through like just before registration, but concerns were the points that "the ing about running for about a year. coIle&e. during the year anyone should be According to Leng, "Every stu­ introduction of monetary compen­ "I first approached John able to see a counselor within a dent leader is working for the sation into what formerly had been last February about considering a reasonable, short period of time. benefit of the school or the student voluntary activities had a tendency run," said President Danville body. If they don't have the time or Walker of the OSSG. Walker is also Mezias said, (" "We're curious to diminish intrinsic motivation and effort they shouldn't do it. I think about what you (the admim..a- enjoyment in the 'performance of a member of the USA party. "I saw "\' r », they should get their priorities tion) define as a reasonable, short these activities." Other concerns that·_he..bad clear ideas about· what straight. The :1rs! one should be the students should get and was period of time. I kMW"tbat I went were that umonetary compensa­ studying, the .- econd one should be there (curricular guidance) once tions have no place in student ac­ sharp on his feet. Most il1'portantJy, work and the third one should be he was involved," said Walker. when I was a sophomore and was tivities, that the opportunities for student organizations." told I didn't have enough credits to growth and development resulting Presentty, Richards is president get an appointment." He added, from participation are sufficient Joseph A. Tirado, president of of the Foreign Trade Society, a post "Our basic point is that it seems and appropriate awards," and that the Latin Band Club, said he signed he has held since last June. He has there is an almost 2,500 student to "the issue of stipends is known to the petition because, "when a per­ been a member of the club since 1984. one counselor ratio." have become a point of contention son joins a student club, organiza- and political conflict on a number Gennis, the vice-presidential can­ Georgia said, "You're absolutely (Continued on Page 7, Col. 1) of campuses." (Continued on Page 7. Col.. 5) ...... T. Geor&Ia, adIaI dea of right and no one would agree with stude.ts. you more than the dean and the associate dean of the school of The Board also came un with ra­ business. They would dearly love to tionales that would support the is­ suance of. stipends. Among these They also outlined, their plan to be allowed to hire additional were the points that "Article XVI form a committee of students and counselors. But, again, this is something that is out of their con­ of the CUNY Board of Trustees council members to research the Bylaws permits the payment of problems and find solutions. At the trol. They make a request to CUNY who then makes a request to stipends to student leaders.... that beginning of the meeting Georgia more than half of the CUNY CaJIl­ told them, "What you are doing Albany for these counseling posi­ tions. At the budget hearings these puses have stipend programs for now is very good. You have student government leaders," and cumularively 13 or 14 years of ex­ requests are considered. Albany perience at Baruch College; time for (Continued on Page 8. Col. J) (Continued on Page 9. Coi.e) Page 2 TbeTicker March 31, 1987 MaRh 31, 1987· TbeTicker . Paae 3 EDI'TORIAL LETTERS OP-ED Day Student Gov't ·Tbe Lasher Michael Lashinsky IT'S ABOUT TIME! Supports Georgia... HISPANIC HARMONY To The Editor: leadership conference and other BATTING PRACTICE By YVETTE SANTANA For the first time, undergraduates have made a concerted effort to alleviate As a student in the Baruch com­ club events, our dean of students is some of the existing problems at Baruch. A group of student leaders recently munity I wholeheartedly agree with actually known and well liked by These are some of the numerous The Ticker's stand on retaining our As I read the article, "Bilingualism many Baruch students. including Hispanics who do "fit the mold." brought some of their concerns to the attention of the Dean of Students' Office, present acting dean of students, All one has to do to be shocked and about the executive officers getting Doesn't Work," I wondered how someone myself. A caring, sensitive dean in Hispanics, in learning the American specifically the ineptitude of the office of curricular guidance and the prehistoric scared at Baruch is talk and listen to various stipends. DSSG President Tony Walker is who didn't understand "the strange Robert Georgia, in a permanent Dean Georgia is an asset that culture, have been enriched by the mixture administrators, faculty members and out there fighting for Baruch students and he language" Hispanics speak could casually registration process. position. My interaction with OUf Baruch students refuse to give up.
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