1902. CON GRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE. Benefic:.ia.l As.sociatian No. 18, Baltimore, Md., in opposition to By Mr_ TRAYER.: Petition .of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Honse bill :0777, amending the copyright law-to the Committee Worlrers' Union No.184,Steam. Engineers' Union No. 78, Worces­ on Patan.ts. ter, Mass.; Granite Cutters' National Union, of Milford, Mass.; By ~Ir. SIBLEY. Petition of the Journeymen Barbers' Inter­ Plate Printers' Union No. 3, of Boston, and Paint-ers and Decora­ national Union No. 124., of .Bradf<>rd, Pa.. 1 favoring a reenactment of tors' Union No, 41~, of Spencer, Mass., fav01ing extension of the the Chinese-.e.xclUBion law-to the Committee on Forci,gn Affairs. Cb.inese-exe1usion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Also. petitions of Journeymen Tail.ors1 Union of America No. By lfr. THOMAS -of Iowa: Resolution of Division No. 268, Or­ 57, of Franklin, Pa., fa"\:oring the construction of war vessels in der of Railroad Conductors, Marion, Iowa; Bmtherhood of Rail­ the· Government navy-yards-to theCommi~Lee on Naval Affairs. road Trainmen of Waterloo, Iowa, favoring bill to limit pGwer Also resolutions of Erie Branch of Pattern Makers, of M.old­ of Fed.ernl c011rts in. granting injtmdions in trade disputes-to ers' Union No. 220, and of Jomneymen Tailors' Union of Amer­ the Committee on the Judiciary. ica No. 57, of Franklin, Pa., favoring tb.e prohibition of immi­ Also, resolution of Division No. 216, Order of Railroad Con­ grants other than wives and children who .can not read-to the ductors, of Ottumw.a~ Iowa, advocating the reenactment of the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Chinese-exclusion law-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Also, resolutions of International Jmrrneymen BaTbers' Union Also, petition of 1\-Iansfield Post, No. 159, Grand Army of the No. 124, and Oil and Gas Well Workers' Union, Local No. 37 , of Republic~ Department of Iowa, for investigation of the adminis­ Bradford, Pa., and of International Brotherhood Oil and Gas tration of tlie Bureau of Pensions-to the Committee on RrJes. Well Wol'kers' Union No. 54, of Gifford) Pa., favoring the pro­ By Mr. VANDIVER; Petition of Andy Smith Post, No. 243, hibition of immigrants other than wives and children who can Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Missouri, for in­ not read-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. vestigation of the administration of the Bm·eau of Pensions-to By Mr. SKILES; Petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ the Committee on Rules. ance Union, First Congregational Church, H. S. Connor, and By ~Ir. "V" AN VOORHIS: Papers to accompany House bill re­ other citizens of Norwalk, Ohio, for the passage of a bill to pro­ lating to the C{)l'rection of the m.ilita"l"Y record of James :McElroy- hibit prostitution in the PhHip_pines-to the Committee on Insular to the -Committee on :Military Affairs. · Affairs. Also, petitions of citizeru; of Macksburg and Marietta, Ohio, Also, resolutions of Wood Workers" Union No. 179, of Mans­ and Typographical Union of Cambridge, Ohio, favoring restric­ field , Ohio; Bakers' Union No. 128J Lorain, Ohio, and Deer Lick tive legislation on immigration-to the Committee on Immigra­ Division, No, 292, Order of R.ailway Conducto1·s, Chicago, lll., tion and Naturalization. for an educational test in the restriction of immigration-to the Also, re olu:tioru; of Typographical Union No. 199, of Zanes­ Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. ville, Ohio; United Garment WOTkers' Union No. 152, Marietta, Also Tesolution of Machinists' Union No. 84, Mount Vernon, Ohio, and Union No. 21, Cambridge, Ohio-favoring extension of Ohio. favoring the building of war vessels in the navy-yards-to the Chinese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr~ WANGER: Petition of Iron and Steel Workers' Union Also, resolution of Bakers' Union No. 12.S, of Lorain. Ohio, No. W>.A:9, for the enactment of Ho11se bill 9330, concerning the favoring the Chinese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Chinese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Affairs. By Mr. W ARNOOK: Petition of Bert Smith and other citizens Also, paper to accompany House billl~86, to amend the military of Champaign Omnty, Ohio, favoring a further restriction of im­ record of Joseph Swisher-to the Committee on Military .Affairs. migration-to-the Committee on Immigration and N atu:ralizatio11. By Mr. SMALL~ Resolution of Boiler Makers1 Union of Rocky Also, paper to aooompany House bill 11931, for the relief of Mount, N.C., advocating the building of war-vesself! in the navy­ Lucinda Read, mother of helpless child of Alexand~r W. Read, yards-to the Committee on Na-val Affairs. deceased-to the Committee .on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. SNOOK: Papers to accompany Honse bill12D70, grant­ By Mr. WEEKS: Petition of Lake Seamen's Union of Marine ing an increase of pension to Louis P. Anschuts-to the Commit­ City, Mich., fav01'ing the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion tee on Invalid Pensions. act-to the C.ommittee on Foreign Affairs. · By Mr. SPERRY: Resolution of Carpenters' Union No. 127,of .Also, resolution of Lake Seamen's Union of Madne City, :Mich., Derby, Conn., favoring the construction of war ve::;se1s in the Gov­ in opposition to the change of name of the United States Marine­ ernment navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Hospital Service-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By Mr. STARK: Resolution of Blue Valley Division, No. 343, Commerce. Fairbury, Nebr., Order of Railway Con-ductors, and E. .W. Hayes Also, resolutions of Lake Seamen's U Irion of Marine City, }fich., Division, No. 397, Beatrice, Nebr., Brotherhood of Locomotive protesting against the passage of House bills 9685 and 7185-to the Engineers, favoring a further restriction of immigration-to the Commi.ttee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By 1Ir. WILEY: Petition of Division No. 98, Order of Railway Also, petition [m the German language) of J. Benjamin and Conductors, Montgomery A.b., fa\oring the Chinese-exclrision 21 others, and petition of John D. Ryan and 17 others, citizens of a~t--:to the Committee on FDl'eign Affairs. Wahoo, Nebr., asking that the United States offer its good of­ By M.r. WILLI.iliS of illinois: P etition of J. G. Brill Post, fices to end the war between England· and the 'Boer Republic-to No. 594, and Enfield Post, No. 178, Grand Army of the Republic. the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Department of lllinois, for investigation of the administration of By Mr. STEELE~ Petition of C. C. Lyons and others, citizens the Bureau of P.ension.s-to the Committee on Rules. of Fairmount and Marion, Ind., in favor of the enactment of the By Mr. WOODS: Resolutions of San Francisco Labor Council Lacey bill for the protection of game animals-to the Committee and Sacramento Typographical Union, No. 46, favoring the exten­ on Agriculture. .sion of the Chin-ese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Also, resolutions of Cigar Makers' Union No. 4Q2, of Quaker­ Affairs. town, Pa., and of International Association of Machinists No. Also, resolution of the Riyerside Fruit Exchange, Riverside, 150, of Huntington, Ind., favoring a reena-ctment of the Chinese­ Cal: f avoring an amendment to House bill 10845, governing the exclusion law-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. importation of trees. etc.-to the Committee on AgTiculture. Also~ resolutions of Carpenters and Joiners' Union No. 598, of By Mr. ZENOR: Petition of Mrs. Kate Shuck, Emma Baxley, Wabash, Ind., and of Iron Molders' Union No. 357, of :Montpelier, Mrs. Ilfaggie Thomas, and 60 others1 of Corydon, Ind., favoring Ind., favoring an educational rest for admission of immigrants­ an amendment to the Constitution defining legal marriage to be to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. monogamic-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SUTHERLAND: Petitions of LeatherWorker.s' Union No. 78, of Salt Lake City, and Broom Makers' Union No . .38, of Ogden, Utah, for the restriction of immigration-to the Oommit- SENATE. · tee on Immigration and N atlfralization. · Also! resolution of Commercial Club of Salt Lake City, .and TUESDAY, March 4, 1902. Ogden Lodge, 127, Ogden, Utah, International Association of No. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. :Machinists, for the building of war Yessels in the United States The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's navy-yards-to'the Committee on Naval .Affairs. 'Proceedings, when, on request of :Mr. SCOTT, and by unanimous Also, petitions of citizens of Millville, Utah, asking for an oonsent, the further reading was dispensed with. amendment to the Constitution defining legal marriage-to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal, without objec­ Committee on the Judiciary. tiDn, will stand approved. Also, resolutions of Ogden Lodge, No. 127; Typographical Union No. 236, of Ogden; Tailors' Union No. 59, and Cigar Makers' WITHDR.A.W .A.L OF PUBLIC LANDS. Union No. 224, of Salt Lake City, Utah, advocating extension of The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu­ Chinese-exclusion act-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. nication from the Secretary of the Interim·, transmitting, in re­ Also, resolutions of various labor organizations of Salt Lake .sponae to a resolution of January 23 H)02, a letter from the Com­ City and Ogden, Utah, favoring the construction of naval vessels missioner of the General Land Office, inclosing a list of lands at Government navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. withdrawn by order of the Commissioner of the General Land 2344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE.
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