Author Title Issue Date A Adams, Jad Jon Crabb (ed.): Decadence, A Literary Anthology [review] 52 Jan-18 Adams, Jad Review of David Weir: Decadence, A Very Short Introduction 53 Jul-18 Amor, Ann Clark Oscar’s Finances: The House Beautiful 45 Jul-14 Amor, Anne Clark Constantly Undervalued: A Centenary Appreciation of Constance Wilde 14 Jan-99 Amor, Anne Clark In Memoriam: Andrew McDonnell 19 Jul-01 Letters of Engagement 1884-1888: The Love Letters of Adrian Hope and Laura Amor, Anne Clark 21 Jul-02 Troubridge Amor, Anne Clark Obituary: Requiescat: Elizabeth Longford 22 Jan-03 Amor, Anne Clark Heading for Disaster - Oscar’s finances 44 Jan-14 Anderson, Anne At Home With Oscar: Constructing the House Beautiful 24 Jan-04 Anderson, Anne The Colonel : Shams, Charlatans and Oscar Wilde 25 Jul-04 Anderson, Anne ‘‘Arry’ Quilter and the ‘Gospel of Intensity’ 27 Jul-05 Anderson, Anne Let us Live Up to It! or Wilde about Teapots 30 Jan-07 Anderson, Anne ‘There is Divinity in Odd Numbers’ 43 Jul-13 Anderson, Anne Private Views : Frith, Furniss and the Importance of Portraying Oscar 52 Jan-18 Anderson, Anne W.P. Frith and Oscar’s Brown Coat 53 Jul-18 Arter, Jan Earnest in Manchester 5 Jul-94 Ashton, Colin Oscar Wilde Three Times Tried 9 Jul-96 Atkinson, Julia ‘An Author not just now familiar to ears polite’ 47 Jun-15 Atkinson, Tully The Sphinx : Wilde’s Decadent Poem 23 Jul-03 Atkinson, Tully Wilde Syphilis Question, The 25 Jul-04 B Baker, Richard Anthony The Witnesses at the Wilde Trials 8 Jan-96 Baker, Susan Oscar Wilde Walk in London 6 Jan-95 Baker, Susan Walk on the Wilde Side 2 Jan-93 Bashford, Bruce Review of Giles Whitely: Oscar Wilde and the Simulacrum 49 Jul-16 Batty, Nicola Wilde in Novels 30 Jan-07 Beckson, Karl Oscar Wilde and the Religion of Art 12 Jan-98 Beresiner, Yasha The Wilde Oxford Mason 31 Jul-07 Bertman, Stephen Platonic Inversion in The Picture of Dorian Gray 46 Jan-15 Binoeder, Veronika & Review of Jermyn Street Theatre: Pictures of Dorian Gray 55 Jul-19 Sullivan, Darcy Black, Alan Oscar at the Hotel Sandwich 34 Jan-09 Brackett, Virginia Dorian Gray as secular scripture 32 Jan-08 Brophy, Jessica M. Unspoken Solidarity, Ruskin & Wilde 45 Jul-14 Bruni, Ferdinando & Frongia, Il Nostro Wild 52 Jan-18 Francesco ‘Bunbury’ The Picture of Dorian Gray at the NFT 4 Jan-94 Bryan-Brown, Deirdre Book Launch: Joy Melville’s Mother of Oscar 6 Jan-95 Bushnell, Terri Oscar - the Musical by Mike Read at The Old Fire Station, Oxford 2 Jan-93 Bushnell, Terri The Importance of Being Earnest at Beveridge Hall, Senate House 2 Jan-93 C Cevasco, George A. What of Whelan? 22 Jan-03 Chadwick, Peter The Artist as Psychologist 27 Jul-05 Chadwick, Peter Oscar Wilde: The Playwright as Psychologist 28 Jan-06 Chadwick, Peter Wilde’s Creative Strategies 29 Jul-06 Chadwick, Peter Freud Meets Wilde: A Playlet 31 Jul-07 Chadwick, Peter Decadence as Growth: Oscar Wilde and the Renewal of Romanticism 34 Jan-09 Chadwick, Peter Decadence and Spirituality in Late Nineteenth Century Artists and Writers 37 Jul-10 Chen, Qi Wilde’s Society Comedies in the Chinese New Culture movement 48 Jan-16 Centenary of the death of Constance Wilde: the Oscar Wilde Society visit to Italy (2), Cinquini, Cristina 13 Jul-98 The Cinquini, Cristina Virgil and Dante at Canterville Chase 11 Jul-97 Clausson, Nils Lady Alroy’s Secret: ‘Surface and Symbol’ in Wilde’s The Sphinx without a Secret 28 Jan-06 Clausson, Nils Importance of Being Gwendolen Fairfax, The 27 Jul-05 Trivial Coincidences or Pre-planned Detonations: A Further Note on Names in Clausson, Nils 29 Jul-06 Conan Doyle and Wilde Clayworth, Anya Annexing Dorian Gray – Will Self’s Dorian: an Imitation 22 Jan-03 Bursting ‘A Delicate Bubble of Fancy’ – Oliver Parker’s Film Adaptation of The Clayworth, Anya 22 Jan-03 Importance of Being Earnest Clayworth, Anya Biographical Speculations: Neil Mc Kenna’s The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde 24 Jan-04 Buying Wilde: Fortunato’s Modernist Aesthetics and Consumer Culture in the Writings Clayworth, Anya 33 Jul-08 of Oscar Wilde Clayworth, Anya Colm Tóibín on Gay Lives and Laurel Brake on Print Culture 21 Jul-02 Clayworth, Anya Editing Wilde’s Journalism 25 Jul-04 Clayworth, Anya English Literature and the Russian Aesthetic Renaissance by Rachel Polonsky 15 Jul-99 Clayworth, Anya Great Celtic School, The: The Eclectic Mix of Wilde the Irishman 13 Jul-98 Nineteenth-century sensations and advances Reviews of Michael Diamond’s Clayworth, Anya 26 Jan-05 Victorian Sensation and Oscar Wilde Studies edited by Frederick S Roden Letters, Biographies and Friends, Reviews of: Oscar Wilde in the Year 2000: The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde ed. Merlin Holland & Rupert Hart-Davis; Barbara Clayworth, Anya 18 Jan-01 Belford: Oscar Wilde: A Certain Genius; Jerusha McCormack: The Man who was Dorian Gray Merlin Holland: The Wilde Album ; Peter Raby (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde ; Isobel Murray (ed.): Oscar Wilde: Complete Poetry ; Richard Foulkes: Clayworth, Anya 12 Jan-98 Church & Stage in Victorian England ; Barbara Tuchman: The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World before the War 1890-1914 Oscar Wilde: During the Trials and the Aftermath Reviews of Michael S Foldy: The Clayworth, Anya Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance, Morality and Late-Victorian Society ; and Mark 16 Jan-00 Hitchens: Oscar Wilde’s Last Chance: The Dreyfus Connection Clayworth, Anya A Preface To Oscar Wilde by Anne Varty 15 Jul-99 A Question of Context - Wilde’s Intentions Under Scrutiny: Laurence Danson: Clayworth, Anya 11 Jul-97 Wilde’s Intentions: The Artist in his Criticism Clayworth, Anya Rediscovering Oscar Wilde , ed. George Sandulescu 8 Jan-96 Reviews of Ian Small: Oscar Wilde: Recent Research A Supplement to ‘Oscar Wilde Revalued’ ; Josephine M Guy and Ian Small: Oscar Wilde’s Profession: Writing and the Clayworth, Anya Culture Industry in the Late Nineteenth Century ; Bobby Fong and Karl Beckson, 19 Jul-01 editors, The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (General Editors: Russell Jackson and Ian Small) Volume 1: Poems and Poems in Prose Sinfield’s Wilde and the Problem of Homosexuality in the Nineteenth Century The Clayworth, Anya 6 Jan-95 Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde and the Queer Moment by Alan Sinfield The Masterpiece of All My Work: Twentieth Century Consideration of Wilde’s Clayworth, Anya Plays. Reviews of Sos Eltis: Revising Wilde ; William Tydeman and Steven Price: 10 Jan-97 Wilde: Salomé Clayworth, Anya Three new books about the Irish Peacock 23 Jul-03 Weighty Wildean Tomes: The Picture of Dorian Gray ed. Joseph Bristow (Complete Clayworth, Anya 27 Jul-05 Works Vol 3) & Matthew Sturgis: Walter Sickert Clayworth, Anya Wilde’s World 25 Jul-04 Wilde Style: Victorian or Contemporary Reviews of Neil Sammells: Wilde Style: The Clayworth, Anya Plays and Prose of Oscar Wilde ; Melissa Knox: Oscar Wilde in the 1990s : the Critic as 20 Jan-02 Creator ; Matthew Sweet: Inventing the Victorians Wilde the Aesthete and Humanist: Bruce Bashford: Oscar Wilde: the Critic as Humanist ; Mary Warner Blanchard: Oscar Wilde’s America: Counterculture in the Clayworth, Anya 17 Jul-02 Gilded Age ; Elizabeth Prettejohn: After the Pre-Raphaelites: Art and Aestheticism in Victorian England Wilde the Irishman: the reclamation of a ‘reluctant patriot’: Reviews of Davis Clayworth, Anya Coakley: Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Irish ; Declan Kiberd: Wilde and the 9 Jul-96 English Question ; Richard Pine: The Thief of Reason: Oscar Wilde and Modern Ireland Notices: Oscar Wilde Poems : facsimile reprint; Declan Kiberd: Inventing Ireland ; Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest ed. Joseph Donohue and Ruth Clayworth, Anya 9 Jul-96 Berggren; Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest ed. Peter Raby; Matthew Sturgis: Passionate Attitudes: The English Decadence of the 1890s Clayworth, Anya Wilde’s Career as a Journalist 5 Jul-94 Cliff, Kenneth & Taylor, Janet Mr Lock: Hatter to Oscar Wilde & Associates 22 Jan-03 Clutton, James An Ideal Husband at the Globe Theatre, London 2 Jan-93 Clutton, James Editorial 1 Jul-92 Clutton, James Salomé at the Burton Taylor Theatre, Oxford 2 Jan-93 Clutton, James Salomé at the White Bear Theatre, Kennington 3 Jul-93 Colman, Sheila Paris at Dawn 18 Jan-01 Comfort, Kelly The critic as artist and liar 32 Jan-08 Cook, Robert Chelsea Town Hall and the Oscar Wilde Controversy 6 Jan-95 Cooke, Catherine Whoever occupied C33? 14 Jan-99 Cooper, John The Pure Man Like the Lily 33 Jul-08 Cooper, John Finding Oscar 47 Jun-15 Cooper, John (with Robert Wilde’s Final Farewell lecture in New York 42 Jan-13 Marland) Cooper, John A Picturesque Subject Indeed!' The Sarony Photographs of Oscar Wilde 55 Jul-19 Cotton, Caroline Wilde Inside in Melbourne, directed by Colette Mann 16 Jan-00 Cox, Devon Review of Classic Spring: The Selfish Giant 53 Jul-18 Crook, Joanna Welcome from the President 1 Jul-92 D Darwall-Smith, Robin The Story of The Robert Ross Memorial Collection 15 Jul-99 Day, Sylvia The Fairytales 1 Jul-92 Dibb, Geoff Oscar’s Lectures in West Yorkshire – Part One 3 Jul-93 Dibb, Geoff Wilde’s Lectures in West Yorkshire – Part Two 4 Jan-94 Dibb, Geoff Breakfast With Oscar 7 Jul-95 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde in York 13 Jul-98 Dibb, Geoff Oscar In Bradford 15 Jul-99 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde’s Lecture Tour of the UK 27 Jul-05 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde’s UK Lecture Tours 1883-85 29 Jul-06 Dibb, Geoff Mr and Mrs Wilde ! Where are those Babies? 29 Jul-06 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde and the Cardew Family 33 Jul-08 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde and the Mystics 42 Jan-13 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde’s Lecture Tours Of the UK 42 Jan-13 Dibb, Geoff The Art of Artful Criminality 47 Jun-15 The Incomparable and Ingenious History of Mr Cyril Graham [The Portrait of Mr Dibb, Geoff 50 Jan-17 W.H.] Dibb, Geoff Review of Liverpool’s Wild(e) Poet [Richard Le Gallienne] 50 Jan-17 Dibb, Geoff Constance Wilde in Yorkshire 51 Jul-17 Dibb, Geoff Review of Michael Seeney: From Bow Street to the Ritz 49 Jul-16 Dibb, Geoff Michael Seeney: More Adey, Oscar Wilde's Forgotten Friend [review] 52 Jan-18 Dibb, Geoff Oscar in Poppy-Land 55 Jul-19 Dibb, Geoff Oscar Wilde in Poppyland - Yet Again 56 Jan-20 Donohue, Joseph E.W.
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