Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia Prepared by Gayla Aspenleiter (comments in red are those of the preparer) Arrived in Name Russia Arrived From Village in Russia Age Occupation Traveling with: Comments Source wife Maria Katharina age 36, sons: Georg 21, Bernhard 17, Michael 10, Died enroute, 1816 Sudak/Crimea Fond 1-220-13-Second Aberle, Michael 1803 Dettenhausen/Tübingen-Wü Sudak/Crimea Died in route David 1, daughter Salomea 23 RL:3,4, and 5, Stumpp pg 934 Transport Ackermann, Caspar 1809 Erlenbach/Germersheim-Pf München/Odessa wife, 3 daughters, 1 son Stumpp pg 990 Ackermann, Heinrich 1809 Erlenbach/Germersheim-Pf Rohrbach/Odessa wife Stumpp pg 999 1816 Odessa RL: 53, Stumpp pgs Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Ackermann, Johann Michael Nov 1803 Stettin 27 Gardener 205 & 960 Transport Possible connection: 1816 Grossliebental/Od RL: 8, Stumpp wife Anna Katharina, age 41, son pgs 205 & 577. Anna Katharina Johann Peter 14, daughters Anna 15, ACKERMANN died 25 Feb 1834 Fond 1-220-13-Third Ackermann, Kasper 1803 Grossliebental/Od ? 41 Carpenter Katharina 11 and Magdalena 2. in Grossliebental (Odessa3.org) Transport 1816 Grossliebental RL: 20. Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Ahner, Johann Heinrich Nov 1803 Erlingsheim/Ludwigsburg-Wü Grossliebental/Odessa 27 Blacksmith wife Anna Katharina age 17. Stumpp pgs 206 & 578 Transport wife Katharina and child Eva Rosine Albrecht, Michel 1809 Daisbach/Sinsheim-Ba Worms/Odessa age 6 months Stumpp pg 977 Fond 1-220-13 - 5 Jun Albrecht-Berg, Johann Jun 1804 40 Baker 1804 1816 Feodosia RL: 3. Stumpp pgs Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Almendinger, Philipp Nov 1803 Feodosia/Crimea 25 Carpenter wife Elisabetha Juliana age 28. 207 & 922. Transport Amann, Louis 1809 Lingenfeld/Germersheim-Pf Landau/Odessa wife, 4 children Stumpp pg 1001 Widow, maiden name Anton, Susanna 1809 Rheinzabern/Germersheim-Pf Grossliebental/Odessa her 4 children HOFFMANN Stumpp pg 975 Fond 1-220-13-First Are, Georg Joseph both husband and wife died enroute Transport 1816 Sudak/Crimea RL: 13, Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Armbruster, Joseph Nov 1803 Sudak/Crimea 33 Shoemaker Stumpp pgs 209 & 935 Transport Franz JOHS, Johanns HAAG, Georg Adam HAAG, and Juliana Asperger, Matthias 1809 Flehingen/Karlsruhe-Ba Russia 33 HOLZMANN Stumpp pg 987 Assel, Friedrich 1809 Hatzenbühl/Gemersheim-Pf Speier/Odessa wife Stumpp pg 976 Bachert, Mattäus 1809 Oberottersbach/Bergzabern-Pf Karlsruhe/Odessa wife and 4 children Stumpp pg 985 Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia Prepared by Gayla Aspenleiter (comments in red are those of the preparer) Arrived in Name Russia Arrived From Village in Russia Age Occupation Traveling with: Comments Source wife Anna Maria age 42, and son Fond 1-220-13 - 15 Jul Bachmann, Georg Philipp Jul 1804 40 Shoemaker Johann Joseph age 1. 1804 1816 Josefstal/Od RL: 5, lists Anton age 25, arriving in 1803 and married with two sons. 1816 Kleinlibental RL: 1 lists Jakob BACHMAIER, age 23 , from Wössingen/Karlsruhe-Ba or Mühlberg with siblings Anna 16, Johann 19, Anton who went to Josefstal to marry, and Katharina who went to Josefstal to marry in 1812. Assuming the parents are wife Marianna age 38, sons: Anton deceased as not listed in 1816 13, Christian 12, Jakob 9, Johann 2, census. Stumpp pgs 211, 601 & Fond 1-220-13-Third Bachmeyer, Anton 1803 Mühlbach/Sinsheim-Ba Josefstal/Odessa 48 Farmer and daughter Katharina 11. 605. Transport Bader, Peter 1809 Jockgrim/Germersheim-Pf Elsass/Odessa wife and 2 children Hördt/Straßlfburg-El? Stumpp pg 984 Bader, Wilhelm 1808 Hördt/Gemersheim-Pf Mannheim/Odessa family (4 persons total) Stumpp pg 1014 Baer, Johann Philipp 1809 Kuhardt/Germersheim-Pf Karlsruhe/Odessa wife and 4 children Baehr? Stumpp pg 1011 Baer, Philipp 1809 Kuhardt/Germersheim-Pf Speier/Odessa wife and 7 children Baehr? Stumpp pg 1011 wife Maria Margaretha age 40, son Adam 6 and daughters Eva 13, Fond 1-220-13-Second Baier, Adam 1803 40 Farmer Barbara 11, and Anna Elisabetha 3. Transport 1816 Worms/Od RL: 3, Jakob died in 1815, Stumpp pgs 214 & 805. with wife Julianna age 29 and Name recorded as BART and Fond 1-220-13 - 15 Jul Barth, Jakob Jul 1804 Calmbach/Calw-Wü Worms/Odessa 35 Farmer daughter age 1. BARTH. 1804 Barth, Michel 1809 Lembach/Weißenburg-El Speier/Odessa wife and 4 children Stumpp pg 1011 Bast, Johannes 1809 Steinfeld/Bergzabern-Pf Speier/Odessa wife, 4 children Stumpp pg 999 Battdorf, Michael 1809 Waltershausen Warschau born in Grabfeld Stumpp pg 1013 wife, 1 child, his brother-in-law and Baumann, Georg Michel 1809 Rheinzabern/Germersheim-Pf Speier/Odessa his mother Salome KUNZ Stumpp pg 1000 wife Elena age 40, sons: Anton age 17, Bernat age 10 and daughter One son died enroute and one later; Fond 1-220-13-First Baumann, Joseph 1803 Rheinzabern/Germersheim-Pf Kleinliebental/Odessa 44 Farmer Johanna age 5 1816 Kleinliebental RL:7 Transport Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia Prepared by Gayla Aspenleiter (comments in red are those of the preparer) Arrived in Name Russia Arrived From Village in Russia Age Occupation Traveling with: Comments Source Baumgart, Franz Joseph 1809 Germersheim-Pf Taurien wife, 1 child Stumpp pg 995 Becht, Martin 1809 Hördt/Gemersheim-Pf München/Odessa wife, 3 children Stumpp pg 998 Bechtel, Matthias 1809 Mothern/Weißenburg-El Speier/Odessa wife Stumpp pg 974 wife, 2 children, 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 Beck, Philipp Adam 1809 Kandel/Germersheim-Pf Kandel/Odessa servant, 1 maid Stumpp pg 1004 Becker, Michel 1809 Lampertshofen or Lampertsloch Taurien Stumpp pg 993 Fond 1-220-13-First Beiler/Beuler/Bailer, Michael 1803 20 Farmer wife Johanna age 20 Transport 1816 Grossliebental/Od RL: 10, states Bernhard died in 1815, remarried in 1815. Appears first wife and children may have all died wife Anna Margaretha, sons: Jakob before 1815 except for Christina. Friedrich 8, Bernhard 4, daughter There is an Elisabetha in RL that Christina 5, and his morth Margaretha married in Alexanderhilf. Stumpp Fond 1-220-13-Third Bemler, Bernhard 1803 Grossliebental/Od 34 Farmer 52. pg 577 Transport Bender, Martin 1809 Niederlustadt/Gemersheim-Pf Grossliebental/Odessa wife and 4 children Stumpp pg 977 Benz, Abraham 1809 Elsenz/Sinsheim-Ba Rosental wife, 4 children, 1 servant Stumpp pg 991 Berger, Johann Peter 1809 Klimbach/Weißenburg-El Landau/Odessa wife and 3 children Stumpp pg 973 Bernhard, Johannes 1809 Obersteinbach/Weißenburg-El Heidelberg/Taurien wife, 2 children Stumpp pg 996 wife Katharina, children: Marianna, Bertram, Johann 1808 Graben/Karlsruhe-Ba Russia 29 Margarthe and Eva. Stumpp pg 1004 Fond 1-220-13 - 15 Jul Betz, Heinrich Ludwig Jul 1804 City of Odessa 55 Surveyor/teacher 1816 Odessa RL:130 1804 Fond 1-220-13 - 5 Jun Betzchey, Konrad Jun 1804 24 Tanner 1804 Beyerle, Konrad 1809 Steinseltz/Weißenberg-El Taurien wife, 5 children Stumpp pg 996 1816 Peterstal/Od RL: 31, lists wife Maria Katharina age 36, sons: Jakob age 29 and Adam age 23, Johann Jakob 17, and Johann Adam brother-in-law to Jakob MARTIN. Fränk. Krumbach/Dieburg-Hessen 9, daughters: Maria Katharina 16 and No listing for father or mother so Fond 1-220-13 - 15 Jul Bibelheimer, Jakob Jul 1804 via Hungary Peterstal/Odessa 48 Farmer Anna Margaretha 12. presumed died. 1804 wife Katharina and children: Lambert, Franziska, Joseph, Peter, Katharina, Biegler, Mathäus 1808 Wallstadt/mannheim-Ba Mannheim/Odessa 36 and Georg Stumpp pg 1005 Passport/Transport/Quarantine Lists from Germany to Russia Prepared by Gayla Aspenleiter (comments in red are those of the preparer) Arrived in Name Russia Arrived From Village in Russia Age Occupation Traveling with: Comments Source Billmann, Barbara 1809 Winzenbach.Weißenburg-El Speier/Odessa widow with son and daughter Stumpp pg 973 Billmann, Georg Adam 1809 Winzenbach.Weißenburg-El Speier/Odessa wife and 2 children Stumpp pg 973 wife Margaretha, son-in-law Johann Fischer with his wife, his children Billmann, Mathias 1808 Winzenbach/Weißenburg-El Speier/Odessa 45 Karolina,Margaretha and August. Stumpp pg 1007 wife Margaretha age 29, sons: Friedrichj 13, Heinrich 8, Karl 4, and Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Binder, Friedrich Nov 1803 35 Shoemaker Johann 3. Transport Bisson, Martin 1809 Bellheim/Germersheim-Pf Sulz/Odessa wife and 2 children Stumpp pg 980 1816 Rosental/Crimea RL:36, with with Elisabetha age 34, Stumpp pgs Fond 1-220-13 - 10 Jun Blatter, Joseph Jun 1804 Bitsch/Lothringen/EL Rosental/Crimea 24 Miller 227 & 931 1804 Fond 1-220-13-Eighth Bockarius, Ferdinand Nov 1803 17 Baker Transport Boehm, Franz 1809 Weingarten/Germersheim-Pf Karlsruhe/Odessa wife Stumpp pg 998 1812 Josefstal census #50 son (Peter). 1816 Josefstal/Od RL: 9 & 29. Johann died in 1811. Anna wife Anna Maria age 46, sons: Peter Maria also died before 1811. Fond 1-220-13 - 15 Jul Bohl, Johann Jul 1804 Oberlauterbach/Seltz-El Josefstal/Odessa 59 Winemaker 20, Jakob 18 and Johann 12. Stumpp pgs 229 & 601. 1804 wife, 1 son, 2 daughters, and his sister- Böhm, Michael 1809 Herxheim/Landau-Pf Landau/Odessa in-law Stumpp pg 989 mother Eva Magdalena, his wife Ann Bollinger, Michael 1808 Burgstall/Backnang-Wü Neudorf/Odessa 26 Elisabeth and child Margaretha. Stumpp pg 1014 his mother Eva, wife Anna and 1 Bollinger, Michael 1808 Württemberg Neudorf/Odessa child. Stumpp pg 1014 Bosch, Johannes 1809 Salmbach/Weißenburg-El Karlsruhe/Odessa wife, 3 children, and his cousin Stumpp pg 973 wife Maria Eva age 50, sons: Johann Philipp 21, Jakob 16, and daughters: Maria Eva 18, Maria Elisabetha 14, 1811 Neusatz/Crimea RL:8 & Fond 1-220-13-Second Böshans, Jakob 1803 Neusatz/Crimea 49 Farmer and Margaretha 12. 35,Stumpp
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