£200!Worth over #15 £3.99 15 NZ $6.90, AU $6.95 9772056777014 UK Recall Date: R50 – 09-DEC-15 Cover gifts may vary. Competitions open to UK residents only, unless otherwise stated. e ou ese ooos! Welcome to the Inbox! Where we share your best bits all in the iBOX oneone plplacplace!ace!e! EMAILS! LETTERS! POSTS! GRAFFITI WALL NOAh is a We had some aamazingamazing amazingmazing entries entries entries for our graffiti wall competition but these two totally rocked it! Enjoy 110% Aer! WINNERS your LED speakers guys! Nine-year-old Noah totally pwned his competition in the retro games tournament at the Batcave in Blackburn, winning the top prize. Stay awesome, Noah! MEGaN LaW 1 fOM BiiGhA BOBby OH HNds 11 fOM DuNANON OS!LOLS! GOt sOMEthiG We asked for youryor for THE ibo jokes on TTwwiwitterr aaandndd you guys definitelydefinitely teEt us 110GaMiN kknow ow howho w t too make make makeakeuuusss LOL! ThThis s oneone wasas our our O ou cA EMaiL fave… EDitO110AiGco WELCOME TO iSidE ready for fans, are you Minecraft MC special? Good – cos our massive check out it is EPIC! a 110AiGco , a ’ve got an interview with We MinecrafterMinecraft record-breaking NOW! collection of cool cribs in and an awesomeevent! look at the MineVention LEGO DiMENsiONs Eie t Footy fansFIFA arefails in for ever! a treat This withu can isn’ the also 1 1 funniest Yo football – it’s footLOL! win a sweet EA Sports bundle for any console you want! , Skylandersand SecretsLEGO We’ve also gotDisney Infinity syLAsyLADEs MiNEcrAft reviews of and much, much more! ssEc creTs speciaL Dimensions This baby is packed with the coolest gaming stuff in town! Dise iFiNit Eie 50 thE tEam EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Gareth Whelan EDITOR: Lucy Galloway MAG JOURNALIST: Elliot George EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Ruth Strachan DESIGN EDITOR: Ryan Law DESIGNERS: Graeme McEwing Craig McGregor Juliet Wright ADVERTISING SALES: Radhica Kakaria Email: [email protected] Tel: 0207 400 1049 cONTAct Us AT Are yOU aMEs BONd Email: [email protected] 110gaming Published by D.C. Thomson & Co.,Ltd 185 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2HS. © D.C. Thomson, @110gaming 2015. Whilst every reasonable care will be taken neither D.C. Thomson & Co.,Ltd., nor its agents 110gaming accept liability for loss or damage to colour transparencies or any other material submitted to this publication. Distributed by Marketforce, Blue Fin Building, Or visit our website at “Distributed by Marketforce (UK) Ltd, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU. www.110gaming.com Tel: +44 (0) 20 378 79001 Email: [email protected] Website: www.marketforce.co.uk” UTUBE (1) YO ! h t O m iS h t S E t th y E S tO EW p hOttESt LEGO MaeL is Massie! LEGO Marvel Avengers game is much bigger than the two Avengers FOoTBaLL movies – we’ve found out that it MaNaGE also covers both of the Captain America movies, Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World! MaDess! We can’t wait until next year to get A gamer simulated 1,000 years of our hands on this game! matches in Football Manager 2015 to see which teams would come out on top. Well, it’s great news for Sheffield Utd fans – your team were easily the best and won the Premier League 167 times! Bad times for Everton fans, though. In 1,000 years all you won was one single F.A. Cup – ouch! 5 ’ maO ! miEaft UpdatE! Minecraft’s latest update has added a new flying cape, which allows players to get their Superman on whenever 25% 25% they like. The cape is coming to the PC version first, and LIFE OF PIE! must be found by players in This month we’ve been: the game — these capes can’t 13% 19% be crafted. How cool is that?! 25% PLAYING FIFA 16! 25% PLAYING PES 2016! 18% 19% PLAYING SKYLANDERS SUPERCHARGGERSS ! 18% COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS UNTIL XMASXMAS– YAY! 13% EATING PIZZA. LOTS AND LOTS OF TASTY PIZZA! What have you guys done this month? Tell us on Twitter @110gaamingig LA With Us! Hey gamers, did you know ththataatewl wye e play playde readersrs readers online? Every Thursday and FriFridaydday y at 3.30-5.00pmwe w wee game against you to take our mmagagt tohl the l! next level!level! Think you can take us on? dAddsus on PS4, Xbox One and WiiuU–or r ur username is Team110Gaam110Gamiminmingg AdD us o – WEWE’r’’re ppUTtiNUTtiN THE bests ATches iNTH E A! WE SUf thE WE fO thE OOLESt aiESt ad mOSt LiKEdO OtEt! OmG a LaK UGEUGE Last month, Burger King launched a special Halloween burger with a BLACK bun… creepy! BUT this delicious delicacy has been rumoured to have some seriously weird side effects! We’ve heard that it turns your poop green – GROSS! spoON Art w dd o o aae! en These amazing artworks are made entirely of food on top of a spoon! Artist Ioana Vanc used food from her fridge and garden to make the crazy pictures on the steel canvases and they’re tiny at less than 10cm! G 2 14 2 SGM 7 CACARCCAR-ARRR-BR-BOARDR---BOARDBBOARDOARD A working Lexus IS car has been built entirely from cardboard. Using hundreds of laser cut pieces, five professional designers and modellers from LaserCut Works built the car by hand – whichwhich is totally insane! Just don’t drive it in the rain, guys! crAy cats Do yokuo knowht what yourtgt catp gets up to whenhen you’re not around? They could ld b be takingki g hil hilariohilariouis us selfieslfi likelik this! hihe These cats are totally lly felinelie theirt heirh i lookloo l okk and and wh why wouldn’t they? LOL! pawsb m bes p oo o b u! as! LEGO DIMENSIONS PoWeR uP yOuR pOrTaL aNd gEt rEaDy tO bUiLd, eXpLoRe aNd fIgHt aS yOu tRaVeL tHrOuGh aLl oF tHe dImEnSiOnS tO sAvE tHe eNtIrE LeGo uNiVeRsE… nO bIgGiE! LEGO Dimensions is This is all you need to The game definitely lives PACKED to the brim with complete LEGO Dimensions, up to its hype though! characters, vehicles, open but if you really want to With characters from worlds, and story mode, conquer 100% of the game, pretty much everything but does it all deliver? you’ll need to purchase and some of the funniest further expansion sets – cutscenes ever (Batman “ThE gAmE which are pretty expensive! attacking The Wizard of Oz’s Scarecrow = dEfInItElY LiVeS If you’re a long time hilarious) – this LEGO fan, then the game will have Up tO iTs hYpE” gameplay will be you hooked. You can pick up the very familiar. starter pack from £84.99, As with You can drop which is pretty pricey for other LEGO any character a one-off purchase but games the you like into you do get a lot of bang gameplay can the game for your buck! In the get repetitive - at any time pack you get the three from switching - you want main characters, Batman, characters, to have a tag Wyldstyle and Gandalf, breaking and team of Wonder plus the Batmobile, the building objects and Woman, Marty portal, a character poster button-bashing to fight off McFly and Scooby Doo? and the game disc. enemies. That’s totally possible! 9 ThE BeSt ChArAcTeR? There are so many amazing characters to play with in this game. You start out with three pretty epic ones, but we think Batman gets the most action, so he’s definitely our favourite! AAnDThE TReSuLhE ReSuLt t GENRE: Action/ AdvenAdventurture PLATFORM: HoweveHowever,r, the three main characters are required to complete the story mode, so I DON’T HAVE A keep them handy! SCOOBY WHAT’S GOING ON! With loads of We SaY... expansion packs available, the gameplay ThIs gAmE iS here is totally unlimited - aWeSoMe aNd yOu’lL the only downfall to the We would definitely dEfInItElY eNjOy franchise, is that it’s really recommend LEGO expensive so there’s got to Dimensions if you want pLaYiNg tHrOuGh be a lot of pocket money to explore your favourite aLl oF tHe lEvElS in your piggy bank if you worlds in a totally bizarre want to play this game to and new way! The way aVaIlAbLe. bUiLdInG the max! you interact with LEGO in LeGo iS rEaLlY fUn, real life to change what’s bUt bEwArE tHaT iT’s happening in your game “ThIs GaMe WiLl makes this a toys to life aN eXpEnSiVe gAmE tO game like you’ve never gEt iNtO! HaVe YoU HoOkEd” played before! COMPETITION! COMPETITION! COMPETITION! 1 WiWiN!N! 5 ALL GaMEs! ARE YOU A HUGE SPORRTSTSGG GAMING FAN?? THEN YOO UNEED TO ENTERES THIS COO MP! n Weg’vehe got ultima the ultimate ogisportssports gamingg bundle bundle iincludinginc clluding dig AFIF 16A, 16 Rory McIlroy GAPGAPGA Tourur, NBBAA Live Live 16 16, Madden NFLNFL NFL 616 andad LNHL 16 16 for one lucky winwinnneeer to scscnore any on platform! any platform! WhicH OF THEsE sO for ou foOtbALLEs pLays for cHaNce To EAL MaDrid hiT a hoe a LioeL MEssi rU Ust b cristiAo ONaLdo aNsWE THis c Waye Ooe UEsTiON! tO ENTer Ust seD us ou Ae *Prizes subject to availability. Competition aGE aNsWE aDdEss aNd cosOLE open to mainland UK and Northern Ireland pEFEENce To i110AiGco residents only. DON’T FORGET TO PUT SPORTS BUNDLE AS THE SUBJECT. GOod Luc GaMEs! COMIC BY ALEXANDER MATTHEWS 11 CHECK OUT WHAT CAN GO WRONG THAT’LL GIVE YOU THE RAGE! RePlAy AlL DaY! ThErE’s nOtHiNg mOrE aNnOyInG tHaN lOsInG a gOaL… aPaRt fRoM wHeN yOuR oPpOnEnT wAtChEs tHe Let’s watch rEpLaY aBoUt that again 564,346,574 in super tImEs! We gEt iT, slow-mo! yOu sCoReD, iT’s a gOaL nOt a wOrK oF aRt! WeB WoEs! You’re in the groove and are at the top of your game, nothing can stop you – I’m your worst apart from a nightmare! bad internet Mwahahahaha! connection! FRUSTRATION There’s nothing worse than when you FACT! think you have Ck yOuR wInDoWs Lo , tHaT a victory in bEfOrE yOu pLaY the bag and yOu cAn’t tHrOw wAy Ut your internet OuR cOnSoLe o y e tO connection tHe wInDoW dU fails – not fRuStRaTiOn! cool! 13 PERMA PAUSE! There’s nothing more annoying than playing someone online who constantly
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