http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jssz2/proc/index.html [English top page]/[Japanese top page] Report of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 1 (1965) Proceeding of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, Nos. 2-6 (1966-1970) Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, Nos. 7-54 (1971-1995) (ISSN 0287-0223) Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology is a previous journal of The Society. Back issues are available. Ordinary Issues: Nos. 1-22, 24-26, 28-31, 33-42, 44, 45, 47-54. ● Contents ordered by author name: ❍ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ● Contents ordered by subject: ❍ theory; animals in general; other animals; othre articles ❍ protozoans ❍ Porifera; Cnidaria ❍ Plathelminthes; Nemertinea; Kamptozoa ❍ Aschelminthes; Mollusca ❍ Annelida; Tardigrada ❍ Arthropoda, Xiphosura ❍ Arthropoda, Aracnida ❍ Arthropoda, Crustacea ❍ Arthropoda, myriapodans ❍ Arthropoda, Insecta ❍ Bryozoa; Chaetognatha; Echinodermata; Chordata Special Issues: No. 23 No. 27 No. 32 No. 43: The Rotifera from Singapore and Taiwan. No. 46: Taxonomical and Ecological Approaches to the Aquatic Biota in the Southwestern Islands of Japan. Report of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology: No. 1 (Sept 10, 1965), Proceeding of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology: No. 2 (Aug 30, 1966), No. 3 (Sept 10, 1967), No. 4 (Oct 1, 1968), No. 5 (Oct 1, 1969), No. 6 (Oct 1, 1970), Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology: No. 7 (Oct 1, 1971), No. 8 (Nov 15, 1972), No. 9 (Oct 20, 1973), No. 10 (Dec 14, 1974), No. 11 (Oct 30, 1975), No. 12 (Dec 20, 1976), No. 13 (Oct 31, 1977), No. 14 (June 26, 1978), No. 15 (Dec 15, 1978), No. 16 (June 30, 1979), No. 17 (Dec 10, 1979), No. 18 (June 25, 1980), No. 19 (Dec 25, 1980), No. 20 (June 29, 1981), No. 21 (Dec 28, 1981), No. 22 (May 25, 1982), No. 23, No. 24 (Dec 25, 1982), No. 25 (June 25, 1983), No. 26 (Dec 25, 1983), No. 27, No. 28 (June 25, 1984), No. 29 (Dec 25, 1984), No. 30 (June 25, 1985), No. 31 (Dec 25, 1985), No. 32, No. 33 (July 25, 1986), No. 34 (Dec 25, 1986), No. 35 (June 25, 1987), No. 36 (Dec 25, 1987), No. 37 (June 25, 1988), No. 38 (Dec 25, 1988), No. 39 (June 25, 1989), No. 40 (Dec 25, 1989), No. 41 (June 25, 1990), No. 42 (Dec 25, 1990), No. 43 (April 1, 1991), No. 44 (June 25, 1991), No. 45 (Dec 25, 1991), No. 46 (January 31, 1992), No. 47 (June 25, 1992), No. 48 (Dec 25, 1992), No. 49 (July 25, 1993), No. 50 (Feb 25, 1994), No. 51 (July 25, 1994), No. 52 (Dec 25, 1994), No. 53 (June 25, 1995), No. 54 (Dec 25, 1995) [English top page]/[Japanese top page] [upper page] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z A ● Abe, W. and Ito, M. (July 25, 1994) Itaquascon globuliferum, a new species of Tardigrada (Eutardigrada: Hypsibiidae) from Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 51: 8-11. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Itaquascon globuliferum ● Akaike, M., Ishii, M., and Ando, H. (May 25, 1982) The formation of germ rudiment in the caddisflies, Glyphotaelius admorsus MacLachlan and Neosererina crassicornis Ulmer (Integripalpia, Trichoptera) and its phylogenetic significance. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 22: 46-52. [In English with Japanese summary] ● Ando, H. and Tanaka, M. (December 20, 1976) The formation of germ rudiment and embryonic membranes in the primitive moth, Endoclyta excrescens Butler (Hepialidae, Monotrysia, Lepidoptera) and its phylogenetic significance. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 12: 52-55. [In English with Japanese summary] ● Ando, H. and Suzuki, N. (October 31, 1977) On the embryonic development of larval eyes of the scorpion-fly, Panorpa pryeri MacLachlan (Mecoptera, Panorpidae). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 13: 81-84, pl. 7. [In English with Japanese summary] ● Ando, H. and Kobayashi, Y. (December 15, 1978) The formation of germ rudiment in the primitive moth, Neomicropteryx nipponensis Issiki (Micropterygidae, Zeugloptera, Lepidoptera) and its phylogenetic significance. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 15: 47-50. [In English with Japanese summary] ● Aoki, J. (September 10, 1965) Proposal of new systematic arrangement of Otocepheidae (Acarina). Report of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 1: 16-18. [In Japanese] ● Aoki, J. (October 1, 1968) The first record of the mites of the genus Asca from Japan. Proceeding of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 4: 30-32. [In Japanese with English summary] ● Aoki, J. (October 1, 1968) Classificatory characters of Otocepheidae. Proceeding of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 4: 32-33. [In Japanese] (Acari) ● Aoki, J. (June 25, 1980) Revision of the orbatid mites of Japan. III. Families Protoplophoridae, Archoplophoridae and Mesoplophoridae. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 18: 5-16. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Archoplophora villosa [Zoh-irekodani] ❍ genus Apoplophora [Mae-irekodani Zoku] ❍ Apoplophora remota [Mae-irekodani] ● Aoki, J. (December 25, 1987) Three species of orbatid mites from Kume-jima Island, Southwest Japan.Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 36: 25-28. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Eremobelba okinawa [minami-kumosuke-dani] ❍ Mixacarus exilis foveolatus [ryžkyž-tsutsuhara-dani] ● Aoki, J. (December 25, 1988) New orbatid mites (Acari: Orbatida) from Castanopsis forest of Muroto- zaki, South Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 38: 26-30. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Liacarus murotensis [muroto-tsuya-tamago-dani] ❍ Oppiella articristata [shikoku-tsubu-dani] ❍ Neoribates pallidus [marugao-furisode-dani] ● Aoki, J. (June 25, 1990) New orbatid mites (Acari: Orbatida) from Taiwan. I. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 41: 15-18. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Dolicheremaeus tamurai ❍ Heterobelba stellifera formosana ● Aoki, J. (July 25, 1994) New species of orbatid mites from a moor in Hakone, central Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 51: 35-41. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Hoplophthiracarus inoueae ❍ Malaconothrus yamamotoi ❍ Protoribates hakonensis ● Aoki, J. (July 25, 1994) Vernacular names of animal groups in Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 51: 69-72. [In Japanese] ● Aoki, J. and Maruyama, I. (December 25, 1983) A new tenuialid mite representing a new genus from Central Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 26: 19-24. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ genus Ceratotenuiala ❍ Ceratotenuiala echigoensis [echigo-maru-toge-dani] ● Aoki, M. and Kikuchi, T. (June 25, 1995) Notes on Caprella andreae Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the carapace of loggerhead sea turtles in the East China Sea and in Kyushu, Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 53: 54-61. [In English with Japanese summary] ● Arimoto, I. (June 26, 1978) Three new species of caprellid (Amphopoda, Caprellidae) collected by the national land agency from Ehime and O-ita Prefectures in 1976. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 14: 19-24. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Caprella (Caprella) branchella [Eranaga-warekara] ❍ Caprella (Rostrhicephala) brachiata [Era-warekara] ❍ genus Pedotrina ❍ Pedotrina globosa [Marugata-warekara] ● Arimoto, I. (June 26, 1978) Ceprellids (Amphipoda, Caprellidae) from Kushimoto (Honshu) in Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 14: 25-28. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ genus Premohemiaegina ❍ Premohemiaegina sola [Kodoku-warekara] ● Arimoto, I. (June 30, 1979) A new caprellid Caprella (Rostrhicephala) dissona n. sp. (Amphipoda, Caprellidea [sic]) from Toyoma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 16: 33-34. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Caprella (Rostrhicephala) dissona [Futsuriai-warekara] ● Arimoto, I. (June 25, 1980) A new caprellid amphipod, Caprella (Caprella) iniqua sp. nov. from the Sargassum region of ïita Prefecture, Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 18: 27-29. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Caprella (Caprella) iniqua [Fud™-warekara] ● Arimoto, I. (May 25, 1982) Three species of caprellid amphipods from Ogasawara Islands, with a description of a new species. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 22: 21- 23. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Caprella (Caprella) temperativa ● Asahina, S. (June 26, 1978) A remarkable new damselfly allied to Bayadera (Odonata, Euphaeidae). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 14: 43-46. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Schmidtiphaea schmidi ● Asahina, S. (June 29, 1981) A new Chlorogomphus from Thailand (Odonata, Cordulegasteridae). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 20: 35-38. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Chlorogomphus arooni ● Asahina, S. (December 25, 1983) A new Macromia from southern Thailand (Odonata, Corduliidae). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 26: 35-39. [In English with Japanese summary] ❍ Macromia pinratani ● Asahina, S. (July 25, 1986) A new Oligoaeschna (Odonata, Aeschnidae). Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology, No. 33: 29-31. [In English with Japanese summary]
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