SITES CONTROLES BE CAREFUL OF TICKS to their cocoons, and most importantly do CLASSIFICATION To protect yourself from Lyme Disease look not touch them. RECOMMENDATIONS for ticks on your skin and clothes. In case of a ■ Do not walk or bathe in an area near a tree tick bite, quickly remove the tick with a special that contains a nest. tick remover only and continue to inspect the ■ In case of contact, avoid rubbing your eyes; area of the skin for a month where the bite take a shower and change clothes as soon as took place. See your medical doctor in case of is possible. BE CAREFUL ! symptoms. DUCK FLEAS CYANOBACTERIAS THINK ABOUT WHERE CAN WE In order to avoid risks of rash due to the bather’s In summer, they may develop. When this hap- PROCESSIONARY CATERPILLARS skin reaction, or duck fl eas, it is recommended pens a blue, green, or red colored scum appears They have microscopic urticating hair that may Consulting a medical doctor for any skin, ENT, or gastro enteric problem. to : on the surface of the water. Cyanobacterias create caterpillar rash, itching, and even eye or SWIM IN ALSACE ? ■ Take a shower after each time bathing and to may produce toxins dangerous for health. Do Indicate the bathing area you visited as respiratory damage. See your medical doctor well as the day, time, and the type of dry yourself well with a towel. not bathe when you see that the water has in case of symptoms. ■ Avoid bathing in areas close to vegetation, changed color! activities you did there. ■ Do not go near to these caterpillars, or near t ous ensemble pour votr e s a n t é algae, and rooted plants. FOR MORE INFORMATION : www.soleil.info SOME ADVICE PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE SUN AND FROM HEAT ■ Do not remain too long exposed to the sun: ■ Strongly protect your babies and your chil- BATHE SAFELY look for shade, avoid going in the sun at its dren from the sun, take them under the CONTROLS ON BATHING AREAS highest peak of the day between 12:00 pm shade and give them drinks before they ask LIFE GUARDED SITES ■ To avoid any risk of accident, do not consume The quality of water is controlled : and 4:00 pm. for it or get thirsty. alcohol before and during your swim and FOR SWIMMING, ■ everyday by the bathing site’s supervisor to wait about 2 hours after eating a large meal ■ Use the correct protection: sunscreen should ■ Be careful of taking particular medications enable detection of any possible anomalies, before bathing. QUALITY CONTROL ■ at least once every two weeks by the Regio- be applied regularly, use hats with wide brims, before and during sun bathing and tanning ; nal Agency for Health. sun glasses, wear dry clothes... also remember to drink water often. ON WATER ■ Enter the water slowly to avoid risks of hydro- cution, especially if you have been in the sun If the results are nonconforming, the bathing for some time or after any intense physical Thanks to its great geographic diversity site is either closed or limited for use. All results activities. The Great East Region off ers numerous RESPECT RULES OF HYGIENE are posted at the bathing sites, please read places where you can fi nd nature preser- ■ Always choose bathing areas that are super- them! ■ Avoid bathing in any pools of water during ■ Don’t throw trash on the ground (paper, ciga- down on the ground, and take advantage of ves favorable for swimming and bathing vised ( ) or where there is the quickest and directly after it has rained ; the ground rette butts, left-over food...) and do not bury the showers that are provided for you. activities. The Regional Health Agency possible access for paramedics or rescue having been drenched by rain may tempora- it either : use the public waste baskets. (RHA) controls the quality of water at squads. Respect the safety rules that are in- rily degrade the quality of sanitary water. ■ Avoid bathing if you have an open cut or sites for swimming and bathing, in order THEIR CLASSIFICATION dicated by fl ags for bathing. ■ Use the public toilets provided for you. wound. to ensure a quality environment for locals ■ Do not force others into water. Do not dunk and visitors alike. Classifi cation for bathing sites is established at ■ Watch your children at all times when they other people forcing them to drink the water. ■ As a measure of hygiene, animals are not ■ Notify a supervisor at the First Aid Post if you the end of each summer season. This is done are next to or in the water; ensure that they from results of bacterial analysis eff ected over allowed on the beaches. see any dangerous waste (such as shards or wear armbands that are adapted to them- syringes). a period of the last four years giving an overall IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, A program is set up each summer allowing for selves, or swimming suits adapted with a ■ To avoid skin infections, use towels to lie controls to be eff ected by taking samples from view of sanitary conditions. fl oating device. call 112 (Emergency European water in each bathing area. To enable you to Number) and 114 for people who are deaf or who are poor of hearing. take full advantage of your vacation, here you ■ Do not overestimate your own physical will fi nd some information concerning the ability ; in case of cramps during your swim, THE GREAT EAST REGIONAL HEALTH AGENCY quality of water in sites for bathing in the Great Bathing Sites fl oat on your back and remain as calm as is Telephone : 03 83 39 30 30 East Region. possible, take deep breaths of air and call for www.grand-est.ars.sante.fr classifi cations (on the back) help. Find our last analyses on: http://baignades.sante.gouv.fr Crédits photos : 123 RF, Fotolia - Mai 2017 Mai - Fotolia RF, 123 : photos Crédits 13 12 11 17 16 67 1 15 Bas-Rhin HAGUENAU SAVERNE 4 6 14 3 Strasbourg Quality 9 Communes Places for bathing Phone of water MOLSHEIM 2016 10 1 BEINHEIM Etang de la Chapelle 03 88 53 04 04 E BATHING 5 2 BENFELD Baignade municipale 03 88 74 39 83 E 7 3 BISCHHEIM Baignade muncipale La Ballastière 03 88 83 26 20 E SITES 2 4 BRUMATH Baignade municipale La Hardt 03 88 51 85 38 E 8 18 5 ERSTEIN Baignade municipale Wagelroth 03 88 98 09 88 E 6 GAMBSHEIM Zone de loisirs 03 88 96 42 59 E SÉLESTAT 7 GERSTHEIM Camping Clair Ruisseau 03 88 98 30 04 E 19 QUALITY OF WATER 8 HUTTENHEIM Baignade municipale Husacker 03 88 74 43 48 E FOR BATHING Colmar 9 ILLKIRCH-GRAFFENSTADEN Baggersee 03 88 40 33 12 E E BAS-RHIN 10 ILLKIRCH-GRAFFENSTADEN Lac Achard 03 88 66 41 63 E 68 EEXCELLENT 11 KESKASTEL Centre de loisirs 03 88 00 19 25 B B 20 Haut-Rhin 12 LAUTERBOURG Baignade municipale Les Mouettes 03 88 54 68 60 E E B Access conditions for every site are fi xed by the bathing site’s 13 LEMBACH Camping-plage du Fleckenstein 03 88 94 40 38 I S supervisor. E GOOD Don’t hesitate to call before coming (opening hours, parking, B 14 REICHSTETT Baignade municipale Neubiltz 03 88 20 51 30 I S free access...) THANN I 15 ROESCHWOOG Camping-plage Staedly 03 88 86 42 18 E E BS I 16 SELTZ Camping-plage Les Peupliers 03 88 86 52 37 E SATISFACTORYB 21 MULHOUSE S 17 SELTZ Centre plein air du Salmengrund 03 88 86 85 90 E I 18 WITTISHEIM Baignade municipale 03 88 85 23 44 E S I UNSATISFACTORY 19 COLMAR Base nautique de Colmar-Houssen 03 89 21 65 49 E ALTKIRCH I 20 KRUTH Lac de Kruth Wildenstein - E HAUT-RHIN 21 REININGUE Plan d’Eau de Reiningue 03 89 55 40 15 E NON CLASSIFIED New bathing area or insuffi cient number of controls Swimming areas provided for the public (First Aid Posts).
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