January 20, 2019 - Page Saint Barbara Catholic church 01/20/2019 St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org January 20, 2019 - Page 2 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so God rejoic- es in the chosen ones (Isaiah 62:1-5). Psalm — Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations (Psalm 96). Second Reading — All the varied gifts in the Christian community are from one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Jan 19, 2019–Jan 25, 2019 Gospel — Rejoicing at a wedding celebration in Cana, Jesus replen- Saturday ishes the wine supply (John 2:1-11). 8:00 AM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI 4:00 PM Vu Dinh Y † RIP SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES 5:30 PM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 PM Vincente Mai Van Minh † RIP Monday: St. Agnes; Martin Luther King Jr. Day 8:30 PM All Souls † RIP Tuesday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection Sunday of Unborn Children; World Youth Day Wednesday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope 6:30 AM Giuse Mai Hoang Tuan † RIP Thursday: St. Francis de Sales 8:00 AM Gion Phaolo II Tran Huy Tai † RIP 9:30 AM Inez Mendoza † RIP Friday: The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle; 11:00 AM Gioan Baotixita Ma Van Sai † RIP Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ends; 12:45 PM Alvaro Perez † RIP Saturday: Ss. Timothy and Titus 4:00 PM Giuse Tran Duc Toan † RIP 5:30 PM Phero Bui Quoc Viet † RIP READINGS FOR THE WEEK 7:00 PM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28, or any Monday of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer 6:30 AM Anna Nguyen Thi Que † RIP Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 8:15 AM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Tuesday Friday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 Saturday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9 or 8:15 AM John Summer † RIP Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:20-21 5:30 PM Giuse Tran Quang Thiem † RIP Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 7:00 PM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Wednesday 6:30 AM Giuse Duong Van Ngoc † RIP 8:15 AM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI Thursday 6:30 AM Anna Ho Thi Bich Dao † RIP 8:15 AM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI Monday Jan. 21 Friday 8:15 AM Teresa Hanh Nguyen † RIP 5:30 PM Phanxico Xavier Ho Quang Hue† RIP 7:00 PM Vincent Daniel Saldivar SI THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! Your donations for the weeks of Jan 12 – Jan 13, 2019: $27,581.00 Thank you for your continuing support to sustain the ministries and ongoing needs of our parish. St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org January 20, 2019 - Page 3 REFLECTION ON THE WORD OF GOD Today’s first reading from Isaiah arises out of the ordeal of the people of Jerusalem and Judea as they antici- pate the end of seventy years of exile in Babylon. Their sufferings and their oppression will end, and they are promised joy like that of a great wedding upon returning to their homeland. Although this passage is probably set in the early sixth century B.C., it is free of historical particulars. Accordingly, the Church has understood its imagery universally, as it proclaims God’s promise of healing, hope, and happiness for all peoples, in this world and in the next. When read against this background, the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana becomes a revelation of God’s presence in the person of Jesus, making these promises real for us in the here and now, in the transformation of our own lives. EPIPHANY--AGAIN? Two weeks ago, Christians celebrated the Epiphany of the Lord, or the revelation of God’s light to the world, in the visit of the magi to the Christ child. In other centuries, the wedding at Cana was also included in the Epiphany, as were other events, such the baptism of Jesus and even the Nativity itself. We now have sepa- rate, yearly celebrations of the Nativity, the magi, and Jesus baptism, but this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, in Year C of the Lectionary cycle, is the only celebration of the wedding at Cana. Even so, wedding im- agery seems to dominate the Church’s understanding of those other epiphanies, as we see in the antiphon used in the Liturgy of the Hours for the Epiphany. It refers to the Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as his bride, and to the magi as has- tening with their gifts to the royal wedding. It concludes with the rejoicing of the wedding guests. SIGNS IN JOHN--EPIPHANIES OF THE ROYAL WEDDING John the Evangelist describes the turning of water into wine at the wed- ding in Cana as the beginning of the signs that Jesus would perform to manifest God’s glory. Beginning here means more than first in a series. The beginning points to the source of all the signs in that royal wedding of divinity and humanity in Jesus as the Word become flesh, elevating and transforming everything it touches. The wine that Jesus provided was better than the water that had previously filled the stone jars, and it was better than the wine the guests had already been drinking. Early Christian writers saw in this transformation of water into wine an anticipation of Jesus transformation of wine into his own blood. The epiphany at Cana shows us how to become participants in that great wedding of divinity and humanity. Cleansed in holy waters and sharers in the wine that has become Christ’s blood, we too can be transformed into signs of God’s glorious love. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Aggie Smith, Robert Smith, Chris Luna, Anna Dang Thi Toan, Maria Trinh Thi Sam, Maria Huynh Thi Thuy, Greg Malagon, Miguel Cruz Quesada, Curran Jeremiah John, Tammy Dawson, Sandy Chirico, Socor- Maria Nguyen Thi Sai, Maria Guadalupe ro Medina, Fr. Richard Kennedy, Mari- Camarena, Vincente Tran Minh Thien, Phao- an Mahlman, Gustavo Hernandez. lo Phero Thanh Cao Do, Maria Dinh Thi Ruy, Christina Nguyen Levan, Anita Solis De Ramirez. Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shoul- dered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cry of in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen and sisters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the full- their hope of salvation and sustain them in body and soul, ness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. St. Barbara Catholic Church www.saintbarbarachurch.org January 20, 2019 - Page 4 St. Barbara’s Parish News Mass for the protection of UnbornChildren Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 @ 7:00pm Christ Cathedral Arboretum 13280 Chapman Avenue , Garden Grove, CA 92840 Reception & Ministry Fair to follow in the 1st Floor of the Cultural Center. ST. BARBARA SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Commemorating the 46th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Stop by to visit our school Bishop Vann invites our Catholic community as well as all this coming Sunday people of good will to join together in prayer for an end to JAN. 27, 2019 abortion, healing for those involved in abortion, and an AFTER THE 9:30AM SCHOOL MASS increased respect for all human life. 10:30AM – 12:00PM Come Pray for an End to Abortion with: Reception & Tour of school Members of Clergy, Members of Religious Communities, Representatives from all Parishes, and Centers in Orange •Early Registration - $100 off (New Family) County. For more information or questions, contact We now accept Applications for the new Alejandra Luna at 714-282-6029, [email protected] school year 2019-20 Contact Administration Office 714-775-9477 (English) Carol Lopez 714-775-9485 (Spanish) Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola Lenten Session 2019 Begins Week of February 16th – 21st Choice of attending; (Saturdays 11:00 AM, Sundays 1:30 PM, Wednesdays 7:00PM, or Thursdays 9:15 AM) Do You Feel An Inner Call To Grow In Holiness? God’s Plan for Marriage is Beautiful These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens, and given over a 10-Week period, will greatly Come and listen to the promises that God has for you. Prepare intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. for a Christian Marriage within the Catholic Church. This Come and learn the real purpose of your life and how to course is for those who are engaged to be married, seriously da- achieve it through self-knowledge, self-discipline, deep ting, wanting to have their marriage blessed in the Church, or prayer, and discernment of spirits. You’ll see miracles hap- those who are looking for an answer to the vocation of marriage.
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