4. ZICHY genealogy 04.01 Overview All Zichy-s are one family, to date !! … though ancestors first used two other names (Jára, Zajk) as people took their names from places/villages in their ‘possession’….. … the “-i “ at the end of a Hungarian geographical name means “from”, like the Latin ‘de’. So, we were called “Járai”, “Zajki”, “Zicsi”, before we settled (mixing the Latin and Hungarian orthography) with “Zichy” indicating, by the ‘y’, (instead if the normal ‘i ‘), also the noble status. … herebelow, in the family tree, we are called “de Jara” or “de Zych”, because these names are taken from written documents, however, the official language in the Hungarian Kingdom was Latin upto … 1848, a world-record ! … the data contained in the family tree originate from documents (kept now mostly but not exclusively by the Hungarian National Library and Archives), but the rare documents remaining from the middle ages indicate different dates (sometimes birth, death or marriage, or an important contract or the dates of appointment to, or the end of, a public office). Dates therefore do not cover all events one now would wish to know, and are thus not readily comparable either, but are, as far they exist, at least reliable. … note ! By now all the járai Zichys, the zajki Zichys, the zichi és zajki Zichys and even the non-aristocrat (but noble) Zichys have died out on the male-line, so only the “count zicsi and vásonykeöi Zichy”-s remain. These, however, … in great numbers. So orientation within the family has become easy today in principle, yet in view of the great numbers on the surviving count-line … not that simple. … as you will notice, in the genealogical records below all family members are numbered by the number of generations since the founder Járai Gál. In addition, after splitting of the two count- lines, all family members were given a) letters indicating the main branch/branch/sub-branch they respectively belong to plus b) an individual serial number that derives from their respective ancestry. This is to facilitate orientation and ease identification. …..the signes used are obvious: * for born, + for died, x for married, >< for divorced, ++ for died out, [1:] for child from first, [2:] from second, [3:] from third marriage. - “Bécs” stands for Vienna, “Pozsony” for Bratislava, “Kolozsvár” for Cluj-Napoca, “Nagyvárad” for Oradea, “Kassa” for Kosice , main cities with Hungarian names, now all abroad. … the main grades of nobility in Europe are: “herceg” (= prince), “gróf” ( = count), “báró” (baron), in this order of importance.These titles were granted in Hungary only after 1526, when the Habsburgs have become - in personal union - kings of Hungary. Before, the Hungarian kings granted only one title: “nemes”, that is ‘noble’. This however is not written out. 1 GÁL (1270) ! ! main trunk I. FERENC ! I. ISTVÁN ! ! ! trunk ! trunk ! ! noble line count line ! ! _____________________ __________________________________________ ! ! ! ! Baron noble line PALOTA OROSZVÁR Rubido-Zichy ! ! ++ ++ ! main branch ! main branch ! ! ____________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! branches ! ! ! ! ! Láng Adony Palota ! ! ++ ++ ! ! ! ! ______________________________________ ! branches ! ! ! ! ! Vedröd Vázsony Csicsó ! ! ++ ! ! ____________________________________ _________________________________ sub-branches ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Seregélyes Cziffer Szentmihály Oroszvár Libény- Daruvár ! ++ ! ++ szentmiklós ! houses ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 04.02 The complete listing of family members Genealogy ought to be as complete as possible. In principle this one covers all Zichys history has known. For this reason in the future: a) efforts should be made to list also outmarried daughters and their children, as well as priests, unmarried sisters/brothers and defunct infants so as to reflect real life in and convey a full understanding of our family links and history; b) send information about new developments (births, deaths, marriages) and/or due corrections to the editor. The genealogical data presented here reflect the scientific efforts of János (01.08.1939 - 2001.07.01) as he compiled them for the last Zichy family gathering in Nagyvázsony, August 2000. The updating remains to be done….. The genealogical presentation below (family tree) differentiates between: - a main trunk : the first 350 years, - trunks : the noble and the count lines beginning cca.1600 - main branches : the two count lines Palota and Oroszvár - branches : by chance three in each of the two count lines - sub-branches : six, existing only for Oroszvár - houses : several for both Palota and Oroszvár. This facilitates orientation in this extended Hungarian tribe. 3 The ROOTS - the first 10 generations (the main line only! – for details see table “G”) table “A” generation 01 de JÁRA, GÁL (in Latin: Gallus) – the first historically documented ancestor cca 1270 | “ 02 de JÁRA, PASKÁL (Paschalis) 1335-1341 tordai föispán ( = the chief of Torda county in Transsylvania) | 03 de JÁRA sive de Zych, JAKAB ( Jacobus) (together with brother Ladislaus “magistri” and “nobiles de Zych”, 1347-1382 as they obtain around 1340 from the king the villages Zich and Zajk) | 04 de JÀRA, ELEK (Alexis) 1365-1397 zalai és veszprémi alispán ( = deputy chief of Zala and Veszprém counties) | 05 de ZICH, alias de ZAJK, I. ZSIGMOND (Sigismundus) x. dárói Majos Dóra, 1370 | 06 de ZICH, alias de ZAJK, I. BENEDEK (Benedictus) 1400-1458, x. szerdahelyi Imrefi Anna, 1458 | 07 de ZICH, alias de ZAJK, II. BENEDEK 1458-1512, x.1st endrödi Somogyi Verona x.2d paksi Paxy Judit | 08 de ZICH et ZAJK, I. RAFAEL 1554, (zalai alispán = deputy chief of Zala county), x.1st szentbalási Zele Erzse x.2d beregszói Hagymási Anna | 09 de ZICH et ZAJK, GYÖRGY 1580-1593 (mosoni, vasi alispán = deputy chief of Moson, later of Vas county) x.1st sávoli Jósa Ilona x.2d Ostffy Anna x3rd Pogány Anna | 4 | ______|_______________________________ | | 10 MIHÁLY 10 I. PÁL 1623 1598-1638 vasi alispán (deputy chief, Vas county) veszprémi kapitány, györi altábornok ( = ……………………….) x.1st Dömölky Kata x. csábi Csáby Sára x.2d szentjakabi Pethö Kata | | 11 I. FERENC, zichi és zajki 11 I. ISTVÁN, de zich et vasonkeoe (= zicsi és vásonykeöi Zichy) x.1st Boros Kata 1616-1693 x.2d Francsics Éva báró 1655.07.17. (= elevated to baron as of ….) ! gróf 1679.08.21. (= elevated to count as of … ) for the line of the ‘simply noble’ for the line of the Zichy counts see tables: Zichy-s see table “B” below “D” (for the continuation of the main trunk), “E” (for the ‘palota’ main branch) and “F” (for the ‘oroszvár’ main branch N.B. Have you noted that the 11 generations above (table “ A “ ) overspan about 350 years ?? The details of these 350 years are given in table “ G “ below !! Table “H” provides the details of the now extinct “noble” line of the family . Table “ C “ shows the Rubido-Zichy, table “ I “ the Zichy-Woinarski connection. 5 The MAIN TRUNK - the ‘noble line’ ++ (= now extinct on male descendants) (for details see table “C”) table “B” generation | 12 ÁDÁM, zichi és zajki Zichy 1703, csk. kapitány; + Franciaország (= ….captain, died in France) x. szentmártoni Jagudich Zsuzsanna | 13 II. FERENC, zichi és zajki Zichy x. senkoviczi Horváth Kata | 14 JÓZSEF, zichi és zajki Zichy + 1764, tolnai alispán (deputy chief of county of Tolna) x. Bezerédi Fruzsina | 15 MIHÁLY, zichi és zajki Zichy + 1818, táblabiró, mosoni alispán (= regional judge, deputy chief of Moson county) x. kapivári Kapy Teréz | 16 SÁNDOR, zichi és zajki Zichy + 1843 x. Eperjessy Júlia |_______________________________________________________________________________ _____ | | | 17 ISTVÁN, zichi és zajki ANTAL MIHÁLY 1826 vtb.kamarás (= ……………….) Zala 1826.11.07-Budapest 1898.05.19. Zala, 1827.10.14-St.Petersburg x. 1854 gróf Grimaud d’Orsay Paulina x. nemeskéri Tomsics Julianna x.Erschoff Alexandra 1906.03.01 | writer, politician world famous painter/graphic artist 18 STEFÁNIA *…….. + Abbázia 1901.10.21 x. zagorjei báró Rubido Radoszlav ! ! > for the baron RUBIDO-ZICHY line see table “H” herebelow 6 The MAIN TRUNK - noble line – details table “ C “ 11 2-a-311122443 I. FERENC x.1st Boros Kata, x.2d Francsics Éva 12-a from I.Ferenc [1:] 2-a-3111224431 II. ÁDÁM 1703 cs.k kapitány, + Franciaországban (= ……………………) x. szenmártoni Jagudich Zsuzsanna 12-b from “ 2-a-3111224432 III. GYÖRGY 1743, alezredes, Komárom (= ……………….) x. Sallér Judit 13-a from II. Ádám 2-a-31112244311 JÁNOS JAKAB (1679……… - Bécs 1704.04.07) 13-b from “ 2-a-31112244312 II. FERENC x. senkoviczi Horváth Kata 13-c from „ 2-a-31112244313 KLÁRA x. Bíró János 13-d from “ 2-a-31112244314 III. ÁDÁM báró, Linz, 1732.09.29; x. nagykéry Kéry Orsolya 13-e from III. György 2-a-31112244321 FERENC ………………….. 13-f from “ 2-a-31112244322 SÁNDOR ………………….. 13-g from “ 2-a-31112244323 LAJOS ………………….. 13-g from “ 2-a-31112244324 IV. GYÖRGY 1762, csk. alezredes, x. Bezerédi Klára 14-a from II. Ferenc 2-a-311122443121 KÁROLY ……………………. 14-b from “ 2-a-311122443122 FERENCZ * 1773, mosoni alispán (= deputy chief of Moson county) 1767-1770 14-c from “ 2-a-311122443123 JÓZSEF + 1767, tolnai alispán (= deputy chief of Tolna), x. Bezerédi Fruzsina 14-d from “ 2-a-311122443124 JÚLIA x. Csiba János 14-e from “ 2-a-311122443125 ANNA MÁRIA x. Illovay József 14-f from “ 2-a-311122443126 ERZSE x. Hubner Ferenc 14-g from III.ÁDÁM 2-a-311122443141 FERENCZ báró, 1762 csk. ezredes, x. tápfalvi Polányi Judith 14-h from “ 2-a-311122443142 II. IMRE báró, 1743 14-i from “ 2-a-311122443143 ANNA báró, Vizeki, x. Tallián Gábor, 1774 14-j from “ 2-a-311122443144 ANNA (?) báró, x. simonyi Högyészy Antal, 1779 14-k from “ 2-a-311122443145 TERÉZIA báró, x. Nedeczei István 15-a from József 2-a-3111224431231 JÓZSEF x. dunaszenkvöi Bésán Franciska 15-b from “ 2-a-3111224431232 MIHÁLY 1789, táblabíró, mosoni alispán (= …judge, deputy chief of Moson) x. kapivári Kapy Teréz 16-a from József 2-a-31112244312311 JÁNOS cs.kamarás 1794, x. Bezerédi Zsófia 16-b from “ 2-a-31112244312312 JÚLIANA 1791.06.23-1849.08.27, x. gróf Somsich Pongrácz 7 16-c from Mihály 2-a-3111224431232 SÁNDOR + 1843, x.
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