THE ( UARTERLY J.OURNAL 0 P TIIE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EDITED BY TKE ASS][STANT-SECRET,~=RY OF TKE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Quod si eui mor~alium eordi et eur~e sit noa tantum inventis h~erere, atque iis uti, se4 ad ulteriora penetrare ; atque non disputando aclversarium, secl opere naturam vincere ; denique non belle et probabi_liter opinari~ sed certo et ostensive scire ; tales, tanquam veri seientiarum fllii, nobis (si vidcbitur) se adjungant. --1Vovum Organum, Pr~fatio. VOLUME THE SIXTY-EIGHTH. 1912. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND C(). PARIS: CHARLES KLINCKSIECK, i1 RUE DE LILL]~. SOLD ALSO AT THE APARThIENTS OF THE SOCIETY. MDCCCCXII. itl+t OF THlg OFFICERS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Elected February 16th, 1912. l~rtgihtnt. Aubrey Strahan, Sc.D., F.R.S. ~itt~rtgihtntg. Prof. Edmund Johnston Garwood, M.A. Richard Dixon Oldham, F.R.S. John Edward Mart, Sc.D., F.R.S. Prof. W. W. Watts, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. ,~ttrttaritg. Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S. ] Herbert Henry Thomas, M.A., B.Se. ~[Forti~n bttrttarp, ~rta~urtr, Sir A.rehibald Geikie,K.0.B.,D.0.L.,LL.D., i Bedford McNeill, Assoc.R.S.M. Se.D., Pres.R.S. Henry A. Alien. Herbert Lapworth, D.Sc., M.Inst.O.E. Tempest Anderson, M.D., D.Sc. Bedford McNeill, Assoc.R.S.M. Charles William Andrews, B.A., D.Sc., John Edward Marr, Sc.D., F.R.S. F.R.S. Richard Dixon Oldham, F.I~.S. Henry Howe Bemrose, J.P., Sc.D. George Thurland Prior, M.A., D.Sc., Prof. Thomas George Bonney, Sc.D., F.H.S. LL.D., F.R.S. Clement Reid. F.R.S., F.L.S. Prof. William S. Boulton, B.Se., Assoc. Aubrey Strahan, Sc.D., F.R.S. R.C.S. Herbert Henry Thomas, M.A., B.Sc. James Vincent Elsden, D.Sc. Arthur Vaughan, M.A., D.Sc. John William Evans, D.Sc., LL.B. Prof. William Whitehead Watts, Sc.D., Prot: Edmund Johnston Oarwood, M.A. LL.D., M.Sc., F.R.S. Sir Archibald Geikie, K.C.B., D.C.L., The Rev. Henry Hoyte Winwood, M.A. LL.D., Sc.D., Pres.R.S. Arthur Smith Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S., Robert Stansfield Herries, M.A. F.L.S. ~t~i~tant,~ttrttarp, feltS, an~ tt.ibrarian. L. L. Belinfante, M.Sc. ~l~i~tant ~ibrar/an ~l~i~tant ~ltrI~. w. Rupert Jones. ~. St. John Hope. ~i~tant ia ~ffict an~ ~.ibrarp. Arthur Greig. STANDING PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. Dr. A. Strahan, President. Dr. A. Smith-Woodward, "[ Secretaries. Mr. Herbert H. Thomas, J Mr. It. A. Alien. :~Ir. Bedford McNeill. Dr. C. W. Andrews. Dr. J. E. Marr. Dr. J. V. Elsden. Dr. G. T. Prior. Mr. R. S. Herries. Mr. Clement Reid. D~. G. J. Hmde. Dr. A. Vaughan. Dr. It. Lapworth. Prof. ~V. W. Watts. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page BAILEY, EDWARD BATTERSBY (~ M. MACGREGOR). The Gien- 0rchy Anticline, Argyllshire. (Plate X) .................. 164 BOLTON, HERBERT. Insect-Remains from the Midland and South- Eastern Coal Measures. (Plates XXXI-XXXIII) .......... 310 BONNEY, Prof. TH0~IAS GEORGE (• the Rev. E. HILL). Petro- lo~cal Notes on Guernsey, Herm, Sark, and Alderney. (Plate I) .............................................. 31 BOSWORTH, TEO~AS 0WEN. The Keuper Marls around Charn- wood. (Plates XIX-XXVI) ............................ 281 Cox, Dr. ARTHUR HUBERT. On an Inlier of Longmyndian and Cambrian Rocks at Pedwardine (Herefordshire) ............ 364 DAVIES, GEORGE MACDONALD. The Mineral Composition of the Arctic Bed at Ponder's End 243 DIxoN, HuGH NEVILLE. Report on the Mosses from the Arctic Bed .................................................. '230 GAI~DINER, CHARLES IRVING- (• Prof. S. H. REYNOLDS). The Ordovician and Silurian Rocks of the Kilbride Peninsula, Mayo. (Plates VI & VII) .............................. 75 GARWOOD, Prof. ED~IUND JOHNSTON. The Lower Carboniferous Succession in the North-West of England. (Plates XLIV- LVI) .................................................. 449 HARDAKER, WALTER HENRY. On the Discovery of a Fossil- bearing Horizon in the ' Permian' Rocks of Hamstead Quarries, . near Birmingham ' " 639 HILL, the Rev. EDWIN. The Glacial Sections round Sudbury (Suffolk) ... : ............... : .......................... 23 (& Prof. T. G. BONNEY). Petrological Notes on Guernsey, Hei-m, Sark, and Alderney. (Plate I) .................... 31 HINTON, MARTIN A. C. Note on Lemming-Remains from the Arctic Bed at Angel Road .............................. 249 a2 iv TABLE OF CONTEI~TS. Page HULL, Prof. EDWARD. On the Interglacial Gravel-Beds of the Isle of Wight and the South of England, and the Conditions of their Formation ...................................... 91 JONES, Prof. OWES THOMAS. The Geological" O'" Structure of Central Wales and the Adjoining Regions. (Plate XXXIV) ........ 308 (& H. H. T~o~IAs). On the Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian Rocks of Brawdy, Hayscastle, and Brim;~ston, Pembrokeshire. (Plate XL) ............................................ 374 KENNARD, ALFRED SANTER (& B. B. WOODWARD). The 3[ollusca [from the Arctic Bed]. (Plate XVII) .................... 234 LAKE, PmLIP (& Prof. S. H. I~EYNOLDS). The Geology of 3Iynydd-y-Gader, Dolgelly. (Plates XXXV-XXXIX) ...... 345 LEwis, FttANClS JOH?,'. List of the Flowering Plants ~from the Arctic Bed~ ............................................ _029 LONGSTAFF~ JANr;. Some New Lower Carboniferous Gasteropoda. (Plates XXVII-XXX) .................................. "295 MACGREGOR, MUm~AY (& E. B. BAILEY). The Glen-Orchv Anticline, Argyllshire. (Plate X) " 164 MATLEu Dr. CItARLES ALFRED. The Upper Keuper (or Arden) Sandstone Group and Associated Rocks of Warwickshire. (Plate XVIII) .......................................... 25"2 MUNRO, ~[ADELINE. Description of some New Forms of Trep,- stomatous Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of the l~ orth-~restern Province ................................ 574 NOBLE, ARTHUR HENRY (& R. L. SHERLOCK). On the Glacial Ol~gin of the Clay-with-Flints of Bucldnghamshire, and on a Former Course of the Thames. (Plates XII-XIV) .......... 199 REYNOLDS, Prof. SIDXEu HUGH (& C. I. GARDINER). The Ordo- vician and Silurian Rocks of the Kilbride Peninsula, Mayo. (Plates VI & VII) ...................................... 75 (& P. LA~:E). The Geology of Mynydd-y-Gader, Dolgelly. (Plates XXXV-XXXIX) ................................ 345 RO~IANES, JA~mS. Geology of a Part of Costa Rica. (Plates VIII & IX) ........................................... 103 SCOURFIELD, DAVID J. Report on the Entomostraca [from the Arctic Bed~ ............................................ _042 SCmVENOR, John B~OOKE. The Gopeng Beds of Kinta (Federated Malay States) .......................................... 140 TABLE OF CONTENTS. T Page SHERLOCK, Dr. ROBERT LIONEL (& A. H. NOBLE). On the Glacial Origin of the Clay-with-Flints of Buckinghamshire, and on a Former Course of the Thames. (Plates XII-XIV).. 199 SIBLY, Dr. T~o~As FRA.WKLII~. The Faulted Inlier of Carboni- fern)us Limestone at Upper Vobster, Somerset. (Plates II-V). 58 SMITH, BERNARD. The Glaciation of the Black-Combe District, Cumberland. (Plates XLI-XLIII) ...................... 402 STATHER, JOHN WALKER. Shelly Clay dredged from the Dogger Bank .................................................. 324 Tno~As, HERBERT HENRY (& Prof. O. T. JONES). On the Pre- Cambrian and Cambrian Rocks of Brawdy, Ha)'scastle, and Brimaston, Pembrokeshire. (Plate XL) .................. 374 VERNON~ ROBERT DOUGLASS. On the Geology and Palseontology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. (Plates LVII-LXI) ........ 587 WARREN, S. HAZZLEDINE. On a Late Glacial Stage in the Valley of the River Lea, subsequent to the Epoch of River-Drif~ Man. (Plates XV-XVII) ...................................... '213 WATERHOUSE, CHARLES O. Report on the Insect-Remains [from the Arctic Bed] ........................................ 241 WILLS, LEONARD JOHNSTON. Late Glacial and Post-Glacial Changes in the Lower Dee Valley. (Plate XI) ............ 180 WOODS, HENRY. The Evolution of Inoceramus in ~he Cretaceous Period ................................................ 1 WOODWARD, ARTHUR SMITH. Desc~ipti,)n of the Teeth of Two New Species of Fishes from the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of the iNorth-Western Province. (Plate LII pars) .......... 572 WOODWARD~ BERNARD BARHA.~t (& A. S. KENNARD). The Molhsca [from the Arctic BedT. (Plate XVII) ............ 234 PROCEEDINGS. Proceedings of the Meetings .............................. i, cii Annual Report ........................................ vii Lists of Donors to the Library ............................ xi List of Foreign Members ................................ xxii List of Foreign Correspondents .......................... xxiii vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page List of Wollaston Medallists ............................ xxiv List of Murchison MedaUists .............................. xxvi List of Lyell Medallists ................................ xxviii Lists of Bigsby and Prestwich Medallists .................. xxx Applications of the Barlow-Jameson Fund and Awards from the Daniel-Pidgeon Fund ............................ xxxi Financial Report ...................................... xxxii Award of the Medals and Proceeds of Funds .............. xxxix Anniversary Address of the President ...................... xlviii Announcement of the decease of Sir JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER .......................................... iii Announcement of the decease of JOSEPH DJcKr~'SON ........ civ Discussion on boring cores of Palaeozoic rocks from the London Basin, etc ......................................... cv Conversazione .......................................... cxii LIST OF THE FOSSILS FIGURED AND DESCRIBED IN THIS VOLUME. Name of Speeies. [Formation. ] Locality. ! Page ~ADREPORARIA RUGOSA. Campophyllum ciliatum, sp. | Seminula- gregaria nov., pl. xlviii,
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