E282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 2, 2015 Anne was born on March 4, 1911. Anne is his talents to charitable organizations. He and A TRIBUTE TO FRANK W. BERLIN a mother of seven successful children, many his wife, Susan Bay-Nimoy were generous IN THE 1ST SESSION OF THE grandchildren and great grandchildren. Anne, supporters of the arts, educational programs 114TH CONGRESS a dedicated and caring mother of strong faith, and public astronomy. They provided substan- also helped support her family by working as tial assistance to the Hammer Museum in Los HON. DAVID YOUNG a school teacher for many years in Massachu- Angeles through their Leonard and Susan OF IOWA setts. Bay-Nimoy Family Foundation, the esteemed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Anne, a woman of many talents, is an avid The Thalia Theater in New York was renamed reader, daily solver of crossword puzzles and the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater, and they Monday, March 2, 2015 finds time to pursue her artistic talents in were major supporters of the Griffith Observ- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise painting, stained glasswork and woodcarving. atory in Los Angeles’ historic 2002–2006 ex- today to recognize Mr. Frank W. Berlin III on She has an unfailing positive outlook and is a pansion, where the Leonard Nimoy Event Ho- the occasion of his 70th birthday. wonderful example to her family and friends. rizon theater shows the Leonard Nimoy-nar- After graduating from Valley High School in Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Anne rated documentary film The Once and Future West Des Moines, Class of 1963, Mr. Berlin Theroux on this joyous occasion of her 104th Griffith Observatory about the history, recent enlisted in the United States Army, 173rd Air- birthday. I ask that my colleagues join me in renovation, and future of the Observatory. borne Brigade. From 1965 to 1967, Private wishing her many more years of health and Leonard is survived by his wife, actress and First Class E3 Berlin served with undeniable happiness. director Susan Bay-Nimoy, his children, Adam valor while deployed to the Republic of Viet- f and Julie Nimoy, stepson Aaron Bay Schuck, nam. In fact, while serving as gunner on a six grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and UH–1D PFC helicopter during an emergency TRIBUTE TO LEONARD NIMOY his brother Melvin. extraction, PFC Berlin, with utter disregard for I would like to convey my deepest sym- his own safety, stationed himself on the land- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF pathies to Leonard’s family and friends, as ing skid of the aircraft and counter-attacked OF CALIFORNIA well as extend my heartfelt thanks for his the enemy below, saving his flight crew and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many contributions to the arts and science. the extraction team. For his actions, PFC Ber- Monday, March 2, 2015 The entire global community will greatly miss lin was awarded the Distinguished Flying Mr. Spock, who indeed lived long and pros- Cross for heroism on December 7, 1966. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pered. Following Vietnam, Mr. Berlin returned to celebrate the life of Leonard Nimoy of Los An- f Iowa to get married, start a family and with the geles, California, who passed away on the entrepreneurial spirit of that generation, estab- morning of February 27, 2015, at the age of RECOGNIZING THE 27TH ANNIVER- lish a successful insurance agency under his 83. SARY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST namesake. That legacy continues on today. Leonard Nimoy, best known for his iconic THE ARMENIAN COMMUNITY IN Mr. Berlin is an Iowan of whom we can all role as Mr. Spock in the popular science fic- SUMGAIT, AZERBAIJAN be proud. We must never forget those who tion television series and motion picture fran- have served this nation and fought for our chise Star Trek, was born on March 26, 1931 HON. KATHERINE M. CLARK freedoms. Mr. Berlin continues to proudly sup- in Boston, Massachusetts, to Dora and Max OF MASSACHUSETTS port our Department of Defense military serv- Nimoy, Orthodox Jews and Ukrainian immi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice men and women. His efforts benefit mili- grants. Monday, March 2, 2015 tary families through local, state and national Leonard began his acting career at 8 years charities. old performing in local plays and continued Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, It is with great honor that I, along with his acting through his high school years. After February 27 marked the 27th anniversary of five grandchildren—Isabelle, Emma, Gretta, coming to Hollywood, he landed small parts in harrowing violence against the Armenian com- Evan and Frank—recognize his patriotism on the movies Zombies of the Stratosphere, munity in Sumgait, Azerbaijan. his 70th birthday. I know that my colleagues in Queen for a Day and Rhubarb and in 1952, I am proud to stand today with the Arme- the House join me in honoring his accomplish- had his first starring movie role with Kid Monk nian-American community, including many of ments. I thank him for his service and wish Baroni. During the early 1950’s, Mr. Nimoy en- my constituents in Massachusetts, in remem- him and his family all the best moving forward. listed in the United States Army Reserves brance and mourning of this unspeakable trag- f where he spent nearly two years, writing, nar- edy. rating, and emceeing shows for the Army Spe- In February of 1988, anti-Armenian rallies SHEETZ—500 AND COUNTING: HON- cial Services branch. through Azerbaijan gave way to waves of eth- ORING SHEETZ AND THE BEST After leaving the military, he returned to nically-motivated violence, death and destruc- SANDWICHES IN THE COUNTRY California, and achieved wide visibility appear- tion. In the aftermath of these terrible events, ing on television shows such as Rawhide, Azerbaijan’s Armenian community all but dis- HON. BILL SHUSTER Perry Mason and Wagon Train, until he land- appeared, with thousands displaced, culmi- OF PENNSYLVANIA ed the role in 1966 of the half-Vulcan Mr. nating in a war against the people of Nagorno IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spock in Star Trek, for which he garnered Karabakh. three Emmy nominations. It was in this role That war resulted in almost 30,000 dead on Monday, March 2, 2015 that he became a folk hero, helping create both sides. Hundreds of thousands of refu- Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Vulcan culture such as the Vulcan salute and gees were forced to flee their homes. And to recognize the efforts of the Sheetz family and Vulcan neck pinch. The incredibly popular this day, those who lost their lives or were dis- their all-American story of business success. original series spawned an animated television placed by this violence still seek resolution Once a small family operated dairy store in Al- show, various new television series, movies and justice. toona, Pennsylvania, the Sheetz brand has and sparked a devoted following of Star Trek Many displaced Armenian families have grown into one of the most well loved brands that exists to this day. After the original Star sought refuge in America, and are now mak- in the country, with 14,500 employees and Trek series ended in 1969, Leonard continued ing vital contributions in the Fifth District of 437 locations across six states. Their business acting in movies and television, performed Massachusetts. Proudly, our diverse District is has changed with the demands of the country, voice-over work and acted in stage plays. In home to one of the largest Armenian commu- and they have brought us innovations like 1979, he returned as Mr. Spock in the movie nities in the nation. Together, our community MTO sandwiches and touch screen ordering, Star Trek: The Motion Picture and in 1982’s is a thriving example of strength and persever- which was first installed in Altoona back in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, directed the ance in the face of extreme adversity. 1993. Recently, the Sheetz family proudly movies Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Like the persecution of too many others be- opened their 500th store in Thomasville, North and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and ap- fore it, the lessons of the Sumgait Pogrom Carolina—over 400 miles away from where peared in the 2009 and 2013 Star Trek mov- must not be forgotten. the business was first born 63 years ago in ies. We have a moral obligation to promote tol- Central Pennsylvania. In addition to being an actor, producer and erance and justice, and we have a duty to rec- Originally called Sheetz Kwik Shopper, the director, Mr. Nimoy was also a prolific poet, ognize the atrocities that have kept us from company’s success is a wonderful example of writer, photographer and singer, who often lent our common goal. what makes this nation great. It all started VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:59 Mar 03, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02MR8.003 E02MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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