P2JW109000-6-A00100-17FFFF5178F ****** MONDAY,APRIL 19,2021~VOL. CCLXXVII NO.90 WSJ.com HHHH $4.00 Last week: DJIA 34200.67 À 400.07 1.2% NASDAQ 14052.34 À 1.1% STOXX 600 442.49 À 1.2% 10-YR. TREASURY À 27/32 , yield 1.571% OIL $63.13 À $3.81 EURO $1.1982 YEN 108.81 Bull Run What’s News In Stocks Widens, Business&Finance Signaling More stocks have been propelling the U.S. market higher lately,asignal that fur- Strength ther gains could be ahead, but howsmooth the climb might be remains up fordebate. A1 Technical indicators WeWork’s plan to list suggestmoregains, stock by merging with a but some question how blank-check company has echoes of its approach in smooth theywill be 2019,when the shared-office provider’s IPO imploded. A1 BY CAITLIN MCCABE Citigroup plans to scale up its services to wealthy GES Agreater number of stocks entrepreneurs and their IMA have been propelling the U.S. businesses in Asia as the market higher lately,asignal bank refocuses its opera- GETTY that—if historyisany indica- tions in the region. B1 SE/ tor—moregains could be ahead. What remains up forde- A Maryland hotel mag- bate, however, is how smooth natebehind an 11th-hour bid ANCE-PRES FR the climb will be. to acquireTribune Publish- Indicatorsthat point to a ing is working to find new ENCE stronger and moreresilient financing and partnership AG stock market have been hitting options after his partner ON/ LL rare milestones recently as the withdrew from the deal. B1 FA T. continuing bull runhas once BP plans to spend about again widened. In the past $1.3 billion to collect and TRICK week,stocks ranging from Unit- PA capture byproduct natural The Centersfor Disease Control andPrevention said the U.S. hit amilestone as almost 130 million people 18 or older,or50.4% edHealth Group Inc.toLBrands gas from Permian Basin oil of the total adult population, have received at leastone vaccine dose,while Johnson &Johnson’s shotremains under review. A2 Inc.toVulcan Materials Co.hit wells, with an announce- 52-week highs,joining 184 oth- ment expected on ending ersinthe S&P 500 that did the routine flaring there. B1 same.Those gains have helped extend the benchmark index’s PenskeMedia agreed to WorryOverMistreating Clots rally forthe year to 11%—notch- acquirea50% stakeiN ing 23 recordsalong the way. South by Southwest, the Investorsand analystsoften tech, music and movie festi- look to technical indicatorsthat valinTexas that has been measurethe breadth of the hurt by the pandemic. B1 Drove Push to Pause J&J Shot market’srally forclues about Two men died after a whereitisheaded next. Amar- Tesla vehicle that authorities ketisgenerally considered believewas operating with- BY THOMAS M. BURTON people said. Theofficials dug meeting to take the strongest looking at limiting the J&J healthier when morestocks are out anyone in the driver’s AND BETSY MCKAY intoaU.S.vaccine safety data- step: publicly recommend vaccine to older people and rising together,and signs of seat crashed in Texas. B2 base and identified the cases of pausingthe vaccine’suse could makepublic adecision strong participation aretypi- U.S. health authorities came great concern, but they de- while probing the adverse- as early as this week.Another cally viewedasasignal that a The Consumer Product close to simply warning about bated what action to take. event cases, the people said. option is allowing a return to rally has legs. In contrast, a Safety Commission told ablood-clotting risk from By thenight of April 12, the Sincethe announcement, widespread use but with an market with poor breadth— people with young chil- Johnson &Johnson’s Covid-19 officials resolved that urgent theFood and Drug Adminis- added warning about the ben- such as the one in the late1990s dren or pets to stop using vaccine,but they decided to action wasneeded, the people tration has been studying efitsand risks.FDA officials near the peak of the dot-com Peloton treadmills after an recommend pausing use out of said. Four of six women in the otherreportsofadditional arewaiting to see what avac- bubble—indicates fewerstocks inquiry found dozens of concern doctorswould im- U.S. who developed the clots blood clotting among J&Jvac- cine advisorypanel to the CDC with larger market capitaliza- instances of injuries. B3 properly treat the condition, days aftervaccination had ini- cine recipients, but it hasn’t recommends,the people said. tionsare carrying the load. World-Wide people familiar with the mat- tially been given blood thinner confirmed whether anyreflect TheCDC panel, called the Lately,signs of strong ter said. heparin, according to the fed- the same phenomenon, the AdvisoryCommitteeonImmu- breadth have abounded, are- Over the previous four eral Centersfor Disease Control people said. Yetofficials are PleaseturntopageA6 PleaseturntopageA2 Growing concerns over weeks,U.S.health officials had and Prevention.Its use could growing more persuaded, the AlexeiNavalny’shealth have become alarmed about similar have worsened the patients’ people added, that the six Americans abroad return for Outlook: GDP set to soar, sparked calls for mass pro- blood-clotting conditions in Eu- condition, the people said. cases reported so far arere- a shot............................................. A6 jobs not as much.................... A2 teststhis week acrossRussia rope involving aCovid-19 vac- That night, top U.S. health lated to the shot. Chile sees Covid-19 cases, GOP dangles infrastructure to demand the opposition cine from AstraZenecaPLC,the officials agreed during aZoom Health officials arenow deaths surge.............................. A8 consensus.................................... A4 leader’s release, with the U.S. warning there will be consequences if he dies. A1 Fatal Tesla Crash Investigated U.S. health authorities Oil-and-Gas Landmen came close to simply warning about a blood-clotting risk from J&J’sCovid-19 vaccine, NowHunt forWind and Sun but decided to recommend pausing use out of concern doctors would improperly treat the condition. A1 Job to securedrilling rights shifts to deals to placeturbines, solar panels Scientistsinthe U.K. plan to reinfect dozens of adult volunteerswho have BY REBECCA ELLIOTT He started around 2006, a couple of years recoveredfromthe virus to before the shale boom took off and pushed betterunderstand protection Carter Collum used to spend mornings prices for drilling rights in East Texas to from previous illness. A6 shoulder to shoulder with competitors in the more than $15,000 an acre from around record rooms of East Texas courthouses, $250. Successful landmen, racing to knock Thepresident’s decision to hunting for the owners of underground natu- on doors ahead of rivals, earned six-figure pull U.S. troops from Afghan- ral-gas deposits. At night, he made house incomes. istan overrode recommen- calls, offering payments and royalties for “It was kind of like the Wild, Wild West,” ENGLE dations of topmilitarycom- J. permission to drill. said Mr. Collum, 39 years old. His predeces- T manders, who feared it could OT Mr. Collum worked as a landman, tracking sors in the field included former President SC underminesecurity there. A7 the owners of oil and gas trapped in rock George W. Bush and Aubrey McClendon, the Two men died after a Tesla vehicle that authorities believe Sen. John Cornyn of Texas layers thousands of feet beneath the earth’s late fracking pioneer who co-founded Chesa- was operating without anyone in the driver’s seat crashed said he and his Republican col- surface and getting their signatures, a job PleaseturntopageA10 into a tree Saturday night near Houston. B2 leagues could support an infra- about as old as the American petroleum in- structurebill of around $800 dustry. BP slots $1.3 billion for Permian flaring............ B1 billion, asum well short of Bi- den’s$2.3trillion proposal. A4 Thegunman in the shoot- The New York ing at aFedEx facility in In- U.S. Warns Russia WeWork Listing Plan dianapolis legally purchased Power Lunch two semiautomatic rifles after being detained by au- Over Navalny’sCare Echoes Its Failed IPO thorities and having one Is Back other guN confiscated. A3 BY ANN M. SIMMONS tion, his team said, adding, iii BY JEAN EAGLESHAM BowX’schairman described The U.S. and China said “His lifehangsinthe balance.” AND ELIOT BROWN WeWork in acall with investors they would work together MOSCOW—Growing con- On Saturday, amedical trade New days, no as a$5billion revenue com- to set moreambitious goals cerns over the health of jailed union with ties to Mr.Navalny WeWork,which had one of pany, though that figure is a to tackle climatechange. A7 opposition politician Alexei cited the resultsofmedical jacket; cocktails the most spectacular IPO im- projection rather than acurrent Navalnyhavesparked calls for teststhey said they obtained plosions in recent years, is try- number.When describing We- Mexico increased de- massproteststhis week in cit- from theactivist’slawyer as now on the menu ing to go public again—and Work’ssize, the company tentions and deportations ies acrossRussia to demand showing he wasatrisk of im- some of the factorsthat wor- counted unitsthat WeWork of migrants in March, and his release as well as a warn- minent kidney failure, which BY CHARLES PASSY ried regulatorsonthe firstdeal doesn’t owndirectly. said efforts against irregu- ingonSundayfromthe U.S. could lead to cardiac arrest. areback again. WeWork is predicting a lar migration continue. A8 that therewill be conse- U.S. officials warned Russia TheNew York powerlunch WeWork isn’t doing an ini- rapid recovery from the pan- quences if he dies. on Sundaythat therewould be is back,with newrituals forthe tial public offering this time, demicdownturn, which hit its CONTENTS Outlook....................... A2 SupportersofMr. Navalny consequences if Mr.Navalny see-and-be-seen set: Makesure but merging with aspecial- businessparticularly hardbe- Arts in Review..
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