PE 19 Moy 6, '!966 lt HfiRTI WETC(}ME Fffi.EilU(lY$ FR()M FRITERTfiL ALBAI{IA 4 The Albonion Porty ond Government Delegotion heoded by Comrode Mehrnet Shehu visits Chins. A 4k Chino Celebrotes Moy Dry i Muy 6, 1966 PEKING REVIEW Vol. 9, No. 19 1 i Published in English, French, Sponish, a' Joponese ond Germon editions ! I TltE WEEK Chino Celebrofes Moy Doy; Lin Pioo Hoiis Vietnom's Air Victory; Li Hsien' nien Ends Combodion Visit (P. 3) AIllCfES llE,''DCrGUltBItS , Spectoculor Welcome for Envoys From the Lond of Eogles - Our Correspon' ent (p. 6), ; i Cornicde Liu Shoo-chi's Speech (p' 8) .. Ccrnrode Mehmet Shehu's Speech (P. 10) Comrode Mehmet Shehu's Speech ot Peking Moss Rclly (p, 13) ' Cbrnrcde Chou En-loi's Speech ot Peking Moss Rolly (p. 21) Molinovsky ls o Lior (p. 25) Promote New Upsurge in lndustriol Production Fut Politics First, o -Renmin Ribao Editoriol (P. 27) r Politics Mr.rst Toke Cornmond Over Work- Renmin trliboo Editoriol (p, 30) The Toching Exomple-Jen Hsin-yu (p. 33) i Choo Hsioo-shou-A Revolutionory Fighter on the Diplomotic Front (p. 36) , r Those Who Tromple on the Bondung Principles-Renmin Ribao Com- mentotor (p, 37) ROUND IHE WORLD New Revolutionory Meosures in Albonio (p' 39) Published every Fridoy by PEKING REVIEW Foi Won Chuong, Peking (37), Chino Post Office Registrotion No. 2-922 Coble Address: P6king 2910 Prided in the People's Republic of Chino E I THE WEEK vff//ffi4?/L744/71//&t4)///.//,//2. /f/,t .- I z//,/z/,/t/,//2ffi/zfztqv//:aal//,{2,r,/&.?//.////,/4,/// ,e,ma t, dependence and freedom. In our Chinq Celebrstes Mqy Dqy struggle we have received the firm support of the great Chinese people. rFHE nation celeblated May Day Shehu appeared in the company of If someone were to ask us now how I the day oi solidarity of inter-- Soong Ching Ling, Chou En-lai, Chu the many people do we have, our answer national working class gay Hsiao-ping, the in a Teh and Teng is: 70i million! Because we are and jubilant Three- million crou,'ds burst into thunderous cheers. mood. with the great Chinese people! people turned out in Peking; millions When they arrived in front of the Our enemies imperialism and re- more celebrated in Shanghai, Nan- park's main hall, the u,orkers and visionism are- doing everything king, Tientsin, Sian, Wuhan, Chung- students songs and waved sang they can -to oppose our two Parties king and othcr cities throughout the flowers welcome the leaders of to and peoples. They try to blockade us country. countries. Comnde Chou En-lai both and carry out sabotage; in fact. they Highlighting the celebrations every- w-alked up to the microphone and led stop at nothing in doing evil. But holiday-makers in cheering "Long where was the people's joy at the the they have suffered ignominious fail- live Comrade Enver Hoxha!" "Long great successes they have gained in ure. The future belongs to the Peo- ''Long live all fields of endeavour by holding live Chairman Mao!" and ple and to Marxism-Leninism, while the friendship between the Chinese high the great red banner of Mao failure and death await our enemies. pecples!" Tse-tung's thinking. their determina- and Albanian Comrade No matter how hard the Soviet re- Mehmet the tion to carry on the struggle against Shehu then tcok micro- visionists try to cover up their fea- phone. an-d clreered in Chineqe: U,S. imperialism and Soviet modern "Long tures as renegades, our two Parties, Iive Comiade Mao Tse-tirng!" revisionism. their unswerving sup- under the guidance of Comrade Mao port for the Vietnamese people's fight By this time, huge crowds had col- Tse-tung and Comrade Enver Hoxha, against U.S. aggression and their firm lected'al1 around and the gathering and,, all'geriuine Marxist-Leninist baeking for lhe people of the u'orld turned into a big rally. On behalf of Parties throughout the world will in their revolutionary struggles. the Chinese workers, President of the hold high the banner of Marxism- All-China Federation of Trade lrrrinism and,deal counter-blou's at lnternotionql Solidority Unions Liu Ning-I gave his warm the Soviet revisionists, just as we The capital was studded with dec- greeiings to the heroic Albanian peo- have,done in the past." orative arches and streamers in front ple who. he said, "are waging a firm Delegates from Vietnam \\'ere given of many buildings and with red struggle against imperialism headed a big.hand rvherever thel- appeared. flags and coloured bunting fluttering b;z the United States and against In unequivocal terms the capital's in the May breeze. Despite a morn- modern revisionism u'hich has the u'orkrng people expressed their soli- ing drizzle, the crowds began to pour leading group of the C-P.S.U. as its dariil' s'ith the Vietnamese people in into the parks early to participate in centre." their patriotic struggle against the the varied festivities. From darvn till Ilysni Kapo, Member of the Polit- U.S. imperialists and their lacke-vs. Iate in the night. the city resounded ical Bureau of the Central Committee Guests from other foreign lands, in- to the singing of The lnternationale, of the Albanian Party of Labour, also clud.in$ artists and musicians from Workers of All Countries, Unite! spoke. He said that the Albanian and the visiting Guinean "Djoliba" dance and other revolutionary songs. Lead- Chinese peoples were linked in an troupe and the Laotian song and ers of the Chinese Communist Party eternal, fiesh-and-blood friendship dance troupe of the Neo Lao Haksat, and state Liu Shao-chi, Soong Ching which had all-conquering Marxism- often joined in tire singing and danc- Ling, Tung Pi-wu, Chu Teh, Chou Leninism as its foundation. He paid ing as they enjoyed the festivities En-lai and Teng Hsiao-ping joined tribute to the briiliani achievements in the various parks in a true demon- the rvorking people and their guests of the Chinese pecple and said: stration of the solidarity of the inter- from over 60 countries in the celebra- "These victories of yours are of great national working class. tions. Wherever they went, cheers international significance. The and shouts of "Long iive the Chinese hearts, the hopes a.nd the eyes of Moo Tse-tung's Thinking Communist Party!" and "Long live more than 90 per cent of the world's In Commond Chairman Mao !'' greeted them a - population are turned torvards the Nervs of increaies in production in rnanifestation of the people's love and great Chinese people, the glorious the first four months of this Year, respect for the Party and their great Chinese Communist Farty and Com- brought by workers from the capital's leader. rade Mao Tse-tung. The Chinese many plants and factories, added to The Working People's Palace of Comrnunist Party and Comrade Mao the gaiety of the celebrations. An Culture in the heart of the citSz pre- Tse-tung are the standard-bearers of "honour list" of outstanding workers I in lr sentecl a liveiy morning scene. When Marxism-Leninism and the cause of and factories attracted attention PeoPle's Palace of li the Albanian Parly and Government the people of all countries who op- the Working aware that their suc- ir Deiegation led by Comrade Mehmet pose imperialism and strive for in- Culture. Weil I i Mas 6, 1966 l aggressors was: "A na- tion in arms is like an ocean and is a huge trap for the enemy. If the en'emy trooPs should dare to come, they '"vi11 be completely wiped out." In the evening, a milli.on holiday-rnakers participated in the nramnroth carnival in Tien An Men Square and on Changan Bou- levard rt'hich I'Llns thlough it. On the Tien An NIen roslrum, Liu Shao-chi, Chou En-lai, Chu Teh, Teng Flsiao- ping and other leaders joined the distingui- shed guests from many lands to watch a Chinese and Albanian Iearlers at lllay Day celebrations at the Working People's Falaee of Culture magnificent fi.reworks display which lit up cesses stemmed from studying Mao revolutionary cause and bring both the skies over the capital in a myriad Tse-tung's works and taking them as industrial. and agricultural produc- colouls. the supreme directive in all u/ork, tion to a new high. Moy Doy Receptions the rvorkers in their skits, dances and In the Summer Palace, as else- songs aptly expressed the fact that where in the city, the piays, songs Two days before May Day, there Mao Tse-tung's thinking was the and dances composed and per- was a re,ception in Peking for the guiding force and propelling factor formed by both amateur and pro- experts and their families from over behind China's great achievements.' fessional artists rellected the up- 60 countries who are helping Chfna The scenic Strmmer Palace in the surge of revolutionary socialist cul- in ils socialist constluction. Teng capital's westeln suburbs was the ture in China. Alt the themes Hsiao-ping, General Secretary of the scene of a largc garden party. Over abundantly demonstrated the rich- Central Committee of the Chinese the lake drifted huge balloons ness and correctness of the iine Communist Party and Vice-Premier, trailing the slogan "Long live the chartered by Chairman Mao that art and Po I-po; Alternate Member of people's communes!" while the gaily and iiterature must serve the the Political Eureau of the Party's dressed hoiiday-makers boated on the workers, peasants and soldiers as Central Cornmittee and Vice-Pre- lake.
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