April 7, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 815 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO THE ROTARY CLUB the suffering of women and their families Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues join me OF MARYSVILLE serves as a healing process for the abused in commending Reverend Pham on this spe- and as an educating tool for our communities. cial day. He has led an outstanding life of HON. VIC FAZIO Through this medium, nationally, public aware- service and devotion not only to his church, OF CALIFORNIA ness of domestic violence has grown since the but to his community as well. I want to take IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Clothesline Project last came to Washington. this opportunity to let Reverend Pham know In 1994, Congress enacted the Violence the community he serves is most grateful for Thursday, April 6, 1995 Against Women Act as part of the omnibus his friendship and service. Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise crime bill. This legislation combined stricter f today to pay tribute to the 75th anniversary of penalties for domestic violence crimes with the Rotary Club of Marysville, CA. Founded in funding for programs to combat violence IN RECOGNITION OF DR. SAM against women. While harsh sentences and 1920, the Rotary Club of Marysville has been SCHAUERMAN a strong leader in encouraging and fostering new financial resources comprise a new com- community service in the Yuba-Sutter area. mitment on the part of Congress to combat This club has reached out to a wide variety this war on women, they are obviously not HON. JANE HARMAN of people, including business leaders, children, enough to stop the bloodshed. This is why the and the elderly. The Rotary Club of Marysville Clothesline Project is so critical. OF CALIFORNIA has contributed both financial and moral sup- While I hope for a day when we will no IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES longer need T-shirts to heal the abused, I ap- port to thousands of local organizations rang- Thursday, April 6, 1995 ing from youth soccer to Habitat for Humanity. plaud the success of the Clothesline Project at Throughout its long history of community serv- helping raise public awareness about the trag- Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ice, the Rotary Club has promoted high ethical edy of domestic violence. recognize the work of an educational leader standards for the business and professional f from my congressional district, Dr. Sam community. Schauerman, who is retiring after 7 distin- CONGRATULATIONS TO REV. But the focus of the Rotary Club is not lim- guished years as president of El Camino Col- JOSPHTAN T. PHAM ited to local groups. This club has lived up to lege in Torrance, CA. He devoted his profes- its goal of fostering understanding and good- sional career to the college, starting in 1965 will among people of different nations as well HON. THOMAS J. MANTON as dean of physical science and then serving as its closer neighbors. Through the Rotary OF NEW YORK as vice president of instruction before taking International Foundation, the Rotary Club of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES office as the college's president in 1987. Marysville has been a vital participant in the Thursday, April 6, 1995 El Camino College serves 25,000 students, Polio Plus Campaign. This program has pro- Mr. MANTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to granting associate degrees in arts and vided crucial funding and services for the fight honor Rev. Josphtan T. Pham on the silver ju- sciences, and providing an Honors Transfer against polio in third world countries. bilee of his ordination to the holy priesthood. Program for students who choose to continue Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the In this often all too materialistic and selfish so- at area universities. It also offers numerous House of Representatives to join me in cele- ciety, it is reassuring to see that there are still special and innovative programs, such as the brating the long history of achievement of the those who dedicate their lives to serve others. Puente Project for Hispanic students, Project Rotary Club of Marysville on its 75th anniver- Reverend Pham is a resident at the Our Lady Success for African-American students, a child sary. I commend its membership's commit- of Mount Carmel Church located in Long Is- development center, and an extensive arts ment to community service, and wish them land City in the Seventh Congressional District program. I recently had the opportunity to tour continuing goodwill. of New York, which I have the pleasure of rep- the Workplace Learning Resource Center, f resenting. which works with area business and industrial On September 15, 1944, Reverend Pham partners to create customized workplace lit- STOP THE WAR ON WOMEN was born in North Vietnam where he lived eracy courses directed to specific technical re- until he was 10. Soon after, he moved to quirements. This effort will effectively help HON. GERRY E. STUDDS South Vietnam as a refugee. He entered St. business in the South Bay become more suc- OF MASSACHUSETTS Paul's Minor Seminary located in Saigon in cessful, by providing it with a workforce IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1957. In 1963, Reverend Pham entered St. equipped with the skills needed for today's and tomorrow's competitive environment. Thursday, April 6, 1995 Joseph's Major Seminary where he studied philosophy and theology. Dr. Schauerman was first and foremost de- Mr. STUDDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, on April 30, 1970, Reverend voted to maintaining the highest quality of pro- commend the Clothesline Project. Pham was ordained a priest in his home par- grams at the school, and he succeeded even Five years ago, after several Cape Codders ish. In the autumn of that same year, he was during times of lean finances and economic had been assaulted by people they loved and sent to Rome to study canon law. Five years austerity. He also focused his energies on ex- trusted, they aired their dirty laundry. later, in 1975, he was awarded a doctorate panding the relationship between the college These women gathered in 1990 to create degree in canon law by the Urbanianum Uni- and the community, through his participation the Clothesline ProjectÐa clothesline of 31 in- versity in Rome. and leadership in groups such as the YMCA, dividually-crafted T-shirts bearing witness to One year later, in 1976, Reverend Pham Methodist Church, Private Industry Council, violence each of them had experienced. began his life in New York in the diocese of Torrance Chamber of Commerce, and Ro- After the initial showing of the Clothesline at Brooklyn. While in New York, he continues to taryÐboth as president of the Del Amo Rotary a Take Back the Night Rally in Hyannis, MA, touch the lives of so many people not only as and as district governor. it grew quickly and grimly. A year later, I was a priest, but a friend and confidant. In addition, In addition, Dr. Schauerman brought to the proud to welcome the line, which then had he has been active in the Vietnamese commu- college a new system of shared governance over 1,000 shirts, to Capitol Hill. The display nity, helping out with issues pertaining to mi- so to allow all those at the school to have a has now grown internationally to 35,000 gration and refugees voice in the decision-making process. He shirtsÐa sign that, while we are finally begin- Mr. Speaker, in 1978, Reverend Pham was began a college council, with representatives ning to come to terms with these physical and transferred to the parish of St. Jua of Brooklyn of the faculty, support staff, students, and ad- psychological scars, this is a tragedy of enor- as a parochial vicar. Today, he is settled at ministration and guided its development into mous proportions. the parish of Our Lady of Mount Caramel an effective voice for local control. These numbers are devastating, yet the where he has resided since 1983. In 1984, he The departure of Dr. Schauerman will leave work of the Clothesline Project ensures that was incardinated to the diocese of Brooklyn. a real void at El Camino College, but I am · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 7, 1995 sure that he will continue to make significant Marine weather forecasting is provided to aging non-Indians to participate, thus increas- contributions to the South Bay. I salute this private yacht clubs. The Government should ing multi-cultural understanding. community leader and wish him well in his re- not be in the business of subsidizing luxury Mr. Speaker, I take pride in recognizing the tirement. boating. 18th annual St. Thyagaraja Music Festival. I f Mr. Speaker, in order to make the large also take this opportunity to commend Profes- budget cuts we need to balance our budget, sor Tuttle and the Cleveland State University DOWNSIZING THE WEATHER we must start with small steps. This legislation family for their strong support of this important SERVICE is a small but very significant step in the effort. I am certain that the festival will be downsizing of the Federal Government, and I great success. HON. TIM ROEMER hope our colleagues will join Mr. KLUG, Mr. f OF INDIANA CHRYSLER, and me in supporting this bill.
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