. INSIDE: The Georgetown International News INSIDE THIS ISSUE -Hungary: 20 years after the Junior Vindicated . page 5 _revolution -Black nationalist discusses Kissin­ Cabaret ... _ .... '.' . • page 7 ger mission Rec·Plex Sweeps. page 10 , -Behind China's power struggle 57th Year, No. No.8 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Fri~ay, October 29, 1976 3500 Tuition Jump Proposed Tuition Hike to $230 Administrative VP's Bigger Bill to Frosh Resign from MCFC by Doug Schappert mittee had suggested the elimination by Doug Schappert was that I didn't feel effective ... it A $230 tuition increase for of expense accounts not related to The resignation of University Vice was starting to bug me," Altobe)lo upperclassmen and a $280 increase academics and fundraising, and the Presidents Daniel Altobello and said. for _incoming freshmen have been freezing of personnel levels in ad· Patricia Rueckel from the Main Altobello contended that he was recommended for next year by the ministrative areas at the level of June Campus Finance Committee has satisfied with the committee's per· Main Campus Finance Committee_ 30,1976. sparked controversy and led to the formance: "I think that they have a 25i)() MCFC Chairman Donald Herzberg In its deliberations Tuesday, the expansion of the budget committee's very difficult task ... I think they're called the tuition differential pro· full committee did not consider tHe mandate. doing the best they can_" posal "a major departure _ .. this is a subcommittee's proposals, although Both resignations were termed Nonetheless, Altobello had reflection of the committee's realiza· Herzberg noted that the committee "unacceptable" by University Presi· expressed dissatisfaction wit.h a sub· would devote the spring semester to dent Fr. Timothy Healy after a committee report recommending 1 '172 ~97C 1977 tion that tuition increases have been regular and sizable and those stu· the discussion of long term priorities. meeting with the University Deans cuts in the athletic budget and with If the MCFC has its way upperclass tuition will increase to $3480 next year. dents already attending should be "One of the major responsibilities on October 19. Altobello and the utility surplus resolution passed given something of a break." He­ of this committee is to find ways of Rueckel had submitted their resigna­ by the MeFC in September. rzberg first· proposed the tuition reducing costs," Herzberg noted. tions the previous week. "I didn't agree with anything in differential recommendation. "One of the areas (we'll look at) is Assistant to the President Charles the utility resolution except the Faculty Fellows Get recommendation that Fr. Kelley MCFC student member Lou athletics ... you can't just super­ Meng commented, ·'Fr. Healy felt Kallas expressed disappointment impose the Recreational Complex on that persons of the stature of clarify the committee's role," Alto· with the size of the tuition increase. the existing athletic structure with­ Altobello and Rueckel should be bello commented. Pay Hikes in FY '78 "I'm not proud of that budget at out sizable tuition increases." serving on the MCFC." Herzberg, however, defended the all ... I'm disappointed that we had "We'll also look at areas excluded Altobello and Rueckel have both committee's performance in the past. by D. Schoppert Offsetting this deficit had been a to 'write the budget before we asked (from our mandate) in the past; .indicated, though, that they will not "This committee .started from The MCFC budget recommenda­ $300,000 tuition surplus in the the hard questions that we ought Student Life and Development, and be attending future MCFC meetings scratch ... I think what happened is tions for fiscal year 1978 are Graduate School and a smaller to," Kallas said. see if there aren't ways of reducing but will be designating "permanent we drew a little blood. We're going to highlighted by a $230 tuition in· surplus in the undergraduate schools. The MCFC's proposed budget also costs there," Herzberg said. su bsti tutes" to represent their de· draw a lot morc," he said. crease for upperclassmen and a 7% Having drawn up its 1978 budget recommends that the present level of Kallas expressed concern that partments. Michael Constantine, director of pay increase for full time faculty. recommendations, the MCFC now enrollment in the four undergraduate some "areas of the University are After the October 19 meeting management analysis. has bepn On the expenditure side, the turns to the task of drawing up long schools (4,600) be maintained. This living in lUXUry while others are Healy also announced that the temporarily designated as Altobello's proposed budget also includes a 2% term recommendations over the year's enrollment target had been scraping-and the students are paying committee's mandate had been ex­ substitute. pay hike for summer school faculty, second semester. 4,565 students, and some University for it." panded to include Residence Life Rueckel, vice president for stu­ a 6.5% pay increase for non·teaching The recent expansion of the administrators had argued that main­ He noted that the task of the and other Auxiliary Enterprises in­ dent development, also resigned on academics, a 6.2% pay increase for committee's mandate to include taining the 4600 enroilment would committee over the spring would be cluding the Food Service. These October 11, citing a lack of time. "If administrative personnel and a 16.3% Residence Life and Auxiliary Enter. place undue strain on freshman to "draw up a list of what we claim areas' budgets will now be subject to I wanted to do the rest of my job I increase in fellOWShip funding. pri~es will likely mean that these admissions next year. to be, as .a University, and look at scrutiny by the committee as had would have to leave some of my Total indirect costs will be in· areas, in addition to Athletics and Graduate school enrollment where the money goes_" been recommended by an earlier budget responsibilities,"_ creased by 9%. Indirect or adminis· some of the science programs which would be increased by 50 students "For the next four years there is subcommittee report which also Rueckel had expressed dissatisfac· trative overhead costs apply to all have shown faltering enrollments of under the plan. Graduate tuition going to be an eight per cent increase called for the elimination of several tion at a recent MCFC subcommittee three campuses and are determined late, will be the target of the would also increase by $250. in costs to the Main Campus, and the positions in Residence Life. report which had called for the t~je University's Vice Presidents ill committee's scrutiny. Herzberg termed the graduate tuition only way to balance the budget is to Although Altobello's letter of elimination of several Dean and the Budget Advisory Group. Several members of the commit­ increase figure a "compromise" keep jacking up tuition," an upset resignation to Academic Vice Presi· Resident Directors positions in A 12.8% increase in funding for tee have also expressed doubts that between the freshmen and upperclass Kallas said. • dent Fr. Aloysius P. Kelley was not Residence Life. library books and no increase for the present size of faculty can be undergraduate tuition hikes. In September the MCFC passed a released, MCFC Chairman and "No consultation was made with student help '. are also part of the maintained by Georgetown's existing -.- The-proposed budget also includes resolution calling for the return of Graduate School Dean Donald anyone in Residence Life ... -they Expenditure side of the MCFC's financial resources. Also, the Univer· an eight per cent increase in financial any Main Campus utilities surplus to Herzberg noted that "the letter did really didn't know enough to make budget. sity's overwhelming dependence on aid allocations designed to offset the the MCFC. According to Kallas, an reflect his dissatisfaction (with the those decisions," Ruec]{el com· To pay for this menu of expendi· tuition as a source of revenue (83%) $200 plus tuition increase. With the overall utilities budget surplus committee). I personally took excep­ mented. ture increases freshman tuition will is likely to be the subject of the increase the University will be variance of 8275,000 has ac· tion to that." "I hope that with experience and be boosted $280 and graduate fees committee's study. offering over 1.5 million dollars in cumulated in the first three months Altcbe!lo himself commented that leadership (the MCFC) can become a will be up $250. Nonetheless Chairman Donald student aid next year. of FY '77. "to screw the committee was not my viable tool for reviewing budgets ... This year's budget process had Herzberg has expressed doubt that Earlier in the year the MCFC Kallas noted, however, that based intention ... I would rather go I think it's a good process," she been made especially difficult by the even such long term study can avoid Subcommittee on. Tuition had on conversations with President before that committee as an advocate noted. loss of $550,000 of undesignated future tuition hikes. "I would be un· recommended that there be no Healy earlier this month, he was (for my department) than as a Rueckel has designated William funds which had been '.vailable to realistic if I told you there wasn't a increase in tuition until "all possible convinced that chances for the member. Scuerman, Associate Dean of Stu­ the main campus throughout Fr. strong likelihood of a tuition increase economies" had been explored_ In surplus being returned for possible 'lMy basic reason (for resigning) dents as her permanent substitute. the area of economies, the subcom· academic use were "zilch." Henle's tenure.
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