追求卓越 PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE 2 公司简介 COMPANY PROFILE 成立于2016年 IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® 是由23家代表着意大利美食文化传统的意大利食品 公司组成的业务网络。我们商业模式的概念建立于公开透明、互相尊重及信任、思想及经验的 共享、以及附属机构自身资源投入的基础上。 拥有着广泛及多元化的产品组合,IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® 的企业宗旨是协助其附属机构提 高国际市场上的竞争地位、品牌形象与产品质量,在生产、贸易与分销层面中充分发挥和利用 协同作用。 在众多与我们合作的优势当中,其一便是与出口网络经理直接对接的机会,以便利于有效的全 面收集与获得相关产品范围和企业的信息。 IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® is a business network founded in 2016 and composed of twenty-three Italian food industry companies, representing the excellence of the Italian food traditions. Our network is a model of business combination based on target transparency with due regard for individuals, sharing ideas, experiences and projects with mutual trust and direct commitment of the affiliated companies. Counting on a wide product portfolio of specialties, IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® aims to help the companies part of the network improving their competitive position on international markets, promoting their brands and the high-quality of the products, exploiting and reinforcing synergies at a productive, commercial and distributive level. Among the advantages of working with us, we offer the possibility of interfacing directly with a single interlocutor, the Export Manager of the Network, in order to receive immediately all the information needed regarding the whole product range and the single companies. 23 公司 | Companies € 850.000.000 总营业额 | Total turnover 2020 22% 国际销售份额 | International sales share 1.800 员工总数 | Total employees 使命与愿景 MISSION & VISION 团队合作 - Teamwork 在成为一个企业网络之前,组成IL BUON GUSTOITALIANO®的是人际网络。我们企业网络的成功 基于企业之间的相互信任与知识共享。我们要求企业家们投入他们的时间和想法,从而携手不 断发展国内市场同时拓展国外市场。 这些企业价值观令IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO®致力于在海外推广意大利丰富的烹饪文化,以及 教育海外客户如何辨认与选择高品质的正宗意大利制品。 Before being a network of companies, IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® is a network of people. The network works if there is mutual trust and sharing of know-how between the companies. What we ask to our entrepreneurs its their time and ideas, to continue to grow both in domestic and most of all in foreign markets, teaming up. Based on these values, IL BUON GUSTO ITALIANO® is committed to promoting the great Italian culinary culture abroad, educating foreign customers to recognize and choose the high quality of the authentic Made in Italy products. 我们做什么 业务网络经理 我们业务网络经理的职责是支持、协调以及确保我们的业务网络的成功运营。他们具有着调解,研究,和代表的功能, 协助我们的业务网络探索市场,不停寻找新的机会。 出口部经理 出口部经理是对我们业务网络所有产品组合感兴趣的国际客户唯一的对接负责人。 国际展览 我们参加了许多主要国际饮食行业的贸易展览会,从而在国外市场上获得了更大的知名度。比如说帕尔马的CIBUS,巴 黎的Sial,科隆的Anuga,新加坡的FHA,旧金山和纽约的冬季和夏季高档食品展,东京的Foodex等。 物流拼箱运输 我们位于维罗纳,雷焦艾米利亚和米兰的物流平台提供陆运,空运和海运等国际货物的拼箱运输。 交流与推广活动 在适当考虑目标销售渠道和市场的同时,我们积极的在国内外市场中推广我们的商业网络,例如各个大型展览会、意 大利零售渠道中的临时商店以及国际贸易展览为国际买家们设计的活动与专门项目中。 联合营销活动 我们在与我们的附属公司的联合营销合作当中不断开发着创新产品。 WHAT WE DO Network Manager Its function is to support the network, coordinating the businesses to ensure the network success. It has functions of mediation, research, promotion and representation, exploring the markets searching for new opportunities. Export Manager The only point of contact for those international customers interested in the whole product portfolio of the network. International Exhibitions We attend the major international Food & Beverage tradeshows, gaining a greater visibility on foreign markets. CIBUS in Parma, Sial in Paris, Anuga in Cologne, FHA in Singapore, Winter and Summer Fancy Food in San Francisco and New York, Foodex in Tokyo and more to come! Logistic Groupage Our logistic platforms located in Verona, Reggio Emilia and Milan enable international groupage for shipments by land, air and sea. Communicaton and Promotion Activities We are able to promote our network of companies both on domestic and foreign markets: temporary shops in the Italian retail channels, events and dedicated Incoming projects for international buyers during the major Fair Exhibitions, with due regard to the target sale channel and market of interest. Co – Marketing Activities We develop new and innovative products, result of the partnerships between the companies of the network. 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: 100% ITALIAN BIGOLI NOBILI ORGANIC PASTA PROFESSIONAL DURUM WHEAT LINE PASTA 超过70年的意大利历史 More than 70 years of italian history 这家家族企业始建于1947年,历经三代人领导着它的成功。它 Today the third generation is leading the success of the 们着重于原材料的质量、从田地中就受到保护的生产链、食品 Company, born in 1947. Quality of raw materials, work 安全性以及对环境的尊重。在众多产品系列中,最突出的便是 in a guarded chain starting from the field, food safety Marco Aurelio 意大利硬质小麦面食与六个用古老的谷物为 and environmental respect are the focus of this family 原料制成的有机产品线。 Company. Among the different line of products, stand out Italian Marco Aurelio Durum Wheat Pasta and the six organic lines made by ancient grains. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT SGAMBARO Via Chioggia, 11/A | 31030 Castello di Godego (TV) Tel. +39 0423760007 | [email protected] www.sgambaro.it 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: P A 1 S T A 1 9 5 F R E S C A S I N C E TORTELLINI FRESH EGG PASTA TORTELLI RAVIOLI 没有秘密的美味 Goodness without secrets 自1951年以来,传统的传承和热情是这些高质量意大利饺子 Since 1951 high quality tortellini and fresh home made 和新鲜的自制意大利面食的秘密成分。精心制作的鲜馅意大 pasta. Tradition and passion are the secret ingredients 利面和新鲜鸡蛋面展现着它们对意大利传统手工艺原则的尊 of these products. An industrial production that 重。 seems craftsmanship. Fresh stuffed pasta and fresh egg pasta in full respect of the principles of italian tradition. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT PASTIFICIO AVESANI Via Pietro Vassanelli, 19 | 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel. +39 0456717737 | [email protected] www.avesani.com 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: FRESH POTATO FRESH POTATO STUFFED POTATO FRESH POTATO GNOCCHI “CHICCHE” GNOCCHI GNOCCHI WITH RAGOUT 只有最好 Only the best 作为意大利团子(gnocchi)生产的领军企业,它们除了意大利 Leader in the gnocchi production in Italy, in addition 团子的生产外还添增了全系列面粉和半成品供专业使用和自 to the production of gnocchi has added a complete 用,给予了消费者根据自己喜好来调配面团的可能性。如今, range of flour and semi-finished products for gnocchi 他们通过为食品服务行业大公司和Horeca客户提供量身定做 for professional use and for self-consumption with 的产品进行合作。 the possibility of creating customized mixes. Today it collaborates with tailor-made products with the most important food service and Horeca customers. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT BERTONCELLO GNOCCHI Via Monte Tomba, 20 | 36060 Romano d’Ezzelino (VI) Tel. +39 0424510420 | [email protected] www.bertoncellognocchi.com 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: SOFT WHEAT PREPARATION FOR SOFT WHOLE- ORGANIC SPELT FLOUR TYPE 00 HOMEMADE SELF- WHEAT FLOUR FLOUR RISING PIZZA 面粉的世界 A world of flour 如今,它以成为意大利小麦碾磨制粉的领导者,并以技术、研 Today it is the Italian leader for milling wheat and is 究 和 创 新 为 特 色 。经 过 五 十 年 的 经 验 、传 统 、理 念 、梦 想 和 价 characterized by technology, research and innovation. 值观,该公司已发展成为谷物加工领域的一个独特企业。 After fifty years of experience, tradition, philosophy, dreams and values, the company has evolved into a unique entity in the landscape of cereal processing. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT AGUGIARO & FIGNA MOLINI Strada dei Notari 25/27 | 43044 Collecchio (PR) Tel. +39 0521301701 | [email protected] www.agugiarofigna.com 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: TOMATO PULP ORGANIC TOMATO PULP TOMATO FINE FROM LONG TOMATO PULP BAG IN BOX PULP EXTRA- TOMATOES THICK FOR PIZZA 100%意大利番茄浆 The 100% Italian tomato pulp Steriltom成立于1934年,专门从事食品服务和工业领域的番茄 Founded in 1934 and specialized in the production 浆生产,以原料的种植地点和加工地点邻近的距离为优势,是 of tomato pulp for the Food Service and Industrial 意大利和欧洲最大的番茄浆生产商。 sectors, Steriltom is the largest producer of tomato pulp in Italy and Europe. The proximity between the place of cultivation of the raw material and the place of processing is its strenght. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT STERILTOM Via Provinciale, 90 | 29010 Gragnano Trebbiense (PC) Tel. +39 0523789811 | [email protected] www.steriltom.com 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: 100% ITALIAN EXTRA ORGANIC EXTRA EXTRA VIRGIN EXTRA VIRGIN VIRGIN OLIVE OIL VIRGIN OLIVE OIL OLIVE OIL GARDA OLIVE OIL VENETO PDO VALPOLICELLA PDO 自1895年以来对橄榄油的热情 Passion for olive oil since 1895 创造100%意大利特级初榨橄榄油的热情和秘密父子相传已经 The passion and the secrets for creating Redoro 传了一百年。引导该公司的仍然是传统的价值观:品质、真实性 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil have been passed 和特殊照顾贯穿整个生产环节,从橄榄种植到手工采摘,直至 from father to son for over 100 years. The values that 转化为特级初榨油。 guide the company continue to be those of the past: quality, authenticity and special care in all aspects of production from the cultivation of olives to hand- picking until the transformation into extra virgin oil. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT REDORO FRANTOI VENETI Via Guglielmo Marconi, 30 | 37023 Grezzana (VR) Tel. +39 045907622 | [email protected] www.redoro.it 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: AGED BALSAMIC ORGANIC BALSAMIC BALSAMIC APPLE VINEGAR ZEST VINEGAR OF VINEGAR OF MODENA VINEGAR MODENA 醋 :长 寿 的 爱 Vinegar: a longlife love 他将数百年来的制醋传统与创新相结合,使生产多样化,从葡 He combined the centuries-old tradition of vinegar 萄酒醋到果醋,从摩德纳的香醋到香醋醋膏,从调味料到待磨 with innovation, diversifying the production from 碎的醋。 wine vinegar to fruit vinegar, from Balsamic Vinegar of Modena to Balsamic Cream, from seasoning to Vinegar to be grated. 認證書 | CERTIFICATIONS: PRIVATE LABEL FRESH RETAIL FROZEN FOOD SERVICE AMBIENT ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI Via della Costituzione, 41/43 | 46010, Levata di Curtatone (MN) Via Manuzio Aldo il Vecchio, 12 | 41037 Mirandola (MO) Tel. +39 0376 47444 | [email protected] www.mengazzoli.it 主要产品 | MAIN PRODUCTS: OLIVES ARTICHOKES SUN DRIED BASIL PESTO AND TOMATOES TOMATO SAUCES
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