FEBRUARY 27 – MARCH 5, 2009 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO THE Oakland: On the inside: GREEN REAL ESTATE Building Interest in green commercial buildings keeps growing. 3 Green HOW MUCH CAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVE YOU? Community programs offer help Business with efficiency upgrades.5 n KEEPING IT LOCAL n FINANCING GREEN n GREEN TECH GROWING n AND MORE.... © ELLA BAK E R C E NT E R / R I C HMOND BU ILD / SOLAR R I C HMOND / G RID A LT E RNATIV ES / SOLAR L IVIN G I N S TIT U T E TRAININ G TRAINED TO MEET LOCAL DEMAND: MEMBERS OF THE GREEN JOBS CORPS INSTALL SOLAR PANELS. 2 OAKLAND: BUILDING GREEN BUSINESS ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT SF BUSINESS TIMES | FEBRUARY 27 – MARCH 5, 2009 A letter from Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums he cities of America are the future transforming our community to create and capitalize on the new green economy. Our Green Jobs Corps program – in partnership with Laney of America. College, Cypress Mandela Training Center and Growth Sector, Inc. – iden- tifi es entry-level employment opportunities for individuals with barriers People will continue to move into to employment and provides them with the skills necessary to fi nd mean- ingful employment in the green economy. This program was founded on metropolitan areas for environmental integ- the premise that we can fi ght poverty and pollution simultaneously. It is elegant in its simplicity: bringing in green businesses, creating green jobs, rity and Oakland is well positioned to address and training residents to be part of this new expanding green workforce. the challenges of global warming and envi- We are also strategically planning the next major milestones of Oak- land’s development as a sustainable model city. Late last year, San Francis- ronmental protection through smart planning, co Mayor Gavin Newsom, San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed and myself stood together to commit the Bay Area to becoming the electric car capital of Ron Dellums sustainable development, green jobs, easy ac- the world. Early this year, I had a chance to talk to senior members of the Oakland Mayor Obama administration about developing an infrastructure in this region to cess to transit, and healthy, green homes and help us achieve our goal. I believe that the development of infrastructure that will support electric cars ought to be part of the focus in providing offices. revenue support to the region. We must develop this type of new green infrastructure to enable a future in which people can more easily place Oakland was recently once again ranked among the top 10 greenest cit- solar panels on their homes, recycle water for landscaping, charge their ies in the country by SustainLane Media. This was the sixth time in the electric vehicles and bicycle safely on daily trips throughout the city. Green last three years Oakland has been recognized in the top ten by a leading infrastructure improvements would put scores of people back to work and national survey. I am proud to say that Oakland has become a model for create business opportunities for manufacturers and retail, all while mak- the nation in terms of greening a city. Our four-fold strategy includes: ing signifi cant progress at further sustaining our environment. ■ Growing the Green Economy by attracting the emerging fi eld of I’m committed to making this vision a reality and I am humbled and green businesses and jobs; honored to be working with such a capable and insightful community of ■ Creating Green Opportunities by training residents to secure and businesses, business leaders, city staff and community leaders to do just succeed in green jobs; that. ■ Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by increasing energy ef- fi ciency, shifting to clean, renewable energy sources, and achieving Respectfully, our zero-waste goals; and ■ Ensuring a Green, Safe, Healthy Environment for all residents and visitors. Oakland is dedicated to leading the country in creating green jobs and Mayor Ron Dellums The East Bay Public Affairs Team of Alicia Bert, Roxanne Cruz, Carol Lee and Tom Guarino appreciate our partnership with the Greening of Oakland. Passing the torch to the next generation. Together, we can reduce harmful carbon emissions to protect our planet and future generations from the threat of global warming. By installing a compact fluorescent light or CFL bulb, over its life you can save more than $60 and keep hundreds of pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. CFLs – one more way to fight global warming while lowering your energy bill. To learn more about CFLs and where they are sold, visit pge.com/wecandothis. “PG&E” refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. ©2007 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved. PGE_SFBT_CFL_10X6_75_4c_Ad.indd 1 2/20/09 12:07:10 PM SF BUSINESS TIMES | FebRUARY 27 – MARCH 5, 2009 ADVERtisinG suPPLement OAKLAND: BUILDING GREEN BUSINESS 3 Building owners investing in Green Downtown’s green retrofits shrink carbon footprints while boosting bottom lines BY JENNIFER ROBERTS “We knew we were going to do a significant renovation,” Zeff said of the 1950s-era prop- ough economic times notwith- erty. “We decided to proceed with LEED EB standing, interest in green com- even though it’s difficult to do. You have to mercial buildings keeps grow- deal with existing systems. It’s much harder ing. Oakland already boasts than new construction where you’re starting Center 21 is a seven commercial projects that with a clean palette.” Thave been certified by the U.S. Green Building Despite the challenges, he said, “the addi- new two-build- Council’s LEED rating system, including Cen- tional cost implications of certification are not ter 21, a two-building complex that includes as significant as the additional benefits you ing complex Oakland’s first LEED certified high rise. receive from operating efficiencies and from Center 21, which was purchased last fall by more market awareness and differentiation.” that includes CIM Group from Brandywine Realty Trust, Oakland’s first consists of a 20-story office tower at 2101 Making Buildings More Efficient Webster and a new nine-story, 215,000-square- LEED for Existing Buildings is a volun- LEED-certified foot green addition at 2100 Franklin. In De- tary rating system that provides standards for cember, CIM Group signed the first tenant for building owners to use in measuring their op- high rise. 2100 Franklin, biotech firm Cerexa Inc., which erations, improvements and maintenance pro- is moving from Alameda. grams. It addresses cleaning and maintenance While brand-new green buildings tend make issues, recycling programs, exterior mainte- the headlines, the fact is that buildings don’t nance, and upgrades of building systems, with have to be new to be green. Green renovations the goal of maximizing operational efficiency run the gamut from eco-friendly build-outs of while minimizing environmental impacts. in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mak- room and a unisex shower for tenants who individual suites and floors to whole-building “Certain components of LEED EB were a ing sure janitorial closets where chemicals are bike to work or go for a run around the lake upgrades of lighting and mechanical systems. lot easier to implement than others,” said Zeff. mixed are vented to the outdoors to prevent at lunchtime. Historic properties slated for restoration are Most of the operations and maintenance im- indoor air pollution, and using vacuums with With the renovation now complete and the also prime candidates for green improvements. provements relate to how you run building, he high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. new systems and procedures in place, Zeff RPR Architects proved this with the LEED- said, which means “you need to retrain the The building’s maintenance vendors have and his green building consultant, Oakland- Gold renovation of their offices in the 1920s building staff,” including building manage- been largely supportive of the improvements. based KEMA, are preparing the paperwork Uptown Arts Building on Telegraph Avenue. ment and cleaning services. “Some of the changes are investments for the for LEED EB certification. Despite the cost On Lake Merritt, the Municipal Boat House New procedures at Plaza 360 included janitorial company,” Zeff said. “We’ve been and administrative effort entailed in getting is undergoing a green and historic restoration switching to cleaning compounds that are low a little ahead of curve with some of our ven- certified, Zeff believes it’s worthwhile. that’s anticipated to be LEED certified. dors but they’re very eager to learn because “The payback is higher tenant retention and R I For building owners looking to bring oper- C they realize there’s added value for their other market differentiation. And there are savings K ST ating costs in check, attract tenants and help buildings. They know this is the direction the from the operating efficiencies of the mechan- U lower the region’s carbon footprint, rehabbing CO LTZ. industry is going.” ical systems,” he said. an existing building is the way to go. “The most difficult portion of the process Zeff is optimistic that Plaza 360 will reach U RT we’ve encountered is the mechanical systems,” 70% occupancy by the end of the first quarter 360 Degrees of Improvement ES said Zeff. LEED EB requires recommission- of 2009. Recently, he leased 10,000 square Y OF PA It pays to go green. That’s the conclusion of ing of the building’s systems, which means feet of space to new tenants who were at- David Zeff of Pacific Real Estate Partners, which C evaluating and testing them to make sure tracted to the building specifically because of IFI owns the 8-story multi-tenant office building at C they’re working as efficiently as possible.
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