KULISH'S TTIE PEOPT T''S MAT AKFII AND GIRAUDOUX'S THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT : A COMPARISON. by JAMES A. KOMTNOT{SKT A t.hesis presented t,o the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partíal fulfillment, of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Department of German and Slavic Studies The University of Manitoba winnipeg, Manit.oba (c) March, 1995 N,{onaloLibrav Bibliothèque nationale I * I du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliograPhiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Your l¡le Votrc rélércnce Our lile Nolre élércnce The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusive licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des person nes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qui protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-612-13267-7 C,anadä Nome DtsserlølionDisserlølion AbsrractsAbsrracls lnternøionotInlernønonol ¡s orronged by brooo, generol subiectsubjecf cotegories. Pleose select the one subiectsubie which most neorly describes lhe conlent of your dissertotion. Enter the corresponding four-digit code in the spoces provided. øIT:'W {J.h4.f SUBJECf CODE Subiect Cotegories seSE ffiwffiAF$ErãEg ÅBüÞ g@€åAe S€åEh{€85 COffiffiUNICATIOHS AND THE ARTS Psvcholoov .....0525 PHII.OSOPHY, RTTIGION AND 4ncient.............. .................0579 Architecture ....... ....................... 07 29 Reodino 11................................. 0535 ÏHEOI.OGY Medievol ............................ 058 ì Arl History ......... ....................... 0377 Relioioüs ........0527 Modern .............................. 0582 Philosophy .......... ...................... O Á22 Scie'nces ............. .............. | 4 Cinemo .................................... 0900 -.......07 Relioion Block ......................,...........0328 Donce ...................................... 0378 Secondory ................................ 0533 Ahicon ...............................0331 öenerol .............................. 03 I Fine ........0357 Sociol Scíences ......................... 0534 I Asio, Austrolio ond Arts Biblicol Studies .................... 032 I Oceonio 0332 lnformolion Science .............. ..... 0723 Socioloqy of ............................. 0340 Conodion ........................... 0334 Journolism ......0391 Speciol1.............. ...................... 0529 Europeon ............................ 0335 Librory Science ......................... 0399 Töocher Troinino ....................... 0530 Lolin 4mericon .................... 033ó Moss Communicolions ............... 0708 Technoloov ..... 1........................ 07,l 0 Middle Eostern .................... 0333 Music ....................................... 041 3 Tests ondÁ4eosuremenÌs ............ 0288 Unìted Stotes ........0337 Soeech Communicotion ............. 0459 Vocotionol ......07A7 s00Är. scrtN(E5 Hifory of Science ............ ........0585 Theoter .................................... 0¿ó5 low .. .. ... ... .. .. ... Americon Studies ........-............. 0323 ,...,...0398 I.A}IGUAGT, ]IITRATURT AND Anthrooolæv Politicol Science TDUCATIOH LtHGUtSTt(S Arihodfoqv .......................0324 Generol ........-...,.,...... .....0ói5 ............. ................05ì 5 lnternotionol Low Generol Lonouooe Culturol ...1......... .................0326 ond Adminishotion .......................... 05 I 4 Relotions ì ëeiêrol ............. ................. oó7 I Physicol ............. ................. 0327 ........ 0ó ó Adult ond Continuino ................05.l ó Public Administrotion .. ........0617 Ancient ............................... 0289 Busine'ss Admi n i strotion Aoriculturol ........... I................. OS I z Recreolion ........081 4 LinouisÌics ........................... 0290 Generol .............................. 03 ì 0 Añ.................... .......................0273 Sociol Work ... ...o452 Mcìäern ............. ................. O29 1 Accounting ......................... 027 2 Bilinouol ond Multiculturol .........0282 Sociology Literoture Bonking ............. .................0770 , Busiñess ................................... 0ó88 Generol .............................. 040 I Monooemenl .....-......-...-.....0454 uenerot ..................... ...0626 CommuniV Colleo e ................... 027 5 Clossicol ............ .................029A MorkeÏino ........................... 0338 Criminology ond Penology ...0627 Curriculuó ond lñstruction ......... 0727 DemooroohY -....- ...0938 Comporotive ....................... 029 5 Conodion Srridies ..................... 0385 (ociol Eorlv childhæd ........................ 05 ì 8 .. 1 Medíevol ............................ 0297 Economics Ethnic"onä Studies ... 0ó3 .....052Á Elerientory Modern .............................. 0298 Generol .......................... ...050ì lndividuol ond Fomilv Finonce .............. ...................... 0277 : Africon.............. .... ....031ó Aoriculturol ...0503 Studies ........ ...0628 Guidonce ond Counselinq ......... 051 9 lndustriol ond Lobor Americon 059 ì Cðmmerce-Business ......... ...0505 Heo|th ..........................:.......... 0ó80 Asion ................................. 0305 Finonce...... ...0508 Relolions ...0629 45 Hiqher ............... ......................07 Conodion lEnqlish) .............. 0352 Hìstory........ ...0509 Public ond Socìol Welfore. ...0ó30 Hiítory .......0520 Sociol Skuclure ond of Conodion (rre'nchi .............. 0355 Lobor'......... t HomiEconomics ...................... 0278 ...05 0 Enolish ............................... 0593 Theorv........ ...051I Develoomenl .. 0700 ........0521 Theory lnduskiol Ge'rmonic ........................... 03 I I Folklore ..'.......... ...0358 ohd Methods .-....... ...0344 Lonouooe ond Literolure ............ 0279 Lotin Americon .................... 03.] 2 Geogrophy....... ...03óó Tronsoortâtion ...0709 MoiÉem"otics ............................. 0280 . Middle Eostern .................... 031 5 þeronlology ..... ...035r UrboÅ ond Reoìonol Plonnino ...0999 Romonce ............................ 03'i 3 Historv Women's Studíes ...............].. ...0¿53 Slovic ond EosÌ Europeon .....031 ¿ Gánerol . 0578 ËHE S€¡EN€ES AhIB EN&EhrEEm¡hü6 Bl0toct(ÂL scINCrs Geodesy ........0370 Speech Polhology ................0460 Enoineerino "Gun"rof Aoriculture" ceolgsi; ......................0372 Toxicology .....-.... 0383 ...0537 Generol .............................. O a7 3 Ueophysrcs .............................. 0373 Home Economics ...................... 038ó Aerosooce .,0538 Aoronomy .......................... 0285 Hvdiolôov ......0388 Agricülturol ...0539 Añimol Ci:lture ond Minerolöv ............................... 04 ì ì PHYSI(AT S(IENCES Automolive ... 0540 Nulrition ..-......... ..............047 5 Polæbotoîv ............................. 03¿5 Pure Sciences Biomedicol ...0541 Animol Polholoov ................ 047 6 Polemoloóy ............................ 0 42ó Chemicol Chemistrv ...0542 Food Science oñä Poleontolo<ìv ............................. 0¿ I I Civil ....,............. ...05¿3 Gendrol .... .. 0¿85 Technoloov ...................... 0359 Poleozooloiy ..................,......... 0985 Eleclronics ond Electricol ... ...05a4 Aoriculturol .... 07a9 Foresrry onäWildlife ........... 0¿78 Polvnolooy .....0A27 Heot ond Thermodynomics .,. Añolvticol ...... 03¿8 Plont Culture ....................... 0479 PhJsicol ëeooroohv .................. 03ó8' 0a86 Hvdroulic............ ........ .,.0545 Bioclíemistry .. o487 Plont Potholoqy ................... 0¿80 Physicol Oceãnogrôphy ............ 0al 5 ln'dustriol ...05a6 lnoroonic -.-...,... ................ 0¿88 Plont Phvsiolôäv .................. 08 I 7 Morine......-....... Nucleor............ ...0547 Ronoe úonooËme n| ............ 0777 HtAtTH At{D ft{VtR0NfUtNtAt ...........0738 Moteriols Science ............. ...o79A woõd Technõ|ogy ...............O7 46 Oroonic............ ..........,.....0490 Mechonicol s0rr{Gs Pho"rmocer¡licol ...05¿8 Bioloov ................0¿91 Metollurgy ...0743 Environmntol Sciences ......,...... 07ó8 Physicol ............. ................. 0 Aq A GËnerol .............................. 030ó Mining .............. ...0551 Heolth Sciences Polymer .............................. 0495 Anolomy .............,...,.......... 0287 Nuc1eor............. ... 0552 Generol .............................. 05óó Rodiolion ............................07 Biostolisiics 54 Pockoging ...0549 Audio|oov........................... 0300 Mothemotics .........,.....,............, 0¿05 Pelroleum Chemotñéropy ...........0992 Physics ...0765 ' Sonitoqy-o.nd Municipol .... ...0554 Den1isiry ............ ................. O 567 Generol ..,...,....................... 0ó05 system Scrence... Educotiôn ........................... 0350 Acouslics ...........................
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