TYNWALD COURT. DOUGLAS, TUESDAV„1ANUARY 26, 3915. Present in the Council: His Excellency 4, sub-section 1, of the Money-Lenders the Lieut.-Governor (President), the Clerk Act, 7908, the Governor, With the approval of the Rolls, Deemster Moore, Deemster of Tynwald, is empowered to make cegule- Callow, the Archdeacon, the Receiver- tions respecting the registration of money- General, and the Vicar-General; and in lenders carrying on their business within the Keys : The Speaker (Mr Dalrymple the Island, whether individuals, firms, Maitland,- .LP.), Messrs. J. R. Kerruish, societies, or companies; and as to the form E. J. Curphey, R. S. Corlett, J. W. of register and the particulars to be Walton, W. Christian, T. H. Cormode, T. entered therein, the fees to be paid on C. Kermode, W. Quayle, J. Quahrough, registration, and renewal of .registration, W. C. Southward, W. J. Radcliffe, W. 1'. and the inspection of the register and the °relineII, A. QuaItrough. Carine, J. fees payable therefor. Hitherto no such Garside, it. Moughtin, F, Quine, W. regulations have been made, but recently I•. Cowell. R.. Quells, and Cel. Moore. an inquiry was received at the Government• Office from a money-lender in England, as to what regulations were in force in this BILLS FOR SIGNATURE. Island. It is, therefore. considered desir- The Governor laid before the Court for able to have regulations framed in the signature the Companies Bill and the Poor event of money-lenders from across the Prisoners Defence Bill. water extending their business to the Isle of Man. Tho draft regulations, copies EX.FENSION OF IMPERIAL ACTS which have been circulated amongst the TO THE ISLE OF MAN. members of the Court, are similar to those The Governor laid before the Court copies which are in force in the United Kingdom, of Orders of the King in Council extend- and it is proposed to charge a fee of LI ing the following Acts of the Imperial For each registration ur renewal of regis- Parliament to the Isle of Man under the tration. This is the maximum amount Isle of Man (War Legislation) Act, 1914: allowed to be charged under the, Act, and is the fee payable in the United Kingdom. The Defence of Realm Act. 1914, as amended by the Defence of the Realm Mr Orennell : In connection with the (No. 2) A:et, 1914, Acts extended to the Isle of Man, will The. Aliens Restriction Act. 1.914. copies of these be circulated? The Courts (Emergency Powers) Act. The Governor : They have been circu- .1914. lated. I do not know whether they have The Intoxicating Liquor (Temporary Re- been specially circulated to the members striction) Act, 1914. of the Cnurt, but they have been issued The Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) to the public—not the Acts themselves, Act. 7914, but the orders extending them. The Trading with the Enemy Act; 197.4, Mr Crennell: I mean these Acts that end the Trading with the Enemy are extended to the Isle of Man now. Amendment Act, 1914, Tho .Governor: I am afraid they have The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks not been circulated. We have copies of (Temporary Rules) Acts. 193.4. seine of them, but not all. The Clerk of the Rolls: A book has MONEY-LENDERS ACT, hoen published containing nearly all the The Governor also laid before the Court war legislation, and copies have been sent, the draft regulations made by his Excel- to the officials, and to the Rolls Office. lency the Lieut.-Governor under section do not know whether it contains all those 4 (1) of the Money-Lenders Act, 1908. Acts or not. The cost of the volume is His Excellency remarked: Under section 3s. 6d. I think it would be very con- Bills for Signature.—Extension of fin it rial Acts to the Isle of Man. Money-Lenders Act. TYNWALD COURT, JANUARY 26, 1915. venient if all members of the Court had 30,000 illustrated official guides. containing them. Members ought to be able to make 152 pages. 20,000 No. 2 -handbook, giving lists of accom- themselves acquainted with the provisions modation and short descriptive matter. —I do not say they will. (Laughter). 90,010 Ne. .3 handbook. giving list of accom- suggest we incur the expense of sending modation only. On receiving assurarce of further grants from copies to all members of the Legislature. revenue and rates, the Board at mice arranged The Governor: Very well, I will do a very extensive and comprehensive newspaper campatem of large and striking advertisements that. the "Daily Mail.' 'Daily Dispatch," "Daily Mr Curphey : Will you bind them in a Sketch." and in 18 of the best London and Pro- vincial papers. A. ''1st of 49 papers thoroughly paper cover? representative or the whole of the 11.1-itish Isles comallotl, and advertisements were inserted The Governor: They are bound. Tho for six months from the list March. In addi- Acts are all bound together to a very lion, she Board were able to arrange 17 lull recent date—at any rate within a month. pages in various papers, containing attratlive articles on the ISIand, supported by advertise- ments for local hotels and boarding-houses. BOARD OF ADVERTISING. The full-page and display advertisements. as above, influenced a large demand for our books. The Governor laid before the Court the and your Board have every contidenee in stating report of the Board of Advertising for the that the maximum value has been received fur year ended 31st December, 1914:- the amcnnt spent by them. Other forms a advertising and display have been carried on '1'o his Excellency the Lord Raglan, C.B., Lieut.. as heretofore, with greater success, owing to Governor, and the Honourable- the Council tile experience gained during past years. Effers,,, and Keys in Tynwald assembled. have been continued in giving prospective ner• Your Lordship and Gentlemen.—We have the manent residents all necessary information honour to report that, for the year ending the induce these to take up residence on the Island 31st December. 1914, the returns of passengers landed at Insular Ports during the months May When the visiting season seemed likely to to September inclusive, show a decrease of collapse. in mid-August, special advertisements 218,106 as compared with the corresponding were inserted in many of the prominent news- months of 1913. papers circulating in the North of England. in the - endeavour to counteract the misleading Consequent on the outbreak of war at the statements in circulation regarding the Island's beginning of August, your Board much deplore food supply and other vital matters• and in this it had no adequate opportunity of demonstrat- we were joined by the Douglas Corporation, the ing the value to the Island of the increased Douglas Boarding-llonse Keepers' Association. grants for advertising. We may, however. and many of the principal companies con- congratulate the Court on the considerable corned—all of whom gave generous increase in passenger traffic up to the 31st of July (which data concluded the period un- As a result of the Board's advertising cam- affected by the wari, the comparative numbers paign. applications for literature and informa- being 283,835 against 269,105 in 1913; a net hi- tion numbered 13,412, and were received as e, ease of 14.731 follows:— 9.141 Our main efforts during the early part of the Douglas. Office—Postal and general year were direted to influencing an increase London Office— Postal ,3,01d of holiday traffic in May and June, and the Personal results amplyjustify our action, and toe — 4,272 Island has benefited thereby- la this connection we would express our 173,412 appreciation of the great assistance given TO our work by the Douglas Carnival advertising. An analysis of these shows them to be re- which helped considerably in influencing traffic ceived from the following disl:ricts:— during Juno and July. We desire to state our London and Eastern Countme of firm opinion that the success of the earlier England-- period of the season fully demonstrates the Letters 3,115 value of the view held by us strongly for years Personal .......... ...... 1,258 past, that an advance is possible at that part Northern counties d England—Letters 4.351 of the season, by earlier and judicious adver- Western counties of England (includ- tising of the unique merits of the Island as a ing Walesi—Letters health and pleasure resort. Southern counties of England—Letters 1,02795 Our work has again derived much advantage Iretand—Eattens 607 Scotland—Letters 1,098 from the advertising done by the Isle of Man 75 Steam Packet Company, the other large carry- Foreign and Colonial—Letters 1, nc assi fled—Letters ........ _........ .......... 15 ing companies running services to the Island, 1,026 and the various advertising committees in Douglas office—Personal Insular localities. 13,412 In formulating our programme in the early opting, we estimated to spend the amount Resulting from notices in our guide book originally voted, viz., £1750. and our plans were, soliciting further inquiries as to respective therefore, made much on the lines which, in localities, letters were received by the various the past, we have found the most valuable for focal authorities. supplementing the above such a cum that is, in the issue of attractively figures by 545. prepared handbooks and lists of accommoda- The "returns of inquiries" for the preceding tion. The principal book was much improved, y ear were-- and ninny highly commendatory opinions hare Douglas 11.417 been expressed regarding it and the other publi- London 4,802 cations of the Board.
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