REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT Douglas, Tuesday, March 15, 1960 Present: The Governor, Sir Ronald Whitley Council for the Isle of Man Garvey, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., M.B.E.). In Public Service. (Government Circular the Council: The Lord Bishop (Rt. Rev. No. 8/60). Benjamin Pollard, T.D., D.D., M.Sc.), Establishment of Temporary Officers Deemster S. J. Kneale, 0.B.E., Deemster (Assimilation Provisions). Govern- B. W. Macpherson, Sir Ralph Stevenson, ment Circular No. 13/60.) G.C.M.G., Messrs J. F. Crellin, 0.B.E.. Isle of Man Government Service— G. H Moore, J. H. Nicholls and Revised Scale of salary and annual E.B.C. Farrant, M.B.E., with Mr E. R. leave — Harbour Master, Laxey. St. A. Davies, M.B.E., Government (Government Circular No. 14/60.) Secretary and Clerk to the Council. In the Keys: The Speaker (Mr H. K. National Health Service (Isle of Man) (Expenses in Attending Hospitals) Corlett, 0.B.E.), Messrs T. F. Corkhill, Regulations, 1960. T. H. Colebourn, E. N. Crowe, J. L. Callister, H. H. Radcliffe, H. C. Kerruish, National Health Service (Isle of Man) Lt.-Cdr. J. L. Quine,. Messrs J. C. (Superannuation) (Amendment) Nivison, W. E. Quayle, H. S. Cain, A. H. Regulations, 1960. (Government Cir- Simcocks, C. C. McFee, T. A. Coole, cular No. 12/60.) G. C. Gale, A. S. Kelly, A. Cecil Teare, Report of the Medical Officer of Health J. Edward Callister, T. A. Corkish, R. C. for the year 1958. Stephen, J. M. Cain, 0.B.E., W. B. Annual Report and Statement of Kaneen, E. C. Irving and J. B. Bolton, Accounts of the Isle of Man Assess- with Mr F. B. Johnson, M.A., Secretary ment Board for the year ended 31st to the House of Keys and Clerk to March, 1959, and the Auditors' Report. Tynwald. Report of the Public Auditors on Local Authorities' Accounts, etc., for the year ended 31st March, 1959, and on PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COURT the Accounts of all Endowments Committees for the year ended 12th The Governor: Well, gentlemen, we May, 1959. will proceed to item 1 on the agenda. I have the honour to lay before the Statement of Accounts of the Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fish- Court:— eries for the year ended 31st March, National Assistance (Determination of 1959, together with the Report of the Need) Amendment Regulations, 1960. Public Auditors on the Accounts. Approval, dated 5th February, 1960, to Amended Scheme made by the Isle of the following Petitions:— Man Local Government Board, on the 19th February, 1960. (1) Port St. Mary Commissioners for authority to sell 13 separate plots, part Permanent Unestablished Appointments of the Port St, Mary Estate, situated at (Government Circular No. 1/60. the rear of the Petitioners' houses in Papers Laid Before the Court, TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 15, 1960 511 Fistard Road, Port St. Mary, at the price Limited. Considerable publicity has of £40 per plot, for the erection thereon been given to the registration of this of private garages. company in the Press both on the Island (2) Port St. Mary Commissioners for and in the United Kingdom, inspired. (a) approval of an Agreement, dated possibly, by visions of profits accruing 24th October, 1959, for the purchase to shareholders in ventures in the world from Henry Alfred Cooil of a plot of of wireless. I think then that I should land, part of Ballacreggan Estate, abut- make some statement to hon. members ting on the corner of Station Road and of this Court in explanation of what Gansey Road, Port St. Mary, containing has been done. The formation of Radio 474 square yards or thereabouts, for the Manx Limited is a precautionary step sum of £237, for the purpose of the pre- preliminary to any establishment of a servation of amenities; and (b) autho- Manx Radio and Television Station that rity to borrow a sum not exceeding £400, at a rate of interest not exceed- may be possible in the future. The ing £5 per centum per annum, repay- company has been formed as a private able within 40 years, to defray the cost limited company. Its main objects are of the purchase of the said plot, the to carry on business as producers, laying out of the same, and legal ex- directors and distributors of wireless penses in connection therewith. and television programmes and any other form of public or private enter- Motor Scooter Trial Order, 1960 tainment. In addition,. subject to any Hay, Straw and Peat Moss Litter (Im- necessary licence, authority or sanction portation) Order, 1960. being obtained, it may own, rent, operate and conduct or manage television or wireless stations and transmit and relay THE ROYAL BABY— programmes of all kinds therefrom. It ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF is formed also to carry on the business LEGISLATIVES' MESSAGE OF of programme contractors and as pro- CONGRATULATION ducers and distributors of television, The Governor: Gentlemen, before we sound and cinematographic plays and proceed to Bills for signature, I have programmes of all sorts connected with one or two brief announcements to television and wireless or other broad- make. I would first like to read out to casting services or programmes for the you a letter I received in acknowledg- purposes of publicity or advertisement ment of the letter of congratulation and and for the entertainment, education or loyalty sent to Her Majesty on the occa- information of the public. It may also sion of the birth of the Royal baby. It is: apply for, promote or hold any charter, "Home Office, Whitehall, March 8th, 1960.-- Act of Tynwald, Act of Parliament or Sir, I have had the honour to lay before the Provisional Order or monopoly rights, Queen your loyal and dutiful message from privileges, licences, concessions or other the Government and people of the Isle of rights from any State, Government, Pro- Man on the birth of a son to Her Majesty. I have it in command from the Queen to ask vincial or Local Authority to enable the you to convey to them the sincere thanks of company to carry any of its objects into Her Majesty for their congratulations and effect. It may also carry on in the Isle good wishes on this happy occasion.—I am, sir, your obedient servant, R. A. Butler." of Man or elsewhere any other business which may seem to the company con- venient to carry on in connection with the business which the company is RADIO MANX LIMITED— authorised to carry on. These, as I say, STATEMENT BY THE GOVERNOR are some of its objects: that is things The Governor: A good deal of excite- that the company may do. I would ment seems to have been generated by emphasise, however., that the company the recent, formation of Radio Manx would not necessarily use all its powers. •The Royaf Baby—Acknowledgement of Legislatives' Message of Congratulation, Radio Manx Limited—Statement by the Governor. - - 512 TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 15, 1960 As a private limited company, the num- ROYAL ASSENT TO COMPANIES Der of shareholders is limited and no ACT, 1960, AND CHURCH ACT, 1960 invitation can be made to the public to subscribe for shares, but, if the neces- The Governor: I have the honour to sary permissions were granted for announce to Tynwald in accordance operating television or radio stations in with the terms of section 2 of the Acts the Isle of Man, this company would be of Tynwald (Emergency Promulgation) suitable for operating those stations, Act,. 1916, that the Royal Assent was thus it is premature to discuss the given the following Acts on February extent or allocation of shares in the 8th, 1960: Companies Act, 1960, and company, or as to whether at a later Church Act, 1960. date the company will be converted into a public one All Government has, in fact, done is to be sure that it has first place on the springboard with a view to PERMANENT RESIDENTS— protecting Island interests. If you read QUESTION BY MR COLEBOURN the British national Press you will have seen that others have followed our lead The Governor: We will now proceed in mounting the English springboard. to the questions contained on the Mr Stephen: Are we allowed to com- special question paper. In view of the ment on Your Excellency's statement length of the agenda, I hope that hon on Radio Manx? members will keep strictly as possible to the rules of procedure regarding The Governor: I do not think it would be within the terms of Standing Orders questions and supplementary questions, to do so. making them as precise and as brief as possible and remembering that the object of a question is to obtain infor- mation of a matter of fact. I call on the CIVIL DEFENCE—GOVERNOR TO hon. member for Castletown. TAKE SENIOR OFFICERS' COURSE The Governor: I would also like to Mr Colebourn: I wish to ask the ques- announce that I shall be absent from tion standing in my name: Will Your the Island from Saturday this week to Excellency please state whether any the following week-end, as I am taking positive action has yet been taken to a senior officers' course in Civil Defence attract permanent residents to the Isle at Sunningdale Training College. May of Man from amongst the many people I also seize this opportunity to welcome and families who are retiring on pension the new member for Castletown, Mr T. from the Commonwealth countries? H. Colebourn to his first meeting of Tyn- wald.
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