E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1996 No. 22 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m., and was morning business, the Senate will turn RESERVATION OF LEADERSHIP called to order by the President pro to the consideration of the conference TIME tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. report to accompany the District of Co- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under lumbia appropriations bill. It is ex- the previous order, the leadership time PRAYER pected that a cloture motion will be is reserved. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John filed on that conference report today. f Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: No rollcall votes will occur during to- Dear God, bless America, beginning day's session, however. The Senate MORNING BUSINESS with these Senators on whom You have may consider any legislative items The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under placed so much responsibility and from that can be cleared for action. the previous order, there will now be whom You expect so much. You have As a reminder to all Senators, the the period for the transaction of morn- brought them to the Senate at this next rollcall vote will be at 2:15 p.m. on ing business until 1 p.m., with Senators time, not only for what You want to do Tuesday, February 27. That vote will permitted to speak therein, the time through them in leading this Nation, be on the motion to invoke cloture on being equally divided between the two but also for what You intend to exem- the D.C. appropriations conference re- sides. plify to the Nation in the way they port. The Senator from Georgia is recog- work and live together. I understand, Mr. President, that nized. You have revealed in Scripture, there are some Senators who intend to Mr. NUNN. I thank the Chair. through the generations, and in our arrive shortly to speak in morning f own experience, that You pour out business, but until they arrive, I note THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE Your power when there is unity, mu- the absence of a quorum. UNITED STATES AND CHINA tual esteem, and affirmation of the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, I rise oneness of our patriotism. Bless us BURNS). The clerk will call the roll. today to talk about the relationship with Your spirit so that we may dis- The assistant legislative clerk pro- between the United States and China. agree without being disagreeable, share ceeded to call the roll. Last summer the Aspen Strategy our convictions without being conten- Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, I ask GroupÐcochaired by Ken Dam and my- tious, and lift up truth without putting unanimous consent that the order for selfÐunder Director Michael Armacost each other down. Help us to seek to the quorum call be rescinded. and Associate Director Bruce convince without coercion, persuade The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Berkowitz met in Aspen, CO, for 4 days. without power moves, motivate with- objection, it is so ordered. We had an intensive and productive out manipulation. May we trust You discussion with a number of China ex- unreservedly and encourage each other f perts participating, including Michel unselfishly. In the name of our Lord. Okensberg, Chas. Freeman, and Amen. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Stapleton Roy. The views of all three f of these American China experts and Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, I ask my subsequent discussions with Michel RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING unanimous consent that Maurice Oksenberg, Charles Freeman, and oth- MAJORITY LEADER Huthinson, a legislative fellow on my ers have been very helpful in my own The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The staff, be permitted the privilege of the analysis of United States-China rela- able acting majority leader, Senator floor during my remarks on the floor tions. LOTT, is recognized. this morning. I also made a recent trip to Asia that Mr. LOTT. I thank the Chair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without included a stimulating and informative f objection, it is so ordered. forum in Malaysia sponsored by the If the Senator from Georgia would Asia Policy Group under the leadership SCHEDULE suspend so that the Chair might per- of Doug Paal and hosted by the Deputy Mr. LOTT. Today there will be a pe- form some household duties that have Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar riod of morning business until the hour not been performed. Ibrahim. during this conferenceÐat- of 1 p.m., with the time equally divided Mr. NUNN. The Senator from Geor- tended by Senator KIT BOND, Senator on both sides of the aisle. Following gia will accommodate any request from BILL COHEN, and myself from the Con- the use or yielding back of the time in the Chair. gressÐwe had broad and stimulating · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S 1285 S 1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE February 23, 1996 discussions with government and busi- moving into the international economy point: Uncertainty is a permanent ness leaders from the ASEAN countries and is increasingly dependent upon it. quality of modern China. Even were and the entire Pacific region. Some of Each of these alone is an enormous China to embark a process that we those discussions included China, but transformation. These transitions are would call democratization, the devel- the agenda was much broader than just occurring at varying speeds and with a opment would be a lengthy one. His- China. scope unprecedented in history. tory shows it takes a long time to cre- I have greatly benefited from these The process and outcome of China's ate a legal system, guarantees for pri- meetings and discussions with Deputy transformations are unknown. Much vate property, a parliamentary system, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the about the Chinese future is unknown. a vigorous and free press, and the polit- other leaders from throughout the re- What will the nature of the political ical culture that can sustain a plural- gion and with Doug Paal, who led our system be a decade or a generation istic and tolerant civil society. As the group. During my trip to Asia, I joined hence? Will the succession to Deng American and British experience dem- Senator DIANNE FEINSTEIN and Senator Xiaoping continue to be an orderly onstrates and as we can now see in the JOHN GLENN in China for a series of one? Will there be widespread social former Soviet Union, that process meetings with top Chinese leadership. disorder? What about China's military? takes decades. Not only must our ex- Mr. President, the growing impor- What will be its force structure a dec- pectations be realistic, but we cannot tance of China in world affairs demands ade hence? How is its military doctrine wait to engage extensively with China a purposeful, coherent, and consistent likely to evolve as it acquires new until it has become more like us or American policy toward China. History weaponry? What are and will be Chi- until it has settled down and its future is littered with the uninformed and in- na's foreign policy proclivities? Will is more certain. effective responses of an established the Communist Party remain in power? Realistically, we must engage with power toward a rising power. often the What are the chances for democratiza- China and its current leaders now rath- rising power suffered from its own am- tion in China? Can the Central Govern- er than remaining aloof from this vast, bitions seeking to accelerate its rise ment remain in control or will China complex, ancient, and proud civiliza- through military means. In modern fragment or break apart, as we saw tion until it becomes to our liking. In history, we need only recall the pre- with the former Soviet Union? What short, China's transition and its poten- World War II rise of Germany and would happen to its nuclear arsenal tial impels America, insofar as pos- Japan and the former Soviet Union and under such a situation? There is no sible, to be actors on the scene. the opportunities and mistakes our consensus on the answers to these Mr. President, as I mentioned earlier, country and the free world made in questions among the experts, either in I visited China last month with Sen- coping with their rise. or outside the Government. ators DIANNE FEINSTEIN and JOHN History should teach us that estab- The uncertainty about the Chinese GLENN. We had an opportunity to meet lished powers must provide consistent future has several important implica- with President Jiang Zemin, Executive and credible signals about their expec- tions. In light of China's growing im- Vice Premier Zhu Rongji, Minister of tations and set forth reasonable terms portance, it is imperative that our National Defense General Chi Haotian, on which they are willing to incor- country make a maximum effort to un- Vice Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, and porate the rising power into the inter- derstand it. This entails ensuring that others within China's leadership. We national system. our Government has sufficient means had cordial, informative and frank dis- We are now watching the rise of to collect and analyze information cussions on a number of issues relating ChinaÐa development of at least equal about China, including extensive con- to the relationship between our two historical significance and implication tact with Chinese leaders and bureau- countries and stability in the entire re- as the rise of Russia, Germany, and crats at the national and provincial gion. Our discussions were greatly fa- Japan.
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