Index Academician Sergei Korolev, tracking ship Babakin, Georgi 154 Early life, 79À80 Academy of Sciences 12 Luna 10, 97 Afanasayev, Sergei 240 Requali®cation of Proton, 240 Akademik Sergei Korolev, projected Rover project, 249 mission 192À6 Lunokhod, 255, 258 Aktiv, docking probe 142 Death, 262 Aldrin, Buzz 164, 179, 214 Baikonour cosmodrome Alfa, command system 135 Construction, 12 Almaz, programme 231 Pads for UR-500 Proton, 114 Anders, William 164, 188À9 Pads for N-1 123 Anikeyev, Ivan, cosmonaut, 156 Barabashev, Professor 248 Anokhin, Seregi, cosmonaut 161 et seq. Barmin, Vladimir 10, 120, 275À6, 280, 288 9 Apollo 7 188 À Barr, Joel148 Apollo 8 183, 189À191 Barsukov, Valeri 244, 282 Apollo 9 205 Basilevsky, Alexander 103, 258 Apollo 10 207 Belousov, Edououard, cosmonaut 159 et Apollo 11 107À8, 211À214, 246, 292 seq. Apollo 12 246, 292 Belyayev, Pavel, cosmonaut 156 et seq., 172 Apollo 14À17 222 Beregovoi, Georgi, cosmonaut 158 et seq., Apollo 15 261, 264 188, 211 Apollo 17 266, 269 Berg, Josef 148 Apollo, compared with LOK 141À2 Berkut, spacesuit 149 Apollo, mission compared with Soviet Block D 113, 117À118, 129, 137 144À6 Role in lunar mission, 142À3, 145À6 Argon, computer 135 Tested in Cosmos 382, 220À1 Armstrong, Neil107, 164, 169, 178 À9, 214 Block E 143À4 Artyukin, Yuri, cosmonaut 158 et seq. Block I 70, 72À9, 107 Automatic Interplanetary Station 34À42 Block L 70, 72, 78À9 310 Index Bogomolov, Alexei 221 Cosmos 186±188 138À9 Boguslavsky, Yevgeni 21, 35À6 Cosmos 212±213 139 Bondarenko, Valentin, cosmonaut 156 Cosmos 238 188 Borman, Frank 164, 188À9 Cosmos 300 240 BOZ 71, 79 Cosmos 305 240 Bozhko, A 116 Cosmos 379 219À220 Bratslavets, Petr 35 Cosmos 382 221 Brezhnev, Leonid Cosmos 398 219À220 Becomes Soviet leader, 86 Cosmos 434 219À220, 222 23rd party congress 97 Call to lunar surface, projected 153 Daily Express 91, 199 Attempted assassination, 203 Davidovsky, Konstantin 250 Period of rule, 236 Degtyaryov, Vladimir, cosmonaut 159 et Space stations, 231 seq. Removalof Mishin, 228 Demin, Lev, cosmonaut 158 et seq. Stroke, 288 Dobrovolski, Georgi, cosmonaut 158 et Bugrov, Vladimir, cosmonaut 161 et seq. seq. Buinovsky, Edouard, cosmonaut 158 et Dohnanyi, J.S. 81 seq. Dolginov, Shmaia 26, 31, 99, 282 Bykovsky, Valeri, cosmonaut 156 et seq. Dolgopolov, Gennadiy, cosmonaut 161 et Soyuz 2 mission planned, 130À2 seq. Flying Mil helicopters, 169 Dorbrynin, Anatoli 53 Pro®le, 176 Dovgan, Vyacheslav 250, 295 Chelomei, Vladimir Eisenhower, President Dwight 33 Early life, 55 Elwin±Yershov, theorem 162 UR-700 rocket, 62À4 Georgi Babakin, 79 Fatkullin, Mars, cosmonaut 161À2 UR-500 Proton rocket, 111À115 Later life, 127 Feoktistov, Konstantin, cosmonaut His LK design, 128 Early life, 46 Rivalry with Korolev, 129 Problem of returning from the moon, 46 Chertok, Boris 10, 37, 226, 293 N-1 60, 116 Chubukin, Vasili 250 Never joined Communist Party, 159 Chuchkov, Dr Yevgeni 251 Space mission, 160 Chudakov, Alexander 27 Filateyev, Valentin, cosmonaut 156 Collins, Michael 179 Filipchenko, Anatoli, cosmonaut 158 et Cosmonaut squad for lunar missions seq., 221 154À179 First Cosmic Ship 25À30 Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, tracking Florensky, Kyrill 282 ship 154 Fortushny, Vladimir, cosmonaut 162 Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, tracking ship 154 Fyodorov, Anatoli, cosmonaut 159 et seq. Cosmos 60 79 Fyodorov, Igor 250 Cosmos 111 98 Cosmos 133 130 Gagarin, Yuri, cosmonaut 156À8 et seq. Cosmos 140 130 Soviet moon plans, 51 Cosmos 146 137À8 Luna 12 Cosmos 154 138 pictures, 102 Cosmos 159 106À7 Vladimir Komarov, 131À3 Index 311 Moon team, 165 Isayev, Alexei 72, 118, 120 Death, 168 Design bureau, 223À4 Signi®cance, 236 Ivanovsky, Oleg 80, 261, 269, 281 Galaktika, moon base 288À9 Gas Dynamics Laboratory, Leningrad 8 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 29 GB-1, -2 lunar lander 223 Jodrell Bank, tracking Gentrix, balloons 36 First Cosmic Ship, 30 GIRD group 6 Second Cosmic Ship, 33 Glazhkov, Yuri, cosmonaut 159 et seq. Automatic Interplanetary Station, 36À8 Glushko, Valentin Luna 4 78 Satellite project, 2 Luna 9 91À2 Early life, 8 Luna 11 101 Purges, 9 Zond 5 184, 186 In Germany, 10 Luna 15 211À214 R-7 rocket, 10À11 Luna 16 243 Upper stage for early moon rocket, 19À20 Anonymized, 24 Johnson, Lyndon 53 Soyuz complex, 48 RD-270 engines, 61À2 Kamanin, Nikolai, General 117, 230 Quarrelwith Korolev,65 Views on automation, 135 RD-253 engine, 112À114 Apollo 8, 189À192 N-1 117 Moon race, 293À4 Lunar spacesuits, 152 Kartashov, Anatoli, cosmonaut 156 L3M project, 223 Katys, Georgi, cosmonaut 160 RD-510 224 Kazantsev, Alexander 197 Becomes chief designer, 228 KB KhimMach 224 Reorganization of Soviet space Keldysh, Mstislav programme, 229 Satellite project, 2 Moon programme after 1974, 298À8 Background, 12 Moon bases, 289À290 Against anonymization, 24 Death, 294 Tape of Second Cosmic Ship, 33 Role, 294 Automatic Interplanetary Station, 37 Gorbatko, Viktor, cosmonaut 156 et seq. 1966 Commission, 65, 123À4 Flying helicopters, 169 1963 Commission on Luna 4 78 Grechko, Georgi, cosmonaut, 160 et seq., Luna 10 97 217, 221 N-1 design review, 118 Gringauz, Konstantin 26, 28 Grishenko, Vitally, cosmonaut 159 et seq. Cosmonaut selection, 161À2 Gromov, Valery 249 Later Soviet programme, 290 Gubarev, Alexei, cosmonaut 158 et seq. Orbitalstations, 203 À4, 231 Gubensko, Yevgeni 77 Luna 15 212À213 Gulyayev, Rudolf, cosmonaut 161À2 L3M project, 222 Gulyayev, Vladislav, cosmonaut 158 et seq. Lunokhod, 255 Gurschikin, Alexander 153 Zvezda moon base, 288 Kemurdzhian, Alexander I-100, controlsystem 72, 78 Luna 13, 93 Institute for Medicaland Biological Design of lunar rover, 247À9 Problems (IMBP) 250 Later life, 282À3 312 Index Kennedy, John F. 1958 moon probes, 22 Moon speech, 52 Anonymized, 24 Proposals for joint lunar ¯ight, 53À4 1959 moon probes, 25À42 Role in moon race, 234À6 Problem of rendezvous, 45À6 Kharkov State Bicycle Plant 249 Problem of returning from the moon, Khlebtsevich, YS 24 46À7 Khludeyev, Yevgeni, cosmonaut 159 et seq. Soyuz complex, 47À52 Khrunov, Yevgeni, cosmonaut 160 et seq. Quarrelwith Glushko,64 À5 Luna 12 pictures, 102 Transfer of lunar probes to Lavochkin, 80 Soyuz 2 planned mission, 130À3 1965 failures, 86À7 Yastreb spacesuit, 149, 199À200 Death, 87 Soyuz 4À5 mission, 199À204 N-1 development, 116À128 Khrushchev, Nikita Rivalry with Chelomei, 129 ICBM, 3 Cosmonaut selections, 159, 165 Sputnik, 15 Alexei Leonov, 173 Second Cosmic Ship, 33 Role in moon race, 235 Joint ¯ight with Americans, 53À4 Lunokhod, 247À8 Attempt to reconcile Glushko and Kosberg, Semyon 20 Korolev, 64À5 Soyuz complex, 48 Deposed, 86, 128À9 Kozhevnikov, Albert 250 UR-500 Proton, 111 Kozlitin, Nikolai 250 As Soviet leader, 236 Kramarenko, Alexander, cosmonaut 159 Khrushchev, Sergei KRD-61 engine 243 On Tikhonravov, 4 Kretchet, lunar spacesuit 142, 149À153, On father and Kennedy moon speech, 53 169 On Mishin, 87 Kryukov, Sergei 120, 227, 262 On ground testing, 121 KTDU-417 241À2 Kirilenko, Andrei 222 KTDU-5 72, 80 Kizim, Leonid, cosmonaut 159 KTDU-5a 80 Kolesnikov, Gennadiy, cosmonaut, 159 Kubasov, Valeri, cosmonaut 161 et seq., Kolomitsev, Ordinard, cosmonaut 161À2 173 Kolumb, moon base 288À9 Training in Zond cabin, 135 Kolyako, Y.P. 47 Soyuz 6 mission, 162 Komarov, Vladimir, cosmonaut 156À7 et Kugno, Edouard, cosmonaut 158À9 seq. Kuklin, Anatoli, cosmonaut 158 et seq. Luna 12 pictures, 102 Kuznetsov, Nikolai 117, 120, 126À7, 224 Soyuz mission and death, 130À3 Kuznetsov, Viktor 10, 120 Yuri Gagarin, 168 KVD-1 engine 22À34 Kondratyuk, Yuri (AKA Shargei, Alexander) 8À9, 51 L-1 spacecraft (Zond) Kontakt, docking system 142À3, 221 Proposed, 57 KORD system 122À3, 205, 208, 222 Description, 133À7 Korolev, Sergei Simulator, 163 Satellite project, 2 L-2 plan 247À8 Possibility of moon probes, 3, 7 L-3 plan 57 Early career, 6 L3M programme 152, 155 Purges, 9 L-4 plan 57 In Germany, 10 L-5 plan 57, 247 1958 proposals, 17À18, 59 Latypov, Gabdulkay 250 Index 313 Lavochkin Design Bureau Luna 7 86 Origins, 79±80 Luna 8 86 Transfer of probes from Korolev, 80 Luna 9 88À93 Lavochkin, Semyon 79 Luna 10 79, 98À100, 107 Lazarev, Vasili, cosmonaut 158 et seq., 221 Luna 11 101, 108, 249 LEK Lunar Expeditionary Craft 288À9 Luna 12 79, 101À6, 108, 249 LEK Lunar Exploration Council 123À4 Luna 13 93À5 Lenin, centenary 217 Luna 14 107, 198, 249 Leningrad, conference, 1956 3À4 Luna 15 209À214, 239 Leonov, Alexei, cosmonaut, 156 et seq. Luna 16 240À6 Assessment of Mishin, 88, 184 Luna 17 252 Landing method, 143 Luna 18 262 Spacewalk, 149 Luna 19 272À5 Milhelicoptertests, 169 Luna 20 263À4 Pro®le, 170À5 Luna 21 264, 266 Simulators, 163 Luna 22 274À5 First N-1 205 Luna 23 276 Around moon mission, 215 Luna 24 276À7 Soyuz 11, 230 Luna 25 280 As ®rst man on moon, 236 Luna 92 291 Lipsky, Yuri 38 Luna Glob 292À3 Lisun, Mikhail, cosmonaut, 159 et seq. Lunar Module, American LK lunar lander Compared with LK, 144 Description, 143À4 Lunokhod 197 Lunar surface operations, 150À3 First attempt, 198 Tests in Earth orbit, 219À221 Origins, 247 LK, Chelomei design 128 Design, 249 252 LOK, Soviet manned lunar spaceship À Mission, 253À261 Ye-6LS communications tests, 106À7 Idea with future moon bases, 290 Description, 141À143 Pro®le of lunar mission, 144À6 Sold, 295 Flown on fourth NÀ1, 226 Lunokhod 2 266À272 Lovell, Bernard Lunokhod 3 280À1 First Cosmic Ship, 30 Lyulka, Archip 118, 120, 224 Second Cosmic Ship, 33 Automatic Interplanetary Station, 36À8 Makarov, Oleg, cosmonaut 161 et seq., Visit to USSR, 54À5 175À6, 217, 221, 293 Luna 9, 91À2 Maksimov, Gleb Yuri 17 Zond 5, 184, 186 1958 designs, 18 Lovell, Jim 164, 188À9 N-1 60, 116 Luch, simulator
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