FOR REFERENCEONLY .... The finanrid dcniii ofam& mrdc for ruppon ofidentilid iiidividuilt haw h.cn cxdudd. ISBN I 86983s 166 RLgitcrrrdCharity No: 210183 Ptinrd byAhacusPdnringCa.Umiud Governon JulimJrck, BM. PhD sir rmr 0uia Pmfaror Sir David Wothmll. MD, FRCP, FRS PmfnrorSir Hans K.mb.5. ScD. HonFRCP. FRS PmbrRoy Andrmn. FFS Secremy Bridget M Opiluic. ScD, FIBid. FRCPh C 0 N T E N T I c H A 0 R II A H*S P I E f A C E Chairman's Pmhcc ......................................................................... 5 Dimoir Rrpon .....................................................................6 Lord Fnnb ............ ...................................................................... 9 SirJohn McMichrrl ..................................................................... 14 Mmrgrmrnr SmRofthcTmn Finmm ................................................................ ....................... 17 Nmrmcimrrr hnd.................................................................. 21 Infmion 2nd immunity Rncl...................................................... 24 Molrmiirrnd Oil Pmd ............................... ........................... 27 Physiology and Phrrmrcology Pancl ............................................ 31 Clininl Imcrnr Gmup 34 Tmpial Mdirinc inicrnt Gmup ................................................ 37 Vc,.rinrty lntcrn, Gmup ............................................................ 40 inrcrnrrionrl inierni GNU^ ........................................................ 42 Suppon lorthc HixotyofMidicinc ............................................ 48 Wcllcomc inrritum for thc Hinoty of Mcdicinr 56 Writomr Cmrm for Mdinl Scimw........ ................................ 62 Cnnr Information rcnonri Suppon .........66 Uniisrnd Institurn Other Suppon- 153 imrmwionrl Ptagnmmc . Suppon forthr Hiimty ofMdicinc ........................................ 178 4 c H A I n II A N*S P I E F A c E Hcnry%,ouldmnrthcTmscm mrkcauhrirniial donation Dl-toh Report for thcbmcfir of mcdial rnnrrh in Amcrio. his hinhpirrc. This prhas hmn domindby the knowldgc thrr grrrt Thc Cownon haw rhcmforcdrridcd 10 mrkc a gnm of changnvouldwronocrurin rheTmSandin thcunivcniria mmc 10 Burroughs 5400 million Ihc Wcllwmc Fund, and mrdial whaolr which rrrciw its funds. ppblc in fiv~qurlannual inrialmcnts commencing this )?a" Thnc mQ~chrnga in iheTrurr hwccoindddwith palidol dcvciapmcnrr which will Jmott aminly grrrtly rkourmivitin. Thcanhiishmcnc inMay 1972ofIhc OW= ofSdmccrndTrrhnoiogy undcrthc Chinalbrofrhc Duchyaf~~cmirwillhdm~~i~~~~,i"1993 !hati' likly to aKsr thc wysciena is fundd and manrgd oatiandiy. Thc -mi of the himry divide in rrnizry duelion with the raring up afrhc Highs Fduorion Funding Countih lor Englrid, Smtiind md Ma.and thc dricrminrrion hy piirtirnr thmughour rhc politial lpmmm to incrc~~cthenumbrnofrtudcna in univmitinwhih rrducing rhc unit of mmac per student. will hive pmlound rKrro on thcrbiiiryofuniv~nintnfftaundrmkrrwtrrh tha is inrcmalionally mmpnitiv.. 7 a I R E c T o R*S n E P o R T LORD fRANKS Onccrgain. ihcnpid gmwth ofihcTrut1hrrrcquiddrgmr cffon hy thcnrfE Igmtlyappmim thrgoodwiil and ntrcmcly hard work ofmymlloguo rhmughoui nhcpar Lord Fnnh,who wua Twmc fmm I963 to I982 and roting but ahilmring yo,. Chairman from 1965 m 1962. dicdon I5 (kmbcr 199Za.r BRlUGETMOGiLViE rhc age 0187. Hc war a mn afmormour dirrincrian.and many obiruaries havcdrady hem published. The apprcciirianthat hut opmdhis personality WI the addmr delivered by RiihardSmcthursr, Pmvorr of Warcctrrr Cdlcgc. Oxford, at rhc Mrmotiai Service an IZUmmbcr i992arthcUnivrnilyChurchafSlMuy rhc Virgin, Oxford, which is rcproduccdhcrc in full with prmiuion. 8 9 LORD FRANKS LORD FRANKS m me that his quditio WE rhosc ofthc mmplerc school: of mcim hiiroryrrwrii~rafphilo~uphy:ofModrrrw~lluof Grmr From mcimi hiwry hr pin& hir iikiong inicms in &grot mmemcnir ofhinory. mdnpccidly thc mwrmmtr ofpmplnou,afCcnrnlArir-in hirluryw hefinirhrd rndingi liwvolumc hirmryofthc Moguls. Bur shin mining M m marc thin Ilifcrime'r fwinrrion: he had I mind which could 1- big prtrcrnr ad=Ia(c them m rmdi c~mnwith hmih~rking~rtiruinion,likc thclprn ofr prhuilding. Om cvrninghc kcpi UI and our invntmcnrzdvisn. fmm Schrodcn, ofwhich he warrhr rimca Dirrcmr,spellbound IS he m-wotc rhr canvmtionrl hrdtgmund ppcr which all inwrmmf rdvircn hdirvc all dcgc invufmcnt rommiiicu ncd hcfor. they nnpmpcriy wiw ihc performancc ofthc ponfolio. "WA now," hcuid, kickingour his long legs like m snlorldingAnglrpoilcI.mp.'I don'tthink the'rquirc right."mdfomrd onsomcdirpurd villsgcan the irncCLchanonbordcr. That hcnmc thcccntrrafa vrici of mnccntiic ring afqumcnt which cnmmprurd lrEum- currmg msrkctv, monctrry plig in rhc UnitedSnrcr. thc UKand Wutcm Eumpc.mdplrntforIhhcaformofrhc lniiimrimrl Man.tnySyncm. Honqmmpclr mc m conds however. thzt thcrc may haw h-n family as well as Ginrs influence in this rrchinctuni rkill: 'hc thauid haw bcm a I~NCIU~cnginccr." one ofOliveis Word fricndr mld mc. not knowing ihrr this WII indcd thr pmfurion af hir youngrr hmthcr. Allicd to this IIWC of large patterns, Oliverriro had rhc skills dcploycd hy ylmcom who tnndziu hrrwcm Iangurgn ofquirc disrent EYIIU~~~~skill. hc gained MmrofihcobiturinofOiiw hivcdnwnztcmrian rothr working for his sprrkling fin! in Mads. He had rhc ability influcnccconhim offfinr..ndrhu~aflhcphiiorophyridcof ID qlir a mmpicx ruk into much smiilcr componcnn, toivc Grcrit. But hc hadsbrorbcd Ihc ffiniian 'I ought. ihcrcforcl dore pmblcms. and ihrn re.rscmhlrcvrryrhing inm I M' fmm hm family. long hcforc hc mchdOxford. 1. ycms cohcirnt whale. IO LOlD FRANYS To condudc I simply dorhc judgcmmr ofLord Bullock with whom I spokon the morning ofhii do&'Hcwurtdy grcrr muofthzrl hrvcnodoubtwhauamr.' Aulvltier U Chalrman of the Trust This hiicfdscriprion ofhitEontilburionrrChirm.nof the Trustis hadan a mnwrution hc hsd with Dr I' 0 Wiilivni thrr w11mordd in May 1991. Lord Fnnk fclr char. in relationship ID rhc mmpny, it UN ibrolurcly senrid thz rhc Trust UN noc involvcd in my renrcwirh the bwinarcxccptas arhucholdcr, which it had a right to bc. To quoa him, " - convrmrion. nlk- Yci - but inwrfmncc. poii5y making, with regad m rhr budnru- No". in his viw, the attitude of chc Gmpmy itrclfwv mlaud by rhc id& ofSir Hcnty Wellcome. in that itUN in bushes 10 makc a pmtit, cmnidy md rightly, hut the motiwion UN not sokly msximum pm6t and that this was pdywhy many pcoplr mycd 6: the whole of rhcir menwith Wrllmmc. Concerning rhc business. Lord Fnnb said that nowhys it is more difficult IO irk a long-rcrm viw 2nd char during hir rime as Chrinnm, thc Trust mok IUI in dvidcnds thm it might haw don. haurn the Foundation ncrdcd the fun& to buiid ;p in -lurch. Lord Fnnk thought there wuld bc rrimcwhcn~hcbwincuw,apmdcdrh~irwouldb.mmr imporrible m miinnin the =hionship that cxirrrdduring his time brwm rhc Tnut md the Fwhrion. Hs rcmcmbed rhc hrcafrhcNuficldFoun~tionul warning of the prcntid dmpofhaving dl rhc Trust's tggr in onc bubt hut. m him. thcquadon w,wkn the 12 I3 John McMirhicl war horn in 1904 and cducmd at Kirkcudbrighi Academy and Edinburgh Univcrriry, fmm which hequalified in midicinein 1727. Heohraimd his MD (drh Gold Medal1 in 1733 for a rhcris OD liver fihrorit. Bcrwrcn qualification and 1939 hc worked in various positionsin Scotland and London whcre he aisndcd his knowlcdge info the physiologiol upmr of the hmr and circulation. This cxprrimcc led to hir appointment w Reader in Mdisinc at thc Parrgraduarr Mcdiral School of London Univcrriry in 1939 md 10 his succ4ingSirFnncir Fnicfrrrhr Pmfcrrorin 1946rt :hc agc 0142. For thc ncxr 20 ycan hc Icd the xhool with enthusiasm IO ih cminsm position. John McMichd h.cun.3 WdcomcTmrec on rho iciiicmcnr ofSir Hcnry Dale. Bcoux of his cammitmmn, hc mr a vcy busy man md yet I on hirdly rrmcmhcr him miuinga meeting. It ii obviour rhcicforc rhrr hr placd the acridtics ofthcl'mrurr very high an his list ofprioriris. HI 14 15 NANACEMINT STAFF OF THE TRUST FINANCE Unit for Pollq Research In Science and Medicine I Jochhn,BSr. PhD. HmdofUmit Dmii Frronin who hubrcn rhs CbicfAcmunnnr at the 16 17 FINANCE Supportfor Medid Rwch Dufing the ynr theTmr's apdiiunon mdicrl march arludingthe hirtory of mdicinc ronlkdB7 million (P5.9million for 1990/911.Thsronl v.lucofrpplimti@x w11U48.8 million.An rniiysb ii shown in fipn 4. I8 19 SUPPORT FOR MEDICAL REISARCH NEUROSCIENCES PANEL tFmm March 1592 ttFmm Augur 19% tttFmm f&uq 1992 21 20 NEUROSCIENCES PAWEL N E U.R 0 I C I E H C I3 S ? A ll E L uniwniryrnffin wriow wys. faicrzmpls DtAln rhr rwdy ofpnicns uringadvmdMRI imaging in the Thomron (Dlpanmcnt of Physiology. Royal fac Horpini ciiniol sating. School afMt.didnc) mwdcd a Rcsnxh Luve fellowship. in rhii wy. ~pp,panfora qiwcmmr Imum Thc brndrh of rhe Pan& remit in SUpponing ncumxicnm wupmvidrd mdlow DtThomion m be ruhsnnrirl~ is funh~rillusmrcdby thccooiinucdruppn amrdcdro rcliocd from tnching 2nd adminimriveduriu fora WO- Pmfccrai Michael Geldcr md DI Alzn Stcin (Dlplnmcnraf year period. This will diow hcr m ~.omc~ntniconher Prychimy, Univcniryof Oxford) for ihcirwork m ntablish rcchniolly demanding rtudyaflc phyriology and thc influirnrcofpxcnni psychiatric dimrdcrondiid marpholou of ringic axan synrpric Canncctioni bcrwem dcvurlopmcnc, Spccilinlly. this axrrrhh daigdto study nmmna in dcnr ncocotr~x.using intncclluhr arordingr. rhccNect ofr pranrsuffcringfmm tin ntingditordcron a child? dwclcpmenr. Wirh nrli~r~upportfmm rheTtun. Dr Stein had mdidchc dcvclopmcnlafr cohort of infmrr 1r1hcrgcafl2m 14 months. Thiinewpmgnmmcgnnt hamrumd
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