Dernières références bibliographiques Last Bibliographic References Base de données / ICOMOS Database Période du / From 09/2010 au / to 10/2011 Préparé et édité par : Prepared and edited by: Maxime Wotquenne Oct. 2011 Centre de Documentation UNESCO-ICOMOS 49-51, rue de la fédération 75015 Paris FRANCE Tel: +33 1 45 67 67 70 Fax: + 33 1 45 66 06 22 Email: [email protected] 1 Index Analytique Analytical Index ARCHÉOLOGIE / ARCHAEOLOGY .......................................................................... 5 ARCHITECTURE EN FER / IRON ARCHITECTURE .............................................. 13 ARCHITECTURE EN TERRE / EARTH ARCHITECTURE ...................................... 13 ARCHITECTURE FUNERAIRE / FUNERARY ARCHITECTURE ........................... 14 ARCHITECTURE INDUSTRIELLE / INDUSTRIAL ARCHITECTURE..................... 15 ARCHITECTURE RELIGIEUSE / RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE ........................... 21 ARCHITECTURE ROMAINE / ROMAN ARCHITECTURE ...................................... 27 ARCHITECTURE VERNACULAIRE / VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE ............... 28 ARCHIVES / BIBLIOTHÈQUES / LIBRARIES ........................................................ 30 ART RUPESTRE / ROCK ART ................................................................................ 31 AUTHENTICITÉ / AUTHENTICITY .......................................................................... 38 BIENS CULTURELS MOBILIERS / MOVABLE CULTURAL PROPERTIES .......... 41 BOIS / WOOD .......................................................................................................... 42 CÉRAMIQUE / CERAMICS ...................................................................................... 46 CHANGMENT CLIMATIQUE / CLIMATE CHANGE ................................................ 46 CHARTES ET CONVENTIONS / CHARTERS AND CONVENTIONS ..................... 47 CONSERVATION ..................................................................................................... 52 CONVENTION DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL / WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION ................................................................................................................................. 58 DIVERSITÉ CULTURELLE / CULTURAL DIVERSITY............................................ 59 DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ...................... 59 2 ECONOMIE DE LA CONSERVATION / ECONOMICS OF CONSERVATION ........ 64 FACADES ................................................................................................................ 66 FORMATION / EDUCATION / TRAINING ............................................................... 67 FORTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... 68 GESTION / MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 71 ON GEOGRAPHIQUE (SIG) / GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) ............................................................................. 74 NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES / INTERNET / NEW TECHNOLOGIES ................ 75 INTERPRETATION .................................................................................................. 76 INVENTAIRES / INVENTORIES .............................................................................. 78 ITINERAIRES CULTURELS / CULTURAL ROUTES .............................................. 83 JARDINS HISTORIQUES / HISTORIC GARDENS ................................................. 84 LEGISLATION PROTECTION LEGALE / LEGISLATIONS LEGAL PROTECTION .......................................................................................................... 86 MOSAIQUES / MOSAICS ........................................................................................ 95 MUSÉES / MUSEUMS ............................................................................................. 96 PARTENARIATS COOPÉRATION INTERNATIONALE / PARTNERSHIPS INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ......................................................................... 97 PATRIMOINE DU XXE SIECLE / XXTH CENTURY HERITAGE ............................. 99 PATRIMOINE EN DANGER - PREVENTION DES RISQUES / HERITAGE AT RISK RISK PREPAREDNESS ..................................................................................... 102 PATRIMOINE IMMATERIEL / INTANGIBLE HERITAGE ...................................... 106 PATRIMOINE NATUREL / NATURAL HERITAGE ............................................... 113 PATRIMOINE SUBAQUATIQUE / UNDERWATER HERITAGE ........................... 117 3 PAYSAGES CULTURELS / CULTURAL LANDSCAPES ..................................... 117 PEINTURES MURALES / WALL PAINTINGS ....................................................... 124 PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE / PHOTOGRAMMETRY ................................................... 126 PIERRE ET AUTRES MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION / STONE AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS ........................................................................................ 126 PLANS DE GESTION / MANAGEMENT PLANS .................................................. 128 PONTS / BRIDGES ................................................................................................ 131 RESTAURATION / RESTORATION ...................................................................... 132 SÉISMES / EARTHQUAKES ................................................................................. 140 SENSIBILISATION DU PUBLIC / PUBLIC AWARENESS .................................... 143 SITES ABORIGENES / ABORIGINAL SITES ....................................................... 149 SITES DU PATRIMOINE MONDIAL / WORLD HERITAGE SITES ....................... 150 SITES PRÉHISTORIQUES / PREHISTORIC SITES ............................................. 158 STRUCTURES DE BÂTIMENT / BUILDING STRUCTURES ................................ 161 SUIVI / MONITORING ............................................................................................ 164 THEORIE DE LA CONSERVATION-RESTAURATION / CONSERVATION- RESTORATION THEORY ...................................................................................... 164 TOURISME CULTUREL / CULTURAL TOURISM ................................................ 168 URBANISME / URBANISM .................................................................................... 173 VILLES ET VILLAGES HISTORIQUES / HITORIC TOWNS AND VILLAGES ..... 178 4 Archéologie / Archaeology 036779 - Historic preservation at the edge: archaeology on the moon, in space and on other celestial bodies. O'Leary, Beth. Burwood, Australia ICOMOS, 2009. pp. 13-18, illus. (Historic Environment. 22, 1) In: "Extreme heritage" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; conservation of cultural heritage; conservation of archaeological heritage; protection of archaeological heritage; space; astronomy; archaeology; documentation; artefacts; legislation. // Apollo 11 Tranquility Base (on the moon) // Lunar Legacy Project ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715. 036824 - Le site d'Angkor. Verrot, Michel. Paris, Association Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2010. p. 30- 37, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 53-54) In: Dossier : "Au-delà des frontières" (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of cultural heritage; conservation of archaeological heritage; restoration projects; conservation projects; international cooperation; international assistance; expertise; archaeological sites; management of archaeological heritage; management of archaeological sites; world heritage; world heritage sites; temples; shrines; Cambodia; France. // Angkor, Cambodia (WHC 668) ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783. 036825 - Vat Phou, sanctuaire laotien. Delfourt, Laurent. Paris, Association Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2010. p. 38-41, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 53-54) In: Dossier : "Au-delà des frontières" (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of cultural heritage; conservation of archaeological heritage; restoration projects; conservation projects; international cooperation; international assistance; monitoring; expertise; archaeological sites; management of archaeological heritage; management of archaeological sites; world heritage; world heritage sites; temples; shrines; Lao PDR; France. // Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape, Lao People's Democratic Republic (WHC 481) ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783. 036892 - Brú na Bóinne: Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and the Ríver Boyne. Archaeology Ireland. Wicklow, Ireland, Archaeology Ireland, 2003. 39 p., illus. (Archaeology Ireland. Vol. 11, No.3 - Supplement) (Eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; archaeological sites; prehistoric sites; tombs; funerary architecture; rituals; prehistoric art; visitor centres; exhibitions; Ireland. ACCESSION NO: 16196. CALL NO: Arch. 658. ISBN: 0 9534426 3 2. 036893 - Brú na Bóinne: The ancient monuments of Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth. Wicklow, Ireland, OPW/INSHOT, 2008. DVD, 21'. (Eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; archaeological sites; prehistoric sites; tombs; funerary architecture; rituals; prehistoric art; visitor centres; exhibitions; Ireland. ACCESSION NO: 16197. CALL NO: Arch. 659. ISBN: 0 9534426 3 2. 036895 - Journées d'étude APROA-BRK/VIOE. Brussels, Auditorium Haedewych, 19-20 November 2009. Reflex of reflectie? Actoren en besluitvorming in de conservatie-restauratie. Flemish Heritage Institute. Brussels, Flemish Heritage Institute, 2010. 174, illus. (various texts in eng, fle, fre). Réflexe ou réflexion ? Les acteurs et le processus
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