U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Birds of Cibola National Wildlife Refuge Cibola National Wildlife Refuge is located Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W along the lower Colorado River 20 miles Ducks, Geese, and Swans ___*Sora C C C C south of Blythe, California. Approximately ___Fulvous Whistling-Duck X X ___*Common Moorhen C C C C two-thirds of the refuge is in Arizona and one- ___Gr. White-fronted Goose U U ___*American Coot A A A A third is in California and encompasses 18,555 ___Snow Goose C C Cranes acres. The refuge was established in 1964 to ___Ross’s Goose U U ___Sandhill Crane O C mitigate the loss of fish and wildlife habitat ___Brant X Stilts and Avocets involved in the channelization projects along ___Canada Goose O A A ___*Black-necked Stilt C U C U the Colorado River. ___Tundra Swan O O ___American Avocet U R U R The main portion of the refuge is alluvial ___Wood Duck U U Plovers river bottom with dense growths of salt cedar, ___Gadwall U C C ___Black-bellied Plover R mesquite, and arrowweed along with several ___Eurasian Wigeon O ___Snowy Plover O O R hundred acres of revegetated cottonwood ___American Wigeon U C A ___Semipalmated Plover O O and willow habitat. Through this flows the ___*Mallard C U C A ___*Killdeer A A C C Colorado River, in both a dredged channel and ___Blue-winged Teal O O Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies a portion of its original channel. The refuge ___*Cinnamon Teal C O C O ___Long-billed Curlew U U U U ___Northern Shoveler C O C C ___Marbled Godwit O O O also contains ~1,000 acres of farmland and ___Ruddy Turnstone X 785 acres of desert foothills and ridges. ___Northern Pintail C O C A ___Green-winged Teal U U A A ___Stilt Sandpiper U U U The endangered Ridgway’s rail, the only ___Sanderling O O ___Canvasback U U U ___Dunlin O O O freshwater form of clapper rail, is found in ___Redhead U O C O ___Least Sandpiper C U C C suitable marshes throughout the refuge. Cibola ___Ring-necked Duck U C C ___Pectoral Sandpiper O R NWR is important as a wintering ground for ___Greater Scaup R ___Western Sandpiper C C C the western (or Great Basin) subspecies of ___Lesser Scaup U C U ___Long-billed Dowitcher U U C C Canada goose and for Sandhill Cranes. ___Bufflehead O C C ___Wilson’s Snipe U U C ___Common Goldeneye R U ___Spotted Sandpiper U U C C This list of 287 species is in accordance ___Barrow’s Goldeneye X ___Solitary Sandpiper O O O with the seventh addition of the American ___Hooded Merganser O O O ___Greater Yellowlegs U O U U Ornithologists’ Union Checklist of North ___Willet U O U ___Common Merganser U U U American Birds, 7th edition (1998) and its ___Lesser Yellowlegs O U U ___Red-br. Merganser O R O O supplements through July 2016. Those species ___Wilson’s Phalarope R O O O ___*Ruddy Duck C O C U marked with an asterisk (*) have nested on ___Red-necked Phalarope R O O New World Quail the refuge. Species that occur as accidental ___Red Phalarope X ___*Gambel’s Quail A A A A (marked with an “X”) may occur more Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers Grebes regularly in areas surrounding the refuge, ___Sabine’s Gull X ___*Pied-billed Grebe C C C C but most are true geographic rarities. Note ___Bonaparte’s Gull O O ___Eared Grebe C C O that seasons vary from species to species; ___Laughing Gull X ___*Western Grebe C C C C fall migration for some, such as shorebirds ___Franklin’s Gull X X ___*Clark’s Grebe C C C C and flycatchers, is much earlier (mid-July to ___Heerman’s Gull X X Pigeons and Doves mid-September) compared to fall migration ___Ring-billed Gull C O C C ___Rock Pigeon O O O O for other species, such as most waterfowl and ___California Gull R O ___Band-tailed Pigeon X sparrows (September to November). ___Herring Gull X ___Eurasian Collared-Dove C C C C ___Glaucous-winged Gull X W Winter December—February ___Common Ground-Dove O O O O ___Least Tern X Sp Spring March—May ___*White-winged Dove C A ___Caspian Tern U U U S Summer June—August ___*Mourning Dove C A C U ___Black Tern O O O F Fall September—November Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis ___Common Tern O * Confirmed or probable breeder (39 sps). ___*Yellow-billed Cuckoo U ___Forster’s Tern C O C R Federally Endangered or Threatened Species ___*Greater Roadrunner C C C C ___Black Skimmer X are listed in italics. Goatsuckers Loons ___*Lesser Nighthawk C C C ___Common Loon X A Abundant–A very numerous species. ___Common Poorwill O O O Storks C Common–Likely to be seen or heard in Swifts ___Wood Stork X X suitable habitats. ___Vaux’s Swift U U Boobies U Uncommon–Present, not certain to be seen. ___White-throated Swift U O O O ___Brown Booby X O Occasional–Seen only a few times during Hummingbirds Cormorants the season ___*Black-ch. Hummingbird U C C C ___Neotropic Cormorant X R Rare–Unexpected, seen at intervals of ___*Anna’s Hummingbird O O O C ___*Double-cr. Cormorant C C C C 2 to 5 years. ___*Costa’s Hummingbird C C Pelicans X Accidental–Fewer than 3 records; vagrants ___Broad-tail. Hummingbird X ___American White Pelican U O U U outside their usual range. ___Rufous Hummingbird U ___Brown Pelican X Breeding records from Arizona Breeding Rails, Gallinules, and Coots Herons, Bitterns, and Egrets Bird Atlas and refuge records. ___*Ridgway’s Rail C C C U ___American Bittern R O ___Virginia Rail O O O ___*Least Bittern C C U O Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W ___*Great Blue Heron C C C C Vireos ___Lesser Goldfinch C U U U ___*Great Egret C C C C ___*Bell’s Vireo O O O ___Lawrence’s Goldfinch X X ___*Snowy Egret C C C C ___Gray Vireo X ___American Goldfinch O O O ___Little Blue Heron X ___Hutton’s Vireo X X Longspurs ___Cattle Egret C C C C ___Cassin’s Vireo U U R ___Lapland Longspur X ___*Green Heron C C C C ___Plumbeous Vireo U U R ___Chestnut-collared Longspur R ___*Black-cr. Night-Heron C C C C ___Warbling Vireo C U C ___McCown’s Longspur X Ibises and Spoonbills ___Red-eyed Vireo X X Wood-Warblers ___*White-faced Ibis C C C C Crows and Jays ___Ovenbird X ___Roseate Spoonbill X ___Steller’s Jay X X ___Northern Waterthrush X Vultures ___Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay X X X ___Orange-crowned Warbler C C C C ___Turkey Vulture C C C U ___American Crow U U ___*Lucy’s Warbler C C Hawks, Kites, and Eagles ___Common Raven O O O O ___Nashville Warbler U O U ___Osprey C O U O Larks ___Virginia’s Warbler R R R ___White-tailed Kite O O O ___Horned Lark O C C ___MacGillivray’s Warbler U U U ___Mississippi Kite X Swallows ___*Common Yellowthroat C C C C ___Bald Eagle O O O ___Purple Martin X X ___American Redstart R R R ___Northern Harrier C U C ___Tree Swallow C U A A ___Yellow Warbler O O O ___Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U ___Violet-green Swallow O O ___Blackpoll Warbler X ___Cooper’s Hawk U U C ___*No. Rough-winged C C C O ___Yellow-rumped Warbler C C C ___Harris’s Hawk R R R R ___Bank Swallow O O O ___Black-thr. Gray Warbler U U ___Red-shouldered Hawk U U ___*Cliff Swallow A A C ___Townsend’s Warbler U U ___Broad-winged Hawk X ___Barn Swallow C C C ___Hermit Warbler O O ___Swainson’s Hawk U Chickadees ___Black-thr. Green Warbler X ___*Red-tailed Hawk C C C C ___Mountain Chickadee X X ___Wilson’s Warbler C O C C ___Rough-legged Hawk R Verdins ___*Yellow-breasted Chat C C C ___Ferruginous Hawk X ___*Verdin C C C C Towhees, Sparrows, and Allies ___Golden Eagle U O O Nuthatches ___Green-tailed Towhee O U U Barn Owls ___Red-breasted Nuthatch X ___Spotted Towhee O O O ___*Barn Owl C C C C ___White-breasted Nuthatch X ___*Abert’s Towhee A A C C Typical Owls Wrens ___Chipping Sparrow C O C R ___*Western Screech-Owl O O O O ___*Rock Wren U U U U ___Clay-colored Sparrow X X ___*Great Horned Owl C C C C ___Canyon Wren X ___Brewer’s Sparrow O C O ___Elf Owl U U U ___*Bewick’s Wren C O O O ___Black-chinned Sparrow X ___*Burrowing Owl C C C C ___House Wren O O O ___Vesper Sparrow U C C ___Short-eared Owl X ___*Marsh Wren A A C C ___Lark Sparrow O O O Kingfishers ___*Cactus Wren C C U U ___Black-throated Sparrow U U O ___Belted Kingfisher U U C C Gnatcatchers ___Sage Sparrow U U Woodpeckers ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher O O O ___Lark Bunting X X ___Lewis’s Woodpecker X X ___*Black-tailed Gnatcatcher C C C C ___Savannah Sparrow C C C ___*Gila Woodpecker U U U U Kinglets ___Grasshopper Sparrow X ___Red-naped Sapsucker O O O ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C C ___Fox Sparrow O O ___Red-breasted Sapsucker R R Thrushes ___*Song Sparrow C C C C ___*Ladder-bac.
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