Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930. To celebrate the centennial of this publication, the Pictoumasons website presents a complete set of indexed issues of the magazine. As far as the editor was able to, books which were suggested to the reader have been searched for on the internet and included in 'The Builder' library.' This is a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by one of several organizations as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. Wherever possible, the source and original scanner identification has been retained. Only blank pages have been removed and this header- page added. The original book has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books belong to the public and 'pictoumasons' makes no claim of ownership to any of the books in this library; we are merely their custodians. Often, marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in these files – a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you. Since you are reading this book now, you can probably also keep a copy of it on your computer, so we ask you to Keep it legal. Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Do not assume that just because we believe a book to be in the public domain for users in Canada, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in 'The Builder' library means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe. The Webmaster : HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH FROM THE APOSTOLIC AGE TO THE REFORMATION. A.D. 64—1517. v/" BY JAMES C. ROBERTSON, M.A., CANON OF CANTERBURY, AND PROFESSOR OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. IN EIGHT VOLUMES.—VOL. V. A NEW AND REVISED EDITION. NEW IMPRESSION. LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1904. Aylesbury. Ptiulcd by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and . CONTENTS OF VOL. V. List of Popes and Sovereigns .... Page X. BOOK Vl.—contmued. FROM THE DEPOSITION OF POPE GREGORY VI. TO THE DEATH OF POPE CELESTINE III., A.D. IO46-II98. CHAPTER VI. From the Death of the Emperor Henry IV. to the Con- cordat OF Worms, a.d. i 106- i 122. Page Page Council of Guastalla . Gelasius II., pope; Gregory Conferences at Chalons and VIII., antipope . 14 Troyes . .... Calixtus II. .16 Henry V. in Italy Council of Reims. 17 Seizure and submission of Conference with Henry I. of Paschal II. England at Gisors . 20 Movements of the Hilde- Punishment of the Antipope 23 brandine party Dispositions towards peace . 24 Henry in Germany Concordat of Worms . 26 His second Expedition to Italy CHAPTER VII. Monasticism.—New Orders—The Templars and Hospitallers. State of Monasticism . M CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. From the Concordat of Worms to the Death of Pope Adrian IV., a.d. i 122- i 159. Page Page Death of the Emp. Henry V. 65 His correspondence with He Election of Lothair III. 67 loisa 112 CaHxtus II. —Honorius II. 68 His peculiar opinions . "3 Rival Elections of Innocent II. Council at Sens . 118 and Anacletus II. 69 Last days of Abelard . 120 Innocent leaves Rome for Republicanism in Italy 122 France .... 72 Arnold of Brescia ib. Bernard of Clairvaux . ib. Republicanism at Rome 125 Peter the Venerable, of Cluny 80 Celestine II. 126 Innocent gathers strength . 81 Lucius II. 127 ]\Ieeting with Lothair at Liege 83 Eugenius HI. 128 Council at Reims . 85 The Latins in the East 129 Innocent visits Clairvaux . 86 Edessa taken by the Mussul Innocent's return to Italy . ib. mans ... 131 Coronation of Lothair . 87 A Crusade projected . 132 Council of Pisa ... 88 Second Crusade . Bernard at Milan ... 89 Suger, regent of France William of Aquitaine . 90 Divorce of Lewis VII. and Roger II. of Sicily . 92 Eleanor . 149 Lothair's second visit to Italy, Hildegard . and death • • • 93 Council at Reims. Conrad III., king of the Bernard's book "Of Conside Romans .... 94 ration " . Bernard and Peter of Pisa . 95 Deaths of Conrad, Eugenius, End of the schism . 96 and Bernard Second General Council of Frederick Barbarossa . Lateran ib. first .... His visit to Italy . 160 Roger acknowledged as king 97 Adrian IV., pope 162 Intellectual movement, of the Death of Arnold of Brescia 164 age ib. Frederick crowned as Em Nominalism—Roscellin . 98 peror 166 Abelard . .100 Affairs of Sicily . 167 His amour with Heloisa . 104 Eskil of Lund 169 Abelard a monk at St. Denys 107 Question as to "beneficia ib. He is condemned at Soissons 108 Frederick at Roncaglia 172 Foundation of the Paraclete, no Differences with the pope 173 Abelard at Ruys . .111 Death of Adrian IV. 176 CHAPTER IX. Alexander III,, a.d. 1159-1181. Rival Election of Victor I\'. Alexander generally acknow- and Alexander III. 177 ledged by other powers . 181 Council of PaviaandFrederick Surrender and humiliation of are for Victor . .180 Milan .... 183 . CONTENTS. Vll Page Page Alexander in Fiance . .185 Pestilence at Rome — The Council of Tours . .186 Emperor Frederick forced Death of Victor — Paschal to leave Italy . 193 III., antipope . ih. The Lombard League . 195 Diet at Wiirzburg . .188 Murder of Becket 190 Alexander returns to Rome . 189 Treaty of Venice 198 Battle of Monte Porzio or Third Council of Lateran 201 Tusadum . .191 Last years and death of Alex Frederick crowned by the ander ... 202 antipope . .192 CHAPTER X. From the Election of Pope Lucius III. to the Death of Celestine hi. a.d. 1181-1198. Lucius III 204 Richard I. of England . .227 Frederick conciliates the The kings of France and Italians . 205 England join the Crusade. 229 His sixth visit to Italy . 206 Surrender of Acre . .231 Urban III., pope 207 Quarrels of the Crusaders . 232 Marriage of Henry with Con A truce concluded . 235 stance of Sicily 208 Return and captivity of Richard ib. Death of Urban . 211 .... Kingdom of Jerusalem. ib. Celestine III. , .237 Conquests of Saladin . 213 Destruction of Tusculum . 238 A crusade preached 217 Henry VI. in Sicily . 239 of a new Crusade . 241 The . emperor goes on the Project Crusade . 219 Death of Henry . .243 His death . 225 CHAPTER XI. The Greek Church — Spain — British Churches—The North—Missions. I. State of the Greek Church VIU CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII, — LIST OF POPES, SOVEREIGNS, ETC Popes. (The names in brackets are those of anti-pope?.) A.D. A.D. A.D. II. 1118 1 Anastasius IV. 1099. Paschal 1 53. "54 1 [Theoderic, iioo.] 1 54. Adrian IV. "59 [Albert, 1102.] 1159. Alexander III. 1181 1 1 1 [Sylvester IV. 105-1111.] [Victor IV. 1 59- 64.] 1 1 18. Gelasius II. 1119 [Paschal III. 1164-1168. 1 168- regory VIII. II19-1121. ] [Calixtus III, 1 1 78.: 1 1 19. Calixtus II. 1 124 [Innocent III. 1178-1180. ] 1 124. Honorius II. 1 130 1 181. Lucius III. 1185 mo. Innocent II. 1 143 1 185. Urban III. 1187 [Anacletus II. 130-1138.] 1 187. Gregory VIII. (Oct. 1 143. Celestine II. 1 144 20—Dec. 17) 1187 1 144. Lucius II. 1145 11S7. Clement in. 1191 1 145. Eugenius III. 1153 1 191. Celestine III. "98 Eastern Emperors. loSi. Alexius I. (Comnenus) 11 18 1 183. Andronicus I. 1185 1 1 18. 1 John (Kalojoannes) . 1143 185. Isaac Angelus "95 1 143. Manuel . iiSo 1 195. Alexius III. 1203 1180. Alexius II. 1183 Emperors and Kings of the Romans. (The date in the first cohimn is that of election or succession as independent king election as colleague of a reigning emoeror not being noticed. The date in the second column is that of coronation as eniperor.) 1 106 nil. Henry V. 1125 1152 1 155. Frederick I. II25 1 133. LothairlLorllL H37 (Barbarossa) 1190 im8 Conrad III. 1152 1190 1 191, Henry VI. 1197 Kings of Fr-a.nce. 1060. Philip I. 1 108 1 1 37. Louis VI I. (the Young) 11 80 lioS. Louis VI. (the Fat) "37 1180. Philip II. (Augustus) 1223 LIST OF POPES, SOVEREIGNS, ETC. x! Kings of England. AD. Xll LIST OF POPES, SOVEREIGNS, ETC. Kings of Jerusalem. A.D. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. BOOK VI. (Continued.) FROM THE DEPOSITION OF POPE GREGORY VI. TO THE DEATH OF POPE CELESTINE III., 1 A-D. 1046- 1 9S. CHAPTER VI. FROM THE DEATH OF THE EMPEROR HENRY IV. TO THE CONCORDAT OF WORMS. A.D. 1 106- 1 122. So long as his father lived, Henry V. had been un- measured in his professions of obedience to the Roman see ; and, now that the elder emperor was removed, the pope supposed that he might make sure of com- pliance with the claims which from the time of Gregory had been advanced on behalf of the church. In Octo- ber 1 106, Paschal held a council at Guastalla, which renewed the decrees against lay investiture ; while, with a view to the restoration of peace, it was provided that such bishops and clergy of the imperialist party as had received ordination from schismatics, should, unless VOL.
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