From: AAAI-97 Proceedings. Copyright © 1997, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. Carla P. Gomes Bart Selman Rome Laboratory* AT&T Laboratories 25 Brooks Rd. Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Rome Lab, NY 13441-4505 [email protected] .com [email protected] Abstract certain structure that is often present in realistic prob- lems. On the other hand, the highly structured mathe- Recent progress on search and reasoning procedures matical problems contain too much structure from the has been driven by experimentation on computation- ally hard problem instances. Hard random prob- perspective of realistic applications. lem distributions are an important source of such in- We propose a new benchmark domain that bridges stances. Challenge problems from the area of finite the gap between the purely random problems and the algebra have also stimulated research on search and highly structured problems.’ We consider structured reasoning procedures. Nevertheless, the relation of problems from the area of combinatorics for which di- such problems to practical applications is somewhat rect constructive solution methods are known. Our unclear. Realistic problem instances clearly have more goal is to study the properties of such structured do- structure than the random problem instances, but, mains in the presence of perturbations to their struc- on the other hand, they are not as regular as the ture. The properties of the resulting problems are structured mathematical problems. We propose a new benchmark domain that bridges the gap between the closer to those of real-world problem instances, in the purely random instances and the highly structured sense that the underlying structure of practical prob- problems, by introducing perturbations into a struc- lem instances is also often perturbed by an element of tured domain. We will show how to obtain interesting randomness or uncertainty. search problems in this manner, and how such prob- As our starting point, we selected the quasigroup, a lems can be used to study the robustness of search discrete structure that can be characterized by a set of control mechanisms. Our experiments demonstrate simple properties. As we will see, finding basic quasi- that the performance of search strategies designed to groups is a relatively easy problem, for which direct mimic direct constructive methods degrade surpris- constructions are known. However, the nature of the ingly quickly in the presence of even minor pertur- problem changes dramatically if we impose additional bations. constraints that are locally consistent but not neces- sarily globally consistent. In particular, we perturb Introduction the structure of the quasigroup by requiring that it In recent years, we have seen significant progress in the satisfies an incomplete initial pattern. Even though area of search and constraint satisfaction. Using ran- this initial pattern is consistent with the properties of dom instance distributions, hard search problems have quasigroups, there are no guarantees that a complete been identified. Such instances have pushed the devel- quasigroup can be derived from it. opment of new search methods both in terms of sys- The quasigroup completion problem enables us to tematic and stochastic procedures (Hogg et al. 1996). study the impact of perturbations on the complexity The study of highly structured problems, such as those of the underlying well-structured problem. Our ex- from various finite algebra domains, has also driven the periments will show that for general search procedures development of search procedures. For example, the small perturbations actually facilitate the search for question of the existence and non-existence of certain solutions. However, when the perturbations become discrete structures with intricate mathematical prop- larger, the search problems become exponentially hard erties gives rise to some of the most challenging search on average. problems (Fujita et al. 1993). Using this spectrum of difficulty of the quasigroup An important question is to what extent real-world completion problem, we study the performance of var- search and reasoning tasks are represented by such ious forms of search control. In particular, we investi- problems. It seems clear that random instances lack gate the robustness of search procedures, i.e., whether procedures that work well on the structured problems *Carla P. Gomes works for Rome Laboratory as a Re- search Associate. ‘See also http:// www.ai.rl.af.mil/quasi/quasi.html. Copyright 0 1997, Amerun Assoclatlon fOf ArMiclal Intelligence (www.naai.org). All rights rcscrved. EFFICIENT REASONING 221 degrade gracefuZZy in the presence of perturbation. We Evans (1960) conjectured that every N by N par- find that the performance of a search heuristic that tial latin square with at most N - 1 cells occupied can mimics a direct constructive method for quasigroups be completed to a latin square of order N. This is degrades rapidly in the presence of even the small- known as the Evans conjecture. Despite the fact that est possible perturbations. On the other hand, more the problem received much attention, and many par- generic heuristics, which do not perform so well on tial solutions were published, it took until 1981 for the the original problem, degrade more gracefully in the conjecture to be proved correct (Smetaniuk 1981). presence of perturbations, and quickly outperform the Andersen and Hilton (1983)) through independent more specialized search method. work, proved Evans conjecture with stronger results. This finding suggests that it can be counterproduc- They give a complete characterization of those par- tive to design search control strategies that specifically tial latin squares of order N with N non-empty cells mimic constructive methods. Of course, specialized that cannot be completed to a full latin square. How- search control has been shown to be quite effective ever, it appears unlikely that one can characterize in certain domains. Our results merely question the non-completable partial latin squares with an urbi- robustness of such customized -search I methods. Ap- trury number of pre-assigned elements. This is be- parently, even small perturbations can “throw off” the cause the completion problem has been shown to be specialized search control, making it inferior to a more NP-complete (Colbourn 1983, 1984). Of course, this general method. These results are consistent with the makes the problem computationally interesting from empirical finding that simple generic search methods the perspective of search and constraint satisfaction. often outperform more sophisticated ones when applied An interesting application area of latin squares is to a range of problem instances. the design of statistical experiments. The purpose of The paper is structured as follows. In the next sec- latin squares is to eliminate the effect of certain system- tion, we introduce quasigroups and define the quasi- atic dependency among the data (Denes and Keedwell group completion problem. We also discuss the the- 1974). Another interesting application is in scheduling oretical complexity of the problem. We then present and timetabling. For example, latin squares are useful empirical results on the quasigroup completion task, in determining intricate schedules involving pairwise followed by the evaluation of search strategies and their meetings among the members of a group (Anderson scaling properties. And, finally, we summarize our re- 1985). A natural perturbation of this problem is the sults and discuss future directions. problem of completing a schedule given a set of pre- assigned meetings. The Quasigroup Completion Problem Quasigroups with additional mathematical proper- ties are studied in the area of automated theorem prov- A quasigroup is an ordered pair (Q, e), where Q is a ing (Fujita et al. 1993; Lam et al. 1989). One interest- set and (v) is a binary operation on Q such that the ing question is to what extent special search heuristic equations a . x = b and y . a = b are uniquely solvable that can guide the search to find general unrestricted for every pair of elements a, b in Q. The order N of quasigroups is also of use in finding special quasigroup the quasigroup is the cardinality of the set Q. A good with interesting mathematical properties. way to understand the structure of a quasigroup is to Finally, the notion of completing partial solutions is consider the N by N multiplication table as defined by useful in exploring the total space of solutions, since its binary operation. (For each pair of elements x and the completion problem provides insights into the den- y, the table gives the result of x . y.) The constraints sity of solutions. For example, easy completion of par- on a quasigroup are such that its multiplication table tial structures does suggest a high density of solutions. defines a Latin square. This means that in each row of the table, each element of the set Q occurs exactly Computational Results for the once; similarly, in each column, each element occurs exactly once (Denes and Keedwell 1974). Completion Problem An incomplete or partial lath square P is a partially We now consider the practical computational difficulty filled N by N table such that no symbol occurs twice of the quasigroup completion problem. There is a nat- in a row or a column. The Quasigroup Completion ural formulation of the problem as a Constraint Satis- Problem is the problem of determining whether the faction Problem. We have a variable for each of the N2 remaining entries of the table can be filled in such a entries in the multiplication table of the quasigroup, way that we obtain a complete latin square, that is, and we use constraints to capture the requirement of a full multiplication table of a quasigroup. We view having no repeated values in any row or column. All the pre-assigned values of the latin square as a pertur- variables have the same domain, namely the set of el- bation to the original problem of finding an arbitrary ements Q of the quasigroup.
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