
INDEX, VOLUME 66, 1981* Ab jnixio M0 calculations 819,1237 Analyses, cont. Analyses,cont. 'l233 974 Achondrite, oriented olivine ec1og i ie 459 zoisite, Cr epi dote, Cr 974 ANDERS0N,C.S. and S.t^l. BAILEY: ACKERMAND,DIETRICH see pattern FRANZ,GERHARD 872 eugsteri te A newcation ordering 185 Acrofanite, newmineral (abstr) I'r00 fayal i te 95 in amesite-2az Adu.laria,analyses 484 Fe dolomite 51? ANDERSON,J.B. sEeSHOEMAKER, 485 forsteri te 498 G.L. 169 Aegirine, analyses genesis 938 Afghanite, structure 777 fri edeli te I 061 Andesite,experirnental garnet 463,7lI ,743,1027 Anilite, Cu-Sbond 813 Ajoite, newdata 201 phase AKIZUKI,MIZUHIK0: Investigation glasses, Na 547 Anorthite, equilibria ll83 of phase transition of natural graphitic sulfidic schists 916 Antaractica greenali te az5 meteoriticolivine I 233 ZnSminerals by high resolu- '1006 to22 tion electron microscopy halloysite r 004 surinamite,etc. 480 Antigorite, dissolution 801 _: Origin of optical heulandi te variation in analcime 403 hypersthene 75,337 Apatite Albi te i I menite 95,728,978 analyses 670 analys es 484 iron formation 89,51 1 inclusionin Cr diopside 347 heat capacity 1202 jonsomervilleite 834 Apuanite, microstructure I 073 Aldermanite,new mineral (abstr) 1099 kanoite 128 Aragonite,oolite 789 ARAKI.TAKAHARU and P.B. M00RE: Alforsite, newmineral 1050 kaolinite rock I 004 - Alkali diffusion, EPMA 547 kar'l i te 875 Diieni te, cul+Mn?tFe3l(oH)6 kornerupine 743 (Asrt03)5(Si lr04J i(Asr+04 ) : Alkali feldspars, thennodynamic t+; functi ons 1202 kutnahorite 280 metallic (AslrCu clusters Alkremite, Utah 741 kyani te 706 in an oxide matrix 1263 ALLARD,L.F. see GORDON,l^J.A. 127 I epi dol i te I ZL+ ---X-a2caand ;.Fi11owite, Almandine,analyses I eucite 669 (lln,FeTf*(PoA)6:- i ts Almbosite, newmineral (abstr) 878 I herzol i te 448 crystal struCture 827 Alpine peridotite, Alps 443 I udwigi te 875 , seeM00RE, P.B. I 034 Al umophannacosiderite, new magnetite 95,337,729 mlliA, M. see KUEHNER,s.M. 563 mineral (abstr) I 099 margarite 215 Arizona,ajoite 201 Amesite-2H2,structure and meta-autunite I 070 Arrojadite, structure I 034 oroerr ng 185 metakaolin nodule I 004 Arsenohauchecornite, new (abstr) +JO AMOURIC,MARC see MELLINI, microcl i ne mineral minnesotai te 517 Asbecasite,bond angle 819 MARCELLO I 073 (abstr) Amphibole,analyses 94 rnuscovite 55,75,215,710,9.l3Ashanite,new mineral 217 Anphiboles, India 625 Naamphibole 464 Augite, dispersion 987 Analbite, heat capacity 1202 natroapophyllite 414 Australi a Analcime,optical variation 403 ol i vi ne 337,526 ,665 '450 '978 bannisteri te 1063 Andalusite, analyses 706 orthopyroxene 75,337,451,526 halloysite fromkaolinite 997 Analyses,chemical 729,967 iron fonnation 87,507 I ub6 adulari a 484 parascholzite 848 rneta-autunite aegiri ne 485 perovskite 670 pyrrhoti te 1254 phlogopite 347,668,1.l58 ti vanite 866 ajoite 203 872 al bi te 484 plagioclase 75 Austria, kar'li te a l forsi te 1052 pleonaste 337 Axinite, structure 428 almandine 57,96 potassic lavas 671 amesite-2s2 I 86 prehnite 913 amphibo1 e 94,627 pyrophylI i te-1 rc 351 B-MgzSioa,structure 558 andalusite 706 pyroxenes 31,92 Backlscaiteredelectron anti gori te 802 pyroxmangite 281 detector 362 apati te 347,670 ri ebeckite 517 BAILEY,S.l^l. see ANDERS0N, C.S. 185 axi ni te 429 rhodonite 281 seeWEISS, ZDENEK 56] bannisteri te 1065 sapphirine,Be 1029 BTRER-;D.R. see SEKINE, bartoni te 371 schallerite 1056 TOSHIMORI 938 bayldonite 149 serpent'ine 347 BALTATZIS,EMM. and C. KATAGAS: biotite 56,75,96,359,7.I0,913 si derite 515 Margarite pseudonnrphs biotite, Si-rich 587 si I I imanite 706 after kyanite :in Glen Esk, brucite 802 spinel 670,729,743 Scotland 213 Ca amphibole 465 stauroli te 59,712 Balydkinite, newmineral calcite 504,5.|2 ster'linghiIlite 183 (abstr) 436 caryopi1ite 1060 sti lpnonelane 516 BAMBAUER,H. -U. SCCKROLL' chlori te 60,75,71I,9.l 3 surinamite 1026 HERBERT 763 chl ori toi d 7l I taaffeite 1029 Bannisteri te, empiri cal chromite, Mn l0l 5 taic 498,50I'802 fornulae ]063 c l i nopyroxene 128,337,452,666 ,728 theophrasti te 1021 BARGAR,K.E. ANdM.H. BEESON: cordierite 60,75,711,1030 ti tanomagnetjte 754 Hydrothermalalteration in corundum 743 ti vani te bo/ researchdrill hole Y-2, Low- Cr diopside 347 tremol i te 498,501 er GeyserBasin, Yellowstone Cr spinel 347 wai raki te 481 National Park, WYoming 473 dacfii ardi te 48.l wi nchi te oat BARRONNET,ALAIN see MELLINI, diopside 498 wonesi te 102 MARCELLO 1068 doloni te 347 yugawarali te 481 *Prepared by Michael J. Holdaway and Nazlee Coburn, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Czechoslovaki l2E3 Bartonite Caamphibole, newmineral 369 analyses 465 Clinopyroxene,cont. structure Caoxalate trihydrate 859 analyses,synthetic 227 376 CABRI ution Basalt,olivine in vugs 980 , L.J . : Newmi neral names exsol 127 537,1099 ,127 4 magmagenesis 938 BAUER,J.F^ andSCLAR, C.B.: partitioning The"104 phase" in the Calcariousmetannrphi cs, REE 242 Scotland 49] Coesite, hi gh-pressure systemMg0-Si02-H20 576 Bayldonite, Calcite structure 324 formuTaa-nd structure 148 peridotite BEES0N,M.H. see BARGAR, analyses 504,512 Colorado, nodule 334 K.E. 473 decarbonation BENEKE,KLAUS and GERHARD LAGALY: equilibria ll35 Colquiriite, newmineral ool i (abstr) Krautite, MnHAsOa.H20- an te 789 879,1099 i ntracrystalI ine reactive California Combustionmetamorohism 997 alforsite mineral 432 1050 Connecticut BENNETT,C.E.G. and J. GMHAM: bartonite 369 di ckinsoni te I 034 Newobservations depositson olivine 980 fillowite 827 on natural phosphate pyrrhotites: magnetictransi- santaclari te I 54 Copper hydrate tion in hexagonalpyrrhotite Calderite, newdata (abstr) 1290 structure 169 1254 CAMERON,MARYELLEN polymorphism BENNETT,J.M. seeSMITH, J.V. 777 and J.J. 176 Bentorite, newmineral (abstr) PAPIKE:Structural and Copper-sulfurbond lengths 807 637 chernicalvariations in Cordierite, analyses BERG,J.H. andS.A. MORSE: pyroxenes Dispersionmethod I 60,75,711,1030 for olivine, Cancrinite, orthopyroxeneand augite structure 777 Corundum,ana lyses 743 985 Carbonates,North Cu-Sbond 813 Bergenite,new data (abstr) ll02 Carolina 278 Covellite, BERKLEY,J.L. ANDKEIL, CARPENTER,l',|.A.: A "conditional Crete, Mgcarpholite 1080 KLAUS: spinodal" peris- 0livine orientationin the within the Cristobalite, from combustion997 ALHA77005 terite miscibility gapof Crystal growth,diopside 223 achondrite 1233 plagioclase Beryl, l4alagasy 885 feldspars 553 Crystal structure Beryllium sil icates, M0 Carpholite,Mg, structure i080 amesi te-242 185 calculations Carrollite, M0calculations 1250 arrojadite- I 034 819 Caryopilite, BESANC0N,J.R.: Rateof cation crystal chemistry 1054 axini te 428 Cathophorite,new mineral oq 561 disorderingin ortho- (abstr) 9-Mszli pyroxenes 965 878 Daronr[e J/O plagioclase 3do Bessmertnovite,new mineral Cationordering, 553 biotite, Si-rich CATTI,MICHELE, (abstr) 878 GIOVANNIFERMRIS bol twoodi te 612 Bioti te and GABRIELLAIVALDI: The Ca oxalate trihydrate 859 crystal structure picro- i analyses 56,75,710,9.l3 of carphol te I 080 pharrnacoli te, CaaMg(HAs0a)z chalcocite, lov{ 808 radiohaloes 358 (As0a)2.11H20 - Si-rich, structure 586 385 chukhrovite, syntheti c 392 BISH,D.L.: Cationordering in Chabazii,ei str;cture 777 cl i nopyroxene 128 synthetic and natural CHAKOUMAKOS,8.C.,R.J. HILL and coesite, high pressure 324 Ni- phosphate Mgol ivine 770 G.V.GIBBS: A molecular copper hydrate, orbital studyof rings in tov _ andR.F. GIESE, JR.: QPM Interiayer IIb silicates andsi loxanes 1237 di cki nsoni te l034 bondingof pressure chlori te t2t6 Chalococite,low, structure 808 diopside, high 315 Bismutohauchecornite,new Chalcopyrite,Cu-S bond 813 di xeni te 1263 mineral(abstr) 436 CHAO,G.Y.: Ajoite, newdata 201 dj url ei te 808 Blueschist, : Newmineral narnes 217,878 fillowite 8?7 Aips 443 jagoi B0ETTCHER,A.L. see B0HLEN, efi-arnockite,origin 1164 te 852 s.R. 951 Chertnodules, metamorphic in kanoite 128 seeFARMER, G.L. I,|54 dolostone 491 heulandi te-Ca/NH4 309 B0HLEN,S.R. andA.L. B0ETTCHER: Chlori te kanonaite 56r Experimentali nvesti gations analyses 60,75,913 1epi dol i te 1221 andgeological applications IIb, interlayer bonding 1216 liebenbergite (Ni-Mg of orthopyroxenegeo- Chloritoid, analyses 711 olivine) 770 (abstr) .l099 barometry 95] Choloalite,new nineral natroapophylI i te 4.l6 Boltwoodite,structure 612 CHRIST,C.L,, memorialof 649 nukundamite, synthetic 398 Bookreviews 221,440,880,1104Chromiandiopside, kimberlite 347 pi cropharmacoli te 385 pseudonal Bondcalculations 819,1237 Chromianspinel, inclusion in ach i te polymorphs 176 Bonddistances, Cr diopside 347 pyrophyllite-lzc 350 oxyanionsof pyroxenes Be,B, C, N 601 Chromite,zoned Mn-rich l0l3 I Bornite,Cu-S bond 813 Chukhrovite-(Ce),new data santacla ri te 154 (abstr) soddyi te 621 Brabantite, newmineral (abstr) 878 879 Chukhrovi ti vani te 868 Brazil, pyrophyllite- lrc 350 te, structure, BR0WN,P.E. seeGORDON, W.A. 127 synthesis 392 uranophane 612 CLARK, i te 620 Brucite, dissolution 801 J.R. seeCZAMANSKE, c.K. 369 v'leeks Crystais, largest 885 BRUSECK,P.R. see VEBLIN, D.R. 1.l07 _ see EVANSH.T., JR. 376 _ seeGARRELS, R.M. 649 Cyanophyil1ite, newmineral Buserite, intercalation by (abstr) dodecylamnoniumchl ori de, CLARK,R.S., JR., reviewof rhe 1274 synthesis 424 Sciences of l4inetaTs in Xhe CZAMANSKE,G.K., R.C. ERD, B.F. BUTT,C.R.M. and J. GRAHA|4: Aqe of Jeffetson (Greene LEONARDand J.L. CLARK: Sodianpotassian hydroxian and Burke) 441 Bartonite, a newpotassium meta-autunite:first Classification,of pyroxenes 2,40 iron sulfide mineral 369 natural occurrenceof an CLEMENCY,C.V. seeLIN, F.C. 801 CzechosI ova ki a internediate Clinochal comeni te, new I epidol i te 12?1 memberof a (abstr) predictedsolid solution mineral 217 sphalerite ]006 series 1068 C1i nopyroxene analyses 452,666,728 1284 Decarbonation Decarbonationequilibria ll35 Eclogite,quartz 938 pentlandite and DEGANELLO,SERGIO, A.R.
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