1 Leviticus: Rough and Working Bibliography Ted Hildebrandt Gordon College, 2004 2 Top Picks Milgrom, Jacob. Leviticus 1-16 : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 1991. ---. Leviticus 17-22 : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 2000. --. Leviticus 23-27 : A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 2001. Rooker, Mark F. Leviticus. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman, 2000. Ross, Allen P. Holiness to the Lord : A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2002. Wenham, Gordon J. The Book of Leviticus. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W. B. Eerdmans, 1979. 3 Alphabetic Table of Contents click on the letter and go, click on the section letters to return click on the binoculars to search, click on the magnifying glass to zoom in If you find any errors or find additions please contact: [email protected] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Any corrections or additions notify Ted Hildebrandt at: [email protected] 4 A Back to Top Aartun, K. "Eine Weitere Parallele Aus Ugarit Zur Kultischen Praxis in Israels Religion." Biblica et orientalia 33 (1976): 285-89. ---. "Studien Zum Gesetz Uber Den Grossen Versohungstag Lv 16 Mit Varianten: Ein Ritualgeschichtlicher Beitrag." Studia theologica 34 (1980): 73-109. Abba, R. "The Origin and Significance of Hebrew Sacrifice." Biblical Theology Bulletin 7 (1977): 123-38. Abramsky, S. "'Rosh Hashana' and 'Pesah' in Exekiel [in Hebrew]." Beer-Sheva 1 (1973): 56-78. Adler, S. "Der Versohnungstag in Der Bibel, Sein Ursprung Und Seine Bedeutung." 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Ed. G. J. and H. Ringgren Botterweck. Vol. 5. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 330-42. Andreason, N. E. The Old Testament Sabbath: A Tradition-Historical Examination. Society of Biblical Literature Diss. Series. Vol. 7. Missoula, Mont.: Society of Biblical Literature, 1972. Andreason, N. E. "Recent Studies of the Old Testament Sabbath: Some Observations." Zeitscrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 86 (1974): 453-69. ---. Rest and Redemption: A Study of the Biblical Sabbath. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1978. Andrew, M. E. "Contextual Theology as the Interpretation of God for the Peoples of a Region." Asia Journal of Theology 2.2 (1988): 435-39. Angerstorfer, A. "Ist 4qtglev Das Menetekel Der Neueren Targumforschuung?" Biblische Notizen 15 (1981): 55-75. Arnold, W. R. Ephod and Ark. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1917. Ashbel, D. "The Goat Sent to Azazel [in Hebrew]." Beth Mikra 6 (1965): 89-102. Ashby, G. W. Sacrifice : Its Nature and Purpose. London: Scm, 1988. Ashlock, Rodney O. "As the Lord Commands: Narrative Endings and Closure Strategy in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers." Ph. D. dissertation. Baylor University, 2002. Athidiajah, M. "The Goat for Azazel." Beth Mikra 6 (1960/61): 80. Atkinson, C. W. "The Ordinances of Passover--Unleavened Bread." Anglican 6 Theological Review 44 (1962): 70-85. Auerbach, E. "Die Feste Im Alten Israel." Vetus Testamentum 8 (1958): 1-18. ---. "Neujahrs- Und Versoehnungs-Fest in Den Biblischen Quellen." Vetus Testamentum 8 (1958): 337-43. Auld, A. G. "Leviticus at the Heart of the Pentateuch." Reading Leviticus: A Conversation with Mary Douglas. Ed. John F. A. Sawyer. Vol. 227. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. Aulén, Gustaf. Eucharist and Sacrifice. Philadelphia,: Muhlenberg Press, 1958. Author of Worship in, spirit, and truth. Notes on the "Feasts of the Lord," Prescribed to the Jews, and Their Bearing Upon the Faith and Hope of the Christian Church. London: Thomas Bosworth, 1884. Averbeck, Richard E. "An Exegetical Study of Leviticus 1:4 with a Discussion of the Nature of Old Testament Atonement." M. Div. Grace Theological Seminary, 1977. ---. "Offerings and Sacrifices." New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Ed. Willem A. Vangemeren. Vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. 996-1022. ---. "Clean and Unclean." New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Ed. Willem A. Vangemeren. Vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. 477-86. ---. "Kaphar." New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Ed. Willem A. Vangemeren. Vol. 2. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. ---. "Leviticus: Theology Of." New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Ed. Willem A. Vangemeren. Vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. 907-23. Averbeck, Richard E. "Offerings and Sacrifices." New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. Ed. Willem A. Vangemeren. Vol. 4. 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