5238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 14 By Mr. D'EW ART: Journal of the proceedings of Thursday. ·LEAVES OF ABSENCE H. R. 4069. A bill authorizing the Secretary May 10, 1951, was dispensed with. On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to by unanimous consent, Mr. FREAR was Lucy Yarlott; to the Committee on Interior MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-AP- and Insular Affairs. PROVAL OF BILL AND JOINT RESOLU­ excus~d from attendance on the sessions H. R. 4070 A bill for the relief of Isabelle TION of the Senate this week because of official F. s.tory; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Messages in writing from the Presi­ committee business. By Mr. HELLER: dent of the United States were commu­ On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by H. R. 4071. A bill for the relief of Demos­ unanimous consent, Mr. NIXON was ex­ thenes J. Dambassis and Mrs. Helen Dam­ nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries, and he announced cused from attendance on the sessions bassis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the Senate for 1 week because of his H. R . 4072. A bill for the relief of John D. that the President had approved and Theodoracopoulos, Mando J. Theodoracopou­ signed the following act and joint resolu­ appointment as a member of the .United los, Panagiottis Theodoracopoulos, and Char- tion: States delegation to the World Health Organization, which is meeting in Ge­ 1laos Theodoracopoulos; to the Committee On May 11, 1951: on the Judiciary. S. J. Res. 72. Joint resolution to provide neva, Switzerland. By Mr. HINSHAW: certain benefits for certain persons who On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by H. R. 4073 . A bill for the relief of the shall have served in the Armed Forces of the unanimous consent, Mr. KEM was ex­ Union Oil Co. of California and the Matson United States on or after June 27, 1950. cused from attendance on the sessions of Navigation Co.; to the Committee on the On May 14, 1951: Judiciary. the Senate for 1 week. S. 613. An act for the relief of Ernestine On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by By Mr. HUNTER: Bacon Jacobs. H . R. 4074. A bill for the relief of Prapion unanimous consent, Mr. MILLIKIN was Diranian Der Monsessian; to the Committee MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE excused from ~ttendance on the sessions on the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre­ of the Senate today and tomorrow. By Mrs. ST. GEORGE: H. R. 4075. A bill for the relief of Adrio sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one ·of its COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATE Socci; to the Committee on the Judiciary. reading clerks, announced that the SESSION By Mr. SHELLEY: House had agreed to the amendment of On request of Mr. LONG, and by unani­ H. R. 4076. A bill for the relief of the the Senate to the bill <H. R. 3297) to au­ mous consent, a subcommittee of the Union Oil Co. of California and the Matson thorize the Commissioners c,:J: the District Navigation Co.; to the Committee on the of Columbia to appoint a member of the Committee on Armed Services conduct­ Judiciary. Metropolitan Police Department or a ing hearings on the Marine Corps band member of the Fire Department of the was authorized to sit this afternoon District of Columbia as Director of the during the session of the Senate. ,. SENATE District Office of Civil Defense, and for On request of Mr. PASTORE, and by other purposes. · unanimous consent, the Special Subcom­ mittee To Study Railroad Retirement MONDAY, MAY 14, 1951 The message also announced that the . House had disagreed to the amendments Legislation of the Committee on Labor <Legislative day of Wednesday, May 2, of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 3587) mak­ and Public Welfare was authorized to 1951) ing supplemental appropriations for the hold hearii1gs this afternoon during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, and for session of the Senate. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, other purposes; agreed to the conference C9RRECTION OF STATEMENT BY FULTON on the expiration of the recess. asked by the Senate on the disagreeing LEWIS, JR. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown votes of the two Houses thereon, and Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, on Harris, D. D., offered the following that Mr. CANNON, Mr. THOMAS, Mr. KIR­ prayer: last Wednesday, May 9, I called atten- · WAN, Mr. WHITTEN, Mr. TABER, Mr. WIG­ · tion on the fioor of the Senate to an in­ Eternal Spirit, who art revealed to us GLESWORTH, and Mr. DAVIS of Wisconsin correct statement by Fulton Lewis, Jr., to in the order of the world in which we were appointed managers on the part the effect that I had failed to vote on live, in the truth our minds discover of the House at the conference. the motion of the Senator from Nebraska and, above all,· in spiritual life as we The message further announced that [Mr. WHERRY] to take up a resolution touch. it in the noblest sons of men: At the House had passed a bill <H. R. 3939) for open hearings on the MacArthur the beginning of another week's toil we to amend the act of June 23, 1949, with affair. would bring our fragmentary and par­ respect to telephone and telegraph serv­ On his broadcast last Wednesday tial lives into the presence of Thy whole­ ice for Members of the House of Repre­ night, Mr. Lewis corrected himself and ness, we would bring our transient and sentatives, in which. it requested the con­ in order that the RECORD may be ~om­ temporary thoughts into the light of currence of the Senate. plete and fair to all concerned, I ask Thy eternity, we would bring our rest­ The message also announced that the less and irritated spirits into the calm House had agreed to the following con­ unanimous consent that there may be strength of Thine everlasting purpose current resolutions, in which it request':' inserted at this point the pertinent ex­ ed the concurrence of the Senate: cerpt from Mr. Lewis' broadcast of for all Thy children. May9. Teach us once again the everlasting H. Con. Res. 98. Concurrent resolution to mystery that only as we lose ourselves in make the publication Guide to Subversive There being no objection, the excerpt something higher than ourselves can we Organizations and Publications a House was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, find ourselves. To this end, give us document and to provide for additional as follows: great causes to live for, give us a great printing of this publication; and To begin with tonight, ladies and gentle­ H. Con. Res. 99. Concurrent resolution to men, I have an apology to make about an faith to live by. From doubt and dis­ make the publication, 100 Things You illusionment, from bitterness and cyni­ incorrect and unfair report which I made to Should Know About Communism Series etc you last week. I told you that Senator ToM cism and frustration in tl1ese diificult a House document and to provide for ~ddi~ CONNALLY, of Texas, refrained from voting times, good Lord, deliver us. Let us have tional printing of this publication. on the Wherry resolution to open the Mac­ vision to see the way we ought to take ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED Arthur hearings to the public after he had through today's perplexing circum­ DURING RECESS found that the vote was already on the ad­ stances. May high decisions be made ministration side, that he ~1ad come into the on the right side of great moral ques­ Under authority of the order of the Chamber at the close of the vote, and al­ tions. Though we may not see all things Senate of the 10th instant, though he had an opportunity to cast his clearly, let us see so,:ne great things The PRESIDENT pro tempore an­ ballot, he refrained from doing so. He has plainly, as in the encircling gloom Thou nounced that on May 11, 1951, he signed called my attention to the fact that he was dost give us light enough to walk by. the enrolled joint resolution <S. J. Res. registered on that vote. He voted when his 72) to provide certain benefits for cer­ name was called on the first go-around, and We ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. then left the Chamber and returned at the Amen. tain persons who shall have served in the Armed Forces of the United ·states end and, of course, did not vote again. My THE JOURNAL informant saw what happened then, at the on and after June 27, 1950, which had . end, and did not see the earlier events. And On request of Mr. MCFARLAND, and by previously been signed by the Speaker so the error. I'm very sorry for the mistake. unanimous consent, the reading of the of the House of Representatives. My apologies to him and to you. 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5239 WHEAT FOR INDIA to law, copies of laws enacted by the Munici­ means of raising this portion of needed rev­ pal Council of St. Croix, V. I. (with accom­ enue; and be it further Mr. McFARLAND. I announce that panying papers) ; to the C'ommi ttee on In­ · "Resolved, That copies of this resolution be after the pending motion is disposed of, terior and Insular Affairs. transmitted to the Speaker of the House of I expect to move the consideration of FRANCHISE BY PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF Representatives and the President of the Sen~te bill 872, the so-called wheat-for­ PUERTO RICO Senate of the Congress of the United States, India bill.
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