![1932-09-24 [P B-8]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SALE—AUTOMOBILES. CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. TARZAN THE UNTAMED. By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS In order to protect its advertisers Four 1932 from receiving circular matter, it is expressly understood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld as OLDSMOBILE far as possible by The Star, Only DEMONSTRATORS bona fide answers to advertisements Driven less one thousand addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be delivered to ad ver- milêt. Will sell at a tremen- tisers on presentation of the box dous sacrifice. ticket. number NEW CAR GUARANTY. HELP—MEN. TERMS TRADE BAKER, experienced bread, rolls. sweet soods and Danish pastry; night work. Call 3412 14th .st. ii-«. BARBER and haird'csser for established Oldsmobile Retail Store beauty shoo, downtown; ïive· references. 1515 14th St., N.W. Pot. 2162 Address Box 466-H. Star office. CASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER, one with in- Open and etallmpnt store experience preferred. Liberal evenings Sunday Clothing Co. 434 7t!l St. 11.w. ESTIMATOR AND ENGINEER, a practical and heat- man. h ν well established plumbine Selling Automobile« Since 1910 ir.K company, specializing in jobbing and remodeling; must know District of Columbia regulations, be well educated and capable of meeting public Reply in ov.-n handwrit- ing. stating experience, where formerly em- ploved education. age and salary expected. H. B. LEARY Address Box 13-S. Star office HOUSEMAN AND BUTLER, refined; able to ///y χ do simple repairs: modest salary. State \\ Copyright. 1852. by Ed*»r Rlie Burroutb». tte Jr., & Bros. Inc. | .j Qualifications._ Address Box 380-H. Star office. Distributed by United Feature Syndicate. )| r ~§mr ""Tif MAN. with a light car. as salesman: one He had a definite object, the capturing of a certain with sewing machine experience preferred. Premising the British future information concern- The firelight revealed the officer's upper features, Hours he moved across Killmanjaro's'foothills. To- 1931 Buick "8" Sedan We have λ good opening for a live wire. See Red spy alive. He had watched her in Red head- Machine ing the weakness of the Reds' defense lines, Tarzan giving Tarzan a brief glimpse of a aguely familiar ward dawn he settled himself to sleep. Kudu, the Mr. Harris, with the Singer Sewing deliver a message. Now he was ave. staff face. some officer I have met in London," quarters positive Co 3Π37 Cum. announced his departure. Leaving the colonel's "Probably his Model new sun, was well up when he awoke. Stretching he had seen that same girl in the British lines, dis- t>7, like in every MEN »3>. good house-to-house salesmen, for he chanced to pass a slight officer whose face he h? said to himself and went his way, passing safely niant limbs, he swung to earth. guised as an officer. respect. This price Washington dist. and nearby towns; select could see. the watchful outguards. lightly real only partially your own field; household necessity of is more than fair .. OéVD merit; few housewives can resist; men mak- SALE—AUTUMUHILta. 5(ALt—AtlUMUDlLt?». a.lLt, AtlUniUDlLLS. ing from $5 to S6 day; do not answer this SITUATIONS—MEN. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FORD 1930 COUPE; excellent condition e.1 unless you mean business. See* Mr. (Continued.) (Continued.) (Continued.) terms. Barry-Pate, 1360 PARTS—x'AK'lS 1931 Ford Sport McCoy. 7-10 m.. Saturday Sunday. 10 a.m. 6 CHEVROLET COUPE. 1929—Good running throughout; Î225. ρ MANUFACTURER S AGENT. living D. C ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES- ; 10202. —for all cars and trucks Used cars and Roadster $295 w D. C. satis- reasonable. Call Cleveland 579*. Perk rd. Adams to 8 p.m.. 1515 L st. η Washington. covering Virginia and North Carolina four rms.. 2 halls and bath. $35. over 600 ; condition; trucks for sal*». 1932 PiMrouth owner Open Sundays Robert Her- times business relations fied customers in Washington. Get my esti. ; seat, FORD STANDARD COUPE—New tires; < MEN (2). neat appearing, for special sales yearly, pleasant CHEVROLET 1930 ROADSTER- Rumble son's Auto Exchanee. 72 Fia ave. n.e. Sedan ... $495 See the reason. H. M. Carpenter, N. 0885. must sell: pr:ce right. Call Mis* Parks, promotion work. Apply 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. creditable drug trade twelve years, can give chauffeur driven: own 3 cars, selling be- 953-959 Fla ave n.w. North 10408 CHERNER 192· Chevrolet 25· Oeorela 1983. 35· part lime to kindred lines of high-quality _ cir.se haven't extremely low po« National Press Bldg. garate space; Coupe ... $195 merchandise: commission basis. If you like new; 2633. 25· 8EDAN — Owned a MUSICIANS (non-unionΚ dance and concert FLOOR WORK—Old floors made mileage: *190 Adams FORD 1929 TOWN by 1932 Ph mouth would like business from this territory, ad- reasonable. and in best of con- violinist, cellist: experience preferred, but modern electric machines: price ; CHEVROLET REDAN 192®—A beautiful blue, school professor kept Coupe $4K5 dress Box 485-H. Star office. 25· H. L. Caton. Atlantic 0665. dition; equipped with two fender wells, si* Says not necessary. Address Box Star office. ( the motor A-l condition; will be sold at a 1929 Chrysler "75 14-S^ wheels and tires, large trunk and trunk HILL & TIBBITTS FLOOR WORK, expert: old floors made like pi.ce; can arrange terms, only $25 down, Coupe $450 ROUTE SALESMAN, s.e. man: must be a rack, cowl lights. The best buy of the sea- SITUATIONS—MEN AND WOMEN. new: prices reasonable: work guaranteed. balance only *4 week; no properly signers If Price» Will Sell Car*— 1927 Packard good salesman, honest and a hard worker; son. $195. Cherner. 1761 You St. n.w. 1114 Vermont Ave. N.W. W C Dfaton. 4227 8th st. n.w. Col. 7662 needed; a real bargain. Phone Mr. Sterl- Sedan $195 unlimited opportunity for the riqht man. HERMAN wish "positions as chauf- COVPLK ing. Nor'h 9232. Motors. 1805 14th FORD 1928 SPORT COUPE rumble seat, '31 Ford These Will Be Sold 1929 Washington Laundry. 27th and Κ sts. n.w.· feur. butler, valet: wife. cook, housework: CI Scraped or sanaed and refin- Century Town Chrysler "75 AADg sf. n.w many extras: must sell for unpaid notes, $450 See Mr. Neumann bet_ 5 and 6 p in. best refs. Address Box 105-J. Star office. 24· ished; sanding machines rent- j Sedan Sedan only S70. Mr. Roper. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 $275 Immediately 1931 Chevrolet YOUNG MAN. neat appearing, for crew ed Earle Jordan. Lin S765 CHEVROLET-COACH, 1931: in good running Eighteenth st. n.w. '31 Ford Roadster $295 manager: reference required. See Mr. Quinn, condition: must be seen to be appreciated; SITUATIONS—WOMEN. FORD LATE 1930 COACH^-Owner must sell; A Protective Guarantee Goe« 1931 Chrynler "W ?03. 1336 Ν. Y. ave. η w. MODERNIZE sacrifice. $325. Call owner. Decatur 2175. Room *175 cash. Call North 4721 or 1013 Ο st. n.w. Tudor $275 $475 ELLIOTT-FISHER BOOKKEEPER. typiit, CHEVROLET 1931 COACH; beautiful ma- With All Cherner Better Used Sedan .. CHRISTMAS CARD SALESMEN. 8 best references. clerk. years' experience, YOUR HOME. roon Dujo mechanically $395; FORD BUYERS, attention' If you are dis- '30 Ford De Luxe 25· finish, perfect. Car». TRIP TO CHICAGO WORLD'S Address Bjx 477-H. Star office. terms. Barry-Pate. 1360 Park rd. Adams appointed and tired of looking for a low- Roadster MANY OTHERS WITHOUT A STRUGGLE. light car. remember Lee D Butler. $255 FAIR. HOUSEKEEPER, white, reflned, desires po- 10202. ι priced '29 Ford Tudor 0788. and Inc.. 2155 Champlain st. n.w.. Col. 5050. has '30 Ford $139 Card sition, best references. Phone .North CHEVROLET CONVEPvTIBLE CABRIOLET. Here Is one of the best Christmas SEARS. ROEBUCK CO., many light cars on display at prices from '29 25· 1931 condition: $370; cash; Ford Sport Roadster.. 115 Propositions in America. Our people are excellent $100 «35 up. Tudor $275 cleaning up with our extra big line of 85 LADY, middle-aged, white, wishes position World's Largest Builders. ccme and see it. 1515 R. I. ave. n.w.. 7 p.m. *30 Oakland V-8 345 CHRYSLER «325. a well Coupe.... business and professional desisrns. in an institution as housekeeper, linen Will Rive you a first-class 1ob. the best of 24· FORD 1931 TtJDOR. only smart. '30 Ford Standard personal, in insti- l Tudor sedan, better than Lee '28 Pontiac 135 CASH BONUS. Two 21-card box ass'ts pay- room woman 15 years' experience material? and finest workmanship at the CHRYSLER 8-CYLINDER SPORT COUPE. ept average. Coupe (r. ».).. Dietributor D Butler. Inc., 2155 Champlain st. η w. Col. Coupe $265 ing Sue and $1 profit, with MONEY-BACK tutional work. West 100Π. RIGHT PRICE. 1931 includes rumble '28 Buick 195 Complete equipment '30 Coupe (r. ·.).... GUARANTEE. Pay daily in advance. V e MODISTE, designer, fashionable gowns; re- seat, well fenders and six wire wheels; ap- Ford Sport 3600. Convenient Monthly Payments. '28 Chevrolet Coach 89 1321-23 14th St. N.W. deliver and collect. Samples FREE Apply modeling a specialty. Miss Bert. Col. pearance and performance like new. $875. FRANKLIN "7-PASSENaER SEDAN. 1930 Roadster 25* Xo Extra $215 a* or ee THE PROCESS CORPORATION. Apt. 6in. Cavalier Hotel. Appt. only. Financing Charges, Warfield Motor Co.. 1130 Conn. ave. n.w. Spare tire mounted forward. folding trunk '28 Pontiac Coach 79 Press rack on rear: #875. Warfleld Motor Co.. '29 Ford De and 112fi Nat'l B'ds. NURSE, practical, care lor invalid lady; best Bonuses or Fees. D'st 4350 Open evenings and Sunday. Luxe " Open Evenings Sunday* 1130 Conn. ave. n.w. Dis:.
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