CLAPHAM PARK DEVELOPMENT PLANNING GUIDELINES Revised Consultation Draft July September 2005 CLAPHAM PARK DEVELOPMENT PLANNING GUIDELINES Revised Consultation Draft July September 2005 05 Executive Summary . 06 Introduction . 09 The DPG Within The Planning Policy Context 10 Clapham Park Current Context and History 18 Vision for the Future and Strategy Framework 43 Implementation and Phasing . 46 Glossary . 49 Appendices . Client: London Borough of Lambeth Team: Urban Initiatives Project Director: Heather Lloyd Urban Initiatives 1Fitzroy Square London W1T 5HE tel +44 (0)20 7380 4545 fax +44 (0)20 7380 4546 www.urbaninitiatives.co.uk A landmark place, setting new standards of quality so that it will meet the hopes of local people for a choice of high quality housing, good transport links and an “attractive and safe environment. It will be economically and environmentally sustainable.” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is to guide the redevelopment of the Clapham Park Estate. It provides additional guidance to supplement London Borough of Lambeth (LB of Lambeth) statutory planning guidance as set out in the Lambeth Unitary Development Plan and it will be used to assess planning applications within the Clapham Park Estate. This document is called the Clapham Park Estate Development Planning Guidelines (DPG). It has been written in response to the Clapham Park master plan developed by the Clapham Park New Deal for Communities and takes many of the aspirations contained within the master plan into a planning framework. It is anticipated that this DPG will become formally adopted by LB of Lambeth as a Supplementary Planning Document, following the adoption of the Revised Deposit UDP. The DPG sets out the planning policy which redevelopment proposals, need to meet, background information on the estate, a vision for the estate redevelopment and seven objectives that redevelopment should accord with to achieve this vision. The vision is: “A landmark place, setting new standards of quality so that it will meet the hopes of local people for a choice of high quality housing, good transport links and an attractive and safe environment. It will be economically and environmentally sustainable.” The seven objectives are: 1 The creation of a distinct identity with a greater diversity of tenure and unit type 2 The creation of a new street network and definition of public and private space 3 Improved provision of public transport and appropriate parking provision. 4 The provision of enhanced community facilities and employment opportunities 5 The provision of enhanced open space and a high quality public realm 6 The provision of appropriate scale and density 7 The creation of a sustainable environment Information is also set out on the phasing of development and planning obligations. CLAPHAM PARK Development Planning Guidelines Revised Consultation Draft July September 2005 | 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION Purpose Study Process This document presents the Clapham Park Estate The production of this DPG is in response to the Development Planning Guidelines (DPG). It provides master plan for the redevelopment and refurbishment additional guidance for the Clapham Park Estate to of the Clapham Park Estate prepared by Clapham supplement relevant policies within the adopted Park New Deal for Communities in conjunction with Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and revised the LB of Lambeth. The master plan has been deposit draft UDP. In particular, this DPG prepared in consultation with the Clapham Park supplements policy 58a Clapham Park in the revised community over the past three years and deals with deposit draft UDP. problems, opportunities and aspirations from the community’s point of view. This DPG applies the This document will set out the key spatial planning policies in the adopted and the Revised Deposit UDP and design issues, principles and recommendations to the area has been informed by the master plan as that London Borough of Lambeth (LB of Lambeth) will well as a variety of sources including: use to determine planning applications in the Clapham Park Estate as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 Location Plan 6 | • Clapham Park NDC Delivery Plan 2001-2011 specific to the estate, it also allows flexibility to • Clapham Park Offer Document for stock transfer respond to change over time. • The London Plan: Spatial Development Strategy As part of the DPG process a Sustainability Appraisal • London SPG: Affordable Housing and Housing (SA) has been carried out. This is to ensure that the Provision proposals put forward in the DPG are fully considered in regard to how they contribute towards sustainable • Lambeth Community Strategy development. The SA is a document that is subject • Lambeth Community Safety Audit to the same consultation process as the DPG and is • Lambeth Open Spaces Strategy freely available to the public. This has resulted in a document that provides over Once adopted, the DPG and SA will be regularly arching guidance for the estate and sets out clear reviewed and monitored against base line objectives guidance on the type and form of development to ensure that objectives are being met, the guidance proposals, which are encouraged. Whilst the remains relevant and that sustainable development document has been drafted to contain guidance is being delivered. Figure 2 Major Development Opportunity CLAPHAM PARK Development Planning Guidelines Revised Consultation Draft July September 2005 | 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION (continued) Objectives of Development Planning DPG Structure Guidelines 1. Introduction The principal objectives that have formed the basis of Presents the background to the project this study are to prepare DPG: 2. The DPG in the Planning Policy Context 1. To develop the concept of proposed development to Describes the status of DPG. Full details of inform the implementation of the Clapham Park relevant policy (national, regional and local) set master plan over time in the context of an agreed out in Appendix A planning and regulatory framework. 3. Clapham Park Current Context and History 2. To identify and clarify preferred approaches to the Outlines current context including constraints, an overall hierarchy of development, including the mix urban design and movement appraisal, existing of uses, urban structure and development layout, planning uses, stock condition and extent of likely scale, massing and heights of buildings, mix of demolition. A brief history is also included. housing types and tenure. 4. Vision for the Future and Strategy Framework 3. To initiate the process of placing all proposals Presents the vision for the area and the overall within an identifiable planning policy framework. objectives for future redevelopment. Discusses the issues behind each objective and identifies specific 4. To assess and give practical guidance on achieving Development Guidance for future development to be sustainable development. shaped by. 5. To create a balanced approach to affordable 5. Implementation and Phasing housing and community facilities provision, in line A programme setting out the time frames and with private sale value achieved. identifies lead agencies. Potential Planning 6. To assist the LB of Lambeth in the assessment of Obligations are identified. planning applications. 6. Glossary Sets out commonly used urban design and planning Consultation Programme terminology. The future development of Clapham Park has been a 7. Appendices community led process. The Clapham Park Project A. Planning Policy Context (CPP) has brought together residents, local business B. Schedule of Existing Units by Size and community organisations in Clapham Park. This C. List of Consultees resulted in the preparation of a master plan, which reflected community aspirations. The master plan also sought to achieve a document that was capable of adoption as DPG by LB of Lambeth and adoption by the CPP Board. Although, LB of Lambeth decided to commission a separate document to guide outline planning permissions and individual detailed phase planning applications, the master plan was used as a starting point for the composition of this DPG. Project meetings between LB of Lambeth officers, members of CPP, the master planning team and consultants, ensured that the views of the local community were represented during the production of this Draft DPG. 8 | 2.0 THE DPG WITHIN THE PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT Status of Clapham Park DPG and its use in the decision making process The purpose of the Clapham Park DPG is to apply and provide further detail to relevant policies within the adopted Lambeth UDP and revised deposit draft UDP as appropriate to the area. UDP policies are consistent with, and reflect national and regional policy. The DPG also sits alongside and complements other LB Lambeth strategies and plans affecting Clapham Park. Proposals for development within the estate should be made in accordance with the relevant policies in the adopted UDP and in the emerging revised deposit UDP, and dependent on the scale and nature of proposals, the relevant policies in the London Plan. The DPG will be an important consideration in guiding the form of renewal and defining subsequent planning applications. Policy Context Guidance at the national level through Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPG) inform the policy context. This is interpreted at the regional level through the London Plan, which provides the strategic planning framework for London. Within this framework, the adopted and revised deposit Lambeth UDPs set out the aims and objectives for the borough, providing policies at the local level. This represents the statutory planning framework, which is used to guide development. There are a number of key documents and policies within this framework that are of relevance to Clapham Park. These are set out in Appendix A to the rear of this document. CLAPHAM PARK Development Planning Guidelines Revised Consultation Draft July September 2005 | 9 3.0 CLAPHAM PARK CURRENT CONTEXT AND HISTORY The New Deal for Communities Clapham Park Project area covers an area of some 61.4 hectares on a site between Brixton, Streatham, Balham and Clapham.
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