California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal John M. Pfau Library 4-2004 April 2004 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "April 2004" (2004). Inland Empire Business Journal. Paper 186. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. n 6 "' ,'"cI YOLUME 16, NUMBER 4 APRJL 2004 $2_00 California Logistics Airport Oven·ie.,., Taking global access mto the 21st century. Southern California Log"tics Airpon iSCLA) is more than an in­ ternatiOnal airport it's a 5.000-acrc multimodal bu:-;mcss complex that in­ tt."gratcs manufactunng. mdustnal and office facilities with nme core busi­ ness units that mcludc: continued on puf!.t' 6 Richard ~poom:r ride~ apth- named Hilton Flight to a win in the Sl "iO,OOO purse Ford Grand Prix <~{the Dnert in Indio. The Indio DeH'rl Citt·uit i\· produced hr Saugerties. \. Y-hased /lone Slums In The Sun. Inc (HI TS) and utn-ucl\ a weekh a\·eruge c~{ m orc than 2 000 hones and 6.000 equestrians. gi,·ing a grear boost to the region., econumr Photo br ITmot/n· Poulsen o{Poulsen Photograph.\ 1\'EW BVSINF5SE5 pages 46 to 47 AT DEADLINE Equestrian Show Greatly CALENDAR ttage ~2 Interstate 10 Benefits Coachella Valley Economic Forecast Truck-dim b­ Businesses and Charities Conference ing Lane on by Leona 1 Christensen Indio spec1fically," satd Sherry John­ Speakers Share son, CEO of the Indio Chamber of Projections on the Schedule If money \\ere an ammal. it Commerce. "It fills our hotels and Work includes pa1·ing would be a horse. restaurants and our rcta1lcrs such a~ Inland Empire in center median, sound Each year for seven weeks, drugstores, dry cleaners, florists and Economy equestnans from all over the world mail services--just to name a fcv.... Y>alls, pavement repair make Jndio thCJr home away from These people are here for seven weeks by Georgine L01·eland home, pumpmg tens of millions of so they get thetr clothes cleaned, have Construction of the new dollars mto the Coachella Valley's numerous packages to mail and re­ The 2004 Inland Empire Busi­ truck-climbing lane on Interstate economy. ceive. They get their hair and nail s ness Journal Economic Forecmt Con­ I 0 between Redlands and "From the studies we have done done and they usc our drugstore facil­ ference was held on March 19 at the Yucaipa is one-third complete m the past, we know what an eco­ ities for numerous needs. It is just DoubleTree Hotel m Ontario. William and right on schedule. Work on nomiC advantage the horse show is to such a tremendous impact in so many J. Anthony, publisher of the Journal, continued on page 3 7 the East end of Coachella Valley and continued on page 2 continued on page II SURE-HIRE SOLUTIONS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS 1800) 564-5644 • - • Temporary Stafftng • Full Time Placement • Temporary To Htre iiPPI.I!dlll! BUSINESS JOURNAL • PAGE 2 APRIL 2004 APRIL 2004 BUSINESS JOURNAL • PAGE 3 Equestrian Show Greatly Benefits San Manuel Band Announces Donation to UCLA Coachella Valley Businesses and The Umvers11) of Caltfomia Los fcrcd m conjunctiOn Charities Angeles (UCLA) School of Law and With the UCLA's In­ the San Manuel Band of Miss10n In­ terdepartmental Pro­ continuedfivm page I dians announced a first-ever of its kmd gmm in American donat1on to an educatiOnal institution lndt<m Studies. areas that you would not Invites you to the by an lndmn nanon In a ceremony at Professor Carole nonnally thmk about." Business Showcase 2004 the law school, the San Manuel Band Goldberg. a promi­ For local bW>messes Thursday, May 13th in the ofMrsston lndi<ms bestowed a $4 mil­ nent scholar of Na­ like Indio's The Best Loma linda Plaza lion gift to the university to establish a tive Amcncan lav.·. is Western Date Tree Hotel 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Tribal Learning Commumty and Edu­ director of the JOml Some of the counfrJ·l·foremost hunter, jumper and eq­ the horse show bnngs lu­ Booths Available callOnal Exchange m suppon ofNatwe degree program and uitation judges preside at the show H4rich includes top crative business and fills American studies. wh1ch w11l be ad­ ts faculty chair of the international horses and riders, as well as beginning Call 799-2828 l'QOms to full capacity. lmmstered by the L:CLA Nauve Na­ Native Nations Law n·ders seeJ..:ing to gam experience m the show ring. for more iniomation tions Law and Policy Center. "Dunng the last three Photo by Leona Christensen and Policy Center. years that The Best West­ The Tnbal Leammg Commumty The Tnbal Learning ern Date Tree Hotel has been operat­ Region IV, wh1ch will be held this and Educational Exchange:..; mission is Community and Ed­ ing in Indio, the horse show has been year during Week Ill. Beginning Jan. to ad'lmce the study of California tribal ucational Exchange a tremendous boon to us, helping sell 28, the show lasts for seven weeks equine team member that is capable show fees, it costs on average of hJstories, cultures, contemporary issues, is a mearu; to support out the hotel dunng the seven weeks with a week break in February and of traversing a course of obstacles that about $1,000 a week per horse. That and pol1cy and will serve students rc­ the continued growth of the horse show," sa1d Aaron Segal, ends on March 14. range from a little less than three feet does not mclude the cost of meals cmitcd from Southern Califomta tribes, of Native Cultures Ftvmleft to right: Christopher Duro ofthe San .\lam1el Band of.\lission Indians; Hemher .\fcMillan, and commuruties as UCLA law sn1dent. Dr fHmth· Teele~ curator ofanheologyfi>r the L'CLA Fowlar .\fiL<eum; Professor general manager of the hotel, which "Jnd1o is as close to a perfect to as high as six feet, depending on and hotel rooms for myself;' said as well as law studenl>, graduate, and un­ mcludes 119 rooms and 12 su1tes. weather situation in the winter as you the competition. During the IndiO Gilchriese, owner• president of Cal­ dergraduate students already enrolled at self-govemmg cui- Duane Champagne. LCLA School of Law(aculty member; Chairma11 Deron Jfarque: of the San For the last 12 consecutive years, can get," sa1d Eickman. ·'What we Desert Circuit, horses consume more iber Paving Co., Inc. based in Santa UCLA. UCLA IS the tir.;t law school to tural and polit1cal Manuel Band ofMission Indian<: Professor Pat Sekaquaptewa, UCLA School ofLtru•facult\' membc.~·. the Indio Desert Circuit produced by are looking for are multiple, succes­ than I 00 tons of Purina feed. Purina Ana. "While I don't part1c1pate in have a Juns doctorate. master of arts m groups. Professor Carole Goldberg. UCLA School ofLa~ faculty. and Interim Dean Vomtan Abrams. UCLA Saugerues, N.Y.- based Horse Shows sive weeks where we can put on a is the offic1al equine feed for all HITS th1s show to promote my business, I Amencan lnd1an Studies, which IS of- School of Law In The Sun, lnc. (HITS), has attract­ horse show. Indio is nice because shows. The HJTS Desert Horse Park have found busmess contacts as a re­ ed a weekly average of more than there IS very hnle ram. It means that mcludes 80 acres mth approximately sult of the relationships I have bu1lt 2,000 horses and 6,000 equestnans. people can ride every day of the 500 stalls. from this show." including top international horses and horse show w1thout having to worry For equestrians like Darin For more than I 00 sponsors who Jobs Held Hostage: Big Court Case Could riders as well as begmnmg nders about being rained out." G1lchriese who bnngs four horses to mclude everything from horse prod­ seekmg to gain experience in the The six-week show draws com­ the show. the IndiO Desert Circuit IS ucts to high-ticket items like Ford Action on Workers' Lower VLF $1.3 Billion show nng. Some of the country's petitors from all over the world al­ an expensive venture costing thou­ trucks and HBO, this is an ideal way foremost hunter, JUmper and equi­ though most are from the United sands of dollars. H1s horse. Hilton's to get exposure w1th the greatest The Legislative Analyst reports new. deprec1ation schedule for calcu­ tation judges preside at the show, said States, Mextco or Canada. The show Fltght and nder Richard Spooner won number of equestnans mvolved tn Comp Reform that in September last year, the Fourth latmg the vehicle license fee that re­ John A. Eickman, national marketmg also bnngs Olympians from Ireland, the $150,000 Ford Grand Prix of the show Jumpmg for the longest period It is Day 15 of Jobs Held Further, the measure makes employ­ District Court of Appeals found sulted in a tax mcrease for all vehicle director for HITS. This year, four of Canada, Mexico, New Zealand Unit­ Desert competinon on Sunday, March of time of any horse show m the Hostage- two weeks after the Gov­ ers responsible only for the inJury, or against the state m a case concemmg owners m California.
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