Chinatown's Annual Events 2021

Chinatown's Annual Events 2021

26 TUNG FAT NEW PASTRY SHOP 同發新館 売店 681-8806 25 ROUROU ROUROU 650-5466 Yokohama ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT RESTAURANT E-2 C-5 TUNG FAT PASTRY SHOP 同發新売店 681-2976 RYU MAINSTREET SHOP 龍 大通り本店 227-7688 2 Chinatown’s 1 BEIJINROASTDUCK SPECIAL STORE 北京炒栲鴨店 305-6677 27 26 2 The History of Yokohama Chinatown Annual Events 2021 D-3 D-2 E-2 0 WANGFUJING HONTEN 王府井本店 641-1595 RYU DRAGON SHOP 龍 関帝廟通り青龍店 640-0788 0 2021 CHUKAGAI DAIHANTEN 中華街大飯店 227-9888 28 27 2 2 E-2 E-4 2 In 1859, after the port of Yokohama was opened to international trade, Jan. ■ 2021 Feb. Shunsetsu Mar. Toka May Jun. Jul. B-3 1 29 YOKOHAMAZAZIPAI 横浜炸鶏排 512-3263 28 RYU PHOENIX SHOP 龍 市場通り朱雀店 651-1977 1 Western merchants began to come to Yokohama. They brought with -Feb.28 (Sun.) 3 DAISOGEN 大草原 680-5558 F-5 D-3 . them Chinese assistants to act as interpreters to facilitate their B-2 . 0 Brilliant coloring through illuminations and lanterns 30 YOKOHAMAZAZIPAI ICHIBADORITEN 横濱炸鶏排 市場通り店 681-2052 29 RYUKI 龍起 663-9818 0 negotiations with the Japanese. The Chinese played the role of 4 HINCHINKAKU 品珍閣 681-7828 D-4 C-4 6 D-4 6 SEICHOEN 清朝園 651-7474 . middlemen in the tea and silk trade as interpreters, money HONG KONG RESTAURANT 香港大飯店 212-1818 30 . 0 5 B-3 0 exchangers etc.. ■ D-2 1 Spring Festival Countdown 1 In those days, the Chinese also took jobs as chefs (cooking knife), 6 HOUTENKAKU 鵬天閣 633-3598 CHINESE GROCERY・CHINESE TEA 31 SEIKA 盛華 681-6847 Feb.11(Thu.) (to be scheduled) D-3 D-3 tailors (scissors), and barbers (haircutting scissors), known to be San YOKOHAMA MASOBYO 7 KAFUKUHANTEN 華福飯店 212-1898 1 CHINESE SUPER MARKET 中国貿易公司 中華街本店 662-2899 32 SHOUHOU 照宝 681-0234 21 B-3 D-2 21 ba dao (meaning“the three knives”). ■ E-2 6 Spring Festival 2 EIKOGO 榮興號 681-3652 33 SOTOMARU TEXTILE 外丸繊維工業 662-7801 6 However, the overseas Chinese who founded today’s Chinatown were (Old Calendar New Year’s Day) 8 KAI GEN SHUKA 海源酒家 323-9618 D-2 D-4 : C-2 : 4 predominantly involved in the restaurant business. 4 Feb.12 (Fri.) 3 FUKIPAOZURO 富貴包子楼 663-2913 34 TEF-TEF tef tef 663-3941 9 KARYUHANTEN 華龍飯店 680-2866 F-4 C-4 7 C-2 7 ■ AREA GEN HOU KOU 源豊行 681-5172 TENPODO SILKROAD PLAZA 天宝堂 シルクロード館 641-6333 : The Chinese lived in one of the districts of the Foreigner’s Residence Chinese Lantern Pavilion KO-CHO RESTAURANT 皇朝 レストラン ※0120-290-892 4 35 : 1 10 E-2 F-3 1 Area (Gaikokujin kyoryuchi) and built there a theater, a Chinese Feb.12 (Fri.)- Feb.26(Fri.) E-4 D-4 9 Yamashitacho Park 11 KYAKUMANDOU NIBANKAN 客満堂 二番館 664-1186 5 KAIKAROU 開華楼 640-0081 36 WAMONOYA KAYA 倭物や カヤ 680-0755 9 resident’s association, and the Kanteibyo (a shrine dedicated to the F-4 C-2 E-2 popular deity Kan-tei). They suffered greatly in the course of events 12 MANGENSHUKA 萬源酒家 263-6885 6 KIYOKEN CHUKAGAI ODORITEN 崎陽軒 中華街大通り店 212-5570 2 F-4 D-2 2 such as First Sino-Japanese War (1894-95), the Great Kanto Mar.20 (Sat.) ■ 7 KOUSEIWA 公生和 681-2276 RESTAURANT・BAR・KARAOKE・JAPANESE FOOD Earthquake(1923) and WWⅡ, and their survival is to this day is a Maso-sai Festival Throughout Chinatown 13 MANKINROU 萬金楼 680-2930 C-2 testament to their hard work and co-operation. D-2 14 RONSHIN HANTEN 龍興飯店 681-3878 8 MANSHO SHOJI 萬勝商事 662-1694 1 A HAPPY PANCAKE YOKOHAMA CHINATOWN 幸せのパンケーキ 横浜中華街店 681-8686 D-3 B-3 F-4 MONKEY-MAGIC TEAHOUSE In 1955, the Chinese residents built a gate called the Zenrin- 15 ROUPEKIN 老北京 228-8268 9 悟空茶荘 681-7776 2 AKAKARA YOKOHAMACHUKAGAITEN 赤から横浜中華街店 319-4095 D-4 (GOKU-CHASO) C-5 B-2 mon(meaning“ the Good Neighbor Gate”) and the words Chuka-gai ■ Maso-tan AREA 3 BAR NORGE BAR NORGE 641-7020 16 RYUKAIHANTEN HONTEN 龍海飯店 本店 263-6405 MONKEY-MAGIC TEA SHOP B-3 (meaning“Chinatown”) were first carved on this gate. Since then, May 4 (Tue.), (Mar.23 in old calendar) F-4 C-3 10 悟空1号店 641-5509 (GOKU-1ST SHOP) F-3 Chuka-gai became the name of the town replacing the former name YOKOHAMA MASOBYO 17 RYUKAIHANTEN ODORITEN 龍海飯店 大通店 298-2667 4 BLUES GUITAR FOREVER BLUES GUITAR FOREVER 263-8405 of Nankin-machi (meaning“Nanjing town”), Since then, more and D-2 F-6 11 RYOKUEN 緑苑 651-5651 5 GEN BARBECUE 源 焼肉 227-8829 more pailou (or Chinese-style arches) have been built, and four gates 18 RYUKOHANTEN 龍江飯店 633-2267 B-4 B-3 D-2 12 SHUKOU KOUSHI 泗興公司 681-7613 constructed to the south, east, north and west. Each gate is dedicated ■ 19 RYUSEIHANTEN 龍盛飯店 633-6633 C-1 6 HIJITETU ひじてつ 元町店 228-7037 to separate deity, and it is said that these deities countinually bestow Yokohama Dragon Boat Race C-2 C-6 May29(Sat.),30(Sun.) 13 TAIWA SHOJI 泰和商事有限会社 641-8147 7 KARAOKE NO TETSUJIN CHUKAGAITEN カラオケの鉄人 中華街店 228-2177 their blessings on Chinatown. Yamashita Park seaside 20 SEIYOUHANTEN 星陽飯店 264-8922 D-4 C-3 D-4 14 TEN REN'S TEA 天仁茗茶 641-0818 21 SHICHI FUKU 七福 651-0366 A-3 8 KING KING 641-8746 Chinatown occupies an area of 500 square meters. Today, not only D-3 E-4 15 TOUSEIKEN SEIMENJYO 東成軒製麺所 681-7455 NAKSHATRA ナクシャトラ 264-9984 Chinese but also Japanese own shops and live in this area and they ■ Jun.14 (Mon.), (Mar.5 in old calendar) 22 SUIRYŪ 酔龍 663-0919 B-2 9 Dragon Boat Festival D-5 C-1 are able to co-exist harmoniously in a multinational community. The Various chimaki (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) 16 YOSHIKO'S CHINESE TEA STORE 芳子のお茶 650-4680 10 RYOEN 漁宴 264-4786 development of Yokohama Chinatown has been based on a spirit of are sold at the stores of Chinatown. 23 YOKOHAMA SHUKA 横浜酒家 263-8831 C-3 F-5 D-3 17 YOU SING 耀盛號 売店 681-2242 mutual friendship and the culture of traditional China, and the result B-3 11 SHIKINRO 紫金楼 264-9335 AREA B-3 has been to create an attractive and cozy town for visitors as well as ■ Jul.7(Wed.) Ryoen-sai YOKOHAMA MASOBYO F-4 SNACKS・SOUVENIRS 12 TRES TRES 222-6433 the residents. CLOTHING SUNDRIES TRADITIONAL CRAFT GIFTS E-3 Aug. ・ ・ 1 5TALENTS 五タラント 663-3055 13 TUKIZIKIYOMURA SUSHIZANMAI すしざんまい 横浜中華街東門店 680-5326 C-4 E-2 ■ Aug.2 (Mon.), (Jun.24 in old calendar) 1 AMETSUCHI TERASU アメツチテラス横浜店 663-0707 Guandi-tan Festival 2 ASIAN BOX 亜細亜箱 681-3688 B-3 14 UMINOYA 海乃家 319-6923 Throughout Chinatown D-4 C-1 2 AQUA STONE アクアストーン 228-7040 15 YAKITORI BAR LECOQ 焼鳥バル ル・コック LeCOQ 663-2937 3 CHIMAKI-YA ちまき屋 264-8528 F-5 C-2 Yokohama Chinatown E-3 ASIAN INTERIOR LOOP アジアンインテリア ループ 662-5510 Sep.■ Oct. Mid-Sep. (to be scheduled) 3 16 YEAHMAN’S RESO TERRACE ヤーマンズ リゾテラス 305-6638 Yokohama Sparkling Twilight Yamashita Park seaside, park vicinity 4 CHUNGKING GIFT HONKAN 重慶飯店 本館売店 651-0820 B-4 F-5 Development Association D-2 4 BANRAIKOU ODORITEN 萬來行 大通り店 662-8698 ■ 5 CHUNGKING GIFT STORE BRANCH1 重慶飯店 第一売店 641-6874 D-2 17 ZAION 財恩 662-9043 5F Ryunichi Kanton Kaikan Bldg.118-2 Mid-Autumn Festival (Chushusetsu) E-2 E-3 Yamashita-cho Naka-ku Yokohama 231-0023 JAPAN Sep.21(Tue.), (Aug.15 in old calendar) 5 BEIJINGTANG 北京堂 651-6512 Various mooncakes are sold at confectioners in Chinatown. 6 CHUNGKING GIFT STORE BRANCH2 重慶飯店 第二売店 662-5490 C-4 Ⓡ D-2 6 CAYHANE PART1 チャイハネ パート1 662-8787 7 DAGASHI HYAKKATEN 駄菓子百貨店 633-3379 F-3 SIGHTSEEING・ENTERTAINMENT・TEMPLE ■ C-3 National Day of the People’s 7 CAYHANE PART2 チャイハネ パート2 263-8512 Reproduction of this pamphlet is prohibited without the EDOSEI MAIN SHOP 江戸清 本店 ※0120-047-290 F-3 1 ANIBASE YOKOHAMA ANIBASE YOKOHAMA 264-6573 permission of the Yokohama Chinatown Development 8 D-5 Not for sale Republic of China E-2 CHINATOWN RIX CHINATOWN RIX 227-7724 Association. Oct.1 (Fri.) Throughout Chinatown 8 2 BOARDGAME SHOP RIGOLER よこはまのボードゲーム屋さん リゴレ 212-2677 9 EDOSEI ODORI SHOP 江戸清 大通り店 ※0120-290-544 B-3 B-6 E-2 9 DEKOBOKODOU YOKOHAMA 凸凹堂横濱 212-9471 ■ 3 CAMERA REPAIR JYUUJIYA カメラ修理十時屋 664-5337 National Day of the Republic of China 10 EDOSEI KANTEIBYOU-DORI SHOP 江戸清 関帝廟通り店 ※0120-044-290 D-4 C-5 Isezaki- Nogeyama D-4 10 GEORGE AND KEWPIE 古着屋ジョージ&キューピー本店 681-1071 chojamachi Park Oct.10 (Sun.) Throughout Chinatown 11 FUTAIROU 富泰楼 641-4456 F-4 4 HARRY YOKOHAMA HARRY 横浜 225-8815 Ishikawacho Hinode-cho Keihin-Kyuko Line (Motomachi HOTEL JAL CITY AREA D-3 F-4 KANNAI YOKOHAMA ■ Oct.14 (Thu.), (Sep.9 in old calendar) 11 GEORGE AND KEWPIE 古着屋ジョージ&キューピー2号店 222-6858 Yamate Park .Chukagai) Maso Ascension Day 12 HEICHINOOAMAGURI 聘珍大甘栗 671-1009 F-3 5 KYUBIYA KIMONO 九尾屋 きもの 263-8995 AREA MAP YOKOHAMA MASOBYO F-4 D-2 D-4 Yokohama Chinatown Vicinity ■ 12 GOLDHOUSE JAPAN ゴールドハウスジャパン 222-3460 Yokohama KannaiKannai World Fest Yokohama Early-Oct. (to be scheduled) Yamashita Park 13 HEICHIN SARIO 聘珍茶寮 663-5126 D-2 6 MA COOKING SCHOOL 馬クッキングスクール 263-8482 Foreign General Yokohama B-3 B-4 Cemetery IMPORT SAIHO インポート西芳 681-6620 Stadium ■ 13 MA’S CHINESE PASTA 双喜麺上海 651-0758 Motomachi Motomachi Yokohama Kannai Sakuragicho Chinatown Halloween Late-Oct.

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