FifthSession • Thirty-Fifth Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS (Hansard) Published under the authorityof The Honoumble Denis C. Rocan Speaker Vol. XLUI No. 54 • 1:30 p.m;,Thursday, June 23, 1994 JSSNOS42-5492 MANITOBALEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-FifthLegislature Members, Constituenciesand PoUticalAmUation NAME CONSTITUENCY PARTY. ASHrON,Steve Thompson NDP BARRE'IT,Becky VVellington NDP CAURSTAlRS,Sharon RiverHeights Liberal CERILLI, Marianne Radisson NDP CHOMIAK. Dave Kildonan NDP CUMMINGS,Glen, Hon. Ste.Rose PC DACQUAY,Louise Seine River PC DERKACH.Leonanl, Hon. Roblin-Rossell PC DEWAR,Gregory Selkirk NDP DOER,Gary Concordia NDP DOWNEY, James,Hon. Arthur-Vinlen PC DRIEDGER,Albert, Hon. Steinbach PC DUCHARME,Gerry, Hon. Riel PC ln>VV)URJ)S,Paul St. James Liberal ENNS,Harry, Hon. Lakeside PC ERNST, Tun,Hon. Cbarleswood PC EVANS,Clif Interlake NDP EVANS,Leonard S. Brandon Bast NDP FILMON,Gary, Hon. Tuxedo PC FINDLAY,Glen, Hon. Springfield PC FRJBSBN, Jean VVolseley NDP GAUDRY,Neil St. Boniface Liberal GIILESHAMMER,Harold, Hon. Minnedosa PC GRAY,Avis Ctescentwood Liberal HEL EdwardWER, R. Gimli PC IUCKES, George Point Douglas NDP KOVVALSKI, Gary TheMaples Liberal LAMOUREUX,Kevin Inkster Liberal LA'IHLIN,Oscar ThePas NDP LAURBNDEAU,Matcel St. Norbert PC MACKINTOSH,Gmd St. Johns NDP MALOVVAY,Tun Blmwood NDP MANNESS,Clayton, Hon. Morris PC MARTINDALE,Doug BU11'0WB NDP McALPINE,Gerry SturgeonCreek PC McCORMICK,Noona Osborne Liberal Mc�,James,Hon. Brandon VVest PC MciNTOSH,Linda, Hon. Assiniboia PC MITCHELSON,Bonnie, Hon. RiverBast PC ORCHARD, Donald,Hon. Pembina PC PAILISTER,Brian PortaseIa Prairie PC PENNER,Jack Emerson PC PLOHMAN,John Dauphin NDP PRAZNIK,Damn, Hon. Lac du Bonnet PC REID, Daryl Tranacona NDP REIMER,Jack Niakwa PC RENDER,Shirley St. Vital PC ROBINSON,Eric Rupertsland NDP ROCAN,Denis, Hon. Gladstone PC ROSB,Bob Thrtle Mountain PC SANTOS,Conrad Broadway NDP SCHBLLBNBBRG,Harry Roumete NDP STBFANSON,Eric , Hon. Kirldield Palk PC STORIE,Jerry· FlinFlon NDP SVBINSON,Ben LaVetendrye PC VODREY,Rosemary, Hon. Fort Garry PC VVOVVCHUK,R osann SwanRiver NDP 4007 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Thursday, June 23,1994 The Housemet at 1:30 p.m. no longer meet either educational or building standards. Completion date for construction of PRAYERS Greenway School isDecember 1997. ROUTINEPROCEEDINGS Thereplacement of anold sectionof Foxwarren PRESENTINGPETITIONS School in Birdtail River School Division No. 38 withpredesigned classrooms, the construction of a PbarmacareBenefit Levels new administration area minorand renovations to Mr. Paul Edwards (Leader of the Second the gym, completiondate December '94. Opposition): Mr. Speaker, I beg to present the petition of Henrique Rigatto, Don Cates, Kim The new projects include, Mr. Speaker, Kwiatkowskiand requestingothers the Legislative replacement of the older section of the Hazel M. Assembly urge the Minister of Health (Mr. Kellington School in Beautiful Plains School McCr ae) to considerrestoring Pbarmacare benefits DivisionNo. 31, theconstruction of a 2,200square to theirprevious levels. foot addition to the physical education multipurpose room at Crystal City Elementary MINISTERIALSTATEMENTS AND School in Pembina Valley School Division, the TABUNG OF REPORTS construction of a new K- 8 French immersion school in St. Vital School Division No. 6, and Bon. Clayton Manness (Minister ofEducation completion date for the construction of the Ecole and Training): Mr. Speaker, I would like to, Ashworth Schoolis September '95. firstly,table theTeachers ' RetirementAll owances FundBoanl, 1993 AnnualRepo rt. I willlet themembers read the ofrest thelist on theirown. The$1 8.3-MillionCapital Construction Capital ConstructionProgram Program is expected to create 365 jobs. I would Bon. Clayton Manness (MinisterEducation of like to say that these capital construction projects and Training):I would liketo make a ministerial have beencarefully considered, andpriorities have statement, please. been chosen on the basis of school board requests and long-range capital plans. They are an rise It givesme greatpleasme to in the House indication of this government's commitment to today to announce an $18.3 million capital improving the public school system by ensuring construction program for '94-95 that includes 15 thatstudents have the facilities they needfor their initiatives for Manitoba's public school system as education. Thankyou. recommended by the Public Schools Finance Board. • (1335) The projects range from roof repair and Mr.Gary Doer(Lea der of theOpposition) : Mr. replacement projects to the construction of three Speaker, I thankminister the for hisstatement. new schools and the planningof a fourth. I believe that we completed the Education Thecapital construction program includes these Estimates a couple of weeks ago, and it is rather projectsidentified in previousbudgets to bestarted typicalthat we areseeing the capital visionof this in this fiscal year, Mr. Speaker, firstly, government well after the budget Estimates have construction of a new N-6 school in Winnipeg beencompleted. Thisis asimilar situationto what School Division No. 1 to replace two schools that we bad in the Department of Health. We would 4008 LEGISLATIVEASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA June 23, 1994 like, at some point, to have a discussion of capital timing, as the Leader of the Opposition has decisions that the government is making in the indicated. overall context of the total Estimates so that we However, having said that as the Leader of the can have a comprehensive review of these Opposition has referred to-although I think he proposals. has a bit of the historical synopsis wrong-it is Secondly, Mr. Speaker, we are aware that the very good to see that listed No. 1 is the public education systemhas been decimated by the construction of a new Greenway School. Thathas provincial government For two yearsin a row,the been a long time coming for the residents of the publiceducation system hasbeen reduced by this west end area who also happen to be my government, so forthis minister to standup in this constituents. House and feign his commitment to the public Through thatexperience, I have seenthis school education system runs hollow in terms of the rideliterally the topprlorities of the capital schools spendingpriori ties. finance board for a number of years. There were, Onthe specific proposals, Mr. Speaker, we are let us say, some difficulties, I think,delays and in pleased after six years in government that the dealing with the school board. However, we were very pleased to see that resolved recently and Greenway School has beenved. appro I know that happyto see thisincluded in thispro ject. theWinnipeg School Division has pushedfor this for thelast few years. I pleasedam that minister the I can assure the minister it will be very well and the chair of the Winnipeg School Division received indeed from those parents, many of have proceededwith this project, although it is a whom startedthis discussion and effortthis when little later than we would have wanted and Iam theirwere children firstentering that school.The sure the chairof the Winnipeg School Division children are now graduating, andwe arejust now would have preferred. seeingproj this ectcome to fruition. I would alsocaution members opposite. I recall I am sureequally that meritorious are otherthe in July of 1990, there was a major announcement projectsin thisann ouncement, Mr. Speaker, and I of capital expenditures in the Department of do want to congratulate the minister on coming Health. I also recall shortly after the September forward with thislevel of capital projects in this date of 1990, after the unfortunate majority coming year. As well, I am sure there are many government was obtained, that many of these othersthat deserving are and therethat mayin fact capital decisions evapmated andared. disappe So be some disappointment today around the we will judge the capital decisions of this province. government brick by brick. We will judge their I think it behooves us as members of this commitment to thepubli c educationsystem dollar Legislature to make a continuing commitment to by dollar. We willnot judge them bypress release public education and a critical part of that is a alone. continuing commitment to adequately fund the Thankyou veJ:Y much. construction of facilities in the public school system to properly educate our children. Thank Mr. Paul Edwards (Leader of the Second you. Opposition): Mr. Speaker, I am veey pleased to see this Capital Construction Program come ••• forward, albeit I askedthe minister some time ago Bon.Eric Stefanson (Ministerof Finance): Mr. for it and knowI thatin theEstimates processthe Speaker, I am pleased to table the 1994-95 ministerhad indicated hethat did not wantto come ReveiWeEstimates. forward with it He calledit privileged,and I think that we have some concern over perhaps the • (1340) June 23, 1994 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYOF MANITOBA 4009 PRESENTING REPORTS BY Commissioner of the Republic of Zimbabwe.On STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES behalf of all honourable members,I would like to Committeeof Supply welcome you herethis aftern oon. Mr. Speaker: Isthere leave to revertto Presenting Also with us this afternoon inthe gallery to my Reports by Standing and Special Committees? left, we have ChiefRalph Caribou of the Mathias [agreed] Colomb Cree Nation in Pukatawagan. Accompanying Chief Caribou is Elizabeth Bear Mrs. Louise Dacquay (Chairperson of who is a government liaison officer. These are Committees):
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