
Notes on Japanese Ferns II. By T. Nakai (I.) PolypodiaceaeR. BROWN, Prodr. F1. Nov. Holland. p. I45 (i8io), pro parte. Plzysematiurn KAULFVSS in Flora (1829) p. 34I. The species of this genus have not articulation at the stipes of fronds. The indusium is complete sac, bursting irregularly in its maturity. DIEi.S took this for Woodsia on account of the lack of articulation at the stipes of Woodsia polystichoides. The ordinary Woodsiahas horizontal articulation in the middle of the stipes of the frond. But in Woodsiapolystichoides articulation comes at the upper end of the stipes. It is oblique and along the segmental line many lanceolate paleae arrange in a peculiar mode. DIETShas overlooked this fact, and perhaps CHRISTENSENhad the same view. By this peculiar mode of articulation Woodsiapolystichoides evidently repre- sents a distinct section Acrolysis NAKAI,sect. nov. However, the indusium of Woodsiapolystichoides is Woodsia-type; incomplete mem- brane covering the lower part of sorus and ending with hairs. This mode of indusium is fundamentally different from I'hysennatium,and I take Woodsia distinct from Plzysematzum. Among the numbers of species of Japanese Woodsia only one belongs to Pliysenzatium. P/zysernatiulnmanclzuricnse NAKAI, comb. nov. Woodsiamanclzuriensis W. J. HOOKER,2nd Cent. t. 98 (i86i). Diacalpe manclzuriensisTREVISAN Nuo. Giorn. Bot. Ital. VII. p. I6o (I875). Hab. Japonia, Corea, Manchuria et China bor. Vittaria formosana NAKAI,sp. nov. (Eu-Vittaria). Vittaria elongata (non SWARTZ)HARRINGTON in Journ. Linn. Soc. XVI. p. 3 3 (1878); pro parte, quoad plantam ex Formosa. BAKER July,1925 NAKAI-NOTESON JAPANESE FERNS II 177 in BRITTEN,Journ. Bot. XXIII. p. I o6 (I885)-HENlv in Trans. Asiat. Soc. Jap. suppl. XII. p. I I6 (i 898)-MAKINGin Tokyo Bot. Mag. X. p. ii. (1896), cum descript. Jap. ; excl. syn.-MATSUMURA, Ind. P1. Jap. I. p. 350 (19o4)-MATsuMuRA& HAYATAin Journ. Coll. Scienc. Tokyo XXII. p. 625 (1906), excl. syn.-CHRISTin Bull. Acad. Int. Geogr. Bot. 3 ser. XIX. p. 1o (19 IO)-NAKAI in Tokyo Bot. Ma. XXVIII. p. 92 (1914); Veg. Isl. Quelpaert. p. io n. 100 (1914). HAYATA,Icon. P1. Formos. VI. p. I6I (1917). Differt a Vittaria elonbata quae crescit in India, Ceylon, Indo- China et in Java, et quacum adhuc confusa, foliis crassioribus costis non elevatis, venis lateralibus inconspicuis quae costis subparallelo decurrentibus. Rhizoma circ. 3 mm. crassum, squamis nigris basi subcordato- peltatis subito in acuminem linearem acuminatis reticulates margine serrulatis 8-9 mm. longis dense obtectum. Frondes 2-5 mm. distantes cum stipite 1.5-2.0 mm. lato ante sulcato in laminam sensim transite usque 90 cm. longae 5-9 mm. latae apice attenuatae supra sublucidae infra opacae. Hab. in Formosa et in Liukiu. Good lot of species was reduced to Vittaria elongata by J. G. BAKER(HOOKER & BAKER,Synopsis Flllcuum), but from what I have observed the type-specimens, the classification of C. CHRISTENSENis more precise and comprehensive in this part of Ferns. (II.) GleiclzeniaceaeBLUME, Enum. P~. Jay. II. p. 248 (1830)- LINDLEY,Nat. Syst. p. 401 (i 836), excl. Parkeriae et Hynenophylleae.- STURMIn MARTIUS,Fl. Brasil. I. pt. 2. p. 217-218 (1859)-DIETs in Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. 4. p. 350 (1899). GleicheneaeR. BROWN,Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. p. I6o (i8io).- KAULFUSS,Enum. Filic. p. 36 (1824). Sclzismato~teridesWILLDENOW, Sp. P1. V. p. 69 (i8 I0), pro parte. Filices sect. Gleicheneae LINDLEY,Introd. ed. I. p 315 (1830). 1ifertensia `VILLDENOW,Vetens. Akad. Nya Handl. XXV. p. 163 (I 8o4).-SwARTz,Syn. Filic. p. 163 (I 8o6).-ScHKUHR,Krypt. Gewach. p. 149 (1809) -WILLDENOw,Sp. P1. V. p. 71 (18 I O).-KAULFUSs,Enum. Filic. p. 37 (1824).-STURMin MARTIUS,Fl. Brasil. I. pt. 2. p. 219 (1859). 178 THE EOTANICAL MAGAZINE [Vol . XXXIX. N. 463 Dicranopters BERNHARDIin SCHRADER,Neue Journ. I. Pt. 2. p. 26 et 38 (18o6). Gleiclzenia (non SMITH)BLUME, Enum. P1. Jay. II. P. 248 (1830).- ENDLICHER,Gen. P1. p. 64. n. 659 (1836) pro parte. Gleichenia subgn. Mel•tensia W. J. HOOKER, Syn. Filic. P. 4 (1846).-DIEL.sin Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. 4. p. 353 (1900). McsosorusHASSKARL, Observ. Bot. Filic. Bogor. I. P. 2 (1856). As SCHKUHRhas well figured in the early date, the sporangia of Gleiclzeniahave complete rings and are attached to the axile process of laminae like a central placenta. Two to five sporangia make one mass and are enclosed by the cupule-like enclosure of laminae. The species of Gleic/uvia grows in .South-Africa and the ramifiLation of the frond resembles to Mertensia. There are three species of illei'tcnsia in Japan. (1) illertensia glauca SWARTZin Vetensh. Acad. Nya Handl. XXV. p. i77 (1804); Syn. Filic. p. 164 (1806)-WILLDENOw,Sp. P1. V. p. 75 (I8 Io)-KUNzE in Bot. Zeit. VI. p. 492 (1848)• Polvpodiumg laucum THUNBERG,Fl. Jap p. 338 (1784). Gleiclzeniajaponica SPRENGEL,syst. veg. IV. p. 2 5 (I 827). Gleiclzeniaglauca (non SWARTZ)W. J. HOOKER,Sp. Filic. I. p. 4 (i8.6), excl. tab. !-MIQUEL,Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 345 (1867) -FRANCHET & SAVATIER,Enum. P1. Jap. II. p. 203 (I876)-CHRISTin WARBURG, Mons. I. p. 92 (I900)-DIEL.s in Nat. Pullanzenfam.I. 4• P• 353 (1900), pro parte.-MATSUMURA,Ind. I. p. 306 (19o4).-NAKAI,Veg. Isl. Quelp. p. II. n. 117 (1914); in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXVIII p. 98 (1914). ATesosoritsglaucus HASSKARL,Obs. Bot. Filic. Bogor. I. p. 15 (1856). Hab. Japonia, Quelpaert, Corea (insl. Hokitsuto, Wangto) Formosa et China. All others as lllcvtensia longissima (G. longissima), Meztensia exclsa (G. exclsa), Mertensia g igantea (G. gigantea), Mertcnsia j)innata, Mertenszag labra, Gleiclzeniabullata, Gleichenia arachnoides etc. belong to distinct species. (2) Mertensia diclzotoma WILLDENO\Vin Vetensk. Akad. Nya Handl. XXV. p. 167 (18o4)-SwARTz,Syn. Filic. P. 163 (i8o6) pro parte-ScHKUHR,Krypt. Gewach. p. 150 t. 148 (I 809)-WILLDENOW, Sp. P1. V. p. 7' (18 I o)-KUNzEin Bot. Zeit. VI. p. 492 (1848). July,1j NAKAI-NOTESON JAPANESE FERNS II 179 Poly~odiuzndiclzotomum (non Llouttuyn) THUNBERG,Fl. Jap. p. 338 (1784). Dicrano~tcrZsdZclwtoma BERNHARDI in SCHRADER,Neue Journ. I. 2. p. 38 et 49 t. 3. fig. 13 (i 8o6), pro parte. Gleicllenia dicliotona w. J. HOOKER, Sp. Filic. I. p. I2 (1846) pro parte ; et in Kew Journ. Bot. IX. p. 333 (1857)-M1QuELin Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. III. p. 18I (1867); Prol. F1. Jap. p. 345 (1867); Cat. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. p. 128 (187o)-FRANcHET& SAVATIER, Enum. P1. Jap. II. p. 203 (1876)-HARRINGT0Nin Journ. Linn. Soc. XVI p. 25 (1878)-LuERsSENin Bot. Jahrb. IV. p. 365 (1883)-BAKER In BRITTEN,Journ. Bot. XXIII. p. 102 (I885). Mesosorus diclietovms HASSKARL,Obs. Bot. Filic. Bog. I. p. 9 (I856). Gleicleeniajectinata SOLOMON,Nomene 1. p. 178 (i885), quoad pl. Jap. ; excl. syn. Gleicleenia linearis (non C. B. CLARKE)DIELS in Nat. Pflanzenfam. I• 4. p. 355 (1900), pro parte-CHRISTin Bull. Soc. Geogr. Bot. 3 ser. XI. p. 269 (19o2)-MATsuMuRA,Ind. P1. Jap. I. p. 307 (1904), excl. syn. major. part.-MATSUMURA& HAYATAin Journ. Coll. Sci. XXII. p. 562 (1906), excl. syn.-NAKAI,Veg. Isl. Quelp. p. ii, no. I 18 (1914); in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXVIII. p. 98 (1914). Hab. Japonia, Quelpaert, Corea (inst. Hokitsuto), Formosa, Philippin, Hainan, China (Hongkong, Hupeh, Kanton, .Kiang-si, Kouy-Tschon, Yunnan), Tonkin, Indo-Chine, Cambodge. Gleicleenialinearis C. B. CLARKEin Trans. Linn. Soc. 2 ser. Bot. I. p. 428 (i88o)-Polyjodiurn lincarc BURMANN,Fl. Ind. p. 235 t. 67. fig. 2. (1768); not Mertensia linearis FRITSCHin Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2nd ser. I. p. 1092 (1901); excl. syn. This plant is differentfrom 11lertensia dicleotoma. The stomata are large and arranged parallel with the side veinlets of pinnules as such they make netted arenae over the lower surface. The pinnae are not so glaucous in the lower surface as Mertensia dicleotorna.In the latter species the lower surface of pinnae is perfectly glaucous and minute stomata are a little elevated by the accumulated waxy subtance, so that they look like white granules under the low-powered lens. Among the in- numerable collections of Glecleenialinearis in the Paris Museum there is a specimen collected by Abbe POURRETin Java, which agrees perfectly with BURMANN'Sfigure. This specimen is one of the oldest 180 THE BOTANICALMAGAZINE [V ol. XXXIX. No. 463 collection of this species in that Museum, and known as it came from small LINNi This type grows in Java, Borneo, Philippin, Isl. Tahiti and Isl. Fiji. Gleichenia lamgcra D. DON, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. p. 17 (1825) is similar in from with GleichenialineaYis, but the pinnules are lanate with dirty brownish-gray hairs below, and the veinlets are more con- gested. Grows in Nepal and China. Mertensia crassifolia PRESL in Abh. Bohm. Gesells. V. 5. p. 339. t. VI, fig. 6 (1846) is a Luzonian plant with pinnae rigid and shin- ing, the lower surface of which is minutely foveolated, the margine of pinnules is often strongly revolved. Mertensia pteridifolia PRESL1. c. p. 339. t. VI. fig. 7. (I 848).- GlcielzeniaHermawii var. venosa & tenera BLUME,Enum. P1. Jay. II. p. 249 (1830) is near to Mertensia lineaYis,but the pinnae are very large ; the ultimate dissections reach to 8 cm. long (5 cm in the poorest specimens of hardly a foot high). Grows in Philippin, Hong- kong, Java, Malay and East-Indies. Variety venosa BLUMEis an individual with less glaucous pinnules. iW'rtensia spissa FEE, Crypt. Vasc. Brasil. I. p. 202. t. 72. f. 2 (1869)-Gieic/zenia Klotscleii HOOKER,Sp. Filie. I. p. 13. t. V. B. (I 846), non McrtensZa Klotschii BRACKENBRIDGEis different entirely from both Gleichenia lineaYisand Mertensia dichoto7naby having very coriaceous revolute pinnae with elevated mesophyll, depressed narrow veinlets and ferrugineous tomentose rachis and costae.
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