AECHAEOLOGIA #• - OR MISCELLANEOUS TEACTS RELATING TO ANTIQUITY •XT' Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 AECH AEOLOG-IA: OR MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS RELATING TO ANTIQUITY, PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, VOLUME LXI. LONDON : PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SONS, PARLIAMENT MANSIONS, VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER. AND SOLD BY THE SOCIETY'S AGENT, BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, GRAFTON STREET. M.DCCCCVIII. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 AECHAEOLOG-IA: OR MISCELLANEOUS TEACTS RELATING TO ANTIQUITY, PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, SECOND SERIES. VOLUME XL LONDON: PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SONS, PARLIAMENT MANSIONS, VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER. AND SOLD BY THE SOCIETY'S AGENT, BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, GRAFTON STREET, M.DCCCCVIII. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGK L—On the Stone Circles of East Cornwall. By H. ST. GEORGE GRAY, Esq. 1—60 II.—On an Inventory of the Goods of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, Arundel, taken 1st October, 9 Henry VIII. (1517). By W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, Esq., M.A. - - - 61—96 III.—The Chronology of the British Bronze Age. By Dr. OSCAR MONTELIUS, Hon. F.8.A. ...... 97—162 IV.—Three Inventories: (1) The Earl of Huntingdon, 1377; (2) Brother John Randolf, 1419; (3) Sir John de Boys, J426. By W. PALES: BAILDON, Esq., F.8.A. ..... 163—176 V. — The Bound Church of the Knights Templars at Temple Bruer, Lincolnshire. By W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, Esq., M.A. - 177—198 VI.—Excavations on the site of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants, in 1907. By W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, Esq., M.A. - - 199—218 VII.—The Villa d'Este at Tivoli and the Collection of Classical Sculptures which it contained. By THOMAS ASHBY, Esq., M.A., Litt.D., F.8.A. 219—256 VIII.—The Castle of Ludlow. By W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, Esq., M.A. 257—328 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE PAGE P^ I. The Stripple Stones, Hawkstor Downs, Cornwall - - facing 4 II. Examples of standing stones at the Stripple Stones and Fernacre Stone Circles, Bast Cornwall - facing 9 III. Excavations at the Stripple Stones, East Cornwall - facing 11 Fig. 1. Flint flakes found in the excavations at the Stripple Stones ------- 12 Fig. 2. Stripple Stones, East Cornwall. Sectional diagram of northern fosse and vallum - - - - - 17 Fig. 3. Stripple Stones, East Cornwall. Sectional diagram of north fosse at deepest point - - - - - 18 Fig. 4. Stripple Stones, East Cornwall. Sectional diagram of western fosse and vallum - - - - - 19 IV. The Stripple Stones, Trippet Stones, and the Leaze Stone Circle, East Cornwall - facing 25 Fig. 5. Plan of the Trippet Stones, Cornwall - - - 25 Fig. 6. Plan of the Leaze Stone Circle - - - - 30 V. Fernacre Stone Circle, Roughtor Moors, East Cornwall facing 33 VI. The Fernacre Stone Circle, and a typical Hut Circle, East Cornwall ------ facing 35 VII. Stannon Stone Circle, Stannon Downs, East Cornwall facing 36 VIII. The Stannon Stone Circle, East Cornwall - - facing 37 IX. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period I. (Figs. 1-9) ------ facing 100 X. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland : Types of Period I. (Figs. 10-19) ------ facing 101 Fig. 20. Flat copper axe in wooden handle - - - 100 Fig. 21. Gold cup, Eillaton, Cornwall - - - - 102 Fig. 22. Section of barrow, E. Kennet, Wilts. - - - 104 b Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 £ LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE PAGE Fig. 23. Stone axe-hammer, E. Kenriet, Wilts.- - - 104 Fig. 24. Drinking-cup, E. Kennet, Wilts. - - - 104 Fig. 25. Bronze Age burial, Roundway Down, Wilts. - - 104 Fig. 26. Copper blade with tang, Roundway Down - - 105 Fig. 27. Drinking-cup, Roundway Down - - - 105 Fig. 28. Flint arrow-head, Roundway Down ... 105 Fig. 29. Slate bracer, Roundway Down ... 105 Fig. 30. Section of barrow, Winterslow, Derbyshire - - 106 Fig. 31. Oak coffin, Gxisthorpe, Yorks. - - - 107 Fig. 32. Bone dagger-pommel, Helperthorpe, Yorks. - - 108 Fig. 33. Cup-marked stone, Letham, Perth ... 109 Fig. 34. Section of barrow, Broad Down, Devon - - 110 Fig. 35. Plan and section of barrow, Collessie, Fifeshire - 111 Fig. 36. Drinking-cup, Collessie - - - - 111 Fig. 37. Drinking-cup, Collessie - - - - 111 XI. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland : Types of Period II. (Figs. 38-44) ...... facing 112 XII. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period II. (Figs. 45-52) ------ facing 113 Fig. 53. Stone mould for flat celts, Insch, Aberdeenshire - 114 Fig. 54. Copy of the earliest existing drawing of Stonehenge - 115 Fig. 55. Flanged celt, Moot Lowe, Derbyshire- - - 116 Fig. 56. Stone axe-head, Snowshill, Gloucester - - 117 Fig. 57. Bronze dagger, Snowshill - - - - 117 Fig. 58. Bronze dagger, Snowshill .... 117 Fig. 59. Bronze pin, Snowshill- - - - - 117 Fig. 60. Stone axe-head, Hove, Sussex - - - 118 Fig. 61. Whetstone, Hove, Sussex .... 118 Fig. 62. .Amber cup, Hove, Sussex - - - - 118 Fig. 63. Bronze dagger, Aldbourne, Wilts. ... 119 Fig. 64. Bronze dagger, Brigmilston, Wilts. ... 119 Fig. 65. Bronze dagger, Homington, Wilts. - 119 Fig. 66. Stone hammer, Normanton, Wilts. ... 119 Fig. 67. Flanged celt, Normanton* Wilts. - - - 121 Fig. 68. Bronze dagger, Normanton, Wilts. - 121 Fig. 69. Bronze awl, Winterbourne, Wilts. - - - 122 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XI PLATE PAGE Fig. 70. Bronze celt, Butterwick, Yorks. - - - 122 Fig. 71. Bronze awl, Butterwick, Yorks. - - - 122 Fig. 72. Bronze dagger, Butterwick, Yorks. ... 122 Fig. 73. Bronze dagger, Blackwaterfoot, Arran - - 124 Fig. 74. Bronze dagger, Cleigh, Argyleshire - - - 124 Fig. 75. Bronze dagger, Winterbourne, Wilts. - - - 126 Fig. 76. Plan and section of barrow, Crichie, Aberdeenshire - 126 Fig. 77. Stone axe-head, Crichie - 127 Fig. 78. Cinerary urn, Crichie - - - - 127 Fig. 79. Cinerary urn, Oban, Scotland - - - - 127 Fig. 80. Ornamented celt, "Willerby, Yorks. - - - 128 Fig. 81. Halberd-blade, Birr, King's Co. - - - 130 XIII. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period III. (Figs. 82-87) ------ facing 130 XIV. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period III. (Figs. 88-93) ------ facing 131 Fig. 94. Bracelet, Hand Cross, Sussex - - - - 130 Fig. 95. Gold armlet, Grunty Fen, Cambs. - 131 Fig. 96. Palstave, Grunty Fen, Cambs. 131 Fig. 97. Dagger-blade, Plymstock, Devon. - • 132 Fig. 98. Flanged celt, Plymstock, Devon. - 132 Fig. 99. Chisel, Plymstock, Devon. - 132 Fig. 100. Tanged dagger, Plymstock, Devon. - - 132 Fig. 101. Dagger-blade, Arreton Down, I.W. - - 133 Fig. 102. Flanged celt, Arreton Down - - - - 133 Fig. 103. Dagger, Arreton Down - 133 Fig. 104. Dagger, Arreton Down - 133 Fig. 105. Portions of bracelet, "West Buckland, Somerset - 133 Fig. 106. Sickle, Edington Burtle, Somerset - 134 Fig. 107. Sickle, Edington Burtle, Somerset - 134 Fig. 108. Torque, Wedmore, Somerset - - 134 Fig. 109. Torque, Wedmore, Somerset - 134 Fig. 110. Looped palstave, Quantock Hills, Somerset - - 135 XV. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period1 IV.. (Figs. 111-122) .... facing 136 Fig. 123. Razor, Shanwell, Kinross _ 137 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 23:55:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261340900009425 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE PAGE Pig. 124. Razor, Bablair, Sutherland - - 137 Fig. 125. Chisel, Yattendon, Berks. - - - 138 Fig. 126. Spear-head, Stibbard, Norfolk - - - 139 Fig. 127. Ring-headed pin, Taunton - 139 Fig. 128. Gold armlet, Largo, Fife - - - - 142 XVI. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period V. (Figs. 129-141) ----- facing 142 XVII. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period V. (Figs. 142-148) ----- facing 142 XVIII. Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland: Types of Period V. (Figs. 149-160) ----- facing 142 Fig. 161. Sword, Lincoln ----- 143 Fig. 162. Bracelet, Liss, Hants. - 143 Fig. 163. Chisel, Wallingford, Berks. - - - 145 Fig. 164. Socketed celt, Wallingford, Berks. - - 145 Fig. 165. Razor, Wallingford, Berks. - - - 145 Fig. 166. Knife, Reach Fen, Cambs. - 145 Fig. 167. Socketed celt, Reach Fen, Cambs. - - - 145 Fig. 168. Socketed celt, Reach Fen, Cambs. - - - 145 Fig. 169. Chape of scabbard, Reach Fen, Cambs. - - 145 Fig. 170. Tanged knife, Reach Fen, Cambs. - - - 145 Fig. 171. Socketed knife, Reach Fen, Cambs. - - 145 Fig. 172. Bracelet, Shoebury, Essex - 146 Fig. 173. Celt, Shoebury, Essex ... 146 Fig. 174. Knife, Ebbs Fleet, Kent 147 Fig. 175. Socketed celt, Harty, Kent - - 147 Fig. 176. Perforated disc, Harty, Kent - - - 147 Fig. 177. Ferrule, Harty, Kent .... 147 Fig. 178. Hammer, Harty, Kent - 148 Fig. 179. Pointed tool, Harty, Kent - - - 148 Fig. 180. Gouge-mould, Harty, Kent - - - 148 Fig.
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