'Ja,{\oU 'ectur.rllz IInJ ur ueq,!\relncupeds eru suorlzpdodpue umlJnqaluotl3 eql dn eqeur 1eqt ereue8 eql Jo srea.og F;:noloJ tsotu pue 1se3ru1eqt s?q snua8 eql spled 'slueurBas Uos o8rel pu€ unlqluzd,{q drruq,(1pse xf,pc A1 Jo ecuur€edd?er{l Suhr8 peqolrq,tlaleep '?lpour,ul?1s qedeseql ou pu?suaulsls l'eJfed 96 Suprequ1e.reue8 esoql uroJJ sJeJJIp { ?qolpro?luat "Jsa(f pus e8pnu olulh.tDe wn?rnqawoq) 01 pe&]p.t,{lesopsr puu (986I s33ug ? uosur{of '616I uosuqol ? s33ug) ecueqp wnlcnqawoqJ eql Jo reqluelue^Dcuqsp frerr. e sm[uoalld 'snue8eql u1 pespEocar mou 'suone.qsn 'suopdpcsap sercedslq8re aql ro; {e1u puusdeur uoqnqluslp l aslcuocsepplo.rd.redud qq; 'pesluEocu Euleqsercedsqns ,t eu u puz selceds,reu:no; ur polFsoJolurl prrus/,s oJruJal d elulsurerol 'snueE paaueql pel?llsuoruep e^Eq lu€qcJ€I,^l C'N r0r^\uowJoq€lloo ul .{nJed eqlJo selp$s lueceu 'pelsleJ{lesolc lou Flq€qordore tuql sexelduocsolceds luoroJJ;p ,{-reluro;; selcedsgo pespdruoc are pue seuro.rpu,{s uopeullod luueggp .{lepuessesdeq;ed erz suopcas '(s!.nryrunpad 'd 'srypq 'd 'snclJuornD eseql p:fe snpuruorqnrd 4 Sulsudruoc,r\ou) papl Tpun suerrjglsaql qll^{ sfl{,uDafdouow txespuv (snso)rura^'d pw snlolt{'d'srlguouluatdas 'd 's!Jow!l 'd Sursuduioc,/t\ou) pap D sueuI€tsqlr^{ l'3ant wou snpuoaydngsE) snryuoa\d tces'suolceso,{l teselp otul snua8eql pepvlp (t061)a4un) ,{ur4uou,{sol'srsaJtrrr^ d Joeuo pecnpeJ uruqluag lnq ',,slsuelp.qsnverold,, u1 snueE eqtr go luaulBaJl (r981) s,urErtlueg otr .ropd peqpcsap uaeq peq selceds mod €l1e4snvuelse N uJeqlnosol cFuepuesqmls snoJeJIJoUJo snueEgerus e \ snqJuoalq uo!lcnpoJluI 'pe]€lsuleJ sl enntrd 'peqF 'dsqrs snsoJllua^ d pu€ sepere (tnr4?rc;1sual11td sl.nlncunpad7) selcedsqns.reu euopue '4 'tnq?nll ',{:eq31a; ([nq?re>I slpuotttuardas d ptre frarlSo>Isflpltluorqnr sry1aq4, s r!truuno 'pesmSocer snqtuoall4)saoeds /llLeu mog sercedsqnso,,!\l s?q qJrq,r Jo euo eje sercedstq31g pe,neFe: '?ll€.nsnv ' sl uelsed! uJeqlnosol clrrJepuesqnqs snoJeJIJoU;o snue8gerus e lTqz'I sm{uoa\d '(ZO\d I9-Lt'.0)91 otsl(nN (e?eJ?u,{nl)snqJuDafd snue8 aql Jo ,rar^erv ,{req3}e) IO lJBJlsqY S909€ll?Jlsnv uIalsaA'oorauuelA'19 xog Od'alueJ qrr?aseueJrlpI/A lua(ua8eu?I,\lpup'I pu? uory^resuoCJo tuauruedeo ,ftaq8lax 'f 'C (auaee.r,(tr41)snqtuoald snue8eql Jo ,leeper V LE (ZOOO\9- LEtrJ)9| D!sltnN Nr)fria Vol. 15, No. I (2002) Materials and methods Herbariumcollections ftom PERTH and most major Australianherbaria were examinedduring the course of the study. Type collections and/or photographsof type collections were examined ftom relevantherbaria. All measurementswere taken from dry pressedmaterial supplemented by observations of living plants in the field and cultivation. The conseryationcodes given in this paper arc thoseused by the Departmentof Conseryationand Land Management.An explanationof thesecodes is given in eachissue ofN&)tuia. Taxonomic treatm€nt Pileanthus Labill., Nov. Holl. Pl. Sp. 2, 1I , t. 149 (Feb, 1801).- PileqnthusLabrIl. sect.Pileanthus las sect.Eupileanthus nom. illeg. azT. von Post& O. Kuntze,Lex. Gen.Phan.438 (Dec. 1903)1.Type: P ILe ant hus limacis Labill. Pileanthus sect.MonopiLeanthus Kuntze lfl T. von Post & O. Kuntze, Lex. Gen. Phan.438 (Dec. 1903). Type: PiLeanthuspeduncularis Endl. Srrrbs to 3 m tall. BranchLetstercte,brown, with oil glandsepidermis becoming grey andshedding, with persistentstipular outgrowths often presentin the leaf axils. Leaves opposite and decussate, sometimesin denseopposite clusters, sessile, linear to clavate,with prominentoil glands,margins entire to laciniate.Floral leavessimilar to vegetativeones except in P. Limacis. Inflorescenceof solitaxy flowers in upper axils. Bracteoles2, opposite,united at baseinto a cup, enclosingthe bud, scarious, usually promin€ntly umbonat€,often viscid with a white oily exudate,free portions above the cup caducousl cup turbinate, around the hypanthium. Flowers regrlar, bisexual, large. Hypanthium campanulate,pilose outside, adnate to ovary for most of its length. Sepals5, erectto spreading,deeply bilobed giving the appearanceof separatelobes, usually sparselypilose. Perals 5, soft, exceedingthe calyx, often brightly coloured,margins usually shortly dentate.Androecium of 20 stamensin a single row, with onestamen opposite each sepal andpetal and the rest alternating betweenthe sepals andpetals, united at the base, antipetalinestamens olten distinctly longer than antisepalineones, the anthers sometimesalso distinctly different in size; free filaments slenderbut dilated at the base;anther cells parallel, opening longitudinally, either attachedcontiguous to the thickened end of the filament or separatelyattached to the branchesof a forked filament. Oval') l-celled, with 4 or 8 ovules in 2 rows on an erectfree basalplacenta. Sr1,/e simple, filifom, terete;stigma small, terminal.Frzit usually a 1- seedednut formed from the hardenedbase of the hypanthium,dispersed as a unit with the dded upper hypanthiumand sepalsattached. Chromosomenumber, n = ll hasbeen recorded for four species.There areno recordsof polyploidy or dysploidy in the genus(Rye 1979,. Distribution and habitat.^fhe genusPileanllras consists of eight speciesendemic to southemWestem Australia. Members are found on sandy soils in the Avon Wheatbelt and Geraldton Saldplain Biogeographicregionsofsouth WestemAustaliaandextend into theadj acent Camarvon Biogeographic region of arid Western Australia. There is a concentration of species on the northem margins of the Geraldton Sandplains. This is a very different pattem to that shown by the related g enera Chamelaucium '61.61 '9i61 'oulxv rec 9'.I']ensettfillo ASStU{ Z :(HJUEd) r auplD) V) JeC :(HJUgd) 868i llupDlg g Al11y61 dr5 y7'sffur:dg cuql:yl1ya1snv NUAISEI& pautwoxasuautcads paltalag (C V I e.rniu) 'snonJrdi^uoJur'esoqo18 '8uot rru8rls :snorq?l; ruor g t a|(,?S t talr,1o Suol urul I J stuaul?lrl eurledasque:3uol ruur Z g l stueGrBlrJourlqeduuE :stuorutlrJ poqollqqlrr wn))orpry etBtuq)-eterurJEl 'esuel 'epr,tt '3uo1 'Surddppelo urF:tllu orLu71 6 Lurugt ZI slriad esnlqoxedr'snouuqueur 'eprstno '?lr]rurJPl'?lruts 'rpr^\ '8uol sur8Jeur'eprsursnoJqrJB osolcl-,{Ills rum t-[ urru 9-t'eleJuqtur '3uo1 'etr:lnuudrucr,{lpeoJq sTrrla5 esolrd ruur g g LuliqtltDdiH 3uo1ruu 7 1 oqrun luefund c qtr,tr 'peuop-purl.Q'u,rorq '3uo1 ruur g g suoruodaeil:3uo1 tuur g g'peqollqdno:r1Dd aloapD.tg snoJqul8 'uorlJcs^-sso.ro 'peltop-puulF'opr,m ur rrldrllool-rulnxjr)'Fuol ruur 0z L al)unpad alni)1]xsdn urur l ,:r '3uolrutu(02)tI 'osEq 'Ir:rour'porolsnll /(9) tr]pouallBLl lnq snoJtcnbu] 1 ,(lesueplou .r;7ir):r7tueulqc]r]1r? 'pe18ur 'posmJ'lueuruoJd ,no1eqpaiurn lsoLup t sereue.t.trceplrel :spur[8 Surppeqspun ,{er8 'spue18 'u,roiq 'sneJqrl8 Surnroccq Jropcsru.r lr:luorsr:rJJo qtr^\ s;,t1.tuo-rt1Sttnotr q8rq ur 1 o1rini45 '(-lat{') il)rri).,Zt ou'lloi qt9fuo trunre I ' 'lrr '.rc^ 's8u I EIiI-0gil I lr.rtsnV urctsclA rU rlt[us^^\o.r]V rlcu udS llrs u.rnqloJ| ,, )-SrrudSauinoqloJ 'rri^rehl edo.rclc"-oueJu arlruulcl ur,, 'xliv_ (LS8l) !f :l log')ot uLltj / snlloJllusnrlluBalld'I 'd 't- 'elrq,r sgleuoglualdas 3uo1nrur t t slulad opr,\\[rur t 0 r sa^rc'l , slJerull'd't Sur';urur y ., 'c.rlLroi .L po,ro1 ytrrcl qlrm olrqm ro lurd oluclslrlod opr,r ruor I ,) sc^l?c-l '1urclolrcl .ro elrqm srenolg 'I snsoJluJa^'d'z lLrnlqoqLLrl c1ocl:rurg ""uo1 urLU I I il slulcd pc.rs.rc,\\olc 9 snlloJllg'd'l " " " " polurocloqu.rn oloatrnig ';uol rulu ql-Zl sllrlod osr.roJs.ra,{\olC g 'ltcl lo osr.roJs_ro^\oljl I 'slucLu?ll.l pol.roluo sllooioqluv I snolluuJnc'd'S snorcry1;-e1{tg oiullo s.rc,ro1g g 'd ', " " " " " " " " " "pe^inJur snprlruoJqnJ sialllur|aurltcleJ pal s.ra^\olJ t snllaq'd'9 l)era s-reqluneurFdal lurcl sJe^\olJ t 'oi^uq ]c ,(rrrq 31,{15 per ro lurcl sre,rolC I t scln^o llcrclsrl[]lou so^ua'l z 'd '8 'slelqcul)lq slreln)unpad 8 seln^O eplslloqs uo PaJal.-nli)so^llc'l Z 'slueun:111pedrqs-qnlJuosnon8rlroJ sllel.reqluv I snqtuaaFd ro snraodsol ,{cX '(266l '(.:^n!4DllP uotsnoH) r-u urls poqolrclsDq Lptqt J) sorJaclseuo ur petueuncop uaeq sl?rl uorluurllod eeq crlr:reds frc,y "ttqttutap4 ur uedduq1ou saop srqJ uedo s.re,rol]eqt c.rqaq e1{1scql1o pue eql tr: rolucscld uclpd r otuo 1c1clo.rp,{1ro ur ur uclpd rroqt1o uorlrsodapeql se^lolur DlpJo)utaA pu12Dlutt\\JD(J'LLtnDnDpLLpLl) rrauei pelrJe,reql ur euro,rpu,{suo4lrurllod eq]- {3olo1(l uoltD lllod .pnq je^\oll aql Jo selrnlrr:q Surgrlesop aql ol 3ur..r:a1er's..re,lroLJ - sorylu, pur drr - r'oa7ir1'1ool9c\t utoJf [Soloutl]g 'llaqlceq^\uo^V eql ur selueorourlu qlr,{\:'urrldpu?S oJucred"-g cql uo pue sureldpueguolplucg uJcqlnosoql Jo EoJeJnonsc-1 ttrAI aqt uo csre,rrp-sereedsere qartql\olLut .to1 p\e '{r.q;r.) (au3]IlIK) rr'trlrrirJ snu:t :qt to ,rar^ V fC Nr)tsia Vol. 15,No. I (2002) ',,$ffiffiI EhD J ifi Figure1.A-D. Pikanthusrtldolius. A - leafand flower, B - bmct€oles,C - stamens,D-style; E J. P lir??acis.E-leaf andflower,F-leaf{iom below,G-leafftomside, H -b&cteoles,I- stamens,J-style;K-N. P. septetio alis.K-flowerinJg branclilet,L - bracteoles,M stamens,N - style:O-S . P.1)emicosus.O-leaves andflower, P- leaf,Q-bracteoles, R- stamens, S - style. Drawn ftom CA. Garhrer 5 Jar..1931 (A-D), S.J. Claymorc& A.S. Westn264 (E-I), C.A. Gardner3184 (K-N) andA.S.Georqe 16949(O-S). Scalebals for bmcteoles= 5 mm, for flowers = 10 mm. 'seroods srqtJo s3^[el urojrtrj eqt ol 8uu]e]er '(+uel)Lulltlof pue (pB?'Ilt) run+Jl4te'I aqt .u].otgt SoytuttlE 's{JEd leuortENe^rJ puEselreser oJnlru lq8re t"-re1tr:o1 pepro.e6 pe,^lesuo:l11e,t put: pte.rdseptl6 sntotsuollzMasuo) 'f;unue1 ol lequreceq fluwru 3uue,rolg pott;;d Suuanolg (VZ einSu) qperl re.\o aellrhl ,u7r?lpol '\B"r.I 'pul?s sntd,llnnl puBpljIlpoo^\ ^\ol lr?slil?r6r DuDu looLlDlqrrB, ur JDuellrIlo pupsuo s,l^oJD 'urFurD 'ere8uoq lo quou ol qtnospue ,raue8ur4 o1puelur uoo^\taqsinlllo Itl?./DL!pLtDuolinquit^lg '(HIdAd) '9961 ',ncuc8urlrJ LtlDWU V ,t0y g :(HJUAd) t8SI ptr{1y 1ptuat131a;1t D'Lg6l ur,lZ.-'ur8urg1og'e,ueseX 1le/\\ staltrlrg:(HJUA& I99Z ullJiD VI ..\ns0jll1.u'|'./g:.st1Du|)t'l,Dkl)|'..]|)|||,'.|t)t)ul]].]..|lr]1]]]l!!]UD) SV I LOqN I f rT In€ Aluo{.s tturi{une \r quorPlDr.C i\\ la .\t: h\ f h\N ( "! r2 (.?.rrllN) s,?r1rlr,rr|dsnui; ,qt lo $.r^er V {r3qir.) I D M/)/rid Vol.
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