March 15, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7661 MEMORIALS relative to proposed amendments to the PETITIONS, ETC. McCarran-Ferguson Act; to the Committee Under clause 4 of rule XXII memorials on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions were presented and referred as ;follows: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk 40. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the and referred as follows: Legislature of the State of Idaho, relative to PRIVATE Bil.JLS AND RESOLUTIONS 59. By Mr. FUQUA: Petition of members of sugar beet market conditions; to the Com­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private the Gainesville Florida Campus Federal mittee on Agriculture. bills and resolutions were introduced and Credit Union, relative to the Federal Credit 41. Also, memorial of the Legislature of severally referred as follows: Union Amendments; to the Committee on the State of Washington, relative to Federal Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. regulations on pesticides; to the Committee By Mr. BARNARD: on Agriculture. H.R. 5097. A bill for the relief of Dr. Daryl 60. Also, petition of the Fifth Northern 42. Also, memorial of the Senate of the c. Johnson; to the Committee on the Judi­ Mariana Islands Legislature, Susupe, Saipan, State of Hawaii, relative to amending the ciary. Mariana Islands, Trust Terri tory of the Pa­ revenue sharing program; to the Committee By Mr. BLANCHARD: cUic Islands, relative to amending the Food on Government Operations. H.R. 5098. A bill for the relief of Mr. and Stamp Act to include the Northern Mariana 43. Also, memorial of the Senate of the Mrs. Everett Walker; to the Committee on Islands; to the Committee on Agriculture. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relative the Judiciary. 61. Also, petition of the City Council, New to creation of a Department of Energy; to By Mr. MOORHEAD of California: York, N.Y., relative to designating the birth­ the Committee on IJovernment Operations. H.R. 5099. A bill for the relief of Brian Hall day of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 44. By Mr. RUDD: Memorial of the House and Vera W. Hall; to the Committee on the as a national holiday; to the Committee on of Representatives of the state of Arizona, Judiciary. Post Office and Civil Service. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS VOICE OF DEMOCRACY ESSAY What 1s the meaning of the next word ... School in Orange, Tex., and was the State WINNER FROM KENTUCKY Indivisible? Webster states it in this way, winner in the Voice of Democracy schol­ "Not capable of being divided or separated." arship program. The program is spon­ That doesn't mean just for two hundred years, that means forever. Indivisible through sored by the VFW and its ladies auxiliary HON. GENE SNYDER and is conducted annually in our Na­ OF KENTUCKY war, depression, political differences, and everything else that we have met and con­ tion's secondary schools. Upward to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quered. We stand united behind the stars 500,000 students from over 8,000 sec­ Monday, March 14, 1977 and stripes because that is the American way. ondary schools participated in this year's Realizing that other nations hold opinions 30th annual Voice of Democracy pro­ Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, would different from ours, is another uniquely gram. It is a national broadcast script­ like to shar~ with my colleagues the American concept. We do not try to force our writing program which provides an op­ thoughts of a young lady from Ludlow, belil~fs on anyone else, but we leave them open for anyone to accept. It is much the portunity for lOth, 11th, and 12th grade Ky. Joni Gail Johnson spoke these words students in our public, private, and as a contestant in the 1976-77 VFW Voice same as the open arms of our Lady of Liberty, of Democracy scholarship program, and welcoming all those in .search of refuge be­ parochial schools to think, write, and I think they deserve repeating. tween our shores. speak up for freedom and democracy. Several times others have taken advantage This is one of the most inspiring state­ Joni was asked to describe what of these open arms and tried to penetrate and ments I have yet heard about our coun­ America meant to her. The answer she destroy us. With sorry hearts, we fought back. try and it makes me proud to know that gave was judged as the best in Kentucky No one is happy with the thought of war, it came from one of our youth. It is with and I think if you read her comments you but it is sometimes necessary to retain dreams even grf>ater pride I submit this speech will see why. and ideas that others may try to take from us. As we view the flag draped coffins and to the REcORD and urge the attention of VFW VOICE OF DEMOCRACY KENTUCKY WINNER see the tears of young widows and fatherless my fellow colleagues: (By Joni Gail Johnson) children, we wonder, "Is it all worth it?" I 1976-77 VFW VotcE OF DEMOCRACY ScHOL­ One nation under God ... Indivisible. suppose we will never know what the ARSHIP PROGRAM TEXAS WINNER: JEFFREY Some of us speak these words every day response would be from a young man who has BRITTON BATES and we may begin to take them for granted. given his life for his country. But I feel sure America is the land of ooportunlty, a place I believe that one of the few nations of the that his death bed will would read, "To my where the poor .can achieve ~oals unheard of world that proclaims its loyalty to God de­ family I leave all my earthly possessions. To by natives of foreign lands. It has been said serves a little more time for pondering the my fellow Americans I leave the freedom that that through the years people seem to have words of its Pledge of Allegiance. It fills I have fought to preserve for you. To genera-­ lost the appreciation for freedom they once me with such a sense of pride and respect tions yet unconceived I leave the responsi­ had. but it's only natural to take for granted when I stop to think what being an Ameri­ bility of maintaining all that we hold so dear. something you've never been without. can really means. We are not confined by Now I leave to be with my God ..• My freedom is inborn. It's just as much a iron curtains or great walls as many of our Indivisible." part of me as my arms and my legs are. And Communist neighbors are. We still stand All of these things beautifully entwined like all systems, my body and my freedom firm on the beliefs and doctrines upon which with two hundred years of red, white and are dependent on one another. My arm can't our country was built. The concepts of free­ blue pride are what my America means to ooen a door that has been locked; legs can't dom brought to this land by the pilgrims me! travel down a passageway that is inacces­ still ring out loudly in our Constitution. sible to them-perhaps, inaccessible because Freedom of speech, press and religion, the they were born into the wrong family. It ls freedom to state publicly that we are--one WINNER IN VFW CONTEST our freedom that opens these doors and pass­ nation under God. ageways for us. When I think of all the natural beauty But, the reverse is also true. The attain­ and landscape that God reserved for the HON. CHARLES WILSON ment of freedom is not something achieved American people, I can not- help but believe OF TEXAS by a lot of thought and a little action. No, that we are special to Him. Just look around­ there were a lot of American men sweating from border to border and sea to sea-its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as British soldiers set ground to put an end breathtaking countryside. I am so lucky to Monday, March 14, 1977 to our little revolution, and sweat changed share a part of it. My children will be born to aching muscles and then to a lot of cold into this same wonderful land and, just as Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas. Mr. blood as the Greatest Army in the World I, they will be free to move about as they Speaker, although the cliche is overused, marched upon our small regiments. But we please and make for themselves the kind of the meaning should never be underval­ had the smell of freedom, the desire for a life that I enjoy. They will have breathing ued that the youth is the country's most change. The British were fighting because it space to reach for whatever they desire, and was Royal order. Our men were fighting for it wlll all be within their grasp, if they work valuable asset. The meaning of the their homes and for the lives of their fami­ for it. These things and many more come phrase was renewed and emphasized as lies. Attitude can be an important element in together under the wings of the American I read Jeffrey Britton Bates' speech on war We h3.d that on our sirle; and we won. eagle as we strive, hand in hand, to preserve "What America Means to Me." America, however, is not made of the our way of life. Jeff is a senior at West Orange High struggles of a few men of yesterday.
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