'r ' *V»r.''T»^ ^v 'v « vVV--i- vl''5-'r/ PuhliG Health Nurses Solicit Your Financial Support During October Tbt Wm Umt At«ng« Daily Nat Praaa Run f ^ i a n t •§ For Mw WMk KuM Wnwow m&tmg by etMftag ««Hy taalgM amt 12,990 BOO lor. fiow M>aa MMBtar •( ttw AnUt oNimy, • NMIo bob lor. Rlgli Bnrwia « f Olrratetloii M anchetter^A City of VMtmo Charm (d M ilfM AOrmttmrng m Fmfo tS) PRICE n V B VOL. LX X IX. NO., 1 (TWBNTY-KOIIR PAGEI^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, IW f Virginia UN Unit Starts Steel Contract On-Spot Check Dock W orker s Strike Talks Resun Tornado 0 { Laos Claims S«m Neuii, Laos, Oct. 1 (/P) Kills 11 — A U.N. fhct-flnding t«sni PittsburKh, Oct. 1 (/P)— ^support operations through Sep- landed at thia-rebel-threat- filool negotigtors,nomfiotnira • underII n H p r l temberv at about the*trlke. same However, level aa ened northern defense head­ White House pressure to end | department indicated ' widen­ M^harlottesville, V*., Oct. quarters today to start on- Ties East, Gulf Ports ‘the 79-day-old steel strike be ing difficulties ’ were to be ex­ (/P)—A tornado bom of a the-spot investigation into fore Oct. 8, opened a new pected' bv mid-October. dying hurricane dropped like charges of Red aggression The President, who has referred a bomb on the .sleepy little round of contract talks t,oday. to the strike aa an intolerable aitlia- against the kingdom of Laos. Both Unitad Steelworkera prea- tion, reportedly did not discuss ia-^ community of Ivy near here The team's twin-engine Dakota, Ident David J. McDonald and in- sues during the meetings. yesterday. Eleven persons flying a tiny U.N. flag, landed on 6.", -i ■ Rails Clamp duatry negotiator R. Conrad Coo­ He also avoided discussing Uie died, 10 of them members of the narrow Airstrip of this moun i-'-JV- per appeared in good apirta aa poBsibllily of invoking emergency the same family. tain-rimmed stronghold a little, they arrived for the meeting." They provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act The savage twiater awooped more than an hour after taking joked briefly with newemen hut which would put the mills back In down out of torrential rain pro­ off from the capital of Vientiane. Full Ban on otherWiae had no comment. operation an 80-day "cooling off" 200 miles to the south. The negotiatora met for an hour duced by tropical atorm Oracle period. about 4:30 p.m., two hours after a The delegation was greeted by and a half and then receaaed for a refugees who have fled border 3-hour lunch. There waa no com­ relatively minor tornado had Ship GaPgo struck not far away. areas overrun by pro-Communist ^ >: ''S' ment." The morning aeaeion waa rebels. Then came a briefing by ach^uled to atart at 10 a.m. but Stale of Emergency Tw’elve of the 14 members of the fauiillea ot Erwin Morris Sr., about Brig. Gen. Amkha Soukhavong, N«w York, Oct. 1 waa delayed for one hour becauae northern defense commander. aome membera of the induatry ne­ Over Encephalitis 48, and his son, Ervin Morris Jr., Longshoremen thrust asldfi 21, were at home in the duplex Three western newsmen— government pleas today and gotiating team were late in aurrtv- photographers Fred Waters of the ing from Waahington. Mays Landing, N. J... Oct. 1 (/P> they shared. Nine perished almost staged what union officials instantly, their bodies thrown with Associated Press. Wade Bingham The atrtke haa idled a half mil­ —A state of emergency due to an of the Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ - ■ ■ : termed a full-scale walkout at outbreak of encephalltia has been explosive force upon a wooded hill­ lion membera of the United Steel­ side. T*he remaining three were in­ tem «nd John Domlnis of Life docks on the East and Gulf workera in the„baalc ateel Indua­ declared in Hamilton township—a Magazine—managed ' to fly north 115-square mile area that includes jured. , Coasts. try. In addittdIC nearly 200,000 A hundred yards distant the In other planea. Scores of dry cargo veasala wars employee in allied industriea have this Atlantic county seat and the The remainder of more than 30 Atlantic CJtty Race Course. roof blew off the house of Ray­ quickly tied up In port by the been furloughed. mond C. Bruce. 58. as he and his correapohdents who cams tb Laos surprise action. The negotlationa, held in New In declaring the emergency, to cover the team's activities were township Mayor Herman G. Liepe wife, Lilly, 56. and their son 'n e Aasociation of Amerleaa York until now, were broken off stalled in Vientianne by myster­ Railroads, acting at tha bstaaat et Hut Friday by the union, which yesterday called for an all-out war sought refuge In me kitchen. A stone chimney toppled and Mrs. ious orders barring them from all tha IntsraUU commarcA eepda- claimed the talka were getting on mosquitoes. He asked for the aircraft under the Laotian army’s Sion, aid of the civil defense officials, Bruce was kliled. Immediately ordared a'h alt nowhere. jurisdiction. * of moat rail freight shtpinenta t o . The Labor Department aald Ita fire departments, road employes, "I heard a roaring up the back orchard^lt sounded like a train. It waa generally assumed here the two coasts. «irvey of 81 ateel areas indicated that the U.N. offieiala, who have The Independent Internatloiial steel atoeka had been aufflclent to (Contlnaed on Page Two) I saw Ervin Morris ninning into hi.s house, and then the roof start­ Longahoramen’a Alan, aak) alj ita ed coming off m.v house," said (Oonttamod en Page Nine) 85,000 union members had atruck Bruce, who with his son suffered in a contract dispute. In tha p u t onl.v minor injuries. such strlkea havs had aarloua af- "The roof went up about 50 facta on hualnesa and Induatry, Dutch Sailor Faces yards. My wife and I ran back Ike Welcomed Howavsr, in tha first few bears toward the kitchen . , . then the of the atrika tha situation vraa chimney came down. Mora of it hit s ^ t y . Chirgo handlera wars ra* my wife than me.” By Sandstorm ported still on tha job ia tha Witnesses aald the Morris duplex Carolinu, Georgia and Florida u Hearing on Murder contract nagotiatlona with am- simply disintegrated under the assault of the twister. Rescuers | In California ployara continued in those areas. who fought their way to the scene Union 'oflSelala tn New York New York, ■ Oct. 1 (A*)—Ar- siihsequently asserted that thsM. inlgBmeat of Willem lamia van over flooded and almost Impass- Palm Springs, Calif., Oct. 1 (A5 — A deeply embdrrasaed Chamber of too, had joined the walkout. They Rio hi oonnoctlon with the aWp- said confusion had kept the men board slaying of L.mn KaaffnM (Continued on Pago Two) Commerce ' promised President Eisenhower gocti golfiqg weather at work in South' Atlantic ports Waa poatponed today until Oct. d. Fire Rages Unchecked in Mansfield until noon. l% e delay waa graaled In today—the warm aun preecrfbed The major ports df New York. Braoklyii Felony Court to nBow for his cold. Fierce flaoiea and smoke pour from thia large dairy barn which biimsd to the ground last night Buton, l^ltimprq and aoma other doaeph Fontana,. attorney for Hannah Nears The President flew acroee the 'Millie spst»«4 lA.attiniltM Pamage to the barn, which contained dairy equipmMt, a New England a ra u ware all but a t tiM Dnteh radlp operator, time continent from Washington yae- b S a R u r ill ^ liSy. was esOmated at 376,000. Firemen from five area H ^ a a sUndstill. EMisaatu of ths num­ to familiarise bbnaelf with the terdey, out-of-4J»e frksga of hor- ’MtveffTW home o f owner Rottert B. Gardiner, located about 200 feet away. SUte Police and fire­ ber of ships affsetsd In New York eaen Critical Area, ricane Oracle, only to arrive in men say th* fire was eauaed by a defect In some electrical wiring., (Photo by Wright Gifford). ranged irnm 157 th 180. New Eng­ this desert resort country in thO land ligted them in dozefis. Balti­ New York, OcL 1 (P>—A DuUsh midst of a gusty sandstorm. Thera more had about two dozen with seafarer recelvea a hearing to^ y Grade Fading just wasn’t any sunshine. cargoes, plus 10 more tn ahlpyarda. on a warrant charging him with But Eisenhower, trying to shake 3,000 Workers Fhiladslphta counted 18. the murder oit pretty d iv o r^ By 'raE ASSOCIATED PRESS a nagging cold he has had since UN Storm Brewing The uulf C out reported scat­ Lynn Kauffman, who vanished Within 24 hours, weathermen Labor Day, obviously was pleaaed tered ticups. from an outbound freighter in may know IfHanriah the hurricane by a hearty welcome and the pros­ In Area Firms The sudden walkout came * ith Boaton harbor almost two weeks will strike the U.S. mainland. pect of plenty of golf during the the nation’s economy already je- AffO. Moving toward a critical point next week~N gUuiing to feel the pinch of tl:e Th# beaten body of 23-year old today, the atorm bore peak winds He arranged a match today at On Best Arms Plan Set to Strike long steel strike. With thia in i ind, Mlaa Kauffmim. who resumed her of 125 m.p.h.
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