1 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR REJUVENATION OF RIVER KANHAN at BOREGAON TAH : SAUSAR DISTT : CHHINDWARA PREPARED BY :- M. P. POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, Chhindwara 2 CONTENTS SR. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 Executive summary 3 2 Back Ground /NGT Case No. 673/2018 4 3 Components of Action Plan 5 4 Basic information of Kanhan River 6-10 5 Water Quality of Kanhan river 11-12 6 Industrial Area Status of Borgaon 13 7 Short / long term Action Plan 14-19 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ON PROPOSED ACTION PLANS FOR REJUVENATION OF RIVER FOR IDENTIFIED POLLUTED RIVER STRETCH S. No. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM Details 1 Name of the identified polluted river and its tributaries : Kanhan River 2 Is river is perineal and total length of the polluted river : Yes 3 No of drains contributing to pollution and names of major : 1 ( Barsati River/ Nall) drains 4 Whether ‘River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) constituted by : the State Govt./UT Administration and If so, Date of constitution of ‘RRC’ 5 Major Towns on the banks of the river with population : Nil a. Total water consumption and sewage generation in MLD : N.A. b. Total no. of existing STPs and the total capacities in MLD : Nil c. Gaps in sewage treatment in MLD and no. of towns not : N.A having STPs d. Total MSW generation in TPA : No city near bank e. Existing treatment and disposal facilities and total : N.A capacity 6 Major industrial estates located with total no. of : 1 No. of ind. 70 industries a. Total water consumption and total industrial effluent : Water Consumption. -- 8520 KLD generation in MLD Discharge & Re use -- 8400 KLD b. No. of industries having captive ETPs and their : 14 treatment capacity in MLD c. No of CETP’s and their treatment capacity : Nil d. Gaps in treatment of industrial effluent : Nil e. Total HW generation in TPA in the catchment area : f. Existing HW Treatment and Disposal Facilities and total : Dispose through recyclers and TSDF capacity with life span 7 Action plan includes mainly covering aspect such as (Proposal : No waste discharge in river. for utilization of sewage, ground water recharging or rain water harvesting, measures for regulating ground water use, protection and management of flood plain zone, maintaining minimum E-flows and water shed management, plantation on both sides of the river, setting up of bio-diversity parks etc., as per Hon’ble NGT Orders dated 20.09.2018 and 19.12.2018) 8 Min. and Max. required time period for implementation of 3 - months 6 - years action plans 9 Total estimated budget in crores towards implementation of : preparation of DPR in one year proposed action plans with break-up ( e.g. No. of STPs, capacity, total cost; No of CETPs, total capacity, Cost towards interception and diversion of sewage/effluent to STPs/CETPs etc.,) 10 Responsible Organization (s) for implementation : Shown in plan of proposed action plans (Please enclose details as annexure ) 11 Proposed Mechanism for execution of action plans : 12 Expected deliverables w r to achieving Goals (Please enclose as : annexure ) 4 NGT Case No. 673/2018 • Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Central Zonal Bench, New Delhi, in the matter of original application no. 673/2018 (News Item Published in the “Hindu” authored by Shri Jacob Koshy titled” More river stretches are now critically polluted: CPCB”) passed an order on 20/09/2018. • The para 48 states that “it is absolutely necessary that Action Plans are prepared to restore the polluted river stretches to the prescribed standards.” Para 49 states that “Model Action Plan for Hindon River” already provided by CPCB may also be taken into account.” • All states and Union Territories are directed to prepare action plans within two months for bringing all the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i.e. BOD < 3 mg/L and FC < 500 MPN/100 ml) within six months from the date of finalization of the action plans. 5 • Components like identification of polluting sources including functioning/ status of STPs/ETPs/CETP. • Solid waste management and processing facilities, quantification and characterization of solid waste, trade and sewage generated in the catchment area of polluted river stretch. • The action plan will address issues relation to; ground water extraction, adopting good irrigation practices, • Protection and management of Flood Plain Zones (FPZ), • Rain water harvesting, ground water charging maintaining minimum environmental flow of river. • Plantation on both sides of the river. • Setting up of biodiversity parks on flood plains by removing encroachment. • The action plan should focus on proper interception and diversion of sewage carrying drains to the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) • Utilization of treated sewage so as to minimize extraction of ground or surface water. • The action plan should have speedy, definite or specific timelines for execution of steps. • Provision may be made to pool the resources, utilizing funds from State budgets, local bodies, State Pollution Control Board/ Committee and out of Central Schemes. 6 Basic Information of Kanhan river Stretch • Kanhan River is non perennial and intermittent. • River Kanhan originates from village Bhaleaam , flows through the Damua Town To village Borgaon & finally River cross to interstate boundary near village Khapa padriwar after travelling approx. 200. Kms. • Among full length of Kanhan river only Borgaon catchment area is been mark under the action plan. • River “Jam” flows near by the small town Lodikheda and joins to Kanhan River near at village sangam, before Intec Well Point Sangam. No sewage waste discharge in this river from lodikheda town. This river being dry in all season's rest of monsoon. • Around Borgaon area there are three or four small villeges/towns situated in catchment area. From each town and Borgaon industrial area one or two seasonal nallas are flow to words the Kanhan river. (detail map enclosed.) • Population/ water supply of marked towns are:- • Lodikheda - 9950 1000 Kl/day • Borgaon - 7497 700 Kl/Day • Satnoor - 1784 150 kl/Day • Kheritaygaon - 3721 300 Kl/Day 7 Status of Pollution sources Nallas before Mixing in to Kanhan ( Dry ) • Only one industrial area “ AKVN Industrial Growth centre” Borgaon is situated Approx. 9-10 KM. away from Kanhan River . • Three small drains generate from industrial area region and combine after travelling of about 2 km. This combined nalla travel 7.0 Km and mix in lodikheda nalla. It is dry at kabar pipla village before mix in lendi river. Again, this nalla trevel 1.5 Km and mixed in Lendi river . At last this mix in Kanhan river after travel of 1.5 km. It is also dry. 8 These all are seasonal nallas. Water flow found only in monsoon season. Recent position shows in photo graph , showing total dry position at mixing point of lodikheda nalla and confluence point of Kanhan river. Nalla from Satnoor is also found dry in present status. Nalla from Khairitaygaon dry in present status. Status of River kanhan at borgaon area stretch STATE RIVER RIVER BOD RANGE/ PRIORITY NAME STRETCH MAX VALUE (mg/L) Madhya KANHAN KANHAN IN 3.2 V Pradesh CHHINDWARA DISTRICT BOUNDRY 9 Kanhan River , Borgaon catchment , Chhindwara lodhikheda Jam River Kanhan River Barsati Nalla Borgaon Borgoan 1 Photograph enclosed of markesd site Borgaon Industrial 2 Area 3 Barsati Nalla Kheritaigaon Borgaon Ind. area Nall Barsati Nalla Satnoor 1,2,3 Barsati Nalla Satnoor 10 11 Water quality of Kanhan river Industrial. Only from June to December water flows in river and there is no flow from January to May. So sampling and monitoring done only from June to Dec. Data sheet enclosed. Only once BOD was 3.2 in December 2018 in monitoring results. It was slightly high then limit. After comparing results of two years the BOD value was slightly exceed from 3.0. It could be happened due to human error. All the possible drains shown in Google image became dry after travelling of some KM. From source and all sources became dry before mixing in to Kanhan River. So throughout the year there is no source available to pollute Kanhan River. Domestic. All Nallas near the towns in catchment area became dry after travelling of some distance. So there are no possibilities of contributing of pollution in river due to urban discharge or City Sewage. 12 Water Quality During Year- 2017-18 Nature Water Resource :- KANAHN RIVER AT Sausar, CHHINDWARA Description of Sapmling Station :- RIVER WATER AFTER MIXING BORGAON GROWTH CENTER NALLA AT BORGAON, CHHINDWARA S.No. Characteristic Unit Sept. Mar Av. Maxi. Mini. Date of Sampling 04/09/2017 23.03.2018 1 pH pH Units 8.34 8.19 8.27 8.34 8.19 2 Total Dissolved mg/l 518.00 595 556.50 595.00 518.00 solids 3 Total Coliform MPN/100 ml 39.00 - 39.00 39.00 39.00 4 Chemical Oxygen mg/l 20.00 20 20.00 20.00 20.00 Demand 5 B.O.D. mg/l 3.20 2.8 3.00 3.20 2.80 Water Quality During Year- 2018-19 Nature Water Resource :- KANAHN RIVER AT Sausar, CHHINDWARA Description of Sapmling Station :- RIVER WATER AFTER MIXING BORGAON GROWTH CENTER NALLA AT BORGAON, CHHINDWARA S.No Sept. Dec Mar . Characteristic Unit Av. Maxi. Mini. Date of Sampling 06.03.20 13/09/2018 13.12.2018 19 1 pH pH Units 7.83 8.31 7.34 7.83 8.31 7.34 2 Total Dissolved mg/l 587.00 608.00 575.6 608.00 532.00 532.00 solids 7 3 Total Coliform MPN/100 ml 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 4 Chemical Oxygen mg/l 16.00 16.00 14.67 16.00 12.00 12.00 Demand 5 B.O.D.
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