IREGD. GOA- 5 1 Panaji, 2nd March, 1974 (Phalguna 11, 1895) SERIES I Noo 48 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU " EXTftl\ 0 ft DIN f\ ftV 3. Siolim 31-Canca, 30-Verla, 29-Anjuna, 33-Assa­ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN gao, 36-Siotim, 35-0xel, 1-Camurlim, 2-Colvale, 3-Revora, 4-Nadora, 5-Pirna AND DIU villages in Bardez Taluka. 4. Calangute 21-Calangute, 20-Candolim, 19-Nerul (Re­ Office of the Chief Electoral Officer is Magos), .18-Pilerne (Marra), 22-Sa­ liga:o, 23-Sangolda, 27-Nagoa, 28-Ar­ pora, and 26-Parra villages in Bardez Notification "Taluka. 4·4-72/Elec. Vol. (ID) 5. Mapusa Mapusa Town and 34-Marna, 9-Moira, 14-Ucassaim, 15-Punola, 16-Paliem. The following Notification No. 282/GD/74 dated 24-Guirim, 25-Bastora villages in Bar­ 26-2-1974 issued by the Delimitation Commission, dez Taluka. India, New Delhi, is hereby published for general 6. TiVlm 8-Tivim, 7 -Sircaim, 6-Asoollora, a8-Moi­ information. tern, 39-Corjuem, 40-Ponolem, 41-Cal­ vim, 11-Aldona, 10-Nachinola, 12-01au" B. M. Masurkar, Chief Electoral Officer. lim, 13-Pomburpa, 17-Serula villages Panaji, 2nd March, 1974. in Bardez Taluka. 7. Bicholim Bicholim Town and 2-Sirigao, 3-Mulgao. 4-Adwapale, 5-Latambarcem, 6-Du­ macem, 7-Mencurem. 8-Salem, 24-Na­ Delimitation Commission, India roa, 25-Atrull, 26-Vaingunim, 27-Maem. 29-Maulinguem Nerth and 30-0na vil­ Nirvaoh(ln Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001 lages in Bicholim 'l'aluka. Dated: February 26, 1974. 8. Pale Bicholim Taluka (excluding 2-Sirigao, 3-Mulgao, 4-Adwapale, 5-Latambar­ Notification cem, 6-Dumacem, 7-Mencurem, 8-Sa­ lem, 24.-Naroa, 25-Aturli, 26-Vaingui­ In pursuance of clau~e (a) of :;ub-section (2) of nim, 27-Maem, 29-Maulinguem North section 9 of the neliMjtaVon Act, 1!)72. "nel in con­ and 30-0na villages). tinuation of its Notification No. 282/GD/74, dated 9. Sat.. ,.i Satari Taluka. 6 February, 1974., publisheel in the Gazettf> of India 10. Panjim Panjim Municipality (excludi!lg Wards and Official Gazette of Goa, Daman and Diu on No.3, Hand 15). 14 February, 1974, containing proposals for the deli­ mitation of parliamentary-and assembly comrtituen­ 11. Santa-Cru: "Vard No. 14 ef Panjim Municipality, Wa.rd No. 15 of Panjim "Muilicipality, cies in the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, 37-Taleigao, 38-Durgavadde, 36-Cala­ the De'imitation Commission hereby publishes the pur, 31-Cujira, 32-Murda, 33-Morambi­ diiOsenting proposals received by it from the Asso­ -O-Grande (Merces), 35-Morambi-O- ciate Members:- -Pequeno (Merces) and 34-Renevadi villages in Tiswadi Taluka. DISSENTING PROPOSALS 12. St. Estevam 1-Chorao, 2-Ambarim, 3-Caraim, 4-Ca­ (1) pace, 5-NaveJim, 6-Goltim, 7-Malar, 8-Naroa, 9-Jua, 10-Combarjua, ll-Gan­ Assembly Constituencies daulim, 12-Ella, l3-Cerlim, l4-Caram­ bolim, 20-Azos-sim, 22-Mandur villages 1. Pernem Pernem Town and Pernem Taluka (ex- in Tiswadi Taluka. cluding 16-Tuem. 17-Parcem, 18-Ae:al'­ 13. Santo Andre Ward NO'. 3 ef Panjim Municipality and vado,..19-Chopdem, 20-Morgim, 21-Man. 23-Neura-O-Pequene, 24-Neura-O-Gran­ drem, 22-A rambol, 23-paJiem, 24-Que­ de, 25-Mercurim, 26-Goa Velha, 27-Ba­ rim and 25-Tjracol villages). tim, 21-Gancim, 19-Goalim-Meula. :2. Mandrem 16-~lem. :17-Parcem, 18-Agarvado, 19- 18-TalauJim. 29-Curca, 30-Bambolim, -Chondpm. ?,O-Mol'~im, 21 -l\{~l1dl'em, 28-Siridao, 17-Chimbel, 16-Panelim, 22-Arambol, 23-Paliem, 24-Quenm and 15-Bainguinim and Ba"inguinim villages 25-Tiracol viUages in Pernem taluka. in Tiswadi Taluka. 504 SERIES 1 No. 48 Sl. No. Constituency Extent of Constituency SI. No. Constituency Extent of Constituency 14. Marcaim 2-Marcaim, 3-Velinga, 5-CuncOlie:n, 27. Cortallm 8-Arossim, 9-Cansaulim, lO-Velsao, 7- 6-Cundaim 7-Bomba, 8-Adcolna, 9-TIV­ -l!uelJ.IlU, II-rate, t)-l"..;ortal!m, o-~uelos­ rem, lO-O;gao, ll-Candola, 12-Betqui. slm, 4-Sancoale, l2-Issorcim, l3-Chi­ 13-Volvoi, 14-Savoi-Verem; 15-Vagur­ col-ua, 3-Dabolim, 2-Chicalim vUlages bern and 16-Querim Villages in Ponda of Mormugao Taluka and wards No.2. Taluka. 3, 4 and .5 of Mormugao Municipality. 28. Mormugao 15. Ponda Ponda Town and 1-Bandora,. 4-Friol, Mormugao Municipality excluding wards 17-Curti, 18-Candepar, 19-Usgao and No.2 to 5. 20-Gangem villages in Ponda Taluka. 29. Daman Daman District. 16. Siroda 21-Codar, 22-Belora, 23-Nirancal, 24-Con­ ·30. Diu Diu District, xem, 25-Poncharadi, 26-Siroda, 27-Bo­ rim, 28-Vadi. 29-TelauUm and 30-Queu­ Parliamentary Constituencies la (Durbhat) villages in Ponda Taluka. Panjlm I-Pernem, 2-Mandrem, 3-Siolim. 4-Cala::l­ 17. Sanguem Sanguem Town and Sanguem Taluka gute, 5-Mapusa,· 6-Tivlro, 7 Bi.cholim, (excluding- 16-Piliem, 33-Tudon.34-Por­ 8-Pale, 9-Satari, lO-Panjim, ll-Santa tern, 35-Bati. 36-Cumbari, 37-Viliena, Cruz, 12-St". Estevam, l3-Sto. AnJre, 3S-Dongor, 39-Maiquinim, 40-Porteem, 14-Ma~ calm and 30 Diu. 41-Sigonem, 42-Betorli, 43-Verlem, Marmagoa I5-Ponda, l6-Siroda, 17-Sanguem, 18-Ri­ 44-Nunden 45-Vichundrem, 46-Cur­ vona, 19-Canacona, 20-Quepem, 21-CUll­ pem,' 47-:Ri~ona, 48-Colomb~, 49-Curdi, C01.m., 22-BenaU11m, 2d-N a vel i m, 50-Salauli and 51 Xelpem vlllages). 24-Margao, 25-Curtorim, 26-LoutoLm, 18. &lvona. 16-Piliem, 33-Tudou, 34-Portem, 35-BaU, 27-C 0 r tal i m, 28-Mormugao and 36-Cumbari 37-Viliena, 38-Dongor, 29-Daman. 39-Naiquini~, 40-Portem, 41-Sigonem, 42-Netorli 43-Verlem, 44-Nundeu, Sd/­ 45-Vinchu~drem, 46-Curpem, 47-Ri­ vona, 48-Colomba, 49-Curdi, 50-Salauli ERASMO DE SEQUEIRA and 51-Xelpem villages in Sanguem Taluka; and Associate Member. I8-Cavorem, I9-Bendordem, 20-Cordem, (2) 2I-Maina, 22-Pirla, 23-Sulcorna, 24-Mangal, 25-Cazul, 26-Corla, 27 -Quis­ corda, 28-Gocoldem, 29-Bareem, 30-Pa­ T. The proposals included in the Notification of di, 3I-Quedem, 32-Morpila, 33-Naque­ 14th February, 1974 do not seem to be based on any rim, 34-Quitol, 35-Fatorpa, 36-Tiloi, criterion or principle. Any changes to be made should 37-Bali and 38-Adnem villages in be based on some cri terion or prmci pIe. Here they are Quepem Taluka. suggested to be based on that:- 19. Ganacona Canacona Taluka. a) Population disparity should be discouraged 20. Quepem Quepem Town and I-Amona, 2-Xeldem, and minimised as far as possible. This should 3-Chaifi, 4-Avedem, 5-Cotombi, 6-As- be taken into consideration more regarding solda, 7-Xic-Xelvona, 8-Xelvona, 9-0dar, IO-Curchorem, ll-Cacora, Parliamentary Constituencies; l2-Sirvoi (Deao), l3-Nagvem, l4-Mol­ b) No Taluka should be divided between the carpem, l5-Zanodem. 16-Undorna, l7-Molcopona and 39-Ambaulim villa­ Parliamentary Constituencies; ges in Quepem Taluka. c) No Constituency (ASEembly) &hould include 21. CUncollm 28-Cuncolim, 29-Velim, 30-Ambelim. 31- areas belonging to more than 2 Talukas; -Assolna, 27-Varoda, 26-Talvorda, 23- -Paroda, 24-Mulem and 22-Cavorim vil- d) If any Taluka can be kept intact for forming lages in Salcete Taluka. a Constituency, it should be done inspite of some population disparity, Daman and Diu 22. Benanli Ward No.8 of Margao Municipality and 32-Cave}:ossim, 35-Cannona, 37 -Orlim, being best examples, and Satari and Cana­ 36-Varca, 45-Benanllm, 46-Adsullm, 47- cona having to follow suit; -Caua, l-Sernabalim, 2-Vanelim, S-Col­ e) If elimination of an existing Assembly Cons­ va, 5-Gaundaulim and 4-Seraulim villa­ tituency either in North Division or in South ges in Salcete ,Taluka. Divis,ion is felt necessary and, therefore, it 23. Navellm Wards No.5, 6 and 7 of Margao Muni­ is eliminated, then no new Constituency cipality and 34-Deussua, '33-Chinchinim, should be created in the place of eliminated -38-Sirlim, 25-Sarzora, 43-Talaulim, 44- Constituency, and -Navelim, 42-Aquem, 3'9-Dramapur and 40-Dica;rpale villages in Salcete Taluka. f) Municipal areas, if at all they are to be ex­ cluded from a Constituency, all care should 24. Miu:-gao Margao Munic'ipa'Hty excluding Wards No.4 to ;;. be taken so that they' are NOT exchanged with Panchayat areas, as far as poss'ible. 25. CUrtOrim Ward NO.4 of Margao Municipality and ,4l-Davorlim, 18-Curtorim/S. J-ose de II. According to the notified proposals, the dis­ Areal, 21-Chandor, 20-Guirdolim, 19~ parity between the ,2 Parliamentary Constituencies -Macasana and 17-Raia-Rachol villa­ has gone up approximately to 50,000 which is not ges in Salcete Taluka. permissible. And the average popUlation of Assem­ 26. Loutollm 16-Camurlim, ,15-Loutolim, l4-Verna, 8- bly Constituency in the North Goa Parliamentary -Nuvem, l3-Nagoa, 12-Utorda, II-Ma­ Constituency is only about 27,000 while the average jorda, "IO-GonEua, 9-Calata, 6-Dunco­ population of Assembly Constituency in the South 'lim and 7 ..Betalbatim villages in Sal­ Goa Parliamentary Constituency goes up to more cetc Taluka. than 30,000. '2ND MARCH, 1974 (PHALGUNA 11,1895) ---- III. The proposals do not seem to know that without (13-26) GOa-Velha the name Santo Andre becomes 81. No. Constituency Extent of Constituency meaningless. If (13) Santo Andre is the Constituency, then (13-26) Goa-Velha is bound to be included in it. "3 .. Siolim 2/1-Camurlim 2/2-Colvale IV. If Wards nos. 3, 14 and 15 are excluded from 2/36-Siolim Panjim Municipal Area, how is it ju£.tiLed that (12- 2/35-0xel 2/34-Mal1lla .17) Chimbel and (12-35) Morombi-O-Pequeno which 2/33-Assagao are closed to (12) Santa Cruz Constituency and' are 2/29-Anjuna Panchayat areas, are included in (11) Panjim M­ 2/28-Arpora sembly Constituency? The Municipal area is so large 2/26-ParJ'a that some 'areas are to be excluded to bring down the 4.

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