The Genogram Winifred Jolly, MSW, Jack Froom, MD, and Melville G. Rosen, MD Stony Brook, New York The genogram is presented as a technique to record both ge­ netic and interpersonal family-household data. Working with model patients, and using standard instructions and symbols, family medicine residents elicited and recorded an average of 83 percent of available information items during interviews that lasted an average of 16 minutes. Interpretation of data derived from genograms written by other physicians was achieved with a high degree of accuracy (91 to 96 percent correct answers to 25 questions on each of three family- households). The genogram appears to be a practical instru­ ment to record and retrieve family-household data, but its wide application will require standardization of both the technique of recording and the symbols employed. The family physician optimally sees all mem­ is an attractive concept because retrieval of data bers of the same family or household. Regardless may be facilitated by this technique. The tech­ of the number of members in a family attending the nique lends itself to rapid scanning by both the physician’s practice, the physician has an interest physician and other health care providers, if the in gathering both genetic and interpersonal data in genograms are uniformly coded. It reduces the addition to the usual medical information. This need for copious progress notes with copies in enhances his/her understanding of the health each of the several family members’ charts. Inci­ status of the family members and of the environ­ dental illnesses of individuals need not be noted on ment in which they live. For physicians who in­ the genogram unless they constitute a crisis in the clude family member’s charts in one folder, data life of that family; these notes more properly be­ regarding related members of the family or house­ long on the individual’s medical record chart. hold are usually obtained initially from one family Medalie2 suggests separate use of the traditional member. Additional family information is obtained family tree and a “ psychofigure.” The family tree at the time of visits from other family members. depicts several generations with sex, birth and A display of genetic as well as family history death dates, and genetic diseases. The psycho­ and interactional information, along with signifi­ figure describes interactions between the several cant events, on a single diagram or “ genogram” 1 members of the household, including relationships which are hostile, distant, discordant, and over­ involved. Gordon3 advises that a “ pedigree chart” be kept simple and short. Since this diagram is used From the Department of Family Medicine, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York. Re­ primarily by geneticists, relatives by marriage are quests for reprints should be addressed to Ms. Winifred Jolly, Department of Family Medicine, State University of omitted because they are not genetically relevant New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794. to the analysis. Obviously, such omission is in- 0094-3509/80/020251 -05$01.25 ® 1980 Appleton-Century-Crofts THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 10, NO. 2: 251-255, 1980 251 THE GENOGRAM NAME: CHART # : DATE: LINE D: LINE C: LINE B: LINE A: DYNAMIC CHANGES CRITICAL EVENTS Figure 1. Genogram form appropriate for family physicians’ records because Despite numerous discussions in the literature, the presence of an illness or chronic condition the actual utility and practicality of these various within a family or household network may alter types of recordings have not been studied, nor has the balance of the relationships within that system. a standard method of recording been developed. Hartman4 describes the use of a genogram This communication reports on the ability of a which permits family therapists to record and read health care provider, in this case the family prac­ social and interactional data about three or four tice resident, to collect these data from pro­ generations of the family in order to illustrate the grammed patients and measures the ability of family’s system of functioning. The use of family other health care providers to interpret the data portraits is advocated by Cormack.5 He points out that have been so recorded. that information about members of a family household is difficult to remember, especially re­ garding those members who are not personally known to the physician. Genetic and interactional information about such absent members needs to be noted and kept as available and current as the Methods data regarding the patient who makes regular or In this pilot investigation, an attempt was first frequent visits to the physician. made to determine whether or not the genogram 252 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 10, NO. 2, 1980 THE GENOGRAM Male □ ALC Alcohol Female O ANEMIA Anemia Marriage ARTH Arthritis □ o Unmarried ASTH Asthma Relationship B DEFECT Birth defects Divorce GLAUC Glaucoma Sex not 0 BLOOD D Blood disorder specified CA Cancer ® Adopted l HEAR Deafness 6 Induced abortion DM Diabetes mellitus Spontaneous ECZ Eczema 1 abortion Gl, GB, HEP Death Gl tract, gall bladder GOUT and liver diseases Conflictual Gout relationship HRT DIS Heart disease CHOL Overdose T Hypercholesterolemia t BP relationship Hypertension Distant REN DIS Kidney disease —o — relationship M RETARD Mental retardation Members of M I o one household Myocardial infarction NEUROSIS Neurosis Q -*—0 Dominant partner (in this case, □) PSYCHOSIS Psychosis >~o Identified patient RF Rheumatic fever In household­ CONVUL Seizures living away CVA Stroke ° r (school, jail, etc.) LUES Syphilis t th y I Thyroid, hyper or o Twins hypo activity Figure 2. Genogram symbols can be used to codify a useful amount of informa­ were recorded by the physician. tion about a patient's family in a reasonable period The genogram and legend used in this study of time. consist of the classical family tree and a specific, Six family practice residents were given a blank brief coded classification of diseases, health prob­ genogram (Figure 1) and legend (Figure 2) and lems, social events, and family interactions. A brief but specific instructions on the method of completed genogram is illustrated in Figure 3. The recording a genogram (available on request from family described in this genogram shows the iden­ the authors). Three patients were recruited and tified patient (IP) named Barbara, who presented instructed to respond only to the questions asked to the Family Health Center with aches, pains, and by the physician. Each patient was interviewed by nonspecific symptoms. Figure 3 is a genogram the six physicians who collected demographic, ge­ depicting the information obtained from Barbara netic, and interpersonal information. Other medi­ by the physicians in the study. Her family history cal data such as chief complaint, present illness, shows the presence of cancer (CA) and diabetes and review of systems were not obtained. The mellitus (DM) on her mother’s side, myocardial times of the start and completion of the interview infarction (MI) on both sides, and alcoholism THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 10, NO. 2, 1980 253 THE GENOGRAM DA 11: CHART # : NAME: 1979-Full-tim e job 1975:1.R Divorced 1978: Ended unhealthy 3-yr. relation­ ship with a man Figure 3. Completed genogram for Barbara (ALC) in a sister and parent. Another sister, along cently remarried and his new wife now appears to with that sister’s son, had received a diagnosis of be in conflict with the older daughter, who also has neurosis. Barbara is not thought to have an affec­ conflict with her real mother, Barbara. Barbara tive disorder although a manic-depressive illness has an extremely close relationship with both her had earlier been considered among diagnostic father and her nephew ( ^ ') . possibilities. The present household (shown by an Critical events in the life of the patient and also unbroken circle) consists of Barbara and her two dynamic changes which have taken place since the daughters. After ten years of a conflictual relation­ patient joined the family practice are noted. ship (/w s^ ) wjth an alcoholic husband, Barbara For the second part of the investigation, six obtained a divorce Barbara’s husband re- different physicians were asked to read three 254 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 10, NO. 2, 1980 THE GENOGRAM genograms completed by the investigators, and to tion, physician interviewing skills, and the nature answer 25 questions about each of the families. of the relationship between the physician and the patient. Nevertheless, findings from this prelimi­ nary study indicate that physicians can correctly interpret data recorded with the schema that is proposed. If this technique is to have wide appli­ cation, it will be necessary to derive standard Results symbols to record the data. Agreement on such a classification can best be achieved through an in­ The average time required to record a genogram terested organization, such as the North American was 16 minutes with a range of 9 to 30 minutes. Primary Care Research Group or the World The percent of information items elicited by each Organization of National Colleges, Academies and of the physicians ranged from 66 to 93 percent, Academic Associations of General Practitioners/ with an average score of 83 percent. These scores Family Physicians (WONCA). were derived by dividing the number of discrete The value of introducing this technique in information items obtained by the resident over patient care has not yet been demonstrated, al­ the total number of separate items obtained by all though its informal usage at one residency pro­ six physicians for each of the patients. gram appears to improve both patient care and The six physicians who interpreted completed physician satisfaction. In the final analysis, the and standardized genograms showed little varia­ impact of any intervention in a health care setting tion in their scores.
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