WRp I -= -A i -~ .- - - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~·*-- . - .j . .~~~~~~~~~. -- - - Volume LV. No. 53 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 Price- I-- Threerr Centsu-v~ I Christmas Ticket American Yachtsmen Service Humolrist Again Offered Wellesley Argues Know Fine Points Of To Students Noted Humorist I To Victory Sport Declares Fay The T.C.A. will have repre- Over Gives Speech On sentatives of various rail, bus, Tech Debaters _~~~~~~~~~~ "Role Of Humor" Speaker Tells About Tricks Of and airplane lines in its back office this week so that Sailing Used In Foreign those p going home over the Christmas 'Can America Remain Neutral?' Nine Elements Of Laughter Waters Are holidays may have professional Is Subject Of Debate Described Fully By advice in planning their trips. Dr. Vincent The thing that kept the American's The men will be on hand from 12 Wellesley Defends cup oll this side of the Atlantic dur- until 2 o'clock daily through Fri- Negative ing~the spectacular contests waged day, and will be able to give in- Each Element Is Illustrated between Britishand American I I I yachts- formation, sell tickets and make At a debate held last Saturday By Some Suitable Anecdote pen was the fact that the British re- reservations. afternoon in Eastman Lecture Hall, p lied too much on "breaks" and didn't In addition to this helpful a Wellesley team won a decision over concentrate on getting Lectulre Is Sponsored By the utmost service the T.C.A. mantains a its Technology opponents on the sub- The out of their yachts, declared Professor passenger driver service for the ject, "Amerioan Neutrality in Case of Mark Twain Memorial Richard D. Fay, speaking before the convenience of those who wish to a Foreign War." Foundation 5:15 Club last night in the Commuter's travel home by automobile. Having debated with Yale a week Room. ago on the same subject, the Wellesley "Radio is mentioned in the Book of He also related some of his many group was well acquainted I . with its Genesis wherein Adam swapped a experiences in yachting and spoke of arguments and was well organized. the situation he spare part for a loud speaker," said ran into while Menorah Seia¢..NY They proved successfully the impos- navigating the "Yankee" in the cup sibility of America's remaining Dr. George E. Vincent to a capacity trials last spring against the "Rain- To Present IIneutral -in the event of an European Dr. George E. Vincent audience in Room 10-250 last Friday bow" which defended Dance America's cup war. evening in the in his lecture on "A Role of classic race with the "En- "Couldn't Find Tech" deavor". Humor." Intercollegiate D a n c e To Bee The start of the debate, Unusual Tides Near France scheduled Winning Dr. Vincent, a noted humorist and Held In Hotel Bradford for three o'clock, was delayed Amateur The unusual tides .and winds pxe- for past president of the Rockefeller Tomorrow Night forty-five minutes, because of the vailing around Britain and the coast fact Picked At IIFoundation and the University of the Wellesley team got lost and Dance of France make sailing a matter Minnesota, spoke through the sponsor- of "couldn't find Tech". However, chance, rather than a fine art, Pro- a "I Wished ship of the Mark Twain Memorial A formal intercollegiate dance will1 crowd of forty awaited On The Moon", Sung fessor Fay asserted. Extraordinary their arrival Foundation. He lectured on the nine be held by the Menorah Society patiently. By Brnard Mehran, Wins methods such as anchoring the boat to elements of laughter exemplifying The Speakers Ten Dollars or sailing two sides of a triangle often morrow night, December 18, in the each with some sort of a joke. The result in a victory Oval Room of the The speakers were: for Wellesley, nine elements comprised: discovery and such freaks Hotel Bnadford Bernard W. Mehren, '38, wlas de- of as Ruth C. Frankel, '38, and Barbara Ione's superiority, surprise, two boats sailing downwind to- Roy Cohen and his orchestra, who) clared the winner of risque, Lieberman, '37. For Technology I the Amateur ward one another are not uncommon, 7. ..c presence of solemnity, play on words, have been featured at quite a few I Contest leld at the Dormitory Dancee, Allan E. Schorsch,'38, Harold James2. ( satire, he continued. As a result, finer ypFriday, irony, cynicism, and reparte. Harvard affairs, will furnish the '38 and Benjamin December 13. He sang "I points of sailing have little value and Siegel, '38. Laughter a "Typhoid Mary" musical -The judges Wished On the Moon" to win the ap- are more or less ignored. entertainment for the eve- were Clayton Priestnal In exemplifying the elements bproval of the audience, as registered of The sailing conditions at ning. of the Leland Powers School of Newport, by the claptometer. The award was laughter, Dr. Vincent stated that wrhere the Cup races Dramatics, Waldo Emerson Dunn of are held, hov- In charge of the affair are:- $10 in cash, presented by Prof. Wil- Rome in the past was just like a ever, require the School of Theology of Boston a maximum of skill in Leonard Seder, president liam C. Greene, master of "Typhoid Mary", spreading culture to of the M.I.T. University, and Mir. O'Keefe, the ceremonies. trimming sails and navigating; the Other acts presented all corners of the earth, but mever chapter, Maurice Crevoshay, presi- coach of the debating team at Boston in the contest different type of sailing is a distinct consisted catching the "disease" itself. Also dent of the Tufts chapter, College. Robert mostly of sonigs--n solo, advantage to the defenders. It was and Milton Treat, '38. Vice- stated Dr. Vincent, "one day King President duet, or sextet renderings. In addi- this same difficulty that prevented the Paisner of Harvard. of the Debating Society, Victor Emannuel dropped his hand- was the chairman. tirn, a -liano s-lo, and soiee recita- 'Yankee" from making the record Tickets $2.00 a Couple tions w-ere presented. kerchief in the Presence of It Duce expected of her in English waters last Tickets will be on sale in the MIain As master of ceremonies, Prof. (Contimtued on Page 3) Summer. Vincent Lobby today and tomorrow at $2.00 Greene received the plentiful applause Lecture Teacher's Oath Bill of those present. .a couple. They may be purchased His introductions were appropriate, and his use of the Four More Dinghys from George Topic Of Discussion M. Levy '37, Milton siren met with popular approval. Most Fertile Field Leif '37, Joseph At Student's Bring Total Number Zeitlen '38, and the Meeting Decorations were made to carry out For Electricity Is -Of Boats Up To Ten' officers of the organization. the Christmas spirit, with green A meeting held last Sunday at Harvard Professor Will Speak Istreamers and red bells draped about In The Modern Home the hall. Lighted Christmreas trees HcElwain, Litchfield, Kales Give Simmons College for which Tufts and At Initial Meeting Of Proposed were in evidence, and the orchestra House-Keeping Least Efficient Boats; Activity Grows Simmons acted as hosts and hostesses Union was placed before a huge fireplace. "Industry" Ripley Quickly climaxed4 the pre-vacation socials. A Tells Professor Albert Sprague Coolidge I debate4 between Harvard and Rad- Large Audience of Harvard will speak at a meeting Beaver Key To Back Four new dinghys were given to the cliffec on the subject, "Is his Jewish of the proposed American Student's rapidly forming sailing club during c Intramural Athletics "Electricity's most fertile field lies consciousness hindering the student Union to be held tomorrow night the last week, three by prominent at in the increasing use of power in the ini college?" 7:30 in the North Hall of Walker. members of the Alumni and one was held at that time. Softball And Baseball To Be modern American home", declared C. Professor Coolidge's subject anonymously. will be Promoted Next Spring M. Ripley, of the General Electric the Teacher's Oath Bill. J. Franklin McElhain, president of Company, in a speech Friday at the The American Student's Union the J. Franklin McElwain Company, NotableI Authorities is a Intramural athletics at the In- A.I.E.E. meetingiheld in 5-330. Boston, Paul W. Litchfield, proposed organization for the general stitute was president the subject of the talk "Our biggest industry, employing of the Goodyear Tire and Attend First General interest of a representative group of given by Mr. Rubber Ralph T. Jope, Secretary over thirty million people, is our most Company, and W. R. Kales, students. It is expected to take the of the Advisory president Contractor's Dinner Council on Athletics, inefficient and poorly engineered", Mr. of the place of the National Student's at the Whitehead and Kales Com- meeting of the Beaver Key Ripley stated. "American industry pany, Detroit, each presented League and the Student's League for Society held last one( Thursday. and business have taken advantage of boat to the Institute, and a fourth Copying From Contemporaries Industrial Democracy which may dis- To Start Softball League !the newest and most modern develop- came fiom an anonymous donor. Is Called Bad Practice solhe in its favor early next year. The Society decided at the meeting 1ments to produce more and better This now makes a total of ten Three Point Program to sponsor a softball boats By Architect league for next products for more people at less cost which will be available when Tomorrow's meeting will be held for spring, as wvellas to I the ice -assist any in- under better working conditions; the goes out next spring.
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