Cambridge University Press ˛ 978-0-521-19301-6 - Saddam Hussein’s Ba th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon Index More information Index Abd Hammud, 228–9, 229n8, Arab student recruitment, 119–20, 230 120nn112–14, 121 abuses of power Arab unity, 9–10, 22–3, 66–7 in armed forces, 142–3 Arif, Abd al-Rahman by fidaiyyu Saddam, 150 exile of, 31–2 by SSO, 110–11, 111nn69–70 Nasserite coup, 28 active member (udhu amil), 46 policies generally, 30 affiliation (intisab), 45–6 rise to power, 28 Aflaq, Michel, 19–20, 26, 30–1 Arif, Abd al-Salam age policies, 53–4, 54t, 56 arrest, sentencing of, 20 al-Ali, Nadje, 255 consolidation of power by, 27–8 American invasion 2003, 40, 85, death of, 28 159–61, 187n100 economic policies, 27 Ammash, Huda Salih Mahdi, 36n11, Egypt, relations with, 27 256, 266n193 ousting of Bath Party by, 26 al-amn al-am (General Security) policies toward military, 26–7 intelligence gathering by, 115 political violence as policy, 32, monitoring of religious institutions 32n55 by, 261n166, 262–4 armed forces overview, 95–6 abuses of power in, 142–3 on recruitment, 72 Bath domination of, 7, 13 al-amn al-askari (Military Security), deserters in (See deserters) 97 education (Bathification) of, 133–5, Anglo–Iraqi Treaty of 1930, 18 134n20, 135nn21–22, 136n24, Anglo–Iraqi War, 18 137 Arab Bath Socialist Party.SeeBath historical role of, 23, 129–30 Party Iran–Iraq War, hanging of senior Arab Glory, 80n46, 85–6, 86n72 officers during, 141–2 Arabization of Kurdistan, 39–40, 83, marriage approvals in, 144–5 83n61, 84, 84n64 martyrdom (See martyrdom) 301 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press ˛ 978-0-521-19301-6 - Saddam Hussein’s Ba th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon Index More information 302 Index armed forces (cont.) cultural reforms (See cultural militias, 81, 145–6 (See also specific reforms) organizations) political indoctrination in, 9, 47, prisoners of war, 155–6 61–70 promotions in, 139–40 Bath Party Revolutionary Command Council age in, 53–4, 54t, 56 (RCC), 134, 228n6, 230, 230n9, centralization of power by, 35 231 collapse of, 280–4 rewards, punishments in, 139–41, coup d’etat´ 1968, 16, 31–2 141n50, 143 (See also rewards, daily life of member, 57–61 punishments system) discipline within, 42, 42n32, 45, 75, rotation of personnel, 142, 142n59 219, 219n114, 220, 225, surveillance, monitoring of, 143–5 225n141 arrests, evictions, 217–18, 217n106, durability of, 275–7, 278–9 219 emergence of, 19–20 al-Asad, Hafiz, 179–80 enemies, definitions of, 194–5, ashbal Saddam (Saddam’s Cubs), 181 195n10 Assyrians finances, 41–2 documentation of, 203–4 functions of, 4–5, 6, 7, 38–42 employment of, 102, 102n25, 103 gender in (See women’s roles) massacre of, 17–18 ideology, 9–11, 277–8 oath of allegiance by, 73 lessons learned, 1963, 24–5 Auspicious Birthday, the (al-milad membership (See membership, al-maymun), 184–5 recruitment) automobiles, 214, 214nn86–7 ousting of 1963, 26, 30 al-Ayyam al-tawila, 165n7 as personalist regime, 276 Aziz, Tariq, 171, 229n8, 230–1, Qasim, overthrow/execution of, 246n94 23–4 recruitment policy (See Badge of Bravery (nawt al-shajaa), membership, recruitment) 207, 207n63, 208 religious policies, 11, 36, 80, Badge of High Esteem (nawt 80n46, 259–68, 283 al-istihqaq al-ali), 208 Saddam Hussein on duties of, 42 Baghdad province structure of, 11–12, 34–6, history, 16 36nn10–11, 37f, 38, 70 literacy, political indoctrination in, terminology creation by, 3–4 64–5 tribal, family, kin association massacre of Jewish community in, reliance, 11 18 Bath Party branches.Seealsospecific meeting attendance in, 74 branches new recruit enrollment in, 50 affiliate hosting, 75 al-Bakr, Ahmad Hasan, 69–70, 95–6 competition among, 87–90 Baram, Amatzia, 3n5 conferences, meetings, 74–5, 79–80, al-Barazani, Masud, 40n20 87–8 Basra province history, 16 criticism of by leaders, 88–9 Bathification cultural activities, 76, 76n29, 77, 88 armed forces, 133–5, 134n20, (See also cultural reforms) 135nn21–2, 136n24, 137 economic affairs, northern, 84 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press ˛ 978-0-521-19301-6 - Saddam Hussein’s Ba th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon Index More information Index 303 elections, 73–4, 80–1, 187–8, overview, 227–8, 235–6 251n124, 252n127 party committees, 232–3 finances, 85–7, 119–20 party control of, 233, 235 al-hamla al-imaniyya (the faith presidential diwan (See presidential campaign), 80, 80n46, 177–8, diwan) 265–6, 266n191, 268 raqaba shabiyya (popular initiatives, 90 surveillance), 232 Kurdistan, Arabization of, 39–40, Saddam Hussein’s moods in, 231, 83, 83n61, 84, 84n64 259–60n158 leaders, daily activities by, 89 system of orders, 229, 229n8, 230 membership, recruitment (See travel visas, 234, 234n31 membership, recruitment) militia enlistment, 81 Caliph al-Mansur, 177n56 al-muaisha (cohabitation), 121 cars, 214, 214nn86–7 organizational activities, 72–5 Ceaus¸escu, Nicolae, 179–80 overview, 13, 71, 71n1, 72, 94 censorship, 69 party unit daily life, 90–3, 93n102, Chaldeans, 102, 102n25, 103, 203–4 94 children, youth political, security activities, 81–5 Arab student recruitment, 119–20, (See also intelligence gathering) 120nn112–14, 121 public relations duties, 78–81 focus of Saddam Hussein’s referendums, national censuses, personality cult, 181, 181n73, 80–1 268–73 rumors, counter-rumors, 84, 225 university student recruitment, tribal policies, 78 78–9, 268–73 university student recruitment, Christians 78–9, 268–73 form entry for, 203–4 weapons training, 84–5, 256–8 as part of system, 11 Bath Regional Command, 4, 30, 32, requirements of, 73 98, 99 in Saddam Hussein’s inner circle, Bath Regional Command Collection 230–1 (BRCC), 2, 71–2, 98 surveillance of, 102–3, 203–4, 263 baya (pledge of allegiance), 175, Clemenceau, Georges, 7, 7n11 175n41 cohabitation (al-muaisha), 121 al-Bazzaz, Abd al-Rahman, 28 collaborators, 214.Seealsoinformers beggars, 194–5, 246 commands of the president (wasaya birthday celebrations (Saddam al-rais), 179 Hussein’s), 184–5, 187–9 Communist Party, 21, 23n23, 222–3 al-Bitar, Salah al-Din, 19–20 confessions, 199, 199nn29–31 Boutros Ghali, Boutros, 117 Conflict Records Research Center bureaucracy, decision making (CRRC), 1, 287 citizen complaints, 234–5 consultancy bureaus (makatib final decision making in, 234, istishariyya), 228 234n31, 281 co-optation makatib istishariyya (consultancy executions, public participation in, bureaus), 228 206 memos, 233–4, 234n30 medals, rewards in, 206–16 ministerial appointments in, 231 of unions, 249–53 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press ˛ 978-0-521-19301-6 - Saddam Hussein’s Ba th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon Index More information 304 Index corruption, 245, 245nn91–2, 246, economy 246nn94–5 corruption, 245, 245nn91–2, 246, coup-proofing, 23, 35–6, 129–30, 246nn94–5 138–9, 141 currency devaluation, 244–5 cultural reforms deterioration, post-1989, 241–2, Bath Party branches role in, 76, 281–2 76n29, 77, 88 exodus of educated middle class, events, 67 246–8 history, writing of, 62, 66–7 food scarcity, 243–4 libraries, 67–8, 68nn116–18, 69, foreign investment, imports, 240–1, 77, 133 240n65, 241n65 literacy, 64–5, 69 growth, 1970s, 238–9 museums, murals, 69–70 history of, 9, 27, 27n37, 29 national celebration days, 66, 77 informers in, 126–7 party publications, 67 Iran–Iraq War, 239–40, 241, political indoctrination in, 9, 47, 241n68 (See also Iran–Iraq War) 61–70 Kurd uprising effects, 242–3 women’s roles (See women’s roles) Kuwait invasion, 242 currency devaluation, 244–5 oil industry, 29, 238 phases of, 237–8 daily life privatization, 240 Bath Party unit, 90–3, 93n102, 94 product scarcity, 244 of party member, 57–61 professional organizations, 249–51, Shorsh unit, 90–3, 93n102, 94 251n124, 252n127, 253 al-Daud, Abd al-Rahman, 31–2 recovery, post-1996, 248–9 Dawa Party (hizb al-Dawa) Saddam Hussein’s involvement in, monitoring of, 40, 82, 116 238 regime perception of, 222–3 sanctions, 242–3, 243n76, 243n78, death verdicts, 199, 199nn29–31 248n110, 252 decision making.Seebureaucracy, smuggling, 244 decision making socialism ideology, 10–11, 29, Department for Organizational and 236–7 Political Affairs, 36 support for regime during sanctions, deserters 248 executions, regional command survival strategies, 246, 277 participation in, 206 unions, 249–52, 252n127, 253 forms for, 203–4 education.Seealsoliteracy informers on, 126 of armed forces, 133–5, 134n20, pursuit/arrest of, 40–1, 84–5, 152–5 135nn21–2, 136n24, 137 rewards, punishments system, madrasat al-idad al-hizbi (Party 152–4, 220, 225, 225n140 Preparatory School), 63–6 Directorate of Republican Guard parapsychology, 108–9 Security, 99, 99n19, 101 political indoctrination, 9, 47, Directorate of Security Affairs, 97n11, 61–70 99, 99n17 RCC role in, 230n9 al-Duri, Izzat Ibrahim, 98, 139, 171, reforms, 66–7, 267–70, 267n198, 208, 230–1, 266 270n210, 273 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press ˛ 978-0-521-19301-6 - Saddam Hussein’s Ba th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime Joseph Sassoon Index More information Index 305 in SSO, 107–8, 108n53, 109 fidaiyyu Saddam (fedayeen Saddam), of women, 253–4, 256 81, 149–50, 177–8 Egypt, Egyptians fertility programs, 205, 254–5 as economic model, 27, 27n37 First Gulf War, 4, 138–9, 147, 267–8, history of, 9–10, 20 277 importation of workers from, 239 food scarcity,
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