
' ttolaq orlo{4snquo g Japunselou aas ereq peJeplsuoJlou are slueld ssaql '(€986I 'selBr\\ tnq eloo3) Er.rolcl^pu" eITBrsnVqlnoS rllnoS ,teN ur pezllErnl€uosle sr DUDlqog 'pernbar sr oluts sqt ur Suurnccosetcads aqt;o ,rerAerFcrluc p'elFllsnV Iuetsei&ur spee,{\FtueuuoJl^ue snoues'eluoJeqol IeuualodJql e^EqJo'JrE setcedsouotqog stq El?l eseql.Joemlelcueruou oq1 Sutp:t8el uolsnJuotpeltalel osp suorle8qsolul 'tII€IsnV roqunc (tg6I) frad Jo (986I ) u3arg f,q:og pelunoccelou uxut Bunueserda:aseql Jo o^{l 'Je,re,troq',&eq8te;E urelsod\ ur perncJo ouolqog go salcadsaeJqt tEqt pal€clput SoJCpuE.IoqlnE lslu "l,t\uD eq1,{q suorte,uesqoplerd r?rlullsnvurelsa/(\ uI Je) o4r4srp g'sor:eds puorase 3o oruasa:d aql pep.rore.r(L86I) tu:e4 pue (5861)uear9 q8noqlP'(t66I uuoC't66I u,ti\olg? soru?t'q's9861 'oiruls 'B 'DuDqDg e1oo3 3 a) ullEllsnv ur 8ur:rncco se 3o sercedseuo pezluSocer,{lpraue8 o^€q sasnsusJpu€ sr?Jo[IuPITEISnv luaJeu pJqsllqEtsa,{11nj uaeq lou sEq aBeJspulpezll?JnlEu 'ell€rsnv ,{uuurrog erntulcueuroutf,eJ]oc eql ol peJnpoJlulsdnoJ3 luuld :eq1ofuPtu uI sV ?ll€Jlsnv ur pezrlurnl€ueuroraq e^pq ol eeeouptJlu€JltJV utJqlnosJo e:ouaB3o raqrunue;o a\to st DuolqDg uournpoJtul 'pessnssrposlE sl ErlerlsnVujelse/i\ ulse]f,adsouolqpBpezIIEJntuuol I.,!\PCJe>l(lIV)Dptr|s gpue IMSCJe>lt2qJltlp'g seu"u eqt Jo uorl€crlddrsrrupuerdsaprrn aq; pept,torderu uxq esaql:o1 sdeuruoDnqlJlslp pu€ fol V sr,\^e'IID(J'I)DloL[lqu re.^l,.,'q}re) ( J rurng),solrqr7 gpuu Buerd5( JpuV)r?rt gloo^{S o11olusn?uoB ;pezrusoce:e.IE EXu1 eeJql pu? pe.,'rol^atsI uIlEJlsnVuJe1se16 ut tzttrlqrg 3o salceds ',(]OOd p?zrluJuuueqt ;o .{urouoxrl eqI Z6Z-|8Z :(Z) El DtsltttN eIIEJtsnVuralsol\A ul Sutunc:o (eeeceptJl)DuDlqog;osarceds pezllurnlvu aqtJo /rdel^ej cltuouoxBl V C I'3uIuuD1,14 1g'tqcsdal lreJlsqY 'Err{v qlnos u^\oJ adr] 'clnlllsul 's€1,,luoruorlll] 'LX Btg 3rE^trd In)rrrnlo8IEUontN uinrrrqriH uoldluo). 'Ell.nsnv '1092 I3v euequlJ 0091 xog odc 'qrrxrseu 'runueqrcH ^lrsrc^rporgtunld roJ rrtual IPuoltENuxlltl]snv:ssclppe luesard '€869 r?rtp4snvuretso/A '.IuoJ fre,rllsq ,{epuag'tol 3eg pclco'I 'tu.rucir?unl4l 'urnuEqreH puEI pue uorlE^r.suoCJo tueluuEdac uelllrrlsnvurstseit I .Suruueprl3 1 puu ,rqcsdal 1g B|IEJlsnvuralsJA u! SuJJJnJJo (aBa)Bplrl) ouDtqDglo stl)ads pez11e.rn1euaql Jo ,rol^er clurouox€l V rc0OZ)Z6Zegzt(del Dt slr.nN Nr)tsid Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000) Materials and methods This study is basedon examination of herbarium collections from PERTH, as well as selected material from CANB, along with observationsmade on live plants of all speciesexcepl B. tubulosa. As only a singleAustraliancollection of B. tubulosowasavailable,the descriptionofthis taxonis panly basedon SouthAfrican materialhoused at NBG (seeHolmgren et al. 1990). All measurementswere madefrom herbariummaterial (reconstituted where necessary). Terminology for indumentumfollows Hewson( 1988). Taxonomictr€atment Synonymydata presented in thispaper is restrictedto namesthat have been applied to Babiana in Australia,or namesused by Lewis (1959)in her monographof the genus. For additional .nomenclaturalinformation and further synonymy refer to Phillips(1951) and Lewis (1959). BabianaKer Gawl., Curtis's Bot. Mag., 15: sub t. 539( 1802). Perennialherbs. Corzs usuallydeep-seated, tunics papery, decaying into fine or coarsefibres. S/emsubterranean or aerial,erect to declinateor decumbent,simple or sometimesbranched, terete to angular.Leavesbasal, distichous, usually plicate, sometimes tortuous, curled or undulate,lamina flat or rarelyterete, hairy or rarelyglabrous. Inflorescence a spike, flowers distichous, spiral or secund. Bractsand bracteoler sheathing, free or partiallyunited, herbaceous, apical portion usually scarious, hdry or glabrous.Flowers usually zygomorphic and bitabiate, sometimes actinomorphic and funnel- shaped,mostly shades of bluebut rarelyred, yellow or cream,often fragrant. Perianth tube straight or curved,cylindrical or funnel-shaped. Tepals equal or unequal.S/azeirs inserted in themouth of the pedanthtube, usually unilateral and arcuate, rarely syrnrnetdcally aranged and erect,anthers basifixed.Ovary glabrous or hairy.Sryle exserted or rarelyincluded; style branches 3, slenderor apicallyexpanded. Frrrit a cartilaginouscapsule, glabrous or hairy. Seedsseveral per locule, funicle prominentand swollen, rugose, shiny. Chromosome number x=7. A genusof c. 65 speciesin southernAfrica with onein Socotra. 'baviaan' 'babianer', Etymology.DerivedfromtheDutch forbaboon oritsCape corruption thecommon nameapplied to Babianaspecies in the Caperegion of SouthAfrica, asa resultof their statusas a favouredfood of theseanimals (Lewis 1959). Key to naturalizedlaxa of Babianaoccurring in WesternAustralia 1 Perianthtube more than twice as long asthe tepals,45-85mm long, flowerscream 1.B. tubulosavar. tubiflora l. Perianthtube shorter than to aslong asthe tepals, 7-18 mm long;flowers predominantlyblue to magenta 2. Bracteolesunited c. two-thirdsto four-fifthsof theirlength, herbaceous to themargins; flowers with themarked tepals lowermost; ovary glabrous or pubescenton theribs only ................ .....2. B. nana 2. Bracteolesfree to thebase, mostly herbaceous, with a scarious,reddish-brown marginto 0.4 mm wide;flowers twisted such that the marked tepals are uppermostand facing the stemapex; ovary densely sericeous ..................... 3. B' angustifolia '( 's:ed,{.raq8ray 'Supuedxe sercedsaerql eq1;6 ururoc 1'9) ,{1,tro1slreqlu srputr (6661 .{1n1lu se) tuetxo IIns sI ell€rlsnv ualsoi& ur uoqelndod u,trourl,{1uo aqJ eler1snv tuelse.d\ur pezrl€Jnleuserceds DuotqDg Jer.Ifoqlfti pesnJuoceq o1 ,41a1qunsr puE uox€l e^rlcuqsrp€ sr osoryqu DuorqDg 'sa:rN '€lpjlsnY (uelsal!\ur pe^Jesqouaeq a^uq sJolrsr^IEJoU oN snorueSolnu,{1e,rqe11ncu; eq ol sreedde'Je^e/\\oq'pJo{rqnt'mL '(1661 nelqplo9 ry Suruuul{) Suolurur (06)0L-0t srssoqord?qlr,r rolrsr^le^\oUpozrrEl'ods,{lqBrqu sr qrlq,{{ (eEpIuIJ]seueN:€retdr() uusruepaL16sltlsottSuol-snUru{LltotsBao/{ f,lJ3upeeJ-retceu eql fq 'eAu€J 'walsts uoueurtlod ot peldupgsr osolnqw m^ osovqu ouolqrB' Icrnl€u slt r\4r1y4 Sulpaatg 'erlertsnyuretsarl6 ur tsnSny 'tsn8nv pue ,41n1ur srncco,{yquqo:d Suue.trolg lrnq ur sr el€l ul petrellola s & aLFGX 'tSolouaqd 'EcuJV 'pueypoom qlnos ur (pu€lqluaq)soqu.t pronserur spuEsl?lseor uo sJncro olo1dacotldwoS snldqnng u\adoq epueSu uo puessnoamclu3,{or8 ur Buu.rnJcosp pepJo3eJ sI.u's tuaq8DX 'jDJlqDH (VI arn8rC) qued uelrTodoleu ut ellesel oJnlpuouo rxo{ u,\\ou{ erTsIsnV uralsoi[ uI EOUJVqtnos 'ecul^ord ede3 uralseld ato ol e^DeN 'uo!flEtjsr1 '(t0908It0 't HJdAd) u'stuaUsDX C '8861 'quod '{rud 'paurwora e 3nV €Z Jo lA uDl 8 plog :VI.MJS1V NUAJSA,q uawtcadg J s '(rurodsopueeqt ol sereqpu 'pep1o; J lEocpeeseql eJeq,ru,rojq-qsrppal {Jup Suu"edde)u^\oJq ol u,,no.rq-.(er8 ro peHuu,lAluoc paos '3uo1 '(altrunJ 'pro^o I ulu S S-t r peqruu? eql ol enp uaduqssrur,{puenbar;) esoqolS T lo prosdrlla ',ll.oJ '3uo1u,rru 'speas 'pro^oqo spees:snorqEIS 9 91-g uror; e.rnsse:dol enp pepuolsrp Kypeotqa1nsdo1 '3uo1 tsrerluu ,8uol ruru p-g saqcusrqsl.&s sql Jo es€qaql reeu Surpr,rrp uJru0g-0g al.&s :snoJqEIS '3uol '?uo'Iltup-7 'a,rneur'3uo1qo uJruE ,'pro^o fuoa6 ,{1^\ojJsusJaqluB :8uol uru tl-01 sluauzlrl '?ut\ e suawws eleptdsnc seluneuos spdel relno eql 'elelncrdp ol elnc€ xedE :et€nue ? osuq 'elE^oqo 'Fnbeqns iapr,trruuJ E-7'8uol rulu €Z-gI ot ete^oqo,tl,rojJsu spdet :3uol tuur gg-gt,xadE ',{11erurxo:d eqt spju.rol parug pcupu1l,(c eqnl qluuued:snorqBlS'orp,Jjnslsrxups eqt uo,{lFjluec I:tu paduqs-ruln8ueul:o e1e1r33uspel u qlr.^\spdet ae:ql Jeaol'(,{lprxuqe e^neu paqsng uogo eqnteql) uDarc ol e]ltl,l'UtuDlrad alncefl,troueu f:e,,rsaloalccJq IBnpr^rpur Jo xed?:snolqclSuonlod ',(llelsrp 'esEq ,3uo1tuut lEcrd€snouprs luecseqnd-snoeouasol Surpsr8 tz tuecseqnd ,l-t I r,Qq8re4s + ue1;osur8reur).rar^ pJelel ur re1n3ueu1-a1e.to,(l^\o:rru Ae^ o1 ,{1,norreu'snoeceqJeq ,Surqluoqs 'ql8ual Jlaql Jo JIEq , JoJ pellun sapapDtg elnce ,{1,rro::eu,{:a,l xadu lsnorqelSuorl.rod pcrde 'luecseqnd '8uoy ,(lqBrEJ]s snou€cs :fll€lsrp ]uecseqnd-snoeruesot 3urpu8 ,41esuep urur 99-02 + ua1;osut8reru) ,teta.IElele[ ur Juln8uEut-e1e,ro,(1.,r,ro::eu ,&e,r o1,{l,,norruu 'u,trorq-qsppel 'snoeJDqJeq 'Suqteeqs 'lq8rEJts 'eldurrs slrr2./B'luarsaqnd flensn edecs:xedE uels eql ecEJot pelsr^\llou sJa,rou 'pere,&ou-8-Z 'se^EeluEql JeUoqs ara2r satoLlul etuuFl])nJeol elnce,{I.,rro:reu xadB 'enbllqo-etEnuetle 'apr,r 'Suoy 'crtdrlle-:eeurJ ascq urul 9-Z ruru 99719 ol:eeull nurulel:8uol uru 061-gy asuqSurqueqs 'aluclld 'laare 'snoqcnsrp 'Ruol :luecseqnd o1 Supuerds saaoa7 urur 0gz-0g llars saJqrJaurJ olur ',fteded 'esoqolSqns 'q?lr.lura 3ur,{ucap scrunl'relaruup ruru 99-67 z.roC gV ZI qtaq pluuarad '\9661) IL-01:L eprnc re,{old p[/d uurrrJv.s:lseoJ lsea. elqploc ,adda1.suouousn111 4 8uruuetratr:(6861) 90I-t0I edEJ eW Jo sqyng Suue,trolgra1ur16 pue 8ur:dg '(6s6r) ozr :g'1ddngrcg uocr$y S:?'sr.^Aa-I'I'C ( l1) Broulqnl ru^ I^\egra; (; uung) esoFqnl euElqBg.I 'Suruurw .fg V !{ ut ouDqDg Jo sercadspezlFmleu eqt Jo .^{ar^ercnuouoxEt V J I ? rqcsdel 286 NuytsiaYol. 13, No. 2 (2000) of Babiana nal\ralized in Westem Australia,B. tubulosais probably the least significant in terms of weediness,at leaston the basisofpresent observations(G.J. Keighery pers.comm.). 2. Babiananana (Andr.)Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 156(1825). Illustrqtions.Jeppe, Spring and Winter FloweringBulbs of the Cape96-97 (1989)lManning & Goldblatt,West Coast: S. African Wild FlowerGuide 7: 70-71(1996); Hussey e/ al., Westem Weeds 29 (1997)las B. distichal. Perennial herb 70-30 cm high. Co,'rnsubglobose to broadly ovoid, 10-20 mm in diameter,tunics papery,decaying
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